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Had two of my dogs bitten by a cobra last night!!

Was sitting watching the build up to the GP when all he ll broke loose outside. our 10 golden retrievers and one heinz 57 terrier type were takeing on a decent sized cobra. Mental sprint for a sword then round the side of the house. Trying to call the dogs off a nightmare, adult male kept going back in at it. Finally managed to dispatch it to the next life then noticed the terrier lying down looking well groggy, maid said the snake was hanging off it's lip!

Wife and maid off up to the vet with him and the dead snake, me checking the rest of the dogs. Adult male pawing at one eye and not his usuall self. phoned missus to come back and get him. Flushed his eye with water from the garden hose till she got back and whipped him up to the vet.

Missus left both dogs with the vet then drove 10km to buy anti venom from the hospital. Back to the vet and the big boy gets a shot and seems ok, 2nd time he's been bitten. small one has a face like a balloon and is kept in, waiting for the vet's to open to see if the brave wee guy made it through the night.

Not one for killing snakes for the sake of it, would rather just get them out of the garden. Got a couple of rai of garden so no way they can be kept out all the time. Need to find a decent deterent though.


Hope the wee one makes it OK

No snakes here - in the Mo Baan - plot next door is empty and a family of rather large lizards (dad is about 2+ meters long) have made their home there - beautiful animals - I have 3 dogs - one what the Thai's call a "Bangkew" her daughter who is a Thai Ridgeback mix and a little Jack Russel who came out of one of the Moo Ban dogs who looked like a white terrier kind but the daughter looks 100% Jack Russel - the other day, the dad lizzard made it over to our garden and got in a tiff with the Bangkew/Ridgeback mix who weighs some 38KG and is extremely powerful with huge teeth - the only one who got injured was me :annoyed::rolleyes: though - the lizzard made a run for it past me and my dog went after him I tried to grab her but it was pouring down and I slipped - left hand still useless and painful - beautiful colors though yellow blue and green - lizzard OK - dog OK - me ... oh well ....... since the lizards moved in, no more cobras :whistling:

This is the outskirts of Bangkok by the way, not Isaan


Good luck with your little dog, its my biggest fear as two of my dogs are regular snake killers. They know how to do it and rather efficiently but one day as they age, they will slow down and antivenin won't be available. My neighbor's dog died from a cobra bite, the hospital refused to sell him the antivenin stating that they had a limited supply and if a human needed it and it had been given to a dog, all hell would break loose.


Unfortunatly the wee dog died last night, Brave wee dog. :(

Thankfully the retriever is back to his old self again bouncing about the garden keeping the youngsters in order :)


Sorry to hear that. I lost two Dogo Argentinos to cobra bites. One time I did manage to save the male as I saw him get bit and took him to the vet for anti venom shots.

There has been a couple of threads here on Thaivisa about trying to keep the snake population down, so a quick search will yield you some good help.


I love Golden Retrivers and had several back in the UK. Because of their timid nature they try and be guard dogs but its not in their nature. They are always hungry and probably thought it was food instead of a cobra. Please to hear that the Golden has made a recovery so keep a weapon to hand in case another comes into your garden. My friend in Nan has cobra visitors to his garden which his dogs try and protect their area so he has got himself a gun and shoots them. It could be a child that gets bitten and then its a big and expensive problem. Whats more important???? the child,dog or cobra

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My dog has killed many cobras. The only time he got bit was when I tried to get him away from the snake so I could kill it. The dog was distracted by me just for a second, and that was all it took. His face swelled up a bit but he came through it ok. He would have been better off if I had left him alone.

He never had any trouble killing cobras, except that they would spray venom in his eyes. Then my wife would chew some kha from our garden and spit the juice in his eyes. Happened several times and his eyesight was fine.

My dog Jacques was my best friend. He died peacefully in his sleep after a stroke last year. I cant believe my reaction to his death. I loved him and knew Id miss him, but I never thought it would be this bad. Ive hardly left our property in the past year. My wife couldnt stand seeing me so sad, so she got me a little puppy. He was an ugly little thing and I told her I would never get attached to another dog again. Well, it took about 2 days and I was in love again. Mack has turned out to be a great dog. Still, I dont think Ill ever get over losing my boy Jacques.

Huh, dont know where that came from, but anyway its true, you cant ask for a better friend than a dog!

Tom Salarak Khon Kaen


If you allow your Pet to take on Snakes then its just a matter of time before they are killed by one

It a shame no one offers Snake avoidance training as it is a very simple training process that is very quick and will train your dog not to approach a snake but only alert to it.



>>no one offers Snake avoidance training

Without using a shock collar or similar methods? What methods are used and how is snake avoidance training taught?

Only snake training I heard of was for rattlesnakes due to the sound they make.


>>no one offers Snake avoidance training

Without using a shock collar or similar methods? What methods are used and how is snake avoidance training taught?

Only snake training I heard of was for rattlesnakes due to the sound they make.

arizona and otehr states have programs that(in teh states) have trainers teachng snake avoidance work for both working dogs/family dogs and horses.... they use click training methods, teaching dogs also not to shove noses in certain areas; learning the words 'leave it' or ' back off'... try searching google etc...



wich we would do it here.... we have the same problem with pit vipers .


Nice idea, and probably works if you have dog training abilities but I don't. I managed to keep my dogs from begging, killing the occasional chicken and to not jump on people and thats about as far as we managed to get. People who can train multiple dogs at one time have my utmost respect.

Unfortunately my house gets cobras regularly. I have had cobras in my bathroom, cobras in my kitchen, cobras in my front garden, back garden and even one cobra that curled up outside my bedroom door.

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