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hi all

i love to go to the gym and was making good gains wieght wise until i ran out of whey protein powder , which i brought with me from the uk , does any one know where i can get more whey protein powder , im in the south and hat yai is my nearest big city ive searched on the internet but with no joy ,, ive lost a stone in the last two months , please help !!!!!

all the best


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if you have lost so much weight you should first of all say to yourself why.

i stopped using whey protein 3 months ago . I have lost 3 kgs of pure muscle with is very disappointing indeed . i used to take 4 large scoops of weight gain per day for 5 years . as you can see in 3 months only 3 kgs lost , to me thats way too much weight lose but from what you said you have lost over a stone . i,m just about maintaining my weight at the moment but you must never forget to eat . do not let yourself go 4 hours without eatting unless your alseep . good eatting , rest of atleast 7 to 9 hours is best . train as normal drinking more water than you usual do to maintain your bodys water levels . . worrying about your weight does not help as your brain will burn up too many calories . just think straight take action , when you think food just make sure you have access to quick easy food like noodles , tinned tuna ,eggs , nuts . if this information is of no use to you and you already know all of the about then thats good . if its helps thats also good . either why best of luck finding your protein . ps creatine in tablet form works wonders for strength and muscle but not weight so much . best results that i ever got was a combo of whey and creatine . but expensive combo .

Edited by leon1503
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I'm living in krabi and paying about 990 baht for 450 grams of WHEY MAXX protein powder which I buy at boots.

BillR I might be interested but like to know if you have a catalogue or something, not really sure what dymatize and muscle tech is??

Sent you a PM. The brands I listed are all top brands from the USA. We can ship pretty much overnight to you anywhere in Thailand for 200 baht.

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You have lost 6.35kg in 2 months?? That's down to a poor diet, not lack of protein powder. You are simply not getting enough calories if you have lost so much so quickly.

How much were you taking every day? How many calories do you estimate you take in a day? Do you know the macros roughly, ie how much protein carbs and fats?

Protein powder is a supplement, not a replacement. Eat a large ommelette for breakfast with 4/5 eggs, drink more milk, eat chicken/steak/tinned fish. You can buy small tins of mackerel/sardines with 27g of protein in, which is around the same as a single serving of protein powder. Eat one in the morning and one in the afternoon for a snack.

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hi all thanks for the advise ill give diana shoping mall a good look , and generally eat more , i have no idea how many callories im eating at the moment but im drinking a litre and a half during a 90 minute work out , i go to the gym 3-4 times per week . and do mixed weights and 20 mins good cardio at the end ,ive been over hear two months and had been taking 60 grams of protien powder 3x per day as well as eating the usual meals so gains were good , however i have not been able to get past 85kilos despite all that effort , ive tried creatine as well but i dont like it ,i just ended up feeling thirsty all the time so gave up

cheers all


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hi all thanks for the advise ill give diana shoping mall a good look , and generally eat more , i have no idea how many callories im eating at the moment but im drinking a litre and a half during a 90 minute work out , i go to the gym 3-4 times per week . and do mixed weights and 20 mins good cardio at the end ,ive been over hear two months and had been taking 60 grams of protien powder 3x per day as well as eating the usual meals so gains were good , however i have not been able to get past 85kilos despite all that effort , ive tried creatine as well but i dont like it ,i just ended up feeling thirsty all the time so gave up

cheers all


If indeed its running that you do after your workout then i would have to say that too much running will only add to your weight loss. running does not only burn fat . running burns both fat and muscle . so after you have done your precious 90mintues workout your body is done and needs food quick . the muscles fibers have already reached thier limits and need to start repairing themself . putting them throught another 20mintes of excercise will just take away from your workout Edited by leon1503
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I'd guess that your workout and diet are not optimal for size gains.

What are your aims? Build muscle size, lose fat, general fitness? Each one requires a different approach.

90 mins is too long for a workout. With a decent workout plan you can be in an out in an hour. Any longer and you are almost certainly not working hard enough. The cardio tagged at the end is overkill as leon1553 states.

You need a minimum amount of calories per day just to maintain your weight. The amount increases as you do more exercise. To be gaining size you should be eating 500 cals a day more than your min. If you are eating less calories than your min, then you will lose weight. This can be a good thing if you are on a cutting diet and losing fat whilst maintaining muscle mass. There are calculators online enabling you to work out your daily caloric expenditure and body fat.

Google Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe for a decent beginners program and follow it as written. There is also advice on diet.

180g of protein powder a day may be overkill depending on how much you get from regular food . You could end up wasting a lot of it, never mind the expense. A rough guide is 1-1.5g per pound of bodyweight, which is 187g-280.5g per day. The upper limit is probably not needed for you as I would guess you are not working your muscles enough just yet.

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