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Do The Good Looking Cm Women Move To Bk?


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In England, when you go to London you can't help but notice that there is a higher % of good looking women compared to the provinces. Just wondering if it's the same in Thailand. I heard it said that the women up north were regarded as beauties, but do they leave to work in the big smoke?

Anybody with experience in both cities care to comment?

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The city state of Bangkok is the only place that really has any jobs. Most university graduates end up in Bangkok. Most construction or media jobs are in Bangkok. Unfortunately the rich elite of Bangkok resist investing in other parts of Thailand such as Issan or South Thailand. They like their City Kingdom, from which they can run the their colonies of South Thailand and Issan.

Naturally yes, most Thai's will end up working in Bangkok, the beautiful people of course.

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Whenever I return to England, I can't help but notice how much fatter the women were than the previous year and this includes London!

They seem to be fatter, have more tattoos, wearing the tops they owned when they were 30 lbs lighter and browner nicotine stained teeth.

However, regarding Bangkok like the previous poster I too am amazed at the sheer number of beautiful girls......everywhere. smile.gif

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In the history of all nations, those with skills (and in this case I mean only to use "beauty" as an advancement advantage in all fields) move from the farms to the cities. Then they may well move on to the "big" city. Many, of course, do not.

However, if I wished to meet good looking women who are more likely to be naive enough to even talk to ugly (outside or in) farang, Chiang Mai is a good place. After all, there are many more kids on the farms, and they are growing our way in numbers far superior to even the megalopolis of BKK.

Of course, it depends in part upon which sector of society you are investigating. Some skill-sets are notably better paid in BKK. On the other hand, if I have to go to Airport Central Plaza, and pause for a moment, I'm generally put in awe in about one half of one second.

Edited by CMX
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... snip ... On the other hand, if I have to go to Airport Central Plaza, and pause for a moment, I'm generally put in awe in about one half of one second.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun CMX,

Yes, when we go to Airport Plaza we have to avert our gaze because there are so many lovely women, of all ages, walking around, in the shops; if we didn't we'd be forced to hear the sounds of the Ghost of Testosterone Past clinking his chains and moaning piteously.

best, ~o:37;

Oh Orang, you have such a way with words......laugh.gifthumbsup.gif

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Clearly you must observe yourself. Starting a hare here is unlikely to uncover a valid answer, unless you strike an informant studied in statistical method and enthusiastic enough to carry through with the observations. In Bangkok, particularly, this could take a lifetime.

Please report back.


As you are a wordsmith of powers,

I wonder if you've invented a subset of "frisson?"

(And I doubt that the eventual researchers will appreciate what they're missing.)

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I can hear this troll, er thread, living past its prime even as I type. Imagine this horrible city! Impossible, it. He forgot: no culture, no nightlife, no good food, no intelligent people (Farang or Thai).

Perhaps a visit to an optometrist is in order ?

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Some areas of CMai have very fine looking girls everywhere you walk...

I must admit it is often not on the Tourist side.

Pro wise the finer girls are in BKK and Pattaya, as they get more money.

Not Pro wise- then they are around the Uni areas for the most part.

Depends on the areas you are stalking for potential 'prey'. Nimma Rd and surrounds they are everywhere.

Yet they not pro's (typically) so more of a challange, especially as many do not speak English.

Brush up on your Thai and give it a shot.



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Plenty of pretty girls in CM, but most don't speak English. At all. It's quite amazing really, even students mostly don't speak English. Anybody outside the tourism industry, chances are no English. If I was single, I'd learn Thai now ;)

In BKK that's probably different and of course all uni-educated young women (and men, actually) will end up in the big mango.

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... snip ... On the other hand, if I have to go to Airport Central Plaza, and pause for a moment, I'm generally put in awe in about one half of one second.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun CMX,

Yes, when we go to Airport Plaza we have to avert our gaze because there are so many lovely women, of all ages, walking around, in the shops; if we didn't we'd be forced to hear the sounds of the Ghost of Testosterone Past clinking his chains and moaning piteously.

best, ~o:37;

Too true,

It is only natural that the brighter youth of today migrate to cities; that's because that is where the work is located. As Orang says, when I wander around Airport Plaza in Chiang Mai I'm blown away by all the bright, lovely young women with smiles on their faces and animated expressions. When I go to DTAC for my cel phone sim card there are 6 or 7 gorgeous young ladies willing to serve me with a smile. I have a Chiang Mai friend with a lovely Thai daughter who just turned 20 and is finishing university. All her friends are stunning and they are all planning on moving to wherever the jobs are. That usually means the cities like Bangkok. By contrast, I've spent some time in rural Thailand on fishing trips where we traveled by bamboo raft and stayed at small, Thai villages. I couldn't help but notice the lack of young women between the ages of 16 and 20. There were lots of young girls, ages 12 to about 15, but the older girls were not evident. I could only surmise that they had moved off the family's farm to seek work in the city.

Oh to be young again... sigh.:(

Edited by sbk
honor others privacy thanks
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... snip ... On the other hand, if I have to go to Airport Central Plaza, and pause for a moment, I'm generally put in awe in about one half of one second.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun CMX,

Yes, when we go to Airport Plaza we have to avert our gaze because there are so many lovely women, of all ages, walking around, in the shops; if we didn't we'd be forced to hear the sounds of the Ghost of Testosterone Past clinking his chains and moaning piteously.

best, ~o:37;

Too true,

It is only natural that the brighter youth of today migrate to cities; that's because that is where the work is located. As Orang says, when I wander around Airport Plaza in Chiang Mai I'm blown away by all the bright, lovely young women with smiles on their faces and animated expressions. When I go to DTAC for my cel phone sim card there are 6 or 7 gorgeous young ladies willing to serve me with a smile. I have a Chiang Mai friend with a lovely Thai daughter who just turned 20 and is finishing university. All her friends are stunning and they are all planning on moving to wherever the jobs are. That usually means the cities like Bangkok. By contrast, I've spent some time in rural Thailand on fishing trips where we traveled by bamboo raft and stayed at small, Thai villages. I couldn't help but notice the lack of young women between the ages of 16 and 20. There were lots of young girls, ages 12 to about 15, but the older girls were not evident. I could only surmise that they had moved off the family's farm to seek work in the city.

Oh to be young again... sigh.:(

Having once watched (and sat in awe) one of your fishing expeditions on Loi Kroh I would humbly suggest that your age is not a problem. :jap:

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You know what they say about the successful fishermen. They have the right equipment, keep it maintained, carry an assortment of lures/bait, know what is running and the bait that has been successful, are not discouraged by a poor experience, and they seem to know the likely hangout for what they are after as well as the affect nature has on the prey. One other point, they know the strength of line that will ensure holding/retrieving what catches they make, while realizing a freak accident/wrong move can loose a potential record. Now whether your a fish for the table man or a catch and release is a personal thing.

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You know what they say about the successful fishermen. They have the right equipment, keep it maintained, carry an assortment of lures/bait, know what is running and the bait that has been successful, are not discouraged by a poor experience, and they seem to know the likely hangout for what they are after as well as the affect nature has on the prey. One other point, they know the strength of line that will ensure holding/retrieving what catches they make, while realizing a freak accident/wrong move can loose a potential record. Now whether your a fish for the table man or a catch and release is a personal thing.

..angler beware as there lurks a lot of 'river monsters' up this neck of the woods..local knowledge is a must.

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dont know the answer to the OP's question.

But I do know that the great majority of the western worlds ugly men end up in Thailand.

Agreed ... when visiting immigration every 90 day's + at the annual visa renewal, in the waiting room (queue) are always many of those low garde western blokes, they are ugly (not their fault of course) but they do in addition worsen their appearance by their ridicules hairstyle, and their terrible degraded clothing, which results into a bad image to all westerners, this is particular reflective when dealing with immigration officers.

Those 'low graders' are of course happy to be here (BKK) and other areas since they have unlimited access to Thai girls, this is something they could never archive in their home country, not even in respect of a single girl, let alone unlimited girls, thus they realise that personal appearance/comportment does not matter a bit, hence their bad appearance and negative comportment.

In addition, the beautiful (or otherwise) Thai girls from the all areas of Thailand know of the existence of "high, medium, and low grade westerners" in BKK, as a result they all assemble there in order to gain personal advantages of all sorts.

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Personally I have found a Farang gets more respect thus lovin if they look after themselves and dress well. Guys in their 20s often comment that their deadlocks and raggy appearance that is so adored by girls in their own countries is frowned upon here. They acually get less attention than back home.

My younger brother who is 22yo is a perfect example- a singer in a band with deadlocks (Never washed hair) scores hundreds of groupies back home. Yet here he felt he got very little attention, except tourist Farangs. Pretty Thai girls did not give him much attention. He got into martial arts instructing, trimmed down and dressed up. Now he is adored.

Also many a young teacher I know has needed to dress up, tsmarten up or ship out. Then they get the attention that they crave.

I think most Lters know this- many may simply choose to let themselves go like many do in our homelands.

Plus some simply get lazy when not single, less work outs, dress down, etc... when we have a stable lady.

Each to their own- yet taking care of appearance is respected moreso in Asian countries i believe.

Have a look a some Farang Pop stars- dress down, huggered clothing- it the 'Ohh i am so hot attitude that i don't need to dress up'. So the kids follow. Not appreciated here. You will not see a super star in Thailand ever dress down, unless they are turning Farang.

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You know what they say about the successful fishermen. They have the right equipment, keep it maintained, carry an assortment of lures/bait, know what is running and the bait that has been successful, are not discouraged by a poor experience, and they seem to know the likely hangout for what they are after as well as the affect nature has on the prey. One other point, they know the strength of line that will ensure holding/retrieving what catches they make, while realizing a freak accident/wrong move can loose a potential record. Now whether your a fish for the table man or a catch and release is a personal thing.

Clever reply. :lol:

But true. :) Attention to detail works more often than not.

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Obviously money, potential earnings, have a great deal to do with human movements. Indeed, in gross terms, they probably provide the best answer with regard to movements of most target populations, excepting perhaps when families are involved. If you think in terms of money and are not distracted by side issues hawked by some, you will not go wrong. Why, in my country, a fairly upscale trophy wife can be convinced to marry for less than one $ million. Values are relative to time and place, of course, just as jobs pay more in Bangkok. Dressing right for dating indeed. Some people just enjoy gilding the lily. Buffing up.:D


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