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Thai Court Drops 3G Bombshell

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they should skip 3g.

i'd say start the licensing process for 10G now, by the time the childish fighting stops it may align with the technology available.

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Sondhi must be proud. As a couptaker he took care of the fact that the courts act like a elected government. In Thailand the vested interests of bureaucrats are always above that of the development of the country. Where Cambodia celebrated 10 years of 3G, Thailand is not even ready to distribute the frequencies. I always wonder why directors of CAT and TOT will not be replaced immediately. Just give them a uniform and make them doorman they may keep their salaries. In a matter of fact it us a big SOM NAM NAA for the country. This is what you get when a few elitists are running the country and the voters are held for stupid, while it is really the other way around. The board of CAT and TOT should be deeply ashamed just as their unions. 60% of their employees are doing nothing on the back of DTAC and AIS.Moreover the courts have judges who have a brain content of a pack of instant coffee. Any judge could have understood that CAT has CDMA which is in competition with 3G.Don't be surprised when the judge will appear on the payroll as a director of a state company soon. If I am not mistaken the Tobacco Authority need a few new people.


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Your hair looks really nice... how do you manage to keep the sand out? :whistling:

[sorry Mario]

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Love him or loathe him, you can bet this mess would probably have been solved if Thaksin was around.

They have been running around in circles saying that Thaksin damaged the country. One can hardly say that this mess is in the benefit of the "country" can one?

From one who worked for his government - No it wouldn't have.

The establishment of the NTC was hampered by Thaksin in the first place. Shenanigans around the selection committee for the commissioners where Thaksin tried to stack what is supposed to be an independent commission. Delayed the entire process years and years.

I've never understood why Thaksin is seen as some sort of all round fixit man. He was a serial blocker and 'no' man to any serious reform of the Thai economy, unless it suited him of course.

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What a JOKE, Cambodia has had 3 g for over 18 months now. Thailand will fall furter and further behind Cambodia and even Vietnma.

Seems the kids here cant get their act togeather at all.


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

There's words of wisdom from a person who probably hasn't a bloody clue what the thread's about! Go back to your abacus or better still hammer and chisel.

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Let me get that straight: One government agency (CAT) is suing another government agency (NTC) because the plaintiff government agency is afraid of loosing money if the government plan will be implemented.

Well, here we see our Government at Work, always the welfare of the public in sight and clear leadership!

And is shows again what happens if two government agencies without a clear plan fall into a deep conflict of interest between serving the public and filling its own pockets. Perhaps the NTC should sue CAT and TOT for dissolution and establish an agency with only the public interest in mind. Wake up, this is the 21st century!

CAT is a law unto itself, litterally established under its own Act, similar to many other SOE's. The thai government is conflicted in that it should be promoting competition via the NTC, but obliged to support state enterprises, when many of them are moribund backwaters serving as holding places for some of the less useful members of the Thai civil service.

CAT lost its relevance years ago, but it is pretty entrenched unfortunatly.


do you not realise that this country has come so far so fast, but now is actually falling backwards. i think taksin is a greedy self fulfilling cock, but at least he got things done.

this current game is something i would see whilst teaching - small children fighting over the last sala pow or something.

THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.


this current game is something i would see whilst teaching - small children fighting over the last sala pow or something.

You obviously haven't spent much time around civil servants have you? This is how they work in Thailand...all of the time.

i think taksin is a greedy self fulfilling cock, but at least he got things done.



THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Agree 100%, to many people bitch about Thailand, life style, people, and anything there sad lifes can think about....................dont like it then go back to the hole you came from and leave us happy people in peace.:jap:


I have had True 3G for a year, works great. Works in most major cities in Thailand. Stop the bitching and switch to True lol. :rolleyes:

Just wait a bit. They are operating under a temporary trial license. CAT will probably soon go after that one soon: "If I can't make money out of 3G, I'll make sure nobody does"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

This rings of two things 1)myopic xenophobia, 2)corruption and graft!

Thailand is a JOKE,.. don't try living here without a sense of humor!


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

This is the main problem with Thais. They think they know everything, and if they know they dont, they blame us, or dont want to lose their stupid "face" by admit they dont have a clue or that somebody might help them..

Nobody should tell a Thai how to do anything...

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No problem! Just wait until real countries want to get rid of their old crap and buy second hand 3G equipment, JUST like everything else in Thailand. Second hand diesel trains from Japan dated back to early 1960s. Almost everything here is a joke, and will remain a joke until people stop coming here and then Thailand is going back to being a straight out third world country like it's supposed to be. Then maybe in another 100 years people will wake up, have a revolution and become a developed country again in another 100 years. Nothing special, just like most other developed countries had to go through this normal process of evolution. Anyway it's such a waste of time nagging and whining about this joke country that we all still choose to live in. :)


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Agree 100%, to many people bitch about Thailand, life style, people, and anything there sad lifes can think about....................dont like it then go back to the hole you came from and leave us happy people in peace.:jap:

If leaving this thread would make you happy, that's fine with me... :whistling:


THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Agree 100%, to many people bitch about Thailand, life style, people, and anything there sad lifes can think about....................dont like it then go back to the hole you came from and leave us happy people in peace.:jap:

If leaving this thread would make you happy, that's fine with me... :whistling:

I hereby invoke Godwin's Law and posit an amendment for Thai-Visa forums which states "As a Thai Visa discussion grows longer, the probability of someone telling someone else to go home if they don't like it approaches 1, at which point the thread should be closed."

Can I get an Amen?


I have switched to iMobile 3G from DTAC.

the coverage is spotty and that sucks, but where I live the  signal is OK, though when you are in a conversation the connection gets dropped rather often.

I find it much cheaper than DTAC Happy plan whatever was mine. They don't round up  minutes, if you talk for 10 secs this is what is debited from your account. - 10 satang.

I can watch youtube most of the time,  the connection is stable. I use it a lot to run my Internet Radio application, works great for this kinda stuff.

the connection I get is HSDPA which is an  enhanced 3G type. Oh WOW!! :)

If the coverage was wider it would work just fine for my needs actually.

I know that Vietnam is on 3g for some time and 3G is actually being replaced by 4G all around the developed world.

But we've got what we've got and unfortunately it doesn't seem like much.

So, let's enjoy antiques -  2G, GPRS and Edge while we still can LOL. 

People in some other countries cannot anymore, what a pity, ( pun intended) but I doubt they envy us 555.


and AMEN to that!

(makes a note to remember Godwin's Law)

THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Agree 100%, to many people bitch about Thailand, life style, people, and anything there sad lifes can think about....................dont like it then go back to the hole you came from and leave us happy people in peace.:jap:

If leaving this thread would make you happy, that's fine with me... :whistling:

I hereby invoke Godwin's Law and posit an amendment for Thai-Visa forums which states "As a Thai Visa discussion grows longer, the probability of someone telling someone else to go home if they don't like it approaches 1, at which point the thread should be closed."

Can I get an Amen?



THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

and this is a FORUM FOR FARANGS to voice their opinion 

Don't like it  don't read it Samrit, whoever you are. 

Go home, have somtam and be happy.


Let us not forget either that by far the most affected by this are the rank and file Thai people who will have their businesses and personal lives handicapped by this set back.


If your own countries were perfect, why did you come to thailand? It was your choice. If you cannot hack it go back.

May it come to your mind that there are quite a few people around who tend not to choose their country of residence according to its perfectness.

But of course, I know Thai people would not want to live in Laos or Cambodia because its less "perfect".

This is my home and has been for 5 years, I have invested a large amount of money into your economy, as have thousands of other 'Farang' , without this injection of cash, Thailand would be the same as Laos or Cambodia, would 'You' like that ?

People on this forum are just voicing their opinions as to why, in the 21st century, a country can never learn from it's own mistakes, or even realise that greed and corruption will not make your country move forward.

As much as many Thai's dislike 'Farang' without them, your Health, Education, Manufacturing, Construction, Business sectors would collapse.

I suggest if you 'Don't like it' unsubscribe !

Hmmm, I was always under the impression that people invest money for a return. Trying to imply that there would be a general collapse on the sectors you mention without farangs is really exaggerated. Just for my benefit, whatever country you are coming from, do they have any poor politicians? I think corruption is rampant everywhere, it is just that some countries have learned to hide it better than others.

  • Like 2

THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

Agree 100%, to many people bitch about Thailand, life style, people, and anything there sad lifes can think about....................dont like it then go back to the hole you came from and leave us happy people in peace.:jap:

If leaving this thread would make you happy, that's fine with me... :whistling:

I hereby invoke Godwin's Law and posit an amendment for Thai-Visa forums which states "As a Thai Visa discussion grows longer, the probability of someone telling someone else to go home if they don't like it approaches 1, at which point the thread should be closed."

Can I get an Amen?

Amen. And don't feed the...



THIS IS THAILAND. Don't like, then go home.

I am home. This is my home. My problem is that I don't like how this country is run mostly. To be honest I feel the same way about my own country a lot of the time. The major difference is that I get a vote in my country. If you get the right visas, work hard and pay taxes in my country you too can have a vote (and my respect if you choose to use your vote. FYI One of my closest friends in England is Romanian by birth. She has worked hard to be a British Citizen and I am proud that she is. She works harder and more diligently than a lot of my so called countrymen. Ever feel that way about your countrymen SamritT?). So, the real question is...

Where's my vote? I pay taxes, oblige the terms of my visas and have NEVER been in trouble with the police. Do you see the reason why people come here to air their feelings now?

It's Friday, this weekend has the potential to be incredibly tense. Please remember to put down your differences and smile at your fellow man this week-end. It might make all the difference in the world to everybody. See you on the flip-side :)

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