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Ufo's In Thailand


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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :D

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Er, what question? That was a statement. Now repeat this phrase 1000 times "I will read all posts more carefully."


Amerithai.... Welcome to Grammar 101. :D The above coloured and highlighted "statement" is, in fact, a question.

You are the weakest link, ....Goodbye! :D:o

Better look again Kayo. I didn't post that question. The question you highlighted in red was by... jackr. Just follow the bold line on the left up to the quote box.

Now, what was that about the weakest link? Maybe you should consider enrolling in Grammar 101, and, uh, maybe have your eyes checked while you're at it. LOL.

I can't fault you though. It's kinda hard tracing who said what in a long sting of posts like this. Best way is to look back at the actual quoted post.


DOH!!!!!!!I am the weakest link...I am the weakest link..

I will read all posts more carefully. I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully. (repeat *1000) :D:D

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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :D

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Er, what question? That was a statement. Now repeat this phrase 1000 times "I will read all posts more carefully."


Amerithai.... Welcome to Grammar 101. :D The above coloured and highlighted "statement" is, in fact, a question.

You are the weakest link, ....Goodbye! :D:o

Better look again Kayo. I didn't post that question. The question you highlighted in red was by... jackr. Just follow the bold line on the left up to the quote box.

Now, what was that about the weakest link? Maybe you should consider enrolling in Grammar 101, and, uh, maybe have your eyes checked while you're at it. LOL.

I can't fault you though. It's kinda hard tracing who said what in a long sting of posts like this. Best way is to look back at the actual quoted post.


DOH!!!!!!!I am the weakest link...I am the weakest link..

I will read all posts more carefully. I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully. (repeat *1000) :D:D

Weakest Link,

Don't feel bad... it happens to the best of us !!!

K :D

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Geez, didn't mean to cause any friction guys.... :o   :D

My feeling were hurt so badly I was nearly driven to tears. :D

Naa! No friction. No hard feelings from me. Just some lighthearted razzing. Although I do suspect Kayo may be licking some wounds at the moment. :D

Was wondering why Kayo has been so quiet lately :D

So, back to the topic..... if anyone sees a BIG orange ball in the sky during the month of August IT IS NOT A UFO!

The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!


Need more information?


Did anyone hear about some big Ice lake that was found on one of the pole craters on mars?

Any info.


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DOH!!!!!!!I am the weakest link...I am the weakest link..

I will read all posts more carefully. I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully. (repeat *1000)  :o  :D

Weakest Link,

Don't feel bad... it happens to the best of us !!!

K :D

Ohhhh!!! Ouch! :D:D

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DOH!!!!!!!I am the weakest link...I am the weakest link..

I will read all posts more carefully. I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully.I will read all posts more carefully. (repeat *1000)  :o  :D

Weakest Link,

Don't feel bad... it happens to the best of us !!!

K :D

Ohhhh!!! Ouch! :D:D

Gawd! There I go hurting feelings again. I didn't mean it like it sounded honest!


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no feelings hurt my love.

Everything is dandy.

I'm off to lunch. Be back for the next round of... The weakest link!!...




:o Just checked out Mars again and doesn't seem any bigger than last time I peeked so :D roosters are crowing and must say buenas nachos :D

ps . glad ur still talking to me :D

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no feelings hurt my love.

Everything is dandy.

I'm off to lunch. Be back for the next round of... The weakest link!!...




:D Just checked out Mars again and doesn't seem any bigger than last time I peeked so :D roosters are crowing and must say buenas nachos :D

ps . glad ur still talking to me :D

awwwww !! :o

totster :D

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Did anyone hear about some big Ice lake that was found on one of the pole craters on mars?

Any info.


Yes. The large puddle was photographed by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. It's composed of water ice, rather than frozen carbon dioxide because at the time of day Co2 would have been vaporized. In addition there appears to be a layer of frost along the crater rim. The view of the crater is looking to the East. The crater is about 35 kilometers wide and 2 kilometers deep. It's thought there may be LOTS of craters with pockets of water ice inside. That could be very important if a manned mission is ever sent to the Red Planet.


If you have any of those 3D glasses, here's a photo of the crater in 3D.



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no feelings hurt my love.

Everything is dandy.

I'm off to lunch. Be back for the next round of... The weakest link!!...




:D Just checked out Mars again and doesn't seem any bigger than last time I peeked so :D roosters are crowing and must say buenas nachos :D

ps . glad ur still talking to me :D

awwwww !! :o

totster :D

Hello Totster - you sweet thang! So about that thread you suggested :D (joking!)

So, I checked Mars again tonight and the entire sky is BLACK :D What could that mean?


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  Just checked out Mars again and doesn't seem any bigger than last time I peeked so   roosters are crowing and must say buenas nachos :D

ps . glad ur still talking to me 

awwwww !!

totster :D

Hello Totster - you sweet thang! So about that thread you suggested :D (joking!)

So, I checked Mars again tonight and the entire sky is BLACK :D What could that mean?


Of course I am still speaking to you...Weren´t we going to listen to mariachi music and eat enchiladas verdes before playing with my bueans nachos? :D

Tots, What thread...Oh... The Khall64au&kayoflirtation thread... :o:D

Yes. The large puddle was photographed by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. It's composed of water ice, rather than frozen carbon dioxide because at the time of day Co2 would have been vaporized.


Is that picture computer-enhanced? It looks very artificial.

I don´t think so. Unless Nasa enhanced it before sending it out. That´s the one I saw in the local paper.

They could just be making it up of course.

I read yesterday that they have once again found a new planet beyond pluto, that is part of our solar system apparently.

The last three they found turned out to become unfound after a few days...


amerithai, thanks for finding the pic! (or was it tots...or meadish... can´t remember who posts things these days... Unless it´s khall, of course, that sweet treasure...)

Edited by kayo
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Yes. The large puddle was photographed by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. It's composed of water ice, rather than frozen carbon dioxide because at the time of day Co2 would have been vaporized.


Is that picture computer-enhanced? It looks very artificial.

I know. It looks almost too clear to be a true image. However, one of the cool things about the Mars Express is that its equipped with some of the most powerful cameras ever and able to take extremely high resolution photos that can bring out remarkable details. It beats most of the fuzzy photos of other missions. I don't doubt that the cameras use enhanced imaging for greater clarity. Regardless, the photo of the crater is pretty spectacular. Compare the photo to the 3D vesion taken at a different angle. To me, although the 3D photo looks pretty cool, it's not quite as clear in detail.

If I remember correctly, one of the main missions of the Mars Express, along with mapping the surface of the planet, is to search for signs of water. Looks like they found a good one. Unless of course, it's a fake and all part of a great consipracy to cover up... UFO BASES ON MARS!

GAAK! The Reptilians are gonna take over the Earth! Where's Buck Rogers when there's evil afoot in the galaxy?


Edited by AmeriThai
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  Just checked out Mars again and doesn't seem any bigger than last time I peeked so   roosters are crowing and must say buenas nachos :D

ps . glad ur still talking to me 

awwwww !!

totster :D

Hello Totster - you sweet thang! So about that thread you suggested :D (joking!)

So, I checked Mars again tonight and the entire sky is BLACK :D What could that mean?


Of course I am still speaking to you...Weren´t we going to listen to mariachi music and eat enchiladas verdes before playing with my bueans nachos? :D

Tots, What thread...Oh... The Khall64au&kayoflirtation thread... :o:D

Yes. The large puddle was photographed by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. It's composed of water ice, rather than frozen carbon dioxide because at the time of day Co2 would have been vaporized.


Is that picture computer-enhanced? It looks very artificial.

I don´t think so. Unless Nasa enhanced it before sending it out. That´s the one I saw in the local paper.

They could just be making it up of course.

I read yesterday that they have once again found a new planet beyond pluto, that is part of our solar system apparently.

The last three they found turned out to become unfound after a few days...


amerithai, thanks for finding the pic! (or was it tots...or meadish... can´t remember who posts things these days... Unless it´s khall, of course, that sweet treasure...)

bueans nachos...? Spill the beans Kayo .... I meant buenos nochas signor! Let's do mariachi or I'm gonna get sleepy!!! :D

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Looks like they found a good one. Unless of course, it's a fake and all part of a great consipracy to cover up... UFO BASES ON MARS!

GAAK! The Reptilians are gonna take over the Earth! Where's Buck Rogers when there's evil afoot in the galaxy?


bueans nachos...? Spill the beans Kayo .... I meant buenos nochas signor! Let's do mariachi or I'm gonna get sleepy!!!  :D

Alright farr too many quotes-unquotes, I´m confused, and I´ve gotta go, but quick reply... Up above... Reptilians... We´re okay.. Earth´s defenceforce comprises of aliens and US. secret service, all located under the lake upon which banks I love and live.

We´re safe.

Next...Well which is it? Nacho´s or beans. You know they´ve got plenty of both here in central america.

where is my mariachi... :D:D:o:D

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Alright farr too many quotes-unquotes, I´m confused, and I´ve gotta go, but quick reply... Up above... Reptilians... We´re okay.. Earth´s defenceforce comprises of aliens and US. secret service, all located under the lake upon which banks I love and live.

We´re safe.

Ah-HA! So then the Earth is hollow after all! Beware of the Reptilians. They're in cahoots with the Illuminati. Those alien shape-shifting lizards enjoy snacking on Earthlings, roasted to a golden brown of course. 55555

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Looks like they found a good one. Unless of course, it's a fake and all part of a great consipracy to cover up... UFO BASES ON MARS!

GAAK! The Reptilians are gonna take over the Earth! Where's Buck Rogers when there's evil afoot in the galaxy?


bueans nachos...? Spill the beans Kayo .... I meant buenos nochas signor! Let's do mariachi or I'm gonna get sleepy!!!  :D

Alright farr too many quotes-unquotes, I´m confused, and I´ve gotta go, but quick reply... Up above... Reptilians... We´re okay.. Earth´s defenceforce comprises of aliens and US. secret service, all located under the lake upon which banks I love and live.

We´re safe.

Next...Well which is it? Nacho´s or beans. You know they´ve got plenty of both here in central america.

where is my mariachi... :D:D:o:D

I changed my mind... I want TACOS :D

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I am a bit of a believer of "they're out there" but also keep an open mind. Over the years, I've seen a few very, VERY convincing examples of UFO's -mostly in Australia- but one good example a few months back on Phuket.

Has anybody else seen inexplicable examples of "flying saucers" in Thailand????

:D  :D  :D  :o

Yeah it was on Koh Pangan Full Moon Party just after this Mushroom Omellete..Tasted kind of funny that omellette!

Anyway we saw this ship and they invited us in for a cup of tea which we smoked and then they flew off again..only thing was it wasnt a flying saucer..it was a flying TEAPOT!

Only kidding no i have never seen in Thailand; due to being distracted by the tail that kept walking past me on the sukhumvit road all the time...i never got to look up! the girls are all smaller than me.

Once did see a ufo though on salisbury plain..moved in 90 degree sharp turns and eventually skimmed of leaving an orange trail of light. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Geez, didn't mean to cause any friction guys.... :D   :D

My feeling were hurt so badly I was nearly driven to tears. :D

Naa! No friction. No hard feelings from me. Just some lighthearted razzing. Although I do suspect Kayo may be licking some wounds at the moment. :D

Was wondering why Kayo has been so quiet lately :D

So, back to the topic..... if anyone sees a BIG orange ball in the sky during the month of August IT IS NOT A UFO!

The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!

This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.

The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky.

Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month.

Share this with your children and grandchildren.


Need more information?


Well Mars is looking pretty spectacular tonight... although dimmed by the clouds (from where I'm looking from) :D

Look up boys and girls! Go OUTSIDE and search for MARS! :D

Special occasion and all...


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Please share with us khall64au  :o

OK.... I saw two in Oz for sure.

But about a month ago I was star gazing out the front of my house in Rawai, Phuket and spotted what I thought was a satellite way up just below the moon. But it was moving way too quickly for a satellite and then started descending. It went lower and lower until I lost it behind the trees.

My most impressive sighting was north of Sydney where the freeway cuts through the rock escarpments of the national park. It was 9pm at night and my brother and I had been driving all day from from Surfers Paradise. Lo and behold, a "spaceship" (and it really WAS like a flying saucer with green and red lights underneath) appeared flying beside our car .... about a few hundred metres to the left.

Freaked us both RIGHT out. It stayed with us for a few kilometres until the road cut through the rock and when we emerged at the other end our UFO was gone.

My mother made us a STIFF cup of tea when we arrived and my dad proceeded to tell us about a spaceship that landed next to the fire tower he was manning in the bush while in the army years ago. He said he s**t himself, ran for his life back to barracks and never told anybody in case they thought he was nuts.

I guess it runs in the family :D

Did it have "spacesip" written along the side? you appear to have identified it, therefore it is no longer a UFO.

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