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Bangkok's Chatuchak Market Becomes Non Smoking Zone


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Rumblecat sounds like a decent, considerate person. Good on you RC, you area good bloke who considers others when indulging your vice. I definitely won't be pi$ing on you after a few beers!!!

Wallaby (post above) said I hate it when the do gooders impose their own will on what people should and shouldn't do. Harden up and move on to something important in your life than worrying about what others are doing to theirs.

Wallaby, if you were only doing it to your life I wouldn't care in the least, but your smoke ruins my clothes, my rather pleasant personal odour, and my health. I don't worry about what you're doing to your life, but I do worry about what you smokers are doing to mine!!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Wow what a bunch of wanke_rs we have unearthed in this thread.

My parents smoke. I don't smoke. I don't care if the guy beside me smokes. My clothes will smell of all kinds of pollution (including my own sweat) so a bit of a smokey smell mixed in doesn't worry me. I can also walk past people in the street LEGALLY smoking without a fear that a couple of breaths of their smoke is going to give me cancer. I'm probably more likely to get cancer from all the preservatives in the food and the pollution from all sorts of things these days than inhaling a little bit of smoke.

A friend was having a smoke out on the footpath a few weeks ago. A woman wasn't watching where she was going and bumped his smoke and slightly burnt her arm. The woman went off on a rant and my friend just stood there and took it. In the end I just told her that we were standing there talking, if she can't watch what where she is walking then it's her fault, suck it up and <deleted> off.

If a person is smoking in a place that isn't banned that's fine, nothing to do with anyone else because it is LEGAL, if you don't like it then tough.

As for the poster saying the bars in Australia didn't have a problem being smoke free. I suggest you crawl out from under your rock. The smoking ban is the biggest reason many bar owners have gone bust. When it was first being determined most bar owners wanted the choice whether to place a smoking ban or not. Surely if it would be such a money spinner to be smoke free then all bars would have jumped at the chance, but that wasn't the case. All bars were made to be smoke free.

How about they be given a choice, if a bar has smokers, then non smokers have an option not to go there. If a bar doesn't allow smoking then smokers have the option of not going there.

I hate it when the do gooders impose their own will on what people should and shouldn't do. Harden up and move on to something important in your life than worrying about what others are doing to theirs.

Ah! Finally a sensible, measured post.

It never ceases to amaze me how vitriolic the zealots can be when they get on their high horses.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, really. Zealots, like bigots , always seem to resort to hysterical histrionics when promoting their pet cause. And of course insult; the favoured resort of the ignorant and uninformed.

Reason doesn't enter into it. There is no "live and let live" approach.

It's "I don't like it, so let's ban it so nobody can do it".

And it's true what Wallaby says about the bars. If having a non-smoking bar was such a good idea, why didn't all the bars voluntarily ban smoking? There was a pub chain in the UK that preempted the legislation by banning smoking in all their pubs. They lost so much business that they had to do a U-turn and remove the ban.

Chatuchak market should never allow smoking in the warren of stalls there, it's a conflagration waiting to happen. But out of the main market in the roadside bars and cafes, there is no rational reason at all to ban smoking. As already pointed out, it's just a money spinning scam.

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Well nisakiman, a 'measured post' if you're into stupidity I suppose.

I wasn't suggesting that smoking be banned, but it should not be permitted where it will inconvenience others and potentially damage others' health. I do believe fags should be $50 a pack though so that smokers contribute a greater share of their medical expenses. I'm sick of paying for freeloaders in life.

The lack of logic in the final paragraph

I hate it when the do gooders impose their own will on what people should and shouldn't do. Harden up and move on to something important in your life than worrying about what others are doing to theirs.

My response was

Wallaby, if you were only doing it to your life I wouldn't care in the least, but your smoke ruins my clothes, my rather pleasant personal odour, and my health. I don't worry about what you're doing to your life, but I do worry about what you smokers are doing to mine!!!

It was obvious that you didn't read it.

What a charming chap you are telling a woman to 'suck it up and f*** off'. I bet she fell at your feet begging you to further demonstrate your physical charm/s. She didn't??? What ingratitude.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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It's funny that in actual terms, a right is something that is outlined in a piece of legislation somewhere, yet smokers the world over commonly offer the trite retort "I have a right to smoke" While I am just expected to swallow the suggestion that there is a legal tool in place protecting their determination to produce smoke, to significantly impose upon a biological need of mine, I am considered a pain in the arse when I ask to be directed to the source of this right to smoke.

It's funny that in actual terms a right can be a legal or moral right.

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The march of the zealots continues.....

Zealots my cute little hiney, it is about time that this filthy habit is banned from public space. If you want to poison the place, do it in your own house...

Any farang that is so stupid to smoke, deserves to be fined the max amount

And I bet you drive a car. Haven't you noticed they stink and maybe you ain't heard they kill millions every year.

Rumor has it they also contribute to global warming, but the self-righteous drivers feel free to slag off smokers. Why?

Pots, kettles, and black springs to mind.

Where the hel_l do you smokers get off. What you are doing is well proven to be against the best interests of your health, and yet you seem to have this belief that if you are doing it to yourselves, you have the right to do it to those that dont want to smoke.

You want respect huh?????? Well how about this,,,,,,. The people that dont want your second hand smoke will always respect that you want to smoke, and will often leave you alone to do it.

How about as smokers you start respecting the fact that this is unpleasant to many people, and so long as you continue to disrespect them, they will disrespect you, argument continues,,,,,,,.

Start respecting the fact that not all people want to smoke, and that when you smoke, all the people around you have to breath your second hand smoke. Move away from them and the problem ends, no more argument, period.

This is what they are trying to do at JJ, I am hoping that they are doing the right thing and providing areas where you can smoke in peace and enjoyment as you so rightly deserve, but please dont force your smoke on those that don't want to smoke.

Why do not you try to type in caps since bald does not seem to work.

Since you so concerned about smoking at JJ Market, are you not concerned about the animals been sold there, rotten food, beggers, thieves, all the cooking smells etc etc etc.

Some parts of JJ is an open air space, and i should be able to do whatever i wish. just like i have to put up with all the smells and farting, so would you if you happen to be in the open space area.

As for your previous post about your wife being burned, well let me tell you, i am a smoker and personally sick and tired of people walking into me and expecting me to move out of their way.

Open your eyes when you walk, this way you will not be burned

The Sukhumvit ban also applies only to foreigners but not for smoking, for littering. Just to make sure they do a great job they removed all the bins from soi 4 up to soi 12. Funny how no ban is imposed on the opposite side.

Edited by kuffki
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There is no doubt smoking is an anti social habit. It pollutes, smells on the skin of all who undertake it and it causes a huge drain on finances in medical markets for those on social security and health insurances. The public at large pas for the billions a year in medical losses trying to treat these people when it is time for them to check out. Smokers are generally unaware of their environment, the discomfort of others and neither care nor wish to alter the situation.

The sooner cancer kicks in, the pain the suffering that goes with cancer, and the final journey up the Thai chimney to join their friends, the better. Ban them? - who cares. Sooner they all die the better we are off. The only things that pisses me off is the tobacco companies and the addictive substances added to pure tobacco. And yes I was a smoker (heavy) so have been there done that - but the journey up the chimney will have to wait now.

i have to disagree with you there, the amount of tax smokers pay covers their own medical

Pack of cigs in Cambodia tax free is $1, for the same packet in US its $10

Plus all the taxes tobacco companies pay.

Yes smoking is bad and i am a smoker but despite all the government promotions, we smokers pay our own medical bills with all the extra taxes we pay.

I remember pack of cigs in Oz 15 years ago was AU$3.95, now its $10.95-no price increase from the manufactures-all gov taxes

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Another excuse for the boys in brown to fine farangs and increase their tea money. I wonder when they will seriously do something about the real pollution in Bangkok?

Exactly! and the answer is never.

I am sure ban implies only to indoor areas but knowing the Amazing Thailand,they will try to extort fine in 500 meter radius even outside the markets

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I see the smokers have come out to defend their addiction and call othere who dont like having to put up with their skink rude names.

All bars and restaurants in NZ are also smoke free.

There was a howel of protest from the pub owners when it was suggested, they would all go broke.

But the govt had done a survey that found less than 30% of bar patrons were smokers.

It had also been noted that smokers drank less than non smokers, possibly because it would be difficult to drink with a lighted fag in the mouth.

There was a slight drop off in business to start with but it soon rebounded when non smokers realised they could now go for a drink without having to put up with smoke.

Smokers are now resigned to going outside for their drug fix

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To all smokers.

You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

Have a think about it.

I see your point of view but for starters you have chosen to live in the most polluted city in the world.

Do you advocate to go piss on the government for allowing it to get to that level?

Do you advocate to piss on the tuk tuk drivers?

Do you advocate to piss on all the street stools? all the bad smells

Do you advocate to piss on all the construction workers and owners? because in Thailand they do not even bother to close off the area so all the dust gets into the nose, skin and hair

I am a smoker and have no objection to the ban indoors but for the outside area -simply tough luck.

Also should they chose to be ridiculous which is no surprise then the ban and enforcement should be applied to everyone. I am confident not only Thais will smoke outside but inside and no fine will be given.

Just like its illegal for foreigner to litter in Sukhumvit, but perfectly normal for Thai to spit, shit, dump rubbish in that same area.

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I see the smokers have come out to defend their addiction and call othere who dont like having to put up with their skink rude names.

All bars and restaurants in NZ are also smoke free.

There was a howel of protest from the pub owners when it was suggested, they would all go broke.

But the govt had done a survey that found less than 30% of bar patrons were smokers.

It had also been noted that smokers drank less than non smokers, possibly because it would be difficult to drink with a lighted fag in the mouth.

There was a slight drop off in business to start with but it soon rebounded when non smokers realised they could now go for a drink without having to put up with smoke.

Smokers are now resigned to going outside for their drug fix

Not sure about NZ but in OZ bars were forced to make a designated smoking areas. Here is a funny part-those smoking areas are always full of people including the non smokers while the rest of the bar is empty.

One of my friends owns a club, he had to build a new bar in the smoking area because all people were there, while the club was empty.

So do not be so fast to make judgments. yes smoking is a bad habit, but so is many other things.

Smoking has been a social part of peoples life for hundreds of years. There were times when it was rude not to smoke during a business meeting, and multi billion dollar deals were made over a smoke.

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Rumblecat sounds like a decent, considerate person. Good on you RC, you area good bloke who considers others when indulging your vice. I definitely won't be pi$ing on you after a few beers!!!

Wallaby (post above) said I hate it when the do gooders impose their own will on what people should and shouldn't do. Harden up and move on to something important in your life than worrying about what others are doing to theirs.

Wallaby, if you were only doing it to your life I wouldn't care in the least, but your smoke ruins my clothes, my rather pleasant personal odour, and my health. I don't worry about what you're doing to your life, but I do worry about what you smokers are doing to mine!!!

Can you read? I DON'T SMOKE.

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The march of the zealots continues.....

Zealots my cute little hiney, it is about time that this filthy habit is banned from public space. If you want to poison the place, do it in your own house...

Any farang that is so stupid to smoke, deserves to be fined the max amount

And I bet you drive a car. Haven't you noticed they stink and maybe you ain't heard they kill millions every year.

Rumor has it they also contribute to global warming, but the self-righteous drivers feel free to slag off smokers. Why?

Pots, kettles, and black springs to mind.

I understand you can't drive in this market ether. I guess their are after the Global Warming Thingy too. :-)

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

Yeah I get that. But WHY the ban on beer? As another poster pointed out, after having to push your way through throngs of people for a hot couple of hours or so, you want to sit down somewhere (and there're not that many places to sit in JJ), and have a nice cold one. I don't see that anyone would choose JJ or any other market for a party. And why only JJ?

Agreed, and I am a non drinker.

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To all smokers.

You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

Have a think about it.

I second the motion :lol:

Thank you so much, this is the funniest rendition of the age old second hand smoke issue I have ever heard.

You get my vote too.

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To all smokers.

You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

Have a think about it.

I second the motion :lol:

Thank you so much, this is the funniest rendition of the age old second hand smoke issue I have ever heard.

You get my vote too.

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The march of the zealots continues.....

Zealots my cute little hiney, it is about time that this filthy habit is banned from public space. If you want to poison the place, do it in your own house...

Any farang that is so stupid to smoke, deserves to be fined the max amount

God loves a hater! :rolleyes:

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I recall going back 10+ years when restaurant owners in Australia were shifting from foot to foot wondering if their restaurant should be the first to go 'non smoking' on the back on non smoking flights, which incidentally, were forced by Australian pilots and the world followed.

It was popular opinion that the first would go broke, but the owners of Nyonya (Malaysian cuisine) in Carlton took a gamble and declared their restaurant non smoking. It was booked solid for over a year and they made buckets of money until the others in the strip saw the error of their way and went down that path. Nyonya is still heavily booked, but so are the others, and us non smokers can now go there without the discomfort of selfish smokers second hand smoke.

The same was said of pubs when state governments legislated to ban smoking, but they've taken it in their stride, same if not greater patronage, and the smokers go outside or to a dedicated smoking area for a fag. It's not the big deal they thought it was. Incidentally, a couple of Australian states are preparing legislation to make smoking in any public place, even the street, an offence, and the only place a smoker will be able to light up is at home. Now that will be a great advance.

If, as you say, people lose their jobs, and I doubt it because that hasn't been the experience in Australia, then I'm sure somebody has done the economic exercise of having them on unemployment benefits versus on health benefits and enormous medical bills carried by the government, because of the effects of passive smoking, principally heart disease and cancer.

I must ask why people go to bars??? Is it to drink alcohol??? Probably, because they're called bars, traditionally places where alcohol is consumed, and not called 'smoking places'. What do those people do if they can't have a fag there??? Not go??? I doubt that.

Statistically, those who smoke, and more particularly smoke heavily, are at the lower end of the socio economic ladder, those least able to afford it, or afford the medical costs associated with smoking. If a few quit as a consequence, a ban will have been worth it.

Just had to be an australian, didn't you.

Pls explain how a sillyzen of the World's most polluting nation per head can get on his high sheep about a little smoke?

Put your own house in order first before you even have a small % of a right to bitch about others.

Biggoted, hyphocrit, and you know it.

You'll be going on about human rights next, like the right to your own country and government next, but forgetting about your mobs past and current treatment of Aborigines.

Like them you have no right to any opinion or are we expected to respect people who come from a murderously, stolen country?

Apart from all the crap you believe about Australians the Aborigines well 80 plus % are doing fine.Knowing quite a few like the Nyoongar,Pindjarup and others i have worked with up north.

dont put all australians in the same catorgory as others.

You only see the what you are shown ,the small picture . The big picture is quite different.

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

chmiroau is an "advanced member" with 33 comments

Apart from the advanced name i find no pleasure in this comment.

The reason i came to live in Thailand is to avoid exactly this kind of nearsighted bitter old morons who make life sooo unpleasant.

Should you dis/agree click the green button. :unsure:

I somewhat agree.

Now being an advanced member, I should have known not to voice my opinion in agreement of a smoking ban in an over crowded market, I should have known that the arrogance would blow up in my face, as it has.

As for moving to Thailand, well that is a different story altogether. Please tell me what is more unpleasant; considerate people who do actually care how their actions affect others, or selfish people who say if you don't like it shut up?

Laws like this are, have to be put in place because clearly there is a problem, and the problem is not being caused by the people (smokers and non smokers alike) who don't smoke within the confines of the market, we will call them considerate people.

Laws are commonly made against the actions of a select few, in this case the people that choose to light up within the confines of the market. Are these people are the people that you have alluded to in your above statement? These are the people that you should be cross at, can I call these people selfish?

I got cranky because of the attitude of the one who wont respect this law, after all this law is written for him/her.

Hope this clears this up.

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I recall going back 10+ years when restaurant owners in Australia were shifting from foot to foot wondering if their restaurant should be the first to go 'non smoking' on the back on non smoking flights, which incidentally, were forced by Australian pilots and the world followed.

It was popular opinion that the first would go broke, but the owners of Nyonya (Malaysian cuisine) in Carlton took a gamble and declared their restaurant non smoking. It was booked solid for over a year and they made buckets of money until the others in the strip saw the error of their way and went down that path. Nyonya is still heavily booked, but so are the others, and us non smokers can now go there without the discomfort of selfish smokers second hand smoke.

The same was said of pubs when state governments legislated to ban smoking, but they've taken it in their stride, same if not greater patronage, and the smokers go outside or to a dedicated smoking area for a fag. It's not the big deal they thought it was. Incidentally, a couple of Australian states are preparing legislation to make smoking in any public place, even the street, an offence, and the only place a smoker will be able to light up is at home. Now that will be a great advance.

If, as you say, people lose their jobs, and I doubt it because that hasn't been the experience in Australia, then I'm sure somebody has done the economic exercise of having them on unemployment benefits versus on health benefits and enormous medical bills carried by the government, because of the effects of passive smoking, principally heart disease and cancer.

I must ask why people go to bars??? Is it to drink alcohol??? Probably, because they're called bars, traditionally places where alcohol is consumed, and not called 'smoking places'. What do those people do if they can't have a fag there??? Not go??? I doubt that.

Statistically, those who smoke, and more particularly smoke heavily, are at the lower end of the socio economic ladder, those least able to afford it, or afford the medical costs associated with smoking. If a few quit as a consequence, a ban will have been worth it.

Just had to be an australian, didn't you.

Pls explain how a sillyzen of the World's most polluting nation per head can get on his high sheep about a little smoke?

Put your own house in order first before you even have a small % of a right to bitch about others.

Biggoted, hyphocrit, and you know it.

You'll be going on about human rights next, like the right to your own country and government next, but forgetting about your mobs past and current treatment of Aborigines.

Like them you have no right to any opinion or are we expected to respect people who come from a murderously, stolen country?

Aversion tactics again. The issue is about smoking in public places, it is not about human rights pare say.

I am confused as to where your misguided rants have come from, what I am sure of is that per capita Australians are only half as polluting as the Americans, the country I am guessing you are from. (No insult intended)

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

WOW...such a tough guy! I'd love to run into you with my smoldering pseudo weapon.

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As an employer I refuse smokers and that will rattle the dickheads in the prejudice labour camps.

Simple deduction. Smoker needs a puff every hour at least - let's limit this to one. Building in Asoke 22nd floor. Takes the lift to smoke outside. Allow 3-5+ minutes to get down to the ground - a smoke and chat to his other puffing mate allow 5 and then 3-5 to get back up. 15 minutes per hour. I lose 2 hours a day in a normal working day. 5 day week = 10 hours. So 40 hours becomes 30 and a 25% drop in productivity apart from holding up other departments due to slow through put delays.

So last time I asked a man if he smoked and he said yes, I asked him if he would take a 25% drop in salary as he would work 25% less time? He walked out as they have all done since. Now I get my PA to do the interviews as I am still supposed to put up with applications but I love the look on their faces. None of them has a brain so far to figure out the 'why?'

But also as already mentioned, they smell, they offend clients and their clothes always reek (apart from their breath - just add coffee to the breath and its enough to make anyone puke). I have also noted most have extremely dirty fingernails and personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired.

Sorry smokers - its a 'dying' habit and you are all losers. ohmy.gif

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

WOW...such a tough guy! I'd love to run into you with my smoldering pseudo weapon.

Seriously, this is the type of person that laws like these are especially written for. I hope you get fined, then refuse to accept the fine, get arrested and, well you should know what happens then.

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As an employer I refuse smokers and that will rattle the dickheads in the prejudice labour camps.

Simple deduction. Smoker needs a puff every hour at least - let's limit this to one. Building in Asoke 22nd floor. Takes the lift to smoke outside. Allow 3-5+ minutes to get down to the ground - a smoke and chat to his other puffing mate allow 5 and then 3-5 to get back up. 15 minutes per hour. I lose 2 hours a day in a normal working day. 5 day week = 10 hours. So 40 hours becomes 30 and a 25% drop in productivity apart from holding up other departments due to slow through put delays.

So last time I asked a man if he smoked and he said yes, I asked him if he would take a 25% drop in salary as he would work 25% less time? He walked out as they have all done since. Now I get my PA to do the interviews as I am still supposed to put up with applications but I love the look on their faces. None of them has a brain so far to figure out the 'why?'

But also as already mentioned, they smell, they offend clients and their clothes always reek (apart from their breath - just add coffee to the breath and its enough to make anyone puke). I have also noted most have extremely dirty fingernails and personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired.

Sorry smokers - its a 'dying' habit and you are all losers. ohmy.gif

-i hope you apply same rule to asthmatics because they need to use their puffer.

-To people who are overweight because they slow to move

-Older people, because they slow to move

-people on medication, because they need to take their medicine

-and give bonuses to those who sell more then average.

-you also pay extra for those days when its busy

-and pay over time for every 5 mins employee stays back

-Once sick days are used up, you still pay the full rate and so on

I am a smoker and whenever i worked for a company, i get my lunch break for 1 hour and that is when i smoke.In what company in the world employees allowed to have a smoke break as you claim?

Now you refer to personal hygiene, i am sorry but that has nothing to do with smoking. If you in the industry where most "pigs" work-then no need to blame it on the smoking.

My finger nails are clean at all times, so are my fingers. being aware of the bad breath there is thing called mouth wash, breath mints etc.

Really makes me wonder why you have the need to get so close to your employees to smell their breath.????

As for clothing, ever heard of deodorant and eau de toilettes?

I am sorry but your latest argument has to be the most ridiculous one i ever heard

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

WOW...such a tough guy! I'd love to run into you with my smoldering pseudo weapon.

Seriously, this is the type of person that laws like these are especially written for. I hope you get fined, then refuse to accept the fine, get arrested and, well you should know what happens then.

LMAO, you truly are a nice person.

I tell you what would happened if i get fined. I will pretent not to speak English and the fine will gradually reduce to 0, because the BIB will be too tired trying to explain as he will be missing out on all others who could extort with ease. Then i wil walk around and find someone like you and just follow you around and blow smoke in your face and do all in my power to make you uncomfortable.


Better yet go tell another officer that i just saw you smoking and get them to extort you.

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As an employer I refuse smokers and that will rattle the dickheads in the prejudice labour camps.

Simple deduction. Smoker needs a puff every hour at least - let's limit this to one. Building in Asoke 22nd floor. Takes the lift to smoke outside. Allow 3-5+ minutes to get down to the ground - a smoke and chat to his other puffing mate allow 5 and then 3-5 to get back up. 15 minutes per hour. I lose 2 hours a day in a normal working day. 5 day week = 10 hours. So 40 hours becomes 30 and a 25% drop in productivity apart from holding up other departments due to slow through put delays.

So last time I asked a man if he smoked and he said yes, I asked him if he would take a 25% drop in salary as he would work 25% less time? He walked out as they have all done since. Now I get my PA to do the interviews as I am still supposed to put up with applications but I love the look on their faces. None of them has a brain so far to figure out the 'why?'

But also as already mentioned, they smell, they offend clients and their clothes always reek (apart from their breath - just add coffee to the breath and its enough to make anyone puke). I have also noted most have extremely dirty fingernails and personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired.

Sorry smokers - its a 'dying' habit and you are all losers. ohmy.gif

-i hope you apply same rule to asthmatics because they need to use their puffer.

-To people who are overweight because they slow to move

-Older people, because they slow to move

-people on medication, because they need to take their medicine

-and give bonuses to those who sell more then average.

-you also pay extra for those days when its busy

-and pay over time for every 5 mins employee stays back

-Once sick days are used up, you still pay the full rate and so on

I am a smoker and whenever i worked for a company, i get my lunch break for 1 hour and that is when i smoke.In what company in the world employees allowed to have a smoke break as you claim?

Now you refer to personal hygiene, i am sorry but that has nothing to do with smoking. If you in the industry where most "pigs" work-then no need to blame it on the smoking.

My finger nails are clean at all times, so are my fingers. being aware of the bad breath there is thing called mouth wash, breath mints etc.

Really makes me wonder why you have the need to get so close to your employees to smell their breath.????

As for clothing, ever heard of deodorant and eau de toilettes?

I am sorry but your latest argument has to be the most ridiculous one i ever heard

Here's the best solution to please you both:

To asiawatcher:

1. You allow your employees to smoke.

2. You have a policy in place that requires your employees to purchase their cigarettes from you at a ridiculously high price.

3. You also require the use of mouthwash after each smoke.

4. They must purchase this from you as well (at a ridiculously high price).

5. On smoking breaks, your employees must use the stairs.

6. You take life insurance policies on your smoking employees.

You will make up for the losses of 'smoke time' on the cigarettes, mouthwash, and as a bonus, if they 'expire' from emphysema or running up and down the stairs you're covered and more after collecting on the life insurance.

To kuffki: You can smoke at work.

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