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Bomb Explodes At Condominium In Bangkok

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On the surface, it doesn't sound like a politically motivated or terrorist attack. Perhaps a personal vendetta using methods learned from recent events. Let's hope it doesn't become part of the culture. Violence breeds violence!

Peace breeds violence, Knowledge builds strength.

If you want a war, disband your Army and you neighbor will be here shortly...

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Pretty low tech all round, not just the bomb, the reporting as well.............

The explosion caused a hole, which is two feet wide and five centimeters deep

Please make up your mind, are we using metric or imperial units.

One pound of dynamite

Has Thailand ever used imperial units of measurement???

Does anyone use dynamite??

I thought it was all high tech like C4.

Dynamite can be made at home. Thomas Edison proved that NitroGlycerin could be made even on a hot day. Earlies forms of Dynomite! were Nitro soaked sawdust... A twist of wire and Black powder can be configured into a blasting cap.

Truth be known, the bomber didn't want tohurt anyone, or he would have wired it to the car - start - kaboom..


This is the real reason why the bomb went off:

CRES orders security agencies to evaluate situation, to consider whether to extend or lift state of emergency which will expire on Oct 5


-- TNA 2010-09-21


This is the real reason why the bomb went off:

CRES orders security agencies to evaluate situation, to consider whether to extend or lift state of emergency which will expire on Oct 5


-- TNA 2010-09-21

When push comes to shove the red apologists get in line and discard the faux soppiness.


I started reading this but got distracted by 2 things... (a) a pound of tnt... wow.. firecracker. and (B) the amount of fricken ads on this site... cant believe you people put up with this blatant advertising even included in posts... not sure which uni the so called webmaster/noob went too, but its pretty laughable.

Yep, good one !!!


This is the real reason why the bomb went off:

CRES orders security agencies to evaluate situation, to consider whether to extend or lift state of emergency which will expire on Oct 5


-- TNA 2010-09-21

When push comes to shove the red apologists get in line and discard the faux soppiness.

And the red apologists are ??

Love your avatar, could it be faux or just "foppy"?


I would expect a stroiy by te police soon that is designed to save face when this turns out either to an accidental explosion or something else.

Of course it could be an amateur bomb but they now no longer appear to be describing it as such but as "a stick of dynamite"

Cant of been a bomb planted by the red shirts.They said they were still training there terrorists on the BBC news 2 weeks ago.And would not begin there bombing campaign till November.It would be a Thai first, to complete a task early!


Seems to me that basically, any small business vendetta, petty jealousy or personal gripe can be expressed with a "bumb" (to coin Inspector Clouseaux) and no one can find the culprits anywhere. Despite all the cameras, security guards and army in town, "bumbs" are appearing everywhere.

Short of assassinating people in broad daylight in front of TV cameras (this is of course reserved for men in Black or Army sharp shooters) all that the SOE has led to to is people letting off bombs willy nilly to threaten people with absolutely no legal consequence at all. It seems that the "legal" mafia of Thailand are taking advantage of the situation to send messages via big bang quite regularly at the moment.

It won't be long before it will become a mark of honour as to whether you are a business owner who has received a "bumb" or not. The non-fatal "bumb" appears to be the must have accessory.


Seems to me that basically, any small business vendetta, petty jealousy or personal gripe can be expressed with a "bumb" (to coin Inspector Clouseaux) and no one can find the culprits anywhere. Despite all the cameras, security guards and army in town, "bumbs" are appearing everywhere.

Short of assassinating people in broad daylight in front of TV cameras (this is of course reserved for men in Black or Army sharp shooters) all that the SOE has led to to is people letting off bombs willy nilly to threaten people with absolutely no legal consequence at all. It seems that the "legal" mafia of Thailand are taking advantage of the situation to send messages via big bang quite regularly at the moment.

It won't be long before it will become a mark of honour as to whether you are a business owner who has received a "bumb" or not. The non-fatal "bumb" appears to be the must have accessory.

Don't worry, I doubt the time honored Thai tradition of a armed pillion rider and motorcycle pair will ever run out of fashion ;)


Seems to me that basically, any small business vendetta, petty jealousy or personal gripe can be expressed with a "bumb" (to coin Inspector Clouseaux) and no one can find the culprits anywhere. Despite all the cameras, security guards and army in town, "bumbs" are appearing everywhere.

Short of assassinating people in broad daylight in front of TV cameras (this is of course reserved for men in Black or Army sharp shooters) all that the SOE has led to to is people letting off bombs willy nilly to threaten people with absolutely no legal consequence at all. It seems that the "legal" mafia of Thailand are taking advantage of the situation to send messages via big bang quite regularly at the moment.

It won't be long before it will become a mark of honour as to whether you are a business owner who has received a "bumb" or not. The non-fatal "bumb" appears to be the must have accessory.

Don't worry, I doubt the time honored Thai tradition of a armed pillion rider and motorcycle pair will ever run out of fashion ;)

Ah, but that is all so last season. The guys always get caught 2 days later having ditched their bike in a klong, with the mobile phone containing 100 SMS to the boss, slumped over a bar with and empty bottle of blue label with 1000 baht bills in a black bag. The gnawed finger nails for the boss while you have to threaten their wife and kids if they spill the beans is so stressful.

These days it's so much easier, the powers that be love these little "bumbs" so much, and no one makes one blind bit of effort to ever catch who did it. The "bumb" is so "new season".

I predict many more, and when the baddies really realise that no one will lift a stitch to catch them, it will make for some quite gruesome TV. The unintended result of the SOE is that they actually want small "bumbs" all over the place to keep it in place.


Any explosion for any reason of any man made devise is intent to murder.

So mining activity, demolition work, quarrying, military exercises and the like where explosive devices are routinely used are intent to murder are they?

I think the comment was meant in context of this topic. But even some of what you wrote, like the army practicing to blow up things or people, is still murder if you are on the other side. War is just "sanctioned murder" but the families of the dead, still say he was killed or murdered by so and so. Keep on topic. The other poster was just expressing their point of view - if not so clearly for some.....I certainly agree that any explosive (not including fireworks) used in a public place, that is not intended for demolition or such legal purposes, or by other than an authorized person, is a murder device.

"Any explosion for any reason of any man made devise is intent to murder. "

Apart from making the poster unpopular with the mining industry, what this comment underlines is the lack of ability of most posters on this thread to formulate a coherent argument.

They shoot off on red-herrings and non sequiturs and submit fallacious propositions.



City police ID bomb exploded at Supawadee Tower as TNT. Family of a politician from a well-known party resides in the building /via @TAN_Network

Typical Thai soapsud reporting...which well known party???

Can someone do us all a service and publish a list of who owns which condo and which hotel in Bangkok. Then colour code each one red or yellow and we can make informed choices as to where to stay.


"City police ID bomb exploded at Supawadee Tower as TNT. Family of a politician from a well-known party resides in the building"

Typical Thai soapsud reporting...which party??? Can someone do us all a service and publish a list of who owns which condo and which hotel in Bangkok. Then colour code each one red or yellow and we can make informed choices as to where to stay.

Read on


Mind you, they've got this forensics thing sorted haven't they :whistling:

(and why is it so hard to edit messages?)

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