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Thai Court Drops 3G Bombshell


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While in other news...every other country in the world are staring migrate over to 4G. We might as well face it, Thailand will probably never get anything faster than EDGE...what a joke!!

Agreed, even with a map the Thai telecoms industry still couldn't find its' own arse.

totally agree. i think when they 'get lost' on their way to installations, they have to stop and eat rice or noodle soup or munch on Ka nom. after this they will probably need a little sleep, bless!:D

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I had a dream. We skipped 3G and went directly to 4G. It's only when I tried to look at the calendar to see what year that I woke up ;)

Mind you both 3G and 4G may be a wee bit too expensive for the average Thai. Thai school kids seem more than happy with what they can do with what they have now.

agree about the price, weren't they quoting about 2000 - 2500 a month for 3G when all finished?

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If your own countries were perfect, why did you come to thailand? It was your choice. If you cannot hack it go back.

May it come to your mind that there are quite a few people around who tend not to choose their country of residence according to its perfectness.

But of course, I know Thai people would not want to live in Laos or Cambodia because its less "perfect".

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While in other news...every other country in the world are staring migrate over to 4G. We might as well face it, Thailand will probably never get anything faster than EDGE...what a joke!!

Wonder why so many Thai people smile and laugh so much? Maybe because Thailand is the JOKE. The entire civilized world is learning this. Let's all laugh at the joke in which we live.

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Just an FYI, you're not really missing anything. 3G is a bit of a joke - at least in the USA - from my experience. Unless a website is optimized for a mobile device, it loads about as fast as molasses in January - sorry, rubber sap in the Cool Season! Almost all sites are not optimized, and of those that are, maybe half adequately take into account screen size of the mobile devices. Almost completely useless, and easier to just dial the phone to get the info you seek.

I'll use wifi on my iPhone until 4G arrives, and just live happily unconnected until that day arrives.

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If your own countries were perfect, why did you come to thailand? It was your choice. If you cannot hack it go back.

May it come to your mind that there are quite a few people around who tend not to choose their country of residence according to its perfectness.

But of course, I know Thai people would not want to live in Laos or Cambodia because its less "perfect".

This is my home and has been for 5 years, I have invested a large amount of money into your economy, as have thousands of other 'Farang' , without this injection of cash, Thailand would be the same as Laos or Cambodia, would 'You' like that ?

People on this forum are just voicing their opinions as to why, in the 21st century, a country can never learn from it's own mistakes, or even realise that greed and corruption will not make your country move forward.

As much as many Thai's dislike 'Farang' without them, your Health, Education, Manufacturing, Construction, Business sectors would collapse.

I suggest if you 'Don't like it' unsubscribe !

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Bad News :bah:

Backwards 16 steps... In a 16-page verdict!

The verdict fails to mention CAT did not get their so called required 30% cut up front. And it is required just read up on it at BOI..

NCT bought the equipment, installed it, set True and one other up for extensive testing. NCT paid out all requirements and needs to push forward but CAT ... well cant say it but I think most of you know what. :angry:

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As they say, you can judge a person by the company they keep....now who else in the world doesn't have 3G? Afghanistan? Nope, they have. India? Nope, they have. Burma? North Korea? No, they don't have............. :whistling:

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Let me get that straight: One government agency (CAT) is suing another government agency (NTC) because the plaintiff government agency is afraid of loosing money if the government plan will be implemented.

Well, here we see our Government at Work, always the welfare of the public in sight and clear leadership!

And is shows again what happens if two government agencies without a clear plan fall into a deep conflict of interest between serving the public and filling its own pockets. Perhaps the NTC should sue CAT and TOT for dissolution and establish an agency with only the public interest in mind. Wake up, this is the 21st century!

With a somewhat limited observation, I would conclude that neither the government (if that is an accurate word for what runs this country) nor the Kingdom of Thailand are functioning at a modern level e.g. 21st century.

It also seems relevant for me to remember our dialoguing on TV is very entertaining, but not one thing will change as a result of our banter. The money brokers and power mongers who rule Land of Scams have no interest in the people of Thailand and especially a few unwanted foreigners.

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Love him or loathe him, you can bet this mess would probably have been solved if Thaksin was around.

They have been running around in circles saying that Thaksin damaged the country. One can hardly say that this mess is in the benefit of the "country" can one?

Yes, but if Thaksin had been around, then he would have owned the whole 3G network and made further obscene amounts of money for his personal squandering and to buy more cronies. Better to stick to smoke signals methinks!

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Clearly all this farang data over radio links is too stupid for Thailand who will be the hub of their own invention that will then be sold around the world just like the other world leading Thai product, Red Bull.

Oh! wasn't that developed by a non-Thai?

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What a complete embarrassment for Thailand, both domestically and in the eyes of international businesses. Even Cambodia and Laos have had 3G for years, as does every other country in ASEAN, apart from Burma. This sends a clear message that the Thai government is completely inept when it comes to modern communications policy.

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Just an FYI, you're not really missing anything. 3G is a bit of a joke - at least in the USA - from my experience. Unless a website is optimized for a mobile device, it loads about as fast as molasses in January - sorry, rubber sap in the Cool Season! Almost all sites are not optimized, and of those that are, maybe half adequately take into account screen size of the mobile devices. Almost completely useless, and easier to just dial the phone to get the info you seek.

I'll use wifi on my iPhone until 4G arrives, and just live happily unconnected until that day arrives.

Nonsense!I have 3g in my area and it's great = I use it as a secondary connection. If it was available all over Thailand I'd say "good-bye" to TOT......just a minute, maybe there's a clue there!

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Just an FYI, you're not really missing anything. 3G is a bit of a joke - at least in the USA - from my experience. Unless a website is optimized for a mobile device, it loads about as fast as molasses in January - sorry, rubber sap in the Cool Season! Almost all sites are not optimized, and of those that are, maybe half adequately take into account screen size of the mobile devices. Almost completely useless, and easier to just dial the phone to get the info you seek.

I'll use wifi on my iPhone until 4G arrives, and just live happily unconnected until that day arrives.

In Oz, 3G as well as 3.5G are working quite well and cheap too :rolleyes:

For Thailand, :cheesy:

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THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Yes, some things never change http://www.youtube.c...h?v=fxpN2XrYDLM

I'm just glad to have any sort of reliable mobile phone system at a reasonable cost - I've lived in worse countries.

15 years ago when I got my first mobile phone in Thailand, it was all but imposssible to get hold of one without a work permit, and the operator required a hefty THB12,000 call charges deposit + THB18,000 for a low end phone - now we have free SIM cards for tourists.

Things have a come a long way...

3G would be nice though!

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Clearly all this farang data over radio links is too stupid for Thailand who will be the hub of their own invention that will then be sold around the world just like the other world leading Thai product, Red Bull.

Oh! wasn't that developed by a non-Thai?

So this is a Thai-invented by-product?? Red Bull-shit?

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