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Best Way To Fund Holiday


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I live in the Netherlands, so I'm stuck with the Euro which has been going up and down like a yo-yo just lately.

But I'm about to embark on a three month trip to LOS and was wondering whether to take a sizeable amount of funds in cash, or just stick to withdrawing funds from an ATM as and when I need it.

Looking at the current exchange rates in Thailand @ Bangkok bank exchange rate for cash at 40.53 and comparing that with the ECB exchange rate of 40.955 it would seem to be more favourable to withdraw cash from an ATM.

However, as we all know, every Thai bank is going to sting you for 150 Baht every time you make a withdrawal. Couple that with the fact that my own bank charges me 1% of the sum withdrawn calculated over the whole amount means that for every 20,000 Baht I withdraw, I'll be paying €8,55 in bank charges. That effectively wipes out any advantage I had using an ATM and adds an additional €3,00 to the overal cost.

Taking cash would only seem to be a better idea if the banks were to abolish the 150 Baht charge. But is that likely to happen before Christmas? I heard some rumours that they were considering the idea, but will it ever become a reality, and preferably before Christmas?

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Bring cash and open a bank account and use there card. No charge. and if more is needed transfer funds from your bank at home to account in Thailand.

I understood that you needed to show a rental agreement contract before you could open a thai bank account. Is that not the case then?

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Bring cash and open a bank account and use there card. No charge. and if more is needed transfer funds from your bank at home to account in Thailand.

I understood that you needed to show a rental agreement contract before you could open a thai bank account. Is that not the case then?

the kasikorn bank will let u open an account. just need yr passport and a translator with u. anyway bring cash and yr atm card. if yr heading down to Koh Samet island and passing thru Ban Phe which is the mainland gateway for the island my thai wife will help u open an account. it takes about 25 minutes in total and u walk out with yr atm card

cheers Mark

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Travellers cheques are the safest form and if you lose them you can replace them - cash is cash and once taken you are out. I would bring your ATM card as a back up and use the travellers cheques. Opening a Thai Bank Account is a hassle and time consuming but you could then use the travellers cheques to deposit thus safety in transit. If you being Amex paper you can cash it at no cost at Amex in BKK.

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Bring cash and open a bank account and use there card. No charge. and if more is needed transfer funds from your bank at home to account in Thailand.

I understood that you needed to show a rental agreement contract before you could open a thai bank account. Is that not the case then?

No. I have opened accounts with just 30 day arrival stamps and a hotel address. If a bank says no just go to another that says yes.

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Bring cash and open a bank account and use there card. No charge. and if more is needed transfer funds from your bank at home to account in Thailand.

I understood that you needed to show a rental agreement contract before you could open a thai bank account. Is that not the case then?

No. I have opened accounts with just 30 day arrival stamps and a hotel address. If a bank says no just go to another that says yes.

so when you creat a thai bank account

do you still get charged the 5 dollar atm fee?

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If this is your first time :

Majority in Travellers Cheques ,Minority in Cash (get your first Baht ,when you are in Thailand )

Credit Cards & Debit Cards as back-up.

You can do your head in worrying about charges, fees, best exchange rate and then you still have to have money..

cash has its downfalls...theft, loosing it,overspending,security..

i use a FAIRFX prepaid card and top up online instantly from my UK bank account...get best rate,no UK fee for using it in thai ATM,no % fee either...only pay thai bank fee,

i get a UK pension so no spare money thrashing about and live here 1 year at a time..this suits me..maybe not ideal for holiday tourists

got kasikorn bank card..opened in 10 mins easy,any spare cash i put in there.....

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Bring cash and open a bank account and use there card. No charge. and if more is needed transfer funds from your bank at home to account in Thailand.

I understood that you needed to show a rental agreement contract before you could open a thai bank account. Is that not the case then?

No. I have opened accounts with just 30 day arrival stamps and a hotel address. If a bank says no just go to another that says yes.

so when you creat a thai bank account

do you still get charged the 5 dollar atm fee?

Only for you

Read post above

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i use a FAIRFX prepaid card and top up online instantly from my UK bank account...get best rate,no UK fee for using it in thai ATM,no % fee either...only pay thai bank fee,

Never heard of it before, but sounds good. Thai ATM's take an extra fee now don't they, so how does it work out compared to other forms?

I've still got an SCB account from my days living in Thailand, just wondering if it's better to transfer a largish amount to there from my UK bank account, just taking a single hit on fees?

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