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Colloidial Silver In Cm

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"It's available at the Aden Health Food Store on Nimmanhemin Road outside Warm Up Club or call 089-9509769 for mail delivery.

This is the source i use.

No idea if one colloidal silver varies from the other, but happy with this one.


Can I ask why you people take this stuff?

Oh-oh I feel another thread going out of control...

Colloidal silver is a bit like an anti-biotic. Silver kills bacteria - that's undisputed, and well known. I know some people do, but I'd never take it casually. Just like to have another option around for various uses - external I think is very safe. But I defer to wikipedia:


BTW the wiki article paints a bleak picture of the uses of silver but the fact of the matter is, it was widely used before anti-biotics were developed. There are potential side effects when ingested. I am not a conspiracy theorist but it should be obvious that the entire pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in keeping colloidal silver from gaining acceptance. That's probably also the reason there are no serious attempts to commercialize it - it couldn't be patented, and sold at high prices, and it's easy to make at home. So I'd take those FDA warnings with a huge grain of salt.

Meanwhile, silver finds its way into many anti-bacterial uses in normal products, air conditioners, fridges, washing machines (silver-nano), band-aids (apparently it's proven effective there ;) ), and even a deodorant (I am using this now, Nivea Silver, works great, unsurprisingly...)....


I personally mainly use the water for disinfecting things. Bathroom items such as toothbrushes or externally such as if i get an outbreak on my skin. I know many that take it internally, personally im scared to, only because i have a thyroid condition and im so wary of any medications or anything going near my throat (minor goiter issue). But, i know many that gargle with it and take it internally and absolutely swear by it. One well known singer here gargles with it, and she has a really powerful voice! (Obviously the water isnt responsible for her voice! haha! I just mean that she takes it to keep infections away).


I know the FDA and CDC both get carried away especially given the interests of CYA against major lawsuits, and then Big Pharma has a voice too. Maybe time to amuse myself n read more on it. I do definitely recall watching a couple show segments before about a few rare individuals who have taken colloidal silver and it has settled in their systems and literally turned them silver. The pictures and video of this stuff are freaky. Time for some googling fun now.......


Can I ask why you people take this stuff?

Oh-oh I feel another thread going out of control...

Colloidal silver is a bit like an anti-biotic. Silver kills bacteria - that's undisputed, and well known. I know some people do, but I'd never take it casually. Just like to have another option around for various uses - external I think is very safe. But I defer to wikipedia:


BTW the wiki article paints a bleak picture of the uses of silver but the fact of the matter is, it was widely used before anti-biotics were developed. There are potential side effects when ingested. I am not a conspiracy theorist but it should be obvious that the entire pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in keeping colloidal silver from gaining acceptance. That's probably also the reason there are no serious attempts to commercialize it - it couldn't be patented, and sold at high prices, and it's easy to make at home. So I'd take those FDA warnings with a huge grain of salt.

Meanwhile, silver finds its way into many anti-bacterial uses in normal products, air conditioners, fridges, washing machines (silver-nano), band-aids (apparently it's proven effective there ;) ), and even a deodorant (I am using this now, Nivea Silver, works great, unsurprisingly...)....


I'd like to add that silver is the reason behind the expression "TO BE BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN YOUR MOUTH". In the times of the European bubonic plague, rich people gave silver spoons to their children to suck on, knowing it had some protection. Modern day research shows us that when silver is in a wet environment, the ions leave naturally. Silver ions in the colloid attach to the bacteria cell wall and disables its oxygen metabolism, causing the bacteria to "suffocate" and die in 5-10 mins. Implications are: 1) It is a gentle medicine, not harsh like cleaning alcohol and can be ingested. 2) It does not affect the good nitrogen-breathing bacteria in our intestines.

Big Pharma likes to play up the spectacle of The Blue Man. Note that he had a home-made solution that he drank 8 glasses of daily....way too much. But he did say that he's never been sick a single day! As for the lady who turned grey, she was ingesting silver nitrate compound, not colloidal silver.

My personal experiences:

Food Poisoning-- I ate seafood and later started to feel stomach churning and severe nausea. Took a shot glass full and the problem resolved itself, never progressed to vomitting or diarrhoea.

Dental Plague (linked to arterial plague) -- Using 2 tablespoons daily to gargle/floss, reduced dental plague. Spray on toothbrush overnight too.

Shaving/Waxing -- Soothes razor burn, reduced chances of infected hair follicles, leading to less ingrown hair. Spray on razor blades to disinfect.

Armpit Odour -- I spray with CS and then use a natural crystal deodorant.

Mascara diluent -- a safe way to extend the life of mascara without introducing bacteria.

Sore Throat -- Suck on a pure 99.9% silver coin or hold a mouthful of CS and let it trickle down your throat slowly.

Keeping meat and seafood fresh -- after cleaning, spray some CS on.

Meat-cutting board -- spray on and leave overnight.

CS is the best first-aid for a burn victim during the critical journey to hospital. It works 2 fold, soothes traumatised flesh and prevents bacterial invasion through damaged skin.

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Great posts about Collodial Silver and its many uses.

We also sell it on our online store for 450 baht for the large 450 ml bottle with a spray cap.


I have also seen the info about the blue man and someone pointed out to me that the quackwatch site debunking Every natural treatment is actually funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

Further research about this seem to prove this correct.

Good Karma Thailand - Thailand's Online Health Food Store

Selling health food, superfood, organic food and natural products in Thailand since 2010. Shop 24 hours, we ship everywhere within Thailand


It will be good to hear of any other uses colloidal silver has achieved for people. I bought mine last year at ban suan pak when i'd had an ear infection for a month. Some dreadful antibiotics made things actually worse, and then some other 'normal' pills also failed to work. After a month or so and 5000 baht costs thus far, i was advised to use the CS. I put some in both ears, left it there for 15 minutes i think it was, and the next day my problem was resolved. Probably used about a baht's worth of the solution.

I did a load of research at the time, but it's always good to hear people's first hand accounts of how it helped them.

I will add that big pharma trade people's health and lives for their profits.


Since this thread seems to be turning into an advertisement for collodial silver, I suggest people read the following information before rushing off to the store for some.  And there are many other reliable sources of information.  <a href='http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/PhonyAds/silverad.html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.quackwatc...s/silverad.html</a>  I wish all good health!


quackwatch talks trash about everything. It's a worthwhile site to see the worst arguments against a particular therapy or supplement but don't eliminate a modality based on quackwatch.

I am surprised they haven't bayonetted quackwatch on quackwatch

In the times of the European bubonic plague, rich people gave silver spoons to their children to suck on, knowing it had some protection.

Actually, the earliest citation of the phrase was in the USA in the 19th century though it is thought that in the times when spoons were usually made of wood It was a tradition in many countries for wealthy godparents to give a silver spoon to their godchildren at christening ceremonies. Nothing to do with the plague.

The rest of the information you provided was equally accurate.

The ingestion of colloidal silver has NEVER (not once!) been shown in a scientific study to be beneficial to health. Yes it has antibacterial actions (I certainly use some in my water filter) and applied EXTERNALLY to cuts, burns, etc. it is a common and useful treatment.

The ingestion of colloidal silver is also fairly benign since most preparations do not have sufficient silver in them to cause argyria even in routine use. Sucking on a silver spoon or a silver coin? Gimme a break. Silver is chemically bound in those instances and you might get a few atoms from the acidic effect of saliva in your mouth but how many silver spoons have you seen melt down to nothing after a few years of morning grapefruit?

A good rule of thumb: If something seems to be too good to be true, it probably is.

Another good rule of thumb: If you think the pharmaceutical industry is holding something back, you're probably wrong.

The drug companies sell many compounds that contain silver. If colloidal silver worked, they'd find some way to sell that, too!

Sorry. It's just that, as a doctor, I hate to see people waste money on snake oil.


quackwatch talks trash about everything.

Duh, it's called QUACKwatch. Of course they trash everything on the site. Everything on the site is about quackery!

...someone pointed out to me that the quackwatch site debunking Every natural treatment is actually funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

Further research about this seem to prove this correct.

That's a preposterous and libelous accusation. Dr Barrett has been around for years and is highly respected for his work in health fraud. The site makes money from PayPal donations and the proceeds from the sales generated by it's links to other, commercial, sites.

If you do, indeed, have "further research" I invite you to publish it here.


Dear Dr Igor,

The pharmaceutical companies are not selling it because the formula can't be patented. They have no interest in putting money into research when the end result is that they are not able to protect potential profits. Therein lies the vicious circle. Of course the supporters of colloidal silver would like to see funds put into further research, but the pharmaceutical companies who actually have the financial resources to do so will not do it. They would much rather continue to push antibiotics. Shall we open up the whole can of worms viz a viz doctors over-prescribing antibiotics?

Kindly note that I do not use it as a health supplement nor claim it is so. I use it as first aid for food poisoning and against dental plague bacteria and throat infections, where I am certain that it can achieve direct contact with the bacteria. (In your post you have allowed that it is anti-bacterial.) The uses I have indicated are hardly wide-ranging enough to call it a snake oil.

I write here in the interest of discussion and kindly request that you refrain from further condescending statements.

Thank you.


I am very interested in holistic health matters, but Dr Igor also has made some very valid points. I have to admit that I just can not get behind the " Big Medicine/pharmaceutical companies" conspiracy theory. I think that most people on both sides are sincere about their beliefs.


Let me realte to you my experience of using this product.

I suffer from Ulcerative Colitis and as a result was having to take 4 Salafalk tablets daily.

I know take one in the moning and one ant night coupled with a spoonfull of CD on both occassions.

I have suffered absolutley no side effects or deteriation in my codition, if anything its better. The tablets cost 40 baht a pop a spoonful of silver is probably 3 baht.

I'm sold on it, I also use it instead of tiger balm if I get a mozzie bite and find it effective, aslo on any cuts and abrasions I may get.

But of course each to is own ;)


This from the Mayo Clinic:

Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim.

It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr-JIR-e-uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. While argyria doesn't pose a serious health problem, it can be a cosmetic nightmare because it's not reversible, even when you stop taking silver products.

The benefit is that maybe next halloween you can go as a smurf.

BTW, placebos in general can be effective. Ask your confectionist if sugar pills are right for you.


I read that approximatley 5 people in the whole history of people using this product had adverse problems to it

I got this info from a site called Medscape


Thanks for putting some perspective on it. :)

The FDA records shows 7 people with Argyria, but not all of them consumed CS, some of it was attributed to improperly-made solutions and some to silver nitrate, a compound. The FDA, when challenged by CS producers, has been unable to present incidences of adverse allergic reactions nor deaths caused by ingestion of CS.

Silver is non-toxic and is not part of the Group of Five toxic metals (copper, mercury, arsenic, nickel, lead) that Food Laboratories normally test for.

A good place to read quote "the whole history of people" unquote using it is www.csfacts.com where there is a whole host of people who have contributed their experiences of it.

I read that approximatley 5 people in the whole history of people using this product had adverse problems to it

I got this info from a site called Medscape

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