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If its a matter of life or death...Rimping had some a few weeks ago in CM.

Alternativly order some from UK,...Britstore.com. but will cost about 3 times with the postage costs.I order quite a bit from them...last time I got Bisto Best Beef granules...very rich and just what is needed with Thai Beef!


Yeah, Chiang Mai is the go Woralak.

You could try Northern Farm in Chiang Rai sometimes they have that sort of thing.

You could always ask Mcgriffith to post you some. :whistling:


If its a matter of life or death...Rimping had some a few weeks ago in CM.

Alternativly order some from UK,...Britstore.com. but will cost about 3 times with the postage costs.I order quite a bit from them...last time I got Bisto Best Beef granules...very rich and just what is needed with Thai Beef!

steel teeth too for Thai beef.


If its a matter of life or death...Rimping had some a few weeks ago in CM.

Alternativly order some from UK,...Britstore.com. but will cost about 3 times with the postage costs.I order quite a bit from them...last time I got Bisto Best Beef granules...very rich and just what is needed with Thai Beef!

haven't seen Oxo anywhere in Thailand in 15 years here. But Villa supermarket have Bisto gravy granules and the original powder sometimes as does Foodland

BTW you can buy beef scraps in Villa very cheap at apprx 35 Baht a pack. Add this to your Bisto, strain out the bits left to get a great gravy


Yep I am with Victor on this one, never seen them anywhere in over 5 years. Bisto is easy to come by nowadays (although pricey) but Oxo is non existent in this country.

One of the few things I ask friends and family to bring with them when they visit.

Some smart arse will be on in a minute telling you to try the Knorr or Maggi versions - IGNORE THEM, they obviously don't understand about Oxo.

Gennisis gave a good recommendation if you don't have anyone travelling to/from the UK in the next few weeks.


Yep I am with Victor on this one, never seen them anywhere in over 5 years. Bisto is easy to come by nowadays (although pricey) but Oxo is non existent in this country.

One of the few things I ask friends and family to bring with them when they visit.

Some smart arse will be on in a minute telling you to try the Knorr or Maggi versions - IGNORE THEM, they obviously don't understand about Oxo.

Gennisis gave a good recommendation if you don't have anyone travelling to/from the UK in the next few weeks.

BTW you can buy beef scraps in Villa very cheap at apprx 35 Baht a pack. Add this to your Bisto, strain out the bits left to get a great gravy

A BIG thanks for all your suggestions,BKK is not good for me as im up in Chiang Rai,i should have made that clear (Sorry).

Also sorry to differ on the Bisto suggestion i'm affrain its gotta be oxo,it's the only one that does it for me,never thought of beef scraps before so maybe i'll have a go if i cant obtain any oxo,i tried Rimping in Chiang Mai a couple of weeks ago but they didn't have any,and Scea i use Nothern Farms regularly and iv'e never found it there,Mcgriffith is another option but being as i dont know him that well i wouldn't like to impose,maybe if he reads this thread he may offer to send some to CR for me,i would willingly cover the cost.

Thanks again for your ideas.

Rgds Woralak.


Woralak , you have my symphathy !..... I can remember Vividly when I was also down to my last 4 oxo's. must have a been a year or two ago.

I did 'Cold Turkey' , without the Oxo and survived. Just :D

It only takes a couple of days, Hot & cold Sweats , mild flu symptoms and then your over it.

If you also have to do 'Cold Turkey' and survive, let me know. The missus has a receipe for Gravy with all local ingredients.

No more 30Kg of Oxo and Bisto in my Suitcases these days. ;)


I knew some recipe for beef stock that involved roasting beef bones in the oven with unpeeled veg until it was a black mess then boiling it all for several days.

I could look it up. :)


I knew some recipe for beef stock that involved roasting beef bones in the oven with unpeeled veg until it was a black mess then boiling it all for several days.

I could look it up. :)

Cheers Scea,think i'd rather do the cold turkey.


I knew some recipe for beef stock that involved roasting beef bones in the oven with unpeeled veg until it was a black mess then boiling it all for several days.

I could look it up. :)

Cheers Scea,think i'd rather do the cold turkey.


You've probably only got 4 days before the symptoms develop. You need to get yourself prepared.

You'll need a room which can only be unlocked from outside. A few 15 litres bottles of water. A load of Towels and a catering pack of bog rolls from makro :D..

....... Oh, and maybe a Box or two of Tiger Beer B)

Unless Scea can lend you some of his stash of Vegemite


I can't offer up any ideas on where Oxo can be found in Thailand at this time. As observed by other OP's they used to be around, particularly Villa on Sukhumvit road.

Its strange really this Oxo thing. I am currently in Bahrain where I enjoy the some of the best cuts of beef but not one supermarket stocks Oxo. On the other hand, in Abu Dhabi and Dubai they can be found at most supermarkets catering for expats, same in Qatar.

I guess the demand is just not sufficient to warrant suppliers stocking this age old blood cube.


I knew some recipe for beef stock that involved roasting beef bones in the oven with unpeeled veg until it was a black mess then boiling it all for several days.

I could look it up. :)

Cheers Scea,think i'd rather do the cold turkey.


You've probably only got 4 days before the symptoms develop. You need to get yourself prepared.

You'll need a room which can only be unlocked from outside. A few 15 litres bottles of water. A load of Towels and a catering pack of bog rolls from makro :D..

....... Oh, and maybe a Box or two of Tiger Beer B)

Unless Scea can lend you some of his stash of Vegemite

I don't give Vegemite to blasphemers.

Like offering caviar to someone who was missing sardines.


I was told that its either not importable or that its not exportable because of the beef content and thats why they are hard to find.

or I might have dreamt that?


Bringing OXO here from England is a MUST for me together with a large pot of Marmite. I will never forget Sir Scea's generosity in supplying me with Vegemite when the marmite was "mot laew" once.

I may be embarking on cooking farang dishes for a guest house that is being re-opened soon,so I will need all my current OXOs. When any of us OXO lovers visit the Land of Glum again maybe we can liase on bringing a large consignment of cubes here.

An OXO TIP --- always keep the cubes in the fridge, when in the heat for long they solidify and turn waxy.:angry:


The wife uses the following. The taste and consistency is not unlike OXO , certainly not like Bisto .

She's perfected it over the years but its not difficult . We dont have an Oven, so we boil our meats slowly. The water is used to mix with the following :-

Knorr Pork Stock Cube.

Some other powder, I think its a chicken powder , quite savoury.

Black Soy Sauce

and a bit of sugar.

I do suspect OXO is made with similar ingredients.

OK, smart Arse, the Beef flavour comes from the choice of meat. B)


Oxo cubes are readily available in Pattaya, either the farang food shop opposite Cady Shack on Soi 17 or Acecia Hotel on second road soi 14


Oxo cubes are readily available in Pattaya, either the farang food shop opposite Cady Shack on Soi 17 or Acecia Hotel on second road soi 14

Trip down to Pattaya for some Oxo Marra !? ...... You know it makes sense ..... I'll come with you.... I'll just tell the wife :D

I think we could get sponsorship , sell the story . The Brit Newspapers would love it


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.



Bringing OXO here from England is a MUST for me together with a large pot of Marmite. I will never forget Sir Scea's generosity in supplying me with Vegemite when the marmite was "mot laew" once.

I may be embarking on cooking farang dishes for a guest house that is being re-opened soon,so I will need all my current OXOs. When any of us OXO lovers visit the Land of Glum again maybe we can liase on bringing a large consignment of cubes here.

An OXO TIP --- always keep the cubes in the fridge, when in the heat for long they solidify and turn waxy.:angry:

Great idea Lannaman,so if anyone is listening thats going,iv'e got loads of My Mate Marmite (Ya Love it or Ya hate it),never tried making gravy with it i just make door step toasties with it,does it work in gravy ?.


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.

The 'Rotten Pommie Barsteward' ! ........ probably some Guy who'd just started going 'Cold Turkey'. They are easily to spot . you need to keep your wits about you at the Airport :)


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.

The 'Rotten Pommie Barsteward' ! ........ probably some Guy who'd just started going 'Cold Turkey'. They are easily to spot . you need to keep your wits about you at the Airport :)

Easy marra,not started cold tukey course as yet,still have 4 left,i'll be doing Sun dinner tomorrow so thats gonna leave me with 2.:rolleyes::unsure: .


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.

fuc_k it, for that much money.....it was me! :lol:

Wora, I'm doin a parcel in about 10 days time, takes a week to get there mind. If yer still stuck gis a shout and I'll stick some oxo in there for ya and you can pick it up in Sob Kham :)


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.

fuc_k it, for that much money.....it was me! :lol:

Wora, I'm doin a parcel in about 10 days time, takes a week to get there mind. If yer still stuck gis a shout and I'll stick some oxo in there for ya and you can pick it up in Sob Kham :)

Hey Biffa that would be fan-daby-dossie,even if i find a way of getting some by then i would still take your offer,the more tha better,and Sob Kham is an easy drive from here (Chiang Khong).

Cheers marra



Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.

fuc_k it, for that much money.....it was me! :lol:

Wora, I'm doin a parcel in about 10 days time, takes a week to get there mind. If yer still stuck gis a shout and I'll stick some oxo in there for ya and you can pick it up in Sob Kham :)

Hey Biffa that would be fan-daby-dossie,even if i find a way of getting some by then i would still take your offer,the more tha better,and Sob Kham is an easy drive from here (Chiang Khong).

Cheers marra


No problem, gis a shout nearer the time to remind me :)


Earlier this year I brought 6 tins of Bisto, 6 packets of Beef Oxo cubes and 6 packets Chicken oxo cubes back to Thailand with me.

We were travelling to Chiang Rai with Air Asia and checked in early and had to juggle around some luggage because some of our cases were overweight.

Some ##*king ######## b****** ass#### stole all my Beef Oxo cubes and 3 tins of Bisto.

I hope he rots in hel_l, the dirty rotten f###er.

If anyone hears of someone from the airport making gravy please let me know.......................1000000000 baht reward.

fuc_k it, for that much money.....it was me! :lol:

Wora, I'm doin a parcel in about 10 days time, takes a week to get there mind. If yer still stuck gis a shout and I'll stick some oxo in there for ya and you can pick it up in Sob Kham :)

Hey Biffa that would be fan-daby-dossie,even if i find a way of getting some by then i would still take your offer,the more tha better,and Sob Kham is an easy drive from here (Chiang Khong).

Cheers marra


No problem, gis a shout nearer the time to remind me :)

Good on ya,you saved me from doin Jubby's cold turkey,i'll PM you nearer the time.

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