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I Am Out Of Here Tomorrow


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I disagree with the reasons why so many Westerners leave Thailand after a couple of years.

Yes, many run out of money and have to leave but, to respond to your points one by one:-

a) "they have no rights to buy land" - if they didn't realise that before they came here they were seriously deficient in their homework..

B) " they will have to pay for medical treatment" - ditto my previous comment

c) "there is no social security to run to when they have no money" - ditto my first comment

d) " gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man" - the first time I agree with you!


You will note I also said it was poor planning, that encompasses points A B and C. jap.gif

Edited by sillyman99
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I've seen people come and go many times over the years,

Are you referring to a previous life here at TV, or another forum?

You wouldnt happen to drive a Fortuner, would you ? :whistling:

What's wrong with Fortuners? ;)

Nothing wrong with fortunas, its the <deleted> that drive them thats usually the problem.

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I've seen people come and go many times over the years,

Are you referring to a previous life here at TV, or another forum?

You wouldnt happen to drive a Fortuner, would you ? :whistling:

What's wrong with Fortuners? ;)

Nothing wrong with fortunas, its the <deleted> that drive them thats usually the problem.

AINT that the truth.

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Are you trying to get me banned ?

Definately NOT sir, I don't want you to go down that track again, I'm one of ur greatest fans.....remind me to subscribe later. Was it something I said? :unsure:

I'm getting worried, you're talking like this here, and in the other thread you are talking about wanking. I'm sure sillyman will be equally as worried. :ermm:

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That's all well and good but your hypothesis falls on it's ass if the person leaving has sufficient funds to live here.

Of course, but as I said,

In my experience its money matters that have been the main problem for many of the people I have known who have left.

Sorry if this upsets you, it just happens to be true in my case.

I wouldn't and could't speak for you and your experiences.

Doesn't upset me, rather I think we move in different circles.

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Doesn't upset me, rather I think we move in different circles.

I'm just an average guy.

I'm sure you're wonderful though. blink.gif

I'm not sure if I'm wonderful, not for me to say, but I'm relatively content with who I am... I've not, for instance, felt the need to change my name or identity recently.

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Doesn't upset me, rather I think we move in different circles.

I'm just an average guy.

I'm sure you're wonderful though. blink.gif

I'm not sure if I'm wonderful, not for me to say, but I'm relatively content with who I am... I've not, for instance, felt the need to change my name or identity recently.


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Getting back on topic and ignoring the 'pissing' contest - I understand the OP entirely.

Having been here for 4 years I'm beyond the initial reality shock, but not sure I want (or can afford) to go back home.

Good for the OP, he's decided its not the right place for him and can do something about it.

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I have not read the whole thread however I bet you will be back with your tail between your legs once you realise france is not the same as when you left it.

Thailand has changed but it still lacks political correctness and its laid back attitude is still ever present, I think its a love hate relationship for many and a break from Thailand may make you realise your love or the country again.

Maybe I am wrong who knows?

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I have not read the whole thread however I bet you will be back with your tail between your legs once you realise france is not the same as when you left it.

Thailand has changed but it still lacks political correctness and its laid back attitude is still ever present, I think its a love hate relationship for many and a break from Thailand may make you realise your love or the country again.

Maybe I am wrong who knows?

Wow, don't know about the OP, but a love/hate relationship perfectly describes how I feel about it!

Personally, I have can see nothing wrong with being PC, but that's just me.

Meanwhile I 'love' the laid back attitude.

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B) A good friend of mine just left yesterday with his Thai wife and children. We got out 3 years ago when it was 38 bt/$1.

Money was a factor for us as I was on a fixed income. But also oppurtunity for the wife, school for our daughter, and health insurance for me. Not to mention visa worries , changing attitudes, and the other annoyances and inconveniences.

Thing is for every one of us leaving there is probably ten more coming to take our place.


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"I'm out of here tomorrow"

The OP has had enough and he's leaving. Fair enough. Living in one of those backwater villages does become mind numbing fairly quickly though doesn't it. I mean, who can you have an intelligent conversation with and, besides watching satellite TV and drinking beer, what else is there for a farang to do in a place like that. I guess you could help out with the rice planting or ploughing the fields.

So you've figured the grass is greener on the other side of the hill? No it's not. You're going back to a PC oriented world and that thing that sucks the life out of people - TAX. When you come back (and we all know you will), try doing it differently. Live somewhere that has all the facilities of the real world - modern shopping center, movie theatres, gyms, restaurant and the beach (Phuket is a pretty good option). Stay away from those backwater villages mate, you'll just get pissed off again.

Once you've been here long enough you'll become like the rest off us - emotional vacuums. Nothing will phase you because you just won't care anymore. That's when you can start enjoying yourself.

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It's been my experience that those foreigners who learn to speak and understand Thai can be happy. Those who can't get frustrated... and even more so in Thai villages where nobody speaks English... or whatever other foreign language you speak. It is hard to live in a vacuum and not interact or understand the people around you.

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It's been my experience that those foreigners who learn to speak and understand Thai can be happy. Those who can't get frustrated... and even more so in Thai villages where nobody speaks English... or whatever other foreign language you speak. It is hard to live in a vacuum and not interact or understand the people around you.

Agreed. The thing is though, even if you do speak Thai to reasonable standard, what can you actually talk about with them about besides things at a fairly basic level? That, very quickly, will become mind numbing. My experience is that the average Thai, particularly in the backwater villages, couldn't even tell you in what compass direction Cambodia, or Laos, is in.

I guess I do live in a vacuum but, as I said, I don't care. I've transplanted my lifestyle, from the west, to Thailand and it works. The reason why guys get fed up is because they are purely and simply bored. They stop doing things and become couch potatoes. Go to the gym, go scuba diving, go surfing, travel around the region (as I do) and life becomes alot more interseting. Anyway, the weather is great, the water is warm, the food is good and the natives are friendly. What more could you ask for? Paris, or Europe, in the winter? The OP is welcome to it.

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"I'm out of here tomorrow"

The OP has had enough and he's leaving. Fair enough. Living in one of those backwater villages does become mind numbing fairly quickly though doesn't it. I mean, who can you have an intelligent conversation with and, besides watching satellite TV and drinking beer, what else is there for a farang to do in a place like that. I guess you could help out with the rice planting or ploughing the fields.

So you've figured the grass is greener on the other side of the hill? No it's not. You're going back to a PC oriented world and that thing that sucks the life out of people - TAX. When you come back (and we all know you will), try doing it differently. Live somewhere that has all the facilities of the real world - modern shopping center, movie theatres, gyms, restaurant and the beach (Phuket is a pretty good option). Stay away from those backwater villages mate, you'll just get pissed off again.

Once you've been here long enough you'll become like the rest off us - emotional vacuums. Nothing will phase you because you just won't care anymore. That's when you can start enjoying yourself.

Well said. Living in the villages and hoping you found nirvana is a stretch at best. in fact the OP appears to have come unprepared. Regardless people quickly forget about what they are heading back too. Learning to live with less and enjoy it more is a tall order for people that have grown up in a materialistic high expectations environment. I moved from the US and hope to only have to go back to visit aging parents and a few friends. However with technology what it is, Might be able to webcam and wave.....biggrin.gif

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When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

Or maybe they just realised that they would like to live somewhere that is a little more respected internationally.

like swansea maybe wink.gif

No like UK. You can diss Swansea all day long mate, its not my ends, just living here.

Im a London boy son so as you are making little comments lets here where you are

from and now living.

im a londoner too ! and i know only to well about your part of the manor, having lived best part of my existence in the u.k. in and around archway, tufnell park, islington, kentish town and camden. now living in bangkok. and no im not your son, alright geezer wink.gif

and having dated a woman from the swansea area (otherwise known as a jack) i couldn't think of a more depressing place to live. tell me are the vetchfield faithful still harping on about how one day they will be back up playing with the big boys.

about the only good thing to brag about the place is the rugby team, the neath/swansea ospreys and the fact that you can pick up a half decent curry down the other end of the kingsway. the other half you can keep !

still things could be worse, you could have ended up in a place like port talbot.

Edited by tigerfish
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Well I am out of here in a month but it will be to Thailand where I am headed. I cannot get enough of everything the OP slagged, especially the dishonest women.

In Paris a couple of years ago and the girlfriend ask me what is missing here I said I don't know. She says there are no fat people their all slim and trim. I said yea because they can't afford to buy enough food to get fat. France the land of 6 dollar bottle of coke.

Hope the OP enjoys his new life and he is honest enough to let us know if and when he comes back for a visit, Thailand kind of grows on you .

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