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More Thai Women In Swedish Sex Trade

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More Thai Women in Swedish Sex Trade

The Thai women who come to Sweden and are exploited for sexual purposes
often come here through marriage or on visitor visas after being invited
by Swedish men who then sell them into work in apartments, hotel rooms
or at Thai massage parlours.

The number of Thai and Nigerian women exploited for sexual purposes in Sweden has increased, according to a police report on human trafficking.

The number of reports involving the exploitation of mentally handicapped women has also increased, according to a report on human trafficking from Sweden's National Police Board (Rikspolisstyrelsen) released on Tuesday.

"Alarming," Kajsa Wahlberg of the police board told news agency TT.

Last year was the first time Nigerian women were reported to have been involved in the sex trade in Sweden, likely as a result of the introduction of a law in Norway prohibiting the buying of sexual services that came into effect on January 1st, 2009.

In addition, the number of exploited Thai women has increased. There were also several reports of the pimping of exploited mentally handicapped girls last year.

The trafficking of Nigerian prostitutes has previously been a large problem in the rest of Europe. In Sweden, however, they have only appeared on a small scale in Gothenburg.

A trial is currently under way in Stockholm exposing a Nigerian prostitution ring. The exploited women involved were forced to undergo a voodoo ritual in their home countries, where they were intimidated into submission and repaying debts to the masterminds behind the ring.

The police board estimates that about 50 Nigerian women were exploited in the sex trade in Sweden last year. They often lack education and many of them are illiterate.

The Thai women who come to Sweden and are exploited for sexual purposes often come here through marriage or on visitor visas after being invited by Swedish men who then sell them into work in apartments, hotel rooms or at Thai massage parlours.

In the Stockholm area alone, police estimate that there are about 90 Thai massage parlours.

"Most offer sexual massage," said Wahlberg.

The police have never seen so many cases of sexual exploitation of girls and women with mental disabilities as were reported last year. Cases have been reported by police authorities in Stockholm, central Gävleborg and southern Skåne.

"They are totally unscrupulous men who exploit these helpless girls," said Wahlberg.

Other facts from the report reveal that the majority of women who were trafficked to Sweden in 2009 came from eastern Europe, Russia, Estonia, Romania, Hungary and Albania.

Most of the traffickers were men, but some were women, coming from Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Sweden, Estonia, Nigeria and Thailand.

There were also examples in which the traffickers exploited the victims for several purposes. In one case, two Czech women were trafficked to Sweden to steal during the day and prostitute in the evenings and nights.

Source: http://www.scandasia.com/viewNews.php?news_id=7325&coun_code=se

-- 2010-09-22



The missing part of the article is the section naming names. The Thai women would not be able to enter into Sweden without Swedish nationals assisting and facilitating the process. The police have some of the names. True, one is innocent until proven guilty and one does have the right to privacy. However, nothing precludes an anonymous tip and a diligent reporter doing the leg work. Winter will soon be upon the land of ice and snow. Seems like a good time for a reporter to go and visit Pattaya and ask some questions around some of the bars/brothels operated by the implicated local parties.

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The big question is why is this trade so surprising to the Swedish police, after all this kind of thing isn't new in any way shape or form, it has been happening since the days of Captain Cook. University girls all over the world sell themselves to pay their fees and living costs, Thailand and Sweden included. Youth is what they are selling, not just sex.

The biggest problem that I see here is that the organizers of this kind of thing are the ones making the money, and because it is an illegal market, there is no way of the government being able to regulate it, or worse still, tax it.

I remember one newspaper story in an Australian news paper all about the Asian sex trade in Australia, and stating how much the newspaper disapproved of the trade. BUT if you turned to the classifieds, there in the escort section were all the adds for "Just arrived, 5ft Thai with big boobs, short time only, phone............". It seems that for this paper it was alright to take the money for the add, so long as no one called the number.

This so called problem will always be there, in every country that has money, and is able to get women from poor countries inside their borders. The best thing that a country can do is to properly regulate and organise the sex trade so that it is fairer for the girls that work in it.

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The missing part of the article is the section naming names. The Thai women would not be able to enter into Sweden without Swedish nationals assisting and facilitating the process. The police have some of the names. True, one is innocent until proven guilty and one does have the right to privacy. However, nothing precludes an anonymous tip and a diligent reporter doing the leg work. Winter will soon be upon the land of ice and snow. Seems like a good time for a reporter to go and visit Pattaya and ask some questions around some of the bars/brothels operated by the implicated local parties.

Of course there are ruthless criminals everywhere, but what man and his penis is not ruthless when the hormones kick in??? What these governements are really trying to do is make men eunichs and women men, in the quest for A social equality that doesn't exist biologically. I believe in the long run, maybe 100 more years, the societies will collapse as people become so dysfunctional that they stop procreating...Oh, wait a minute, hasn't it started already??? Population control is necessary, but not genital control, which is really robbing men of their biological rights--and women as well. How governements view this is a moral stance, yet their morality is usually one of economic thinking which robs them of their biological sense. What would their ancestors, the VIKINGS have to say about this??? I can see their scouls already. I am sure they would not support a lack of sexual outlets, and if it came to a vote, I think it would be 100%. Let's face it, without a VIKING history no one would think of the SWEDES at all; so be proud of your history of RAPE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER. Anyway, with the standard of living in decline, the world in permanent recession (it was built on phony stimulus which borrowed against the future...weren't these guys smart?) we will never have the standard of living in the West that we had as a consumption oriented society, so these girls are probably, in the long run, better off in a highly developed society than their own. It is shocking for Christian societies to see sex available like that isn't it? PRUDES!

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The vast majority of these girls know exactly what they are getting into and what they believe is involved.

The exploitation part comes in when the traffickers and pimps change the terms of the promised employment and then suddenly the true reality of the situation hits the girls, that they are going to need to spend a lot of time on their backs, perhaps many years before they even begin to see any profit and able to earn a reasonable living.

They are willing to take the gamble and as with any gambling the odds are always with the house.

These sort of rackets have been going on since time irremorial and they should have learned by now. The girls cannot expect the cavalry to come to their rescue just because the job didn’t work out.

Regarding the mentally handicapped, that’s another story.

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The big question is why is this trade so surprising to the Swedish police, after all this kind of thing isn't new in any way shape or form, it has been happening since the days of Captain Cook. University girls all over the world sell themselves to pay their fees and living costs, Thailand and Sweden included. Youth is what they are selling, not just sex.

The biggest problem that I see here is that the organizers of this kind of thing are the ones making the money, and because it is an illegal market, there is no way of the government being able to regulate it, or worse still, tax it.

I remember one newspaper story in an Australian news paper all about the Asian sex trade in Australia, and stating how much the newspaper disapproved of the trade. BUT if you turned to the classifieds, there in the escort section were all the adds for "Just arrived, 5ft Thai with big boobs, short time only, phone............". It seems that for this paper it was alright to take the money for the add, so long as no one called the number.

This so called problem will always be there, in every country that has money, and is able to get women from poor countries inside their borders. The best thing that a country can do is to properly regulate and organise the sex trade so that it is fairer for the girls that work in it.

Well done chmiroau for talking some sense. All too often all we get to hear are from prudes who are trying to impose their own abysmal moral values on everyone else. I get sick and tired of people moaning about how bad the sex trade is, when what we should all be doing is working towards improving the working conditions and safety for the girls (and young men) who work in it. Kidnapping and involuntary entry into the sex industry should be stamped on of course but for those who are willing participants, they need protection to work safely, in peace, and get properly rewarded, not denigrated as social outcasts or worse.

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The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

No Thai's in Saudi, one country on the planet.

The society does not sell all their young into the sex trade many make the choice individually. Also the use of sex as a bargaining tool is prevelant in most if not all societies.


It could all be so easily solved if people were allowed to travel freely to registered and protected massage parlours where it was not a crime. That gets rid of the criminal element as there - like Thailand - are always willing girls who would travel for work and language. The sex for them is getting paid for what was being taken in the village for free.

As one girl once told me - her body was her temple and she could do with it what she wished and one day - after the financial hardship has been solved, she would reserve it for the right person. At the time she aid she was using the only asset she possessed to earn a living for her and her family and I have no problem with that at all. Not all workers are drug f**ked, disease ridden hookers like in the west. rolleyes.gif

But the trafficking will not stop until the law adjusts to the oldest profession on the planet. If a Family sells down a young girl because they are destitute would it not better for them to negotiate a contract with all the sensibilities and protection that would offer - or maybe I am just dreaming and the 'who cares' attitude of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma et al - will just continue. ohmy.gif

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Odysseus221 schrieb:

'Of course there are ruthless criminals everywhere, but what man and his penis is not ruthless when the hormones kick in??? What these governements are really trying to do is make men eunichs and women men, in the quest for A social equality that doesn't exist biologically. I believe in the long run, maybe 100 more years, the societies will collapse as people become so dysfunctional that they stop procreating...Oh, wait a minute, hasn't it started already??? Population control is necessary, but not genital control, which is really robbing men of their biological rights--and women as well. How governements view this is a moral stance, yet their morality is usually one of economic thinking which robs them of their biological sense. What would their ancestors, the VIKINGS have to say about this??? I can see their scouls already. I am sure they would not support a lack of sexual outlets, and if it came to a vote, I think it would be 100%. Let's face it, without a VIKING history no one would think of the SWEDES at all; so be proud of your history of RAPE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER. Anyway, with the standard of living in decline, the world in permanent recession (it was built on phony stimulus which borrowed against the future...weren't these guys smart?) we will never have the standard of living in the West that we had as a consumption oriented society, so these girls are probably, in the long run, better off in a highly developed society than their own. It is shocking for Christian societies to see sex available like that isn't it? PRUDES!'

Aside from the questionable claims about male biology, and its presumed priority, the issue here is finding ways to protect women from exploitation—women need some say in what happens to them in their lives (how they make use of that is a different matter) and some means of changing or modifying that happenstance. Is that biologically incorrect?

OzMick adds:

'I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.'

And your point is?

OzMick continues:

'I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.'

This is not an argument for or against anything; it's a wide-eyed peek into someone's muddled life.


People with mental disabilities are always exploited. Some become sex workers, some become drug traffickers and others are asked by elitist groups to do as if they lead a country. The article here though is not that relevant. It is not about the exploited it is about the people who exploit them. The question is are less Swedes now coming to Thailand to sleep with girls or are the Swedes also exploiting women in Thailand. Quite frankly there is not much of a difference if girls are used to have sew with in Sweden or if Swedes go to Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, or Africa.

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Yes, Sweden and Norway, stupidly, has outlawed buying (but not selling!) sexual services.

At a flash this pushed all this activity underground, bringing in the darkest element to run the business, just as well as the alcohol-ban made the US gangsters big, and the drug-ban today creates an enormous criminal business where there would not need to be any.

Instead of openness, like (still) in Denmark, Sweden and Norway are facing a whole new culture of darkness.

Where before a girl could work freely, she is now forced to seek help from pimps and owners of hidden locations, who can provide her working base and find her clients, who no longer can come to her openly.

A disgrace, utterly predictable, and predicted.

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The big question is why is this trade so surprising to the Swedish police, after all this kind of thing isn't new in any way shape or form, it has been happening since the days of Captain Cook. University girls all over the world sell themselves to pay their fees and living costs, Thailand and Sweden included. Youth is what they are selling, not just sex.

The biggest problem that I see here is that the organizers of this kind of thing are the ones making the money, and because it is an illegal market, there is no way of the government being able to regulate it, or worse still, tax it.

I remember one newspaper story in an Australian news paper all about the Asian sex trade in Australia, and stating how much the newspaper disapproved of the trade. BUT if you turned to the classifieds, there in the escort section were all the adds for "Just arrived, 5ft Thai with big boobs, short time only, phone............". It seems that for this paper it was alright to take the money for the add, so long as no one called the number.

This so called problem will always be there, in every country that has money, and is able to get women from poor countries inside their borders. The best thing that a country can do is to properly regulate and organise the sex trade so that it is fairer for the girls that work in it.

Well done chmiroau for talking some sense. All too often all we get to hear are from prudes who are trying to impose their own abysmal moral values on everyone else. I get sick and tired of people moaning about how bad the sex trade is, when what we should all be doing is working towards improving the working conditions and safety for the girls (and young men) who work in it. Kidnapping and involuntary entry into the sex industry should be stamped on of course but for those who are willing participants, they need protection to work safely, in peace, and get properly rewarded, not denigrated as social outcasts or worse.

I'm concerned you think kidnapping and involuntary entry into the sex industry should be stamped out...Were you forced to go to school?

Should that be stamped out? Are you forced to pay taxes? Are you forced to turn the music down? Are you forced to go to work in the morning?

Are you forced to earn a living? This is part of social evolution and the best way to join the party is to be kidnapped and forced into sexual sevitude for a while in a country like Sweden.


"Of course there are ruthless criminals everywhere" what is the female form of a criminal. because a lot of these criminals that deal in these young girls are in fact women "Thai... women, shame on you


Odysseus221 schrieb:

'Of course there are ruthless criminals everywhere, but what man and his penis is not ruthless when the hormones kick in??? What these governements are really trying to do is make men eunichs and women men, in the quest for A social equality that doesn't exist biologically. I believe in the long run, maybe 100 more years, the societies will collapse as people become so dysfunctional that they stop procreating...Oh, wait a minute, hasn't it started already??? Population control is necessary, but not genital control, which is really robbing men of their biological rights--and women as well. How governements view this is a moral stance, yet their morality is usually one of economic thinking which robs them of their biological sense. What would their ancestors, the VIKINGS have to say about this??? I can see their scouls already. I am sure they would not support a lack of sexual outlets, and if it came to a vote, I think it would be 100%. Let's face it, without a VIKING history no one would think of the SWEDES at all; so be proud of your history of RAPE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER. Anyway, with the standard of living in decline, the world in permanent recession (it was built on phony stimulus which borrowed against the future...weren't these guys smart?) we will never have the standard of living in the West that we had as a consumption oriented society, so these girls are probably, in the long run, better off in a highly developed society than their own. It is shocking for Christian societies to see sex available like that isn't it? PRUDES!'

Aside from the questionable claims about male biology, and its presumed priority, the issue here is finding ways to protect women from exploitation—women need some say in what happens to them in their lives (how they make use of that is a different matter) and some means of changing or modifying that happenstance. Is that biologically incorrect?

OzMick adds:

'I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.'

And your point is?

OzMick continues:

'I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.'

This is not an argument for or against anything; it's a wide-eyed peek into someone's muddled life.

I thought both points were rather obvious, but I will put it a little more bluntly if you have comprehension problems. In both cases, Thai women have feigned affection for financial gain, and in the 2nd case in a fairly predatory way. It may be a surprise to you, but it is a common goal of "working girls" to con their customers into sending them money on a regular basis so that they can stop "working". The highest score that I have heard of is 10 idiots. NOT ALL THAI PROSTITUTES WORKING IN SWEDEN ARE VICTIMS.



of course you are correct.

anyone who knows thailand knows prostitutes are as common as mosquitos in the rainy season. the notion that somehow a plane ticket to sweden qualifies them for victimhood exists only in the mind of the left wing euroignoramous who sees the world thru his cracked spectacles. the real exploitation of the mentally retarded is one thing, but a thai bar beer girl, be she in pattaya or sweden, is quite another.

if thailand exports rice and prostitutes its because thailand has a comparative economic advantage in rice and prostitutes. articles like the above are little more than attempts to create non tariff barriers to this trade.

thailand should retaliate by banning volvos.


The only thing that doesn't ring true is that these girls were trafficked against their will.

If TV were recruit Thai sex workers for Sweden, I do suggest that you increase your server's bandwith allocation!!


In my humble opinion the real issue here is the way in which we view people who choose to make money by engaging in sexual activity. Of course kidnapping girls and forcing them into this work is totally wrong but no one ever seems to accept the notion that it is perfectly ok for someone to use their abilities to generate an income. What is so different between sex and any other kind of work? Almost any other human activity is perfectly OK to sell - an artist sells paintings, a strong man labours on a building site and so on. I have never understood why we see sex as so different from any other normal human activity?

Its a basic human need and for whatever reason some people find themselves unable to satisfy that need through normal relationships - maybe they are in love with someone who simply does not like sex and they need an alternative without destroying the love that they have. Maybe their work forces them to spend months away from home or maybe they lack the confidence or social skills to form relationships - women (and men) who offer these services are helping others while at the same time generating income for themselves. Why should we look down on them or make them feel as if what they do is somehow wrong?


I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.

I can only confirm from personal experience during the decades I've known theThai bar scene that many girls will take any farang who wants to marry them and take them to their country. They will put up with their husbands only as long as it takes to obtain the foreign nationality and then off they go willingly into the much more lucrative prostituion/massage world.


The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

Yes, but why are the parents so desperate for money? Is it being left out of the system run by the elite?

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In my humble opinion the real issue here is the way in which we view people who choose to make money by engaging in sexual activity. Of course kidnapping girls and forcing them into this work is totally wrong but no one ever seems to accept the notion that it is perfectly ok for someone to use their abilities to generate an income. What is so different between sex and any other kind of work? Almost any other human activity is perfectly OK to sell - an artist sells paintings, a strong man labours on a building site and so on. I have never understood why we see sex as so different from any other normal human activity?

Its a basic human need and for whatever reason some people find themselves unable to satisfy that need through normal relationships - maybe they are in love with someone who simply does not like sex and they need an alternative without destroying the love that they have. Maybe their work forces them to spend months away from home or maybe they lack the confidence or social skills to form relationships - women (and men) who offer these services are helping others while at the same time generating income for themselves. Why should we look down on them or make them feel as if what they do is somehow wrong?

Alright let make it legal like they have it in Germany. Get license from the government, get regular physicals, pay taxes, have the right to refuses the client.Have no middle man. Pimping is a very serious offense there with

carries a long prison sentence. I am all for it and it protect the girl too. Forgot to add and never on Sunday.

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This human slave trafficking will be a master problem of the 21nd century, not only in Sweden, where lots of Russian and Ukrainian girls are forced into sexbusiness too. Same all over the world. Its mostly lack of education girls get so easy involved in this.


The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

Thanks for posting??? I agree with you and I like to add my 2 cents as well...

Being poor and no education do have impact on these Thai women...not all parents sell their daughters...Remember there are so many Thais and International pimps and the third party who make these headline happen around the world.

Money talks and people will do anything for themselves. Some women thought they find nice men to take care while others want to get better and willing to do what it takes.

Thailand is modernize everyday and The Thais still want to live Rich on a small budget... Now you all know why so many Thai women engaged as working girls?....my take and opinion.


The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. quote

yep , and when they see their beautiful daughter , with farang older than mama /papa.

and as we all know , puritan farang/foriegners opinion means naff all in thailand . :jap:


Bout time they just made Prostitution legal like the Dutch have where taxes are collected girls have to have medical checks and girls are protected from any abuse.

Prostitution aint going know where

When are the authorities going to understand that its like drugs, ya fighting a LOSING BATTLE on both fronts

Legalize it tax it and let us make our own choices instead of being treated like we need to be protected from it which is <deleted>


many of these traffickers run a front business like a small garment factory which doesn't cover the needs of the employees and so they invite them to a trip to Europe. Usually 2 months. Boss pays, lol, but can't cover insurance for their employees and who're paying a striking 209 Baht a day salary. And those kind of companies suddenly come up with hundreds of thousands of Baht for each person to go to Paris, scheduled for February 2011. Watch out in Taling Chan area. Many procurers are gays, katoys, mamasan in civil <_< and the like. Foreigners are probably involved too. Could be a setting up of mules or prostitution, probably both. some may get shipped to the middle east.

2011 though

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