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Final Fantasy Xiv - Where To Find It In Los Online.

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I've done lots of searching and I really cannot seem to find any online PC game retailers in Thailand that are stocking this.

The Collector's Edition has already been released worldwide and the regular relase is set for 30th September.

I'd love to order it from within Thailand and definitely online as I'm down in Surat Thani and won't be able to get up to Krung Thep for a while.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful.

I've looked at importing it with Amazon, but they're overall charges bring it up to $119, considering the game itself is $49.99, that is quite simply ridiculous. The CE was $150 with importing costs! Yeah, I'm never paying $150 for a PC game, no matter how brilliant it looks.

Keeps me slightly sane on the longer rainy nights.

I played the beta and even though the menu is clunky, I'm an ardent XI player and am very familiar with it. It looks simply stunning.

Thanks in advance to all.


Looking at the price in Thailand for Final Fantasy XIII you might not be getting too much of a deal waiting for it here.

Final Fantasy XIII - 3889.00 Baht (~$129.00) Zest.com, on Amazon $33.32 (~1000 Baht).

Don't understand why such a huge price difference. :huh:

You might contact Zest to see when they may have it and how much.


Oh and negreanu I played the open beta for a while and the menus are clunky, but I definitely expect them to fix that. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is basically limitless.

I'm looking forward to it.


I bought it today for boy's happy birthday - free shipping,gift packing(3$);you can get it to LOS using somebody's favour;anybody can bring it for you-it is small item.

If not from US - HK,Singapore?You can also use service of dedicated proxy companies,if you bundle it with some other items,shipping cost will drop very much.


I would also like to know when it will be in thailand, when new pc games come out in the states, how long of a wait till it gets to Thailand? Doing some extensive googling and asking around up to one month wait?? I hope they start selling it soon cause Im getting ancy, I just overclocked my pc from 2.66 to 3.2Ghz and Updated my graphics card to the infamous evga GTX 460 1GB oc, ran the benchmark and got 4305 on normal and 3008 on high, so Im ready for this game, To bad we cant preorder the game in thailand, and Im now going to order it on Amazon or any other website for that matter , I dont trust the mail, I rather have it in my hands and pay cash to be safe. Im sure theres alot of peolpe that want it, just "when" is the main question........

negreanu- how did you manage to get a CE in thailand???, Im also interested in the CE, I'll buy it from you^^

I dont trust the mail,

Amazon.com send things by DHL fully insured. There is no risk to using it. Duty and Vat paid to amazon.com prior to shipping.

Just order it from them you will get it in 4 days.


160 bucks is ALOT of money for a pc game, Ill just wait till they sell it in the shops for like 1500-2000 baht. It should be coming out soon right? I wonder if they will stock the CE or regular version, either or I'll grab anything I can get my hands on. Is anybody playing FF14 right now in Thailand?


wow a bit more than amazon, but at least I dont have to wait for it through the mail lol Are you thai? are you going to play it? sell me yours lol do you know when its going to be imported in thailand? How long is the wait? I hear rumors are next month.....

So will Amazon be cheaper then getting from a shop in Thailand????

Possibly. certainly quicker. I think it is unlikely that you will see the CE in Thailand.

even play-asia.com is not shipping the CE version yet.


Ok, here's a fantastic update for all of you interested in this game. I managed to get everything for $49.99, within Thailand all paid and done. Admittedly I'll have to wait until the 30th for the release of the Standard Edition, but I'm willing to wait a couple of days for a potential saving of $100 on Amazon prices.

Well what I have done is the following, the .ISO of the game is out and can be found in torrent format. I won't post it here so as not to contravene ThaiVisa's rules.

Anyway, you can download the torrent of the RETAIL game, and then just buy the CD Key from igxe.com or offgamers.com I've been using IGXE and Offgamers for a while, about 3 years. They both deliver. They'll send a scanned/photographed copy of the CD key of the new game they have opened in their offices. You then own that game.

I have already ordered mine, it cost $49.99 for the keys of the Standard Edition version, they are sending me key via email on 30th, I spoke to them on the phone to confirm.

Before any of you bust a blood vessel, if done in the right order you are not breaking any laws here. You are perfectly allowed to make a copy of the game you own for your own purposes - backup, a copy to travel with, whatever. Seeing as I have paid for my keys, I own the game. Therefore I am allowed to make a copy of it, which I have acquired by downloading the torrent.

Admittedly, you do not get the retail copy of the game in your hand. They will not ship it. Well they might for an extra fee. I have never bothered. This is exactly the same method I used to get around FFXI's problems when I played that. The only stipulation here is that you have to wait for the Standard Edition as neither of those reputable companies offer the CE version to buy.

The torrent is 4GB and after being installed it will auto-update, with Square's own updater. It took about 2 hours for me download the whole torrent (i have a pretty fast connection, can download at 1400kbps during the day and more at night so your download may be slower.)

With the retail DVD-ROM .ISO downloaded and in your possession, you can then use Daemon Tools to mount it, install it and update.

Then enter the scanned/copied/photographed CD key into your SquareEnix account (which all players have to get) you get from the supplier and use this and off you go!

By far the cheapest way of doing it I could find and the least amount of hassle.

If any of you need the FFXIV torrent let me know and I'll give you the info in a PM.

Just incase none of you are aware, FFXIV is a subscription MMO. It costs $12.99 per month, per character to play, which is paid for using a myriad of methods on the SquareEnix account management page. Yes they changed the payment method from the awful system they have with FFXI. Thank god. The way they have it setup now, you can pay with CC, Paypal, Moneybookers and loads of other options, which is a real leap forward for SqaureEnix.

Anyway, there's an option if you want to get the game as fast as everyone else, playing the Standard Edition.

I'll pop back when I actually have set everything up and am playing the game, in a few days.



Ok, here's a fantastic update for all of you interested in this game. I managed to get everything for $49.99, within Thailand all paid and done. Admittedly I'll have to wait until the 30th for the release of the Standard Edition, but I'm willing to wait a couple of days for a potential saving of $100 on Amazon prices.

Well what I have done is the following, the .ISO of the game is out and can be found in torrent format. I won't post it here so as not to contravene ThaiVisa's rules.

Anyway, you can download the torrent of the RETAIL game, and then just buy the CD Key from igxe.com or offgamers.com I've been using IGXE and Offgamers for a while, about 3 years. They both deliver. They'll send a scanned/photographed copy of the CD key of the new game they have opened in their offices. You then own that game.

I have already ordered mine, it cost $49.99 for the keys of the Standard Edition version, they are sending me key via email on 30th, I spoke to them on the phone to confirm.

Before any of you bust a blood vessel, if done in the right order you are not breaking any laws here. You are perfectly allowed to make a copy of the game you own for your own purposes - backup, a copy to travel with, whatever. Seeing as I have paid for my keys, I own the game. Therefore I am allowed to make a copy of it, which I have acquired by downloading the torrent.

Admittedly, you do not get the retail copy of the game in your hand. They will not ship it. Well they might for an extra fee. I have never bothered. This is exactly the same method I used to get around FFXI's problems when I played that. The only stipulation here is that you have to wait for the Standard Edition as neither of those reputable companies offer the CE version to buy.

The torrent is 4GB and after being installed it will auto-update, with Square's own updater. It took about 2 hours for me download the whole torrent (i have a pretty fast connection, can download at 1400kbps during the day and more at night so your download may be slower.)

With the retail DVD-ROM .ISO downloaded and in your possession, you can then use Daemon Tools to mount it, install it and update.

Then enter the scanned/copied/photographed CD key into your SquareEnix account (which all players have to get) you get from the supplier and use this and off you go!

By far the cheapest way of doing it I could find and the least amount of hassle.

If any of you need the FFXIV torrent let me know and I'll give you the info in a PM.

Just incase none of you are aware, FFXIV is a subscription MMO. It costs $12.99 per month, per character to play, which is paid for using a myriad of methods on the SquareEnix account management page. Yes they changed the payment method from the awful system they have with FFXI. Thank god. The way they have it setup now, you can pay with CC, Paypal, Moneybookers and loads of other options, which is a real leap forward for SqaureEnix.

Anyway, there's an option if you want to get the game as fast as everyone else, playing the Standard Edition.

I'll pop back when I actually have set everything up and am playing the game, in a few days.


Lucky you! Let us know how the game is. I'm subscribing to WoW currently and I'm thinking of switching to another mmo. This might just be the one


Lucky you! Let us know how the game is. I'm subscribing to WoW currently and I'm thinking of switching to another mmo. This might just be the one

Yeah, will do Peter.

I played FFXI intermittently for 5-6 years and I managed to not get over-addicted, can take your whole life away if you're not careful. I just play it to wind down. Beats propping up the bar, well anywhere!

What I think would win out between a battle of WoW and FFXIV now (not FFXI) for me personally is that you'll be on a level playing field with everybody else playing the game. So as the community learns you learn, all at the same time.

It can be quite daunting when you enter an MMO and the majority of players, even casuals are so far ahead of you, that the prospects of getting into a good guild/team whatever is virtually nil.

No doubt, with FFXIV there's a sharp learning curve, but XI and XIV have so much to do in them, you'll constantly find new things to do.

As I said, I played the closed and open betas and there's a lot that needs fixing/ironing out, but as a package, I'd say they're pretty awesome. I really do hope they fixed the menu system as it was a bit laborious before. SquareEnix can sometime be a little slow to take things on board, but that's a major issue that I reckon will be dealth with first.

Anyway, as they say, the proof is in the pudding.

I expect to be in on 1st Oct.

I'll be on Wuati server if any of you wanna pop along and say hello! I'll probably be playing as "Eldarion Telcontar" (that's right this Final Fantasy MMO lets you even have surnames!)

Happy Gaming All! :jap:


Well I'm very pleased to say that igxe, delivered my CD key today and I got into the game. Created my character (which I was allowed to take over from the beta) and I had a quick walk through Ul'dah (one of the city-states in FFXIV).

I'm going away on holiday to Koh Lanta in the next few days, so I won't be online playing, but I'll be playing again fulltime (or as long as work allows) onwards from the 11th Oct, for those that would like to come and say hello.

Connection wise, it's absolutely fine, but I do need to update my VGA card, which is on the lower end limit for the game anyway. I needed an excuse to upgrade it and this is it. I'm currently using an Nvidia GeForce 9400GT and it doesn't quite cut the mustard when I move around. It jumps a bit, which has nothing to do with lag.

I'm going to get a ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5, probably from Thanni or elsewhere.

Anyway, here's some screens for you of my mini-adventure around FFXIV, you have to admit, it does look very nice! Maybe see some of you there.

Just to clarify, I'm "Eldarion Telcontar", I'm on Wuati server and my main city is Ul'dah.

For those of you that want to play and want to do it cheap just follow the way I did it above. Cost me $49.99 all in all.





nice pic, the city looks so empty lol where is everyone? I need a gaming laptop for next year, what brand do you recommend? Im wondering if I should run this game on high or on low, I'll have to see how smooth it is on both.


nice pic, the city looks so empty lol where is everyone? I need a gaming laptop for next year, what brand do you recommend? Im wondering if I should run this game on high or on low, I'll have to see how smooth it is on both.

Lol, in FFXIV, when you have a task or game-enforced quest, you are taken into what's called an "instance", which you can see referred to in the textbox of the second pic. It's a great improvement on FFXI, as although with XI you could be alone in an CS (cutscene), when actually undertaking a specific city-based quest, all other PCs (player characters) would be there too. And if it's a Sunday/Saturday and the server's overloaded, getting something done could be a real pain.

With XIV, when you enter an instance, all the other PCs are removed from the instance, so it's just you and the quest, you can't leave the area until you finish doing what the quest needs to proceed, or you choose to leave the instance. I like it personally. Be aware that quests or as they are known in XIV - "guildleves" - out in the wild (mob populated areas) you are not taken into instances, but only you can attack the mobs relevant to your current guildleve. A major pet peeve of mine from XI what that when looking for mobs for a quest/mission, other people could come along and take them or maybe even the mob you were after was being camped by people/RMT for some reason. Anyway, I'm very pleased they fixed it this way.

In the closed and open betas, there were a lot of people there. As I've been working nearly all of today I haven't had a real chance to see how many other players there are on my server, but I anticipate it being a lot. Also bear in mind in LOS, we're only 2hrs behing JP, who will definitely be more numerous than their EU/US counterparts - it being more than a game in JP and more like a cult! If I had to guesstimate about server populations, I'd imagine them being high to start with 3000-4000 per server, reducing to a more stable 1500-2000, as the novelty gamers or those that might be disappointed leave. This is just mere speculation based on my experience with XI.

I've also done some looking around at the Wikis popping up for XIV and they are already numeours and full of good info to help you proceed. As everyone knows, a FF game without a Wiki these days, is virtually pointless if you're looking to progress to end game status.

A good one I'll be using is FFXIV Core Wiki which is still a work in progress, but is pretty comprehensive.

This site here is good for maps of all of the FFXIV world - FFXIV Maps.

Initially I've chosen to be a gladiator (basically a Paladin) as they appear to be one of the jobs that will be in high demand as it appears to be the only tank in the game at the moment until more jobs are made available.

Be aware, during my time playing the beta, if you're a quick learner or you've got experience with XI, like me, you sometimes really take your job as far as it can go until new quests/guildleves are available to you. You are only allowed a certain amount of guildleves every 48 hours, then you have to wait. That's real time, not in-game time. Yes you can go out and grind your job, but as you will see guildleves are a fantastic way to level up quickly. I think it's good as you are forced to try other jobs. Also, with XIV you don't change your job like you would have with XI. To change job now, all you have to do it change the weapon you are holding and you're then on that job. I really like that too, as you can change jobs out in the field, face-to-face with a mob if necessary and as the situation dictates.

With regards to graphics settings for me, I had to turn everything down to low, as I said before, my VGA is borderline low-end and only just manages to run. I forgot exactly what I got on the benchmark, but I remember it being slightly above 1000. I've put a few baht away for a new VGA, so when I come back from holiday, I'll order online from Thanni, then I should be fine. I run a desktop, with 12GB of RAM and x64, so my CPU is more than capable of dealing with the CPU aspect of running the game. As you said yourself, just run it and see what you find best for your setup.

With regard to your lappy, well, if you've really got the opportunity and are very flush with money - Alienware - hands down. They're ridiculously exspensive for a good reason. I've seen/tested a couple on my odd trips to America and they're special.

Bar that, I personally would by global brand (basically not VZIO or any of the Thai brands you see) - I have an Acer lappy, but it's not a gaming unit. Just for work on the move. I'll be honest here and say that I'm not very knowledgable about gaming laptops, so perhaps someone else can help DQ with some suggestions.

I'm really excited about playing as I really really enjoyed the beta stage. I can easily see why many will be put off it, it's quite a complicated game. I'd say it's one of the hardest RPGs I've ever played, but that is a pure challenge to me. The complication and difficulty aspect are the very reasons why I play it. It's got amazing longevity and MOST importantly it's a much better use of my spare time than getting sweaty and hammered in the local soi bar/disco and doing eternally regrettable things. Call me a nerd, call me sad, but that's how I like to while away some of my "my time".

Nice to see I have some likeminded TVers here. Maybe some of us should band together and get a TV linkshell going.

Anyway, I'm getting WAY ahead of myself, it only came out today on general release! EPIC game!


Thx for the info i was a paladin veteran on remora back in the ff11 days, on and off for 7 years. Hopefully better laptops will come out next year to meet the games requirements. When I get ff14 I'll let you know my name and server, hopefully will be in the same world. I saved the websites so I'll be keeping an eye out, Thx again for the help and info, see you in game.

  • 2 weeks later...

ManinSurat and Hyperion:

Great tip! Just downloaded the iso torrent. I really want to try this game out but I was a bit worried about regging it as my credit card is Swedish. However, you stated they now use PayPal which is great info! So I'll give it a shot.

I was wondering one thing though, there were also patches available on the site that offered the torrent. I suspect I could just download them and run them before getting CD-key. Or maybe have to do after getting the key. I was wondering if you did this or let the square installer do the updates after you installed the .iso?

My internet is very very bad and an ongoing technical matter with 3bb but as long as the downloads are made from Thailand it is fast enough so I'd prefer to download via the torrent page. Gonna try it out.

Just curious!

And I miss Ffxi =)

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