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Fantasy Pub Crawl


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I DO remember that! Wasn't that guy from Glascow (who I could not understand one bit) pissed? I'm still trying to figure out what a "wee nabit" is.

I can't believe somebody from Glasgow would be pissed. Maybe he had a speech impediment...

For a moment, I'd forgotten about him, but now you come to mention it...

I could hardly hear a word he said, over the old codgers washing the dominoes


Yeah... And that lady bartender looked so tough I was almost afraid to order a pint.

She's salt of the earth my sister is.....wouldn't hurt a fly.

I can give you her number if you like.....she's only got a few more months to serve.

Well, putting a knife into a guy on cask night just because he was ordering a bottle of McEwan's is a bit harsh. And I'm pretty sure that after a few years behind bars she is probably even less interested in guys than she was before.

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McSorleys, 15 East 7th Street, NYC. "We were here before you were born".

The crack there is you always order pairs of beers, light or dark. Eight people go in and it's 12 lights and 4 darks.

Interesting interior, hardly changed since pussy was a cat and some great photographs of old NY from the '20s onwards.

I don't even know if they are still there, it was early nineties I was last in.

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OK, so 'Diggers' is definitely in the crawl unless Smokie's sisters' out, although she might have come out while she was inside.

'Diggers' is ideal for the five o clock heroes, after the football's given you a thirst and you can still taste the beer.

Then an island bar, could be in Lerwick, or the Preservation Hall, or somewhere in the West Indies.

And a British country pub - sorry, this is all looking a bit parochial

We should include one of those dodgy Latin American places - I passed through a couple of pretty rough places in Mexico - one in particular sticks in my mind close to the train station in Durango, but I'm not sure I could find it again.

We should not leave ParkView Square too late in the evening, as it closes at a sensible time, and its a bit refined and upmarket; I was going to say we'd be as well taking off our football scarves, but we'd have not been let into 'Diggers' wearing them anyway...

Where next? I've still got a bit of a thirst on, and the night is still young, unlike the rest of us...


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In the late 80's, we would go to Missoula Montana to go fly fishing for browns on Rock Creek up in the mountains just east of the city. 5AM breakfast would always be at the Oxford where the special was brains and eggs, a glass of beer, and a shot of whiskey. Last time I was there, I sat next to a rancher that was wearing a loaded side arm. This was a common sight in Montana in those not so distant days. You sure wouldn't see that today! At any rate, it was a tough place with surly waitresses, great food, and always a rasty early morning crowd. The Oxford unfortunately was sold and turned into a chrome and plastic dinner for the yuppie crowd. Missoula hasn't been the same since.

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In the late 80's, we would go to Missoula Montana to go fly fishing for browns on Rock Creek up in the mountains just east of the city. 5AM breakfast would always be at the Oxford where the special was brains and eggs, a glass of beer, and a shot of whiskey. Last time I was there, I sat next to a rancher that was wearing a loaded side arm. This was a common sight in Montana in those not so distant days. You sure wouldn't see that today! At any rate, it was a tough place with surly waitresses, great food, and always a rasty early morning crowd. The Oxford unfortunately was sold and turned into a chrome and plastic dinner for the yuppie crowd. Missoula hasn't been the same since.

You drink like a fish, but I see your mates are floundering a bit...


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I remembered a great place to start the crawl - before we go to the football before 'diggers', in fact before we even get the bus into town for a pub lunch before the football...

I was on business, and I'd decided to stay near the factory in the village in the mountains in the Basque country. I stayed in a a dismal hotel that stank of paraffin and didn't serve breakfast. 'Not a problem,' I thought - 'I'll get something on the way into work'.

The only place I found open was a little cafe-bar, where the factory workers were having a quick calvados on the way in, watching porn on the TV.

And for the football match, I'd suggest the National Stadium in Taipei, where you can bring in beer from the Seven-Eleven under the North Stand, and, in another throw-back to the good old days, its entirely non-seated. It's also handy for the MRT station, which is lucky because its quite a trek from there to 'Diggers', Otherwise, if we tried to go by Shanks's Pony, we'd run the risk of wandering through the Zone...


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If i remember correctly, in the Diggers you just hold up your fingers indicating how many pints you need. No namby pamby gin and tonics!! I shall take some piccies.

I shall go there around Xmas time and drink to your healths!!

Again - RIP Tam who brought smiles and warmth to alot of people over the years in the Windy City.

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If i remember correctly, in the Diggers you just hold up your fingers indicating how many pints you need. No namby pamby gin and tonics!! I shall take some piccies.

I shall go there around Xmas time and drink to your healths!!

Again - RIP Tam who brought smiles and warmth to alot of people over the years in the Windy City.

That was the claim. We never really confirmed; I think more that the beer taps were continuously pouring in any case, and so there were always a few more or less to hand...

They do actually serve other drinks - I think when we went in mixed company they had a cider tap for the ladies.


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How about the Lord Nelson in Sydney down by the rocks. Old style pub with sawdust on the floor and they brew their own beer. Must get down there again soon. Its been a while. Actually the Rocks is a great place for a pub crawl. Lots of old style pubs with low ceilings.

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No pub crawl could be complete without a visit to the Swan in Stockwell although few will admit to having visited......Sinday lunch at a wee pub in Ham....anyone? sadly too late for this week.

Paracetamol delivery service......ooooooh ahhhhhhh

Hibeeeees fark off the Seaforth Hotel has better beer and pies. :D

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No pub crawl could be complete without a visit to the Swan in Stockwell although few will admit to having visited......Sinday lunch at a wee pub in Ham....anyone? sadly too late for this week.

Paracetamol delivery service......ooooooh ahhhhhhh

Hibeeeees fark off the Seaforth Hotel has better beer and pies. :D

Pretty sure I've been there years ago. I think we went to watch my mates band. Tony James and the FBI there. As for Ham...Is that Hammersmith? Any of the pubs down by the Thames for a beer or 10.

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No pub crawl could be complete without a visit to the Swan in Stockwell although few will admit to having visited......Sinday lunch at a wee pub in Ham....anyone? sadly too late for this week.

Paracetamol delivery service......ooooooh ahhhhhhh

Hibeeeees fark off the Seaforth Hotel has better beer and pies. :D

Pretty sure I've been there years ago. I think we went to watch my mates band. Tony James and the FBI there. As for Ham...Is that Hammersmith? Any of the pubs down by the Thames for a beer or 10.

You're a braver man than me, claiming to going to the Swan in Stockwell.

The Seaforth might have better pies, but the Seaview has better tarts...

and, as I've said elsewhere, a great filippina band that plays '80s heavy metal hits


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I shall pop into the Diggers over the Xmas time and take a piccy of a pint with my new dinky winky digital camera - if i can work out how it works.

I doubt I'll be able to join you - I'll probably be back to BKK for the season. You might need to drink mine as well.


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Just thought of another pub in Croydon. Used to be my local when i lived down there years ago. It was called the Swan and Sugarloaf. Back then 94/95 they used to sell Murphys for 1pound 20 a pint. Used to be run by an Irish family. Could be rough but we were ok as we worked in the area and drank there and also lived at Paddys place up the road. :lol: Used to be live entertainment on s Sunday. Lockins for the locals(including us). Thsi was when the pubs shut at 3pm i think it was. Good times. Top barmaids too. :whistling:

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Just thought of another pub in Croydon. Used to be my local when i lived down there years ago. It was called the Swan and Sugarloaf. Back then 94/95 they used to sell Murphys for 1pound 20 a pint. Used to be run by an Irish family. Could be rough but we were ok as we worked in the area and drank there and also lived at Paddys place up the road. :lol: Used to be live entertainment on s Sunday. Lockins for the locals(including us). Thsi was when the pubs shut at 3pm i think it was. Good times. Top barmaids too. :whistling:

Rolling back the years.....same time at the George in Long Lane Southwark....yeah Sunday lock in and take yer pick....games of killer on the pool table and ashamed to say I had a hefty running bar tab in those days. Same at the Ship and the odd nightcap at the World Turned Upside Down before it was torched.......happy times!

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So we're still a few short of a full crawl.

For a supermarket visit, I'm torn between recommending the Carrefour food court (140 bht / jug) or the VIetnamese grocers'.

I'd decided I was going to lay off the drink for the night, and so I popped in for a brace of toucans (oh, that was laboured) - they sold a fine variety of SE ASian beers, so I'd planned to buy 1 Singa, 1 SamSUpSam, 1 Bier Saigon and ... I forget; maybe I'd have got a double, but I'm generally not one for spirits.

However, the engineer's boys were in there, draining the fridge, so I sat down to help them. I remember a French bloke coming in and trying to take a couple out the fridge "Oi; they're ours" so he got a four-pack from the shelf, put one in the fridge and sat down beside us

"Why's he only put one in the fridge?" - "Well, obvously, he reckons he'll have finished the other three by the time that one's cold".

Anyway, the night wore on, and we went to the Indian bar (not an indian pub) and we couldn't find the bar that no-one else had been to, since we were coming at it from a different direction from what I was used to. I've no idea where I ended up (not strictly true; I've no idea where I went before I bought the four tins from 7-11 that I left on the kitchen table).


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