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Pigs 101 (A Start)


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To those involved in and those contemplating involvement in pig farming here is a first contribution. I attach a link to a recent FAO report which takes a comparitive look at the industries of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The report is of value as it focuses on the industry structure and strategies covering the large industrial farmers in the context of the small holder. The opportunity appraisal for urban and rural markets I believe to be very interesting. As a background read it should help those involved and those thinking about it to plan more realistically.

Worth the read, enjoy

Smallholder Swine-Pig Meat Production in Asia.pdf

Or if you prefer the direct link, use this


Isaan Aussie

Edited by IsaanAussie
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Thai Pig Board plans to upgrade pig farming system

[1 September 2010] Thailand’s Pig Board will draw up a five-year action package to upgrade the country’s entire pig farming system, involving plans to develop: pig production and products; pig and pig product marketing; abattoir and transportation; and input and quality control. The action plan aims to upgrade pig farming and processing standard to disease free, hygienic and safe to consume, Agriculture Minister Thira Wongsamut said.

Thai pork price affected by Cambodia’s ban

[22 September 2010] Pork price in Thailand is likely to be pressured by Cambodia’s ban on pig imports from Thailand as this will increase domestic supply. Cambodia has halted pigs import from Thailand and Vietnam to safeguard the local industry. Thailand exports around 2000 pigs/month to Cambodia. Thailand’s Department of Internal Trade will meet today to discuss the pork price situation.

Thai authority orders pork price cut

[27 September 2010] Thailand’s Department of Internal Trade or DIT has ordered pork retailers to reduce the retail price of pork to THB 105- 110/kg (USD 3.42- 3.58) from THB 110-115/kg (USD 3.58- 3.75). This follows a decline in live pig prices to THB 55-56/kg (USD 1.79- 1.82) from THB 61- 62/kg (USD 1.99- 2.02) earlier. The new prices will take effect on October 1. Those who flout the rule can face imprisonment or be fined, said DIT’s Director-General Watcharee Wimuktayon. Pork prices have declined due to cooler weather conditions and increasing supply of around 2,000 pigs/month after Cambodia’s ban on Thai pig exports.


Some weeks ago we members were warned by a lucky member that CP was going to drop domestic prices for pigs. The three articles above show just how volatile Thailands agricultural industry can be. The indication here is that because 2,000 pigs are now not exported, producers will suffer a 20% price drop. While retailers and industrial integrators will only be hit with a 5% cut. I have to admit I suspect there could be a little collusion afoot.

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Some weeks ago we members were warned by a lucky member that CP was going to drop domestic prices for pigs. The three articles above show just how volatile Thailands agricultural industry can be. The indication here is that because 2,000 pigs are now not exported, producers will suffer a 20% price drop. While retailers and industrial integrators will only be hit with a 5% cut. I have to admit I suspect there could be a little collusion afoot. [/size][/font][/i]


T.I.T, Collusion, corruption, call it what you want! Agreed 100%

2,000 pigs a month. Why should that amount make a difference, when as an example there are 3,500 pigs consumed EVERY DAY in Korat province?

They had a bash at the price of eggs a few weeks ago, now pork; just watch chicken next?


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Ok Pigsters consider this,

I am a small holding pig farmer like many others. My objectives are not to get rich from pigs but to get comfortable from a range of value added products which relate to an integrated pig farming operation. But as an individual it is difficult to cover as many of the niche opportunities as exist, or to produce the volume necessary to create a significant market base and costing.

How many of you have considered being part of some form of collective marketing operation? Take the opportunity of the reduced returns currently facing us and lets say one main objective of the collective was to achieve a return of 70 baht/kg live weight. How many would be interested in that?

It is my belief that now is the time to strike this opportunity. The niche markets exist and are still too small to warrant interest from the large vertically integrated farming companies. Now is the time for us to vertically integrate for mutual advantage. The options are simply presented by the fall of 10 baht per kilo retail all of which is to be absorbed by the growers, us.

Isaan Aussie

I hasten to add that I would like to talk to anyone who can see this as a positive opportunity. The nay sayers can talk to anyone else they like, under the current circumstances I have little time or patience for negative attitudes.

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How many pigs are you producing PA? What area of Issan are you? I'm not interested in growing pigs but I am interested in turning pigs into other products



The number of pigs I'm producing is small but that is not the point. Right now the question is how many do you want to convert? At 56 baht locally and less nearby, you can get as many as you can handle for a baht or two over the odds. I'm in Sisaket province.

Glad to see that you see the current opportunity for what it is. Good luck, PM me if you wish to discuss details further.

Isaan Aussie

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OK Pig Farmers and those who wish to be. Now we have a pinned place to focus our discussions with old hands contributing experiences and knowledge, and advice to newbies. I thank our moderator Bina for setting this up.

I believe there is such a vast pool of knowledge and experience amongst the people on this forum it would be an absolute shame to see it wasted. I have gained invaluable knowledge and support from a select group of selfless individuals who contribute to this forum and in particular this topic. Hopefully we collectively can benefit by sharing what we are doing, thinking, learning and creating.

To that end I submit a brief article on a topic which has caused some difference of opinion in the past. Enjoy, crititise or suggest improvements please. So here is where I'm at with the new sty and gestation pens.

My Sty Ideas and Execution TV no1.pdf

Isaan Aussie

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OK Pig Farmers and those who wish to be. Now we have a pinned place to focus our discussions with old hands contributing experiences and knowledge, and advice to newbies. I thank our moderator Bina for setting this up.

I believe there is such a vast pool of knowledge and experience amongst the people on this forum it would be an absolute shame to see it wasted. I have gained invaluable knowledge and support from a select group of selfless individuals who contribute to this forum and in particular this topic. Hopefully we collectively can benefit by sharing what we are doing, thinking, learning and creating.

To that end I submit a brief article on a topic which has caused some difference of opinion in the past. Enjoy, crititise or suggest improvements please. So here is where I'm at with the new sty and gestation pens.

My Sty Ideas and Execution TV no1.pdf

Isaan Aussie

Very impressed you can build my cow pens if you want. My idea is almost the same central isle two pens for 10 cows and caves either side ad lib water and fodder concrete floor and rice straw bedding. Have you got a picture of exterior of the whole building. Whats your guesstimate on the cost of a similar structure 20mx40m bob

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OK Pig Farmers and those who wish to be. Now we have a pinned place to focus our discussions with old hands contributing experiences and knowledge, and advice to newbies. I thank our moderator Bina for setting this up.

I believe there is such a vast pool of knowledge and experience amongst the people on this forum it would be an absolute shame to see it wasted. I have gained invaluable knowledge and support from a select group of selfless individuals who contribute to this forum and in particular this topic. Hopefully we collectively can benefit by sharing what we are doing, thinking, learning and creating.

To that end I submit a brief article on a topic which has caused some difference of opinion in the past. Enjoy, crititise or suggest improvements please. So here is where I'm at with the new sty and gestation pens.

My Sty Ideas and Execution TV no1.pdf

Isaan Aussie

Very impressed you can build my cow pens if you want. My idea is almost the same central isle two pens for 10 cows and caves either side ad lib water and fodder concrete floor and rice straw bedding. Have you got a picture of exterior of the whole building. Whats your guesstimate on the cost of a similar structure 20mx40m bob

Real quick one Bob, what you see in the attached knocked a big hole in a million baht. The sty has 7 pens each side so is 21 x 12 metres post to post plus overhang. There is a large truck entry in front and a herdman (me) house yet to be done in front. More than happy to offer engineering ideas to flesh out your concepts just to keep the mind active. Have a great chief engineer capable friend who can turn a sows ear into a silk purse. Yes we can find you an answer thats affordable. Keep talking.

post-56811-051236300 1286890985_thumb.jp

Isaan Aussie

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OK Pig Farmers and those who wish to be. Now we have a pinned place to focus our discussions with old hands contributing experiences and knowledge, and advice to newbies. I thank our moderator Bina for setting this up.

I believe there is such a vast pool of knowledge and experience amongst the people on this forum it would be an absolute shame to see it wasted. I have gained invaluable knowledge and support from a select group of selfless individuals who contribute to this forum and in particular this topic. Hopefully we collectively can benefit by sharing what we are doing, thinking, learning and creating.

To that end I submit a brief article on a topic which has caused some difference of opinion in the past. Enjoy, crititise or suggest improvements please. So here is where I'm at with the new sty and gestation pens.

My Sty Ideas and Execution TV no1.pdf

Isaan Aussie

Very impressed you can build my cow pens if you want. My idea is almost the same central isle two pens for 10 cows and caves either side ad lib water and fodder concrete floor and rice straw bedding. Have you got a picture of exterior of the whole building. Whats your guesstimate on the cost of a similar structure 20mx40m bob

Real quick one Bob, what you see in the attached knocked a big hole in a million baht. The sty has 7 pens each side so is 21 x 12 metres post to post plus overhang. There is a large truck entry in front and a herdman (me) house yet to be done in front. More than happy to offer engineering ideas to flesh out your concepts just to keep the mind active. Have a great chief engineer capable friend who can turn a sows ear into a silk purse. Yes we can find you an answer thats affordable. Keep talking.

post-56811-051236300 1286890985_thumb.jp

Isaan Aussie


Building looks great with the roof on:)

To those who don't know him & may think the cost estimte rather expensive, let me say that Isaan Aussie is a 'perfectionist' & the quality of the steelwork is nothing short of superb!

Pleased we are now 'posted' Hoping to see / participate in some interesting conversations.


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For your information the starting point for my sty design was actually an American monitor roof barn. The basic design I downloaded for this building it may be of help to you for some basic ideas. What I liked about it was the storage area loft where straw and feed could be stored away from pests etc, but more importantly the opportunity to create natural flow through ventilation. I will put together more on my sty later, but since you liked it have a look at the attached.

Monitor roof barn.pdf

Isaan Aussie

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so how much did you spend in total building your pig shed ?...


As I said in post 9 above, knocked a big hole in a million baht, close enough?




Very nice and impressive...congratulation~

OK... I've been quietly keeping track on this 101 thing for a while, just to see what will come up on this topic.

So here my contribution on what i have done and my business acumen in pig farming.

I for one, will not build the shed you have as a beginner in piggeries farming, even if i've made several round in profit farming them after a few years. Yes, it's very impressive what you've build, i foresee it will take years to recover the initiate capital.

I've spend inclusive of material (13'000 THB), construction labour cost (2'400 THB)and pump (3'000 THB) X 2 sheds = 36'800 THB + Miscellaneous ( meals and lao khao ) 3'520 THB....Total = 40'320 THB

Sold my last batch and made a lucky profit of 69'170 THB, i've basically made back the money i used to build the sheds in round one and after deducting the whole cost, i still netted a profit of 28'850. Now is the time for me to upgrade my shed, replace the bamboo fences with "hole-inside" type of concrete blocks as walls for the same ventilation effect as the bamboo fences and improving the floors of the two sheds by raising it 5cm higher, material cost = 8'380 THB, labour = 1'600 THB( 2 man, 200THB/day x 4 ), Misc cost = 400 THB..... total = 10'380 THB

And i still have 18'470 THB balance....ok~ last time i check, i left 13'000 plus....i drank quite a bit :P ...to celebrate :D ...everyday :lol:

My point is .... Why build a palace and see the capital return in say...3 or 5 years ? I build my sheds and got my capital return in round one.

Maybe i'm lucky on my first time but if i were to sell now...let say the farmgate price now is 53/kg and i'll profit 500/head totaling 29'000 THB...i've already recovered three quarter of initiate capital...and if no price hike in feed and farmgate price remain the same, i'd stand to nett three quarter of the total profit in round two. If 3-5 years just to recover the initiate capital ? ....too long, lot of things can happen within that period of time....like bad things~

IA...Would you mind if i ask what's your business plan and forcast, your period of ROI for building your 6 stars shed ? I'm really curious. ^_^


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so how much did you spend in total building your pig shed ?...


As I said in post 9 above, knocked a big hole in a million baht, close enough?




Very nice and impressive...congratulation~

OK... I've been quietly keeping track on this 101 thing for a while, just to see what will come up on this topic.

So here my contribution on what i have done and my business acumen in pig farming.

I for one, will not build the shed you have as a beginner in piggeries farming, even if i've made several round in profit farming them after a few years. Yes, it's very impressive what you've build, i foresee it will take years to recover the initiate capital.

I've spend inclusive of material (13'000 THB), construction labour cost (2'400 THB)and pump (3'000 THB) X 2 sheds = 36'800 THB + Miscellaneous ( meals and lao khao ) 3'520 THB....Total = 40'320 THB

Sold my last batch and made a lucky profit of 69'170 THB, i've basically made back the money i used to build the sheds in round one and after deducting the whole cost, i still netted a profit of 28'850. Now is the time for me to upgrade my shed, replace the bamboo fences with "hole-inside" type of concrete blocks as walls for the same ventilation effect as the bamboo fences and improving the floors of the two sheds by raising it 5cm higher, material cost = 8'380 THB, labour = 1'600 THB( 2 man, 200THB/day x 4 ), Misc cost = 400 THB..... total = 10'380 THB

And i still have 18'470 THB balance....ok~ last time i check, i left 13'000 plus....i drank quite a bit :P ...to celebrate :D ...everyday :lol:

My point is .... Why build a palace and see the capital return in say...3 or 5 years ? I build my sheds and got my capital return in round one.

Maybe i'm lucky on my first time but if i were to sell now...let say the farmgate price now is 53/kg and i'll profit 500/head totaling 29'000 THB...i've already recovered three quarter of initiate capital...and if no price hike in feed and farmgate price remain the same, i'd stand to nett three quarter of the total profit in round two. If 3-5 years just to recover the initiate capital ? ....too long, lot of things can happen within that period of time....like bad things~

IA...Would you mind if i ask what's your business plan and forcast, your period of ROI for building your 6 stars shed ? I'm really curious. ^_^



I tips me hat to you Sir, well done excellent strategy and result. You are correct my direction is different and much longer term, even than you suggest. I hope you will excuse me but the details of my business plan aren't something I care to share in open discussion. Lets just say I am building something that has to be durable, flexible and will provide an income past the point when I cannot commit as fully as over the past two years. Happy to share the what, how and conceptually, the why online, if your curiosity demands more than that it will have to be offline. PM me and lets exchange information, I'm all ears like a bag of wheat.

Keep up the good work.

Isaan Aussie

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I have been called a perfectionist on this forum, maybe my very good friend Fruity is right, who knows. I call it careful by necessity. I have choosen to add to my response to RBH additionally here to avoid complicating or confusing two issues. Firstly a legitimate question on business planning and secondly personal motivation. This is about the second point. So with only admiration for RBH in mind, the question I will answer openly is why spend a million baht on a pigsty? The answer is just as simple, flexiiblity, the roof is constructed on 250mm deep trusses not 75mm C sections because not only will it hold down the roof in the strongest wind, it will also support heavy loads beneath it should I need to convert a pigsty into something else.

The sty you have seen is the result of 8 years of solid planning and research. Lets just say that despite my best efforts, life has not been over generous in return. But life is what you make it, so with limited reserves I choose to invest in something that will return under as many scenarios as I can imagine, and not in the house I live in, the car I drive or the opinion of the neighbours.

So I hope that those reading this pinned topic understand me a little better. I conclude by saying this pinned topic is generated for the distribution of positive ideas to those who want to investgate options and those with experiences prepared to share freely. There are a number of people on this forum, I have mentioned two, RBH and Fruity, who have made meaningful contributions and whom I admire greatly. I thank them both and hope that the nay sayers look elsewhere to score brownie points.

Isaan Aussie

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For your information the starting point for my sty design was actually an American monitor roof barn. The basic design I downloaded for this building it may be of help to you for some basic ideas. What I liked about it was the storage area loft where straw and feed could be stored away from pests etc, but more importantly the opportunity to create natural flow through ventilation. I will put together more on my sty later, but since you liked it have a look at the attached.

Monitor roof barn.pdf

Isaan Aussie

It looks good and with a few addaptations would be perfect formy needs thanks Bob

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I have been called a perfectionist on this forum, maybe my very good friend Fruity is right, who knows. I call it careful by necessity. I have choosen to add to my response to RBH additionally here to avoid complicating or confusing two issues. Firstly a legitimate question on business planning and secondly personal motivation. This is about the second point. So with only admiration for RBH in mind, the question I will answer openly is why spend a million baht on a pigsty? The answer is just as simple, flexiiblity, the roof is constructed on 250mm deep trusses not 75mm C sections because not only will it hold down the roof in the strongest wind, it will also support heavy loads beneath it should I need to convert a pigsty into something else.

The sty you have seen is the result of 8 years of solid planning and research. Lets just say that despite my best efforts, life has not been over generous in return. But life is what you make it, so with limited reserves I choose to invest in something that will return under as many scenarios as I can imagine, and not in the house I live in, the car I drive or the opinion of the neighbours.

So I hope that those reading this pinned topic understand me a little better. I conclude by saying this pinned topic is generated for the distribution of positive ideas to those who want to investgate options and those with experiences prepared to share freely. There are a number of people on this forum, I have mentioned two, RBH and Fruity, who have made meaningful contributions and whom I admire greatly. I thank them both and hope that the nay sayers look elsewhere to score brownie points.

Isaan Aussie

Well said IA, I smoke and drink and loooove to eat, like what stand up comic Gabriel Iglesias once said " Why people measure how many years one would live, like 80 or 100 years instead of how good the years one lives...."

Between...Thanks for the PM ;)

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I have been called a perfectionist on this forum, maybe my very good friend Fruity is right, who knows. I call it careful by necessity. I have choosen to add to my response to RBH additionally here to avoid complicating or confusing two issues. Firstly a legitimate question on business planning and secondly personal motivation. This is about the second point. So with only admiration for RBH in mind, the question I will answer openly is why spend a million baht on a pigsty? The answer is just as simple, flexiiblity, the roof is constructed on 250mm deep trusses not 75mm C sections because not only will it hold down the roof in the strongest wind, it will also support heavy loads beneath it should I need to convert a pigsty into something else.

The sty you have seen is the result of 8 years of solid planning and research. Lets just say that despite my best efforts, life has not been over generous in return. But life is what you make it, so with limited reserves I choose to invest in something that will return under as many scenarios as I can imagine, and not in the house I live in, the car I drive or the opinion of the neighbours.

So I hope that those reading this pinned topic understand me a little better. I conclude by saying this pinned topic is generated for the distribution of positive ideas to those who want to investgate options and those with experiences prepared to share freely. There are a number of people on this forum, I have mentioned two, RBH and Fruity, who have made meaningful contributions and whom I admire greatly. I thank them both and hope that the nay sayers look elsewhere to score brownie points.

Isaan Aussie

Well said IA, I smoke and drink and loooove to eat, like what stand up comic Gabriel Iglesias once said " Why people measure how many years one would live, like 80 or 100 years instead of how good the years one lives...."

Between...Thanks for the PM ;)


Unashamedly I have the same vices, and for me life is valued daily. I am and enjoy being my pigs feeder, cleaner and football. So what is wrong with enjoying this existence? It is the only one that whatever you percieve God to be will grant you. Unlike Thai people, to me, life is not up to you, it is up to what you can contribute to the life you find yourself immersed in.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted 2010-10-17 08:46

lastest price update...

Current pig price : 53-54 THB /kg

Will raise another 2 THB after the vegetarians festival in 8-10 days time.


Posted in topic :

From CPF.com

Pig meat

42. 18/10/2010.51-54. Baht / kgPrice.

43. 25/10/2010.52-55. Baht / kgPrice.

See...the power of sourced information.

Ok...here the story...

As usually me and the wife will visit her grandma in the next village, sat down, chit chat and lao khao and all that banquet stuff where lot of neghbours gethered....the aunt mention how bad the live pigs market is as her neighbour just sold their pigs at 48 THB/kg (Chiang Rai),

:blink: yup, that smiley on the left represented my astonishment, i asked her who she sold to ? The usual guy she said, i told her that i could get a far better price but they'd not want hers or her neighbour pigs ( i'll explain why later)...she was amused...thinking that me this foolish nephew-in-law doesn't know what he is talking about because i'm very new in pig farming and she thinks that is just "by luck" that i made a good 70'000 THB profit on my last venture by good timing of the raised price then.

So i whipped out my cell phone and call my feed supplier cum wholesaler, got him on the line and put him on the loud speaker of the phone so everyone could hear. They were shocked :o to hear him said the 1st quote above.

Let me explain...if you don't buy feed from a steady supplier you are considered out of his list of clients, secondly he will not want your pigs as the piglets are not the standard grade from their certified breeders whom quality of the piglets are assured. You could have your own sows, breed your own litters but if the feeds are not from him then you're still out ! If the sows you bought are from him, not buying his feeds, you're still out too~ because villagers have limited capital in raising pigs/piglets...or the mind set in raising pigs are set in such manner that they'd mix feed with ram and water (monkey see monkey do)...Orrrr~ they simply don't want to risk !!!

So who will they call to buy their pigs ?... Ahhhh~ the "usual guy"~~~ This people knows the games and they will squeeze the blood out of those villagers....

" your pigs no good...too fat...not lean enough...this is the farmgate price now, take it or leave it...." all the excuses...

And where all this blood suckers sell their pigs they bought to ? market places 30%...guess where the rest of the 70% goes ? To people like my wholesaler... "usual guy" buys at 48-49, sell at 50-51 to my type of wholesalers, real farmgate price by CP----53-54 THB/kg, that right~ 2 THB/kg below the real farmgate price announced by CP.....but that CP price is reserved for good quality pigs only...meaning pigs that are on absolute pellet feed diet and are not overly fat.

So....pigs farmer-to-be....you're enlighten by the great RedBullHorn...hahahahahahhahahaaha !!!....just kidding ya :lol:

Good Luck~ :wai:

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Excellent post RBH,

There is little formal market information around but what you describe here probably demonstrates the model in most if not all areas for the independant farmers.

Wouldnt it be great to generate some form of matrix to piece it all together? Radiate out from the feed mills and corporate farms and in towards the slaughter houses and packing plants. Then add all the wholesalers directly linked to the corporates. Then all the "usual guy" suppliers who are linked to the wholesalers could be overlaid on that.

You would generate a picture of just how the pie is cut up and how few crumbs are left for anyone outside the "club".

Isaan Aussie

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Excellent post RBH,

There is little formal market information around but what you describe here probably demonstrates the model in most if not all areas for the independant farmers.

Wouldnt it be great to generate some form of matrix to piece it all together? Radiate out from the feed mills and corporate farms and in towards the slaughter houses and packing plants. Then add all the wholesalers directly linked to the corporates. Then all the "usual guy" suppliers who are linked to the wholesalers could be overlaid on that.

You would generate a picture of just how the pie is cut up and how few crumbs are left for anyone outside the "club".

Isaan Aussie

Agreed, an excellent summary from RBH. Loved the "Monkey see, monkey do" quote.....lol...

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Thought it about time to post some reference material, especially for those thinking about keeping pigs. The link is to an Australian site and provides a brief overview which is worth reading. The feed formulations I find interesting and very doable here in Isaan. I would welcome opinions from those more knowledgeable than me on the feed.


Isaan Aussie

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This is the second link to an Ozzy Agnote and deals with the housing issues for pigs. Again well worth a read and offers some of the many options available to solve the issues faced by the pig farmer. Definitely a case of the 6P principle, P.ss Poor Planning, P.ss Poor Performance.


As a personal note, I have spent a lot on developing my pigsty, not because it is necessary but it suits my overall objectives. Others such as RedBullHorn have taken a cheaper housing path and gained very quick returns. For anyone starting out consider the issues and the who and how of making it work before you commit. In my case I built my place to make it as easy as I could for me to do it alone if needed. Well guess what? Right now that is exactly what I am doing!

Isaan Aussie

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  • 2 weeks later...
WatersEdge, on 2010-10-05 07:14, said:

Bottom of Page


It is updated semi regularly

I have a little time on my hands this morning and remembered this old thread.

Here is a link to the thai dit.go that is updated daily. You don't need to speak Thai just remember its third from the bottom.


borrowed the quotes from the 'live pig prices' thread so that the link etc doesnt get lost in the shuffle... bina

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Here is an article on decreasing pollutants involved in pig farming and providing feed for the pigs. I use part of this treatment but one day hope to increase usage. In my case I have water lettuce (Says he admitting finally that it isn't the large leaf duck weed) growing rampantly on the pond. The black water exiting the septic system is pumped weekly into the pond and the lettuce is harvested daily, washed and feed as lunch to the pigs. Whilst the water lettuce doesnt take up pathogens I wouldn't let the pigs drink the pond water.

Anyway, for those who are a little concerned about polluting the ground water, have a dekko at the attached. You will note this data was gathered in Thailand.

Water Lettuce waste treatment to Pig Feed.pdf

Isaan Aussie

Edit addition: The pigs will eat any amount of this stuff, now they start singing for lunch if it doesnt turn up. Check out the protein data.

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  • 2 weeks later...

what kind of milk powder ? Cow's ? if the biggest is 18.5kg at 35 days, the smallest would be say around 16kg ? Because normally breeders would need 42 days to achieve that range.


Visited a farm recently-lets call it Belsen! Believe me, they would imprison the owners if in Europe!-FACT

We went along simply, as we don't have enough piglets to satisfy orders, hoping we could do a deal. These operators have 70 sows, all in deplorable condition & charge B1800 for a 10kg piglet, plus B-56 (current market price) per kilo! Rather expensive! & far below the standard our customers would expect.

We usually achieve 10kg by 21 days at worst, sell out a week later. 42 days to achieve the weights quoted by Issan Aussie is more than do-able.


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