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Who have pigs from around 100 kg.

I need a few for my customers and don't have them from myself that are big enough.

For the people who are intrested, I have young piglets for sale.

Can you be a bit more specific? Based Khon Kaen I think. How many pigs, what breed, size range, and offering price? Same for the piglets would be handy. Could be a deal/swap around which would save on transport costs.

The pigs from 100 kg is not so important, because they are for killing, but personally I prefer Landrace/LW crossed with Duroc.

My piglets are Landrace/LW (sow) with one LW and one Duroc.

Weight is now about 15 kg.

Sales price is normal 1200 bath but for regular clients we can talk about.


Urgent advice please

one of my sows is 116 days pregnant today 28/12/12

not very experienced i am/nor the missus

have medicine ready to inject to initiate contractions


full tits but not milking on stimulation

no broken waters yet

sure she is pregnant,

this sow always gives baby on the day number113

round five for her and last.

let nature take its course, we have some sows that can be as late as 125- 126. if no milk on stimulation i would say maybe not today. but you can never tell for 100 percent. look for leakage from the virgina. dont know what meds you have put try to hold off until she is at least 75 percent through in labour. when you can see she is "itchy" she would be starting the birthing process, but still this could be some hours off or maybe up to a day.

Urgent advice please

one of my sows is 116 days pregnant today 28/12/12

not very experienced i am/nor the missus

have medicine ready to inject to initiate contractions


full tits but not milking on stimulation

no broken waters yet

sure she is pregnant,

this sow always gives baby on the day number113

round five for her and last.

You are as prepared as you need to be, now wait for signs of distress from the sow. If she is eating, drinking and shitting then she is not ready. Have you given her some nest building materials?

Thanks for the reply guys

happy new you all by the way,

it worked out ok in the end

we got 12 piglets all healthy and good size

excellent sow, 5 rounds always healthy and a;ways 12 piglets

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Who have pigs from around 100 kg.

I need a few for my customers and don't have them from myself that are big enough.

For the people who are intrested, I have young piglets for sale.

if stil interested i do have some pigs


sow is landrace/lw pretty sure, have about 5 of them at around 90-100 kilos,

i live between khon kaen and kalasin,

another 10 or so in a month can be sold too


Here is a laugh. Like this doesnt happen every year?

Animal feed prices in Thailand are likely to increase by 7-8% this year, according to the Internal Trade Department.

The livestock industry produces about 14-15 million tonnes of feed annually. The production will increase around 5% next year.



Have 4*4m pen with 10 pigs, 4 of them gilts, of around 70-80 kg. They have been together since 15kg without problems. This morning the other 3 gilts started biting the fourth. Nothingmade them stop and the victim ran around like crazy. Even after seperating them and placing the victim with some smaller 25-30kg pigs (I had no empty kog) she didnt stop panting or panicking. After a few hours she died of a heart attack. Slaughter showed a very healty and beatifull pig had died. Scared to dead.

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Have 4*4m pen with 10 pigs, 4 of them gilts, of around 70-80 kg. They have been together since 15kg without problems. This morning the other 3 gilts started biting the fourth. Nothingmade them stop and the victim ran around like crazy. Even after seperating them and placing the victim with some smaller 25-30kg pigs (I had no empty kog) she didnt stop panting or panicking. After a few hours she died of a heart attack. Slaughter showed a very healty and beatifull pig had died. Scared to dead.

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There were ten pigs in the pen? What were the rest? How long had the total group been together? Were any going into first heat?


The rest were barrows . All had been together from 15kg onwards. All now between 70-80kg.The pen is next to my poh pan (the stud). He is foaming and spreading feromones like crazy (you can smellit). Also he has been somewhat agressive towards me lately. So I suspect that some gilts are already into heat. Could this have caused these young gilts to get into first heat at only 70-80 kg? And made them aggressive enough to bite a competitor to death?

Btw. I got 44 kg of beatifull meat from the carcas. Selling it at a low price of 80bath a kg in the vilage because it came from a dead pig. I have to learn to slaughter myself (had a nephew do it). Could have sold at 100+ /kg if I had slaughterd it life. People commented on how much betrer the meat was then what they can normally get here.

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Yes on the heat at 70-80kgs, right now as a matter of fact. Biting attacks like you describe has only ever happened here once. I make a point of splitting up groups at that age if they are near a boar. Gives them more room.

People underestimate the effect stress can have on pigs. There are some good references on PSE porcine stress effect around. Sudden deaths are not uncommon with stress sensitive pigs. My wife sold a cull sow for a funeral. The buyers and an army of helpers dragged her into the box pretty roughly, she died on the way to their nearby village in the pickup.

Gilts are just like teenage girls, try to figure out what is going on in their hormone soaked brains.


By the way Cyril fans. The lad tore the gate off the pen yesterday. It was loose so he didnt have to try too hard. But you should have seen him once outside. Completely at a loss what to do, where to go, scared <deleted>-less. Daddy had to show him the way back insideand tuck him into bed for a rest. Great big woose!

Did have me a bit concerned though as he went walking around the septic tanks and the old timber lids were never designed to have a 350 kg pig walk on them. The thought of trying to get him out if he fell in had me shaking. Almost had to lay down for a snooze myself...

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God its fun here. The missus suddenly noticed our dog Wombat was missing this morning. Off on the bike to look for him, she had locked the sty doors with him inside. He was pleased to see us and get out for a five minute leak. I think he is getting a steak for breakfast to ease her guilt.


Well off line for a few days and it all kicks off! Cyril swaps places with Wombat but needs to Man up and stop being tart, Coxy has a handsome lad armed with flowers and chocolates charming the ladies, Revar has a gilt die of shock!

I had a pig that had stress at 50 Kg, lost all it's weight rapidly (4 days) no response to drugs I thought it had dysentery like one of the others but it just pegged out.

Feed prices going up but production is going to be greater, 300 baht minimum wage so lots out of work, wow hello 2013!

Happy New Year lads and lots of luck, I've just read my horoscope so feet up as gold is falling from the trees at the end of my vegetable plot when the sun is sextile to Uranus.



Crazy day yesterday. In the morning I helped a feed-customer sell their pigs (we negotiate price and check kg's).

Later a regular buyer showed up at our farm and bought 12 pigs to be collected on wednesday. An hour later a new buyer showed up to look at my pigs. While he was there a second new one also showed up. Both wanted the same pigs as the first one had bought. I promised them the next 12, ready in 6 days. They needed pigs so I took them to some customers from my feed shop and negotiated prices for these pigs. Prices negotiated between 48b/kg (lam fed pigs, first seller sold against my advice) and 53b/kg (pure betagro\profeasional feed schedule).

Then at 1700 one pig was scared to death and we had to butcher it with help from some of our friends. Went to sleep at 02.00 am and at 06.00 was up again to clean. The wife sold the meat of the butchered pig within10 minutes and my mil just told us that 6 people came to our house asking if we had more meat for sale.

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47b a kilo that is all we got,

sold 14 pigs @ 47b almost had to cry for 47, fooker wanted to give me 46 (lol)

i have no idea how come some of you lot are getting 50something,

i sell to middle man, i get it, but the middle man say he get 47 at the slaughter house, thats why he charges me 100 each pig,

average wight 90 kg, have another 12 to in 4 weeks, hope the price goes up,

11 piglets at the mo, and two more sows will break the water in about three weeks time, cant wait.

thinking about free range chicken farming together with those brown ducks for eggs,

dont even know if i made any moneywhistling.gif


47b a kilo that is all we got,

sold 14 pigs @ 47b almost had to cry for 47, fooker wanted to give me 46 (lol)

i have no idea how come some of you lot are getting 50something,

i sell to middle man, i get it, but the middle man say he get 47 at the slaughter house, thats why he charges me 100 each pig,

average wight 90 kg, have another 12 to in 4 weeks, hope the price goes up,

11 piglets at the mo, and two more sows will break the water in about three weeks time, cant wait.

thinking about free range chicken farming together with those brown ducks for eggs,

dont even know if i made any moneywhistling.gif

Cut out the middleman and contact the slaughterhouse yourself. You are being robbed my friend!

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Middlemen who sell to third parties here also offer around 47,48. Slaughterhouse does not accept pigs from others. We sell mostly to people who butcher themselves and sell from their cars driving around the villages or at the market.

They typically need 2 or 3 pigs each day. The prices they offer can differ up to 5 bath. So a week before we have pigs availble we start calling them. I know about 17 in this district only so its a lot of calls but it realy pays to shop around. Often they call us as well.

Some of them buy or credit. They sell the meat and pay afterwards in 1-2 weeks. These also pay a few bath more per kg.

We only sell to middlemen if we need to get rid of the pigs quickly. With one exception. Some midlemen have a quota to fill. If they are close to their deadline they sometimes pay higher prices.

Food and feeding schedule also makes a difference for repeat customers. Pigs fed on lam or some cheaper brands of pig food develop more fat and less prime meat then those fed on premium food fed to a professional schedule. Since the localbutchers/meat sellers mostly sell at two prices (red meat priced higher then bacon) they pay higher prices if your pig has more red meat and less bacon). This was nit the case here a few years ago but I have 'trained' them.lol

A company like Betagro sells several brands. From cheaper to expensive. The difference between them is meat quality, ratio between meat/bacon and speed of growth. Each brand can be fed in two ways. The village pig way which is advertised on the bags which gets them to around 100 kg in 6 months. Or the professional way in which tou use more of the expensive types which gets them to 100 kg in4 months.

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47b a kilo that is all we got,

sold 14 pigs @ 47b almost had to cry for 47, fooker wanted to give me 46 (lol)

i have no idea how come some of you lot are getting 50something,

i sell to middle man, i get it, but the middle man say he get 47 at the slaughter house, thats why he charges me 100 each pig,

average wight 90 kg, have another 12 to in 4 weeks, hope the price goes up,

11 piglets at the mo, and two more sows will break the water in about three weeks time, cant wait.

thinking about free range chicken farming together with those brown ducks for eggs,

dont even know if i made any moneywhistling.gif

Cut out the middleman and contact the slaughterhouse yourself. You are being robbed my friend!

i have tryed to first was betagro house in khon kaen, well my wife called( they said they dont buy pigs from noone.

other slaughter house where the middle man goes too? (not sure the wife does not seem to get it,

she really believes he only takes 100b per pig, i a bit stuck honestly, i dont think the wife and me are on the same plan when it comes to the pigs,

oh well( she know it all) after all she's Thai no?clap2.gif


Humblefarang. If you can only get 47 b/kg why did you sell at 90kg. Wait until they are 100+. Prices are finaly rising and if you use good food they now grow very quickly for relatively cheap food. (my food for 90+ kg pigs is 120 bath/bag cheaper then that for 20-60 kg pigs. Most buyers will buy pigs up to 120 kg.

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All I can say about selling to middle men is, try harder guys to find real customers, or just hand over your money to them and walk off.

On the slaughterhouses, the state owned or "blessed" one in each district usually buys for the listed industry price. At least the ones I know do.

Over New Year I sold two 90kg gilts to a family wedding at 55 baht, and because it was family I dropped from my 60 baht current price. The village they come from are one of the few local customer bases I have,andby far the most regular. Heres the kicker, they buy from me because they want quality and thank God they can afford it.


Sold 12 large-white and danish landrace at avarage 104 kg yesterday. Took 120 days from 20 kg. I am selling these to 3 new customers (butchers who are family from eachother and aell the meat) for 52b/kg introduction price (2 bath overtheir normalbuying price, 2 bath under my target price for end jan.-). Next batch will be collected today, but they are a bit smaller.

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Just read the news. Minister of Commerce will buy any pig that only reaches USD 1.80 per kg. Budget set at USD2M and deal on until June.

Where did you read this?

Any details on how this works?

How do you contacts them etc.

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Found this on asian-agrobizz.com

Thai government to guarantee pig price [09 January 2013] The Thai Government recently launched a price guarantee program to help local pig farmers to cope with the falling pig price. Yukol Limlamthong, Minister of Commerce said that the ministry recently approved a total budget of USD 2 million to guarantee the price of local pigs.It will purchasepigsfrom farmerswhen theprice equals to or goes below USD1.8/kg. Theprogram will last till June this year. It plansto sell thepigs to Asean countries including Laos and Cambodia. The target is set at 150,000 pigs. Export value of pigs and cooked pork products in 2012 accounted for USD 131 million.

Looks like it refers to some official price. Maybe the price on http://www.swinethailand.or.th/index.php ?

These prices are a lot higher then wat we small farmers are getting.

They update today:

Daily, 11 January 2556.

Price Pig meat. National Association of Swine. 0.00 (0). Ratchaburi 59.00 (+1). Nakhon Pathom 61.00 (+1). Chachoengsao. 61.00 (+1.5). Chon Buri 61.00 (+1.5). East. 58.00 (+1.5). Chiang Mai 65.00 (0). Sriracha. 61.00 (+1.5). Surat Thani 58.00 (+3). Songkhla 59.00 (+3). Sea., P. 0.00 (0). Bangkhla factory. 0.00 (0). Piglets. 1300.00 + - 56.00

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I smell something fishy in this "assistance scheme" rather than the normal pig aroma. 150,000 pigs is a drop in the ocean and the $2M will be used well before mid year. This is a mopping up deal and that budget is already assigned. Interesting but IMHO, don't waste any time on it or think you can make use of the scheme. Hope I'm wrong...

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Sold today a few 100+ kg @ 60 Thb/kg.

For tomorrow another 3 are ordered @ the same price.

Not the 65 Thb/kg from last year but 60 is still ok, I think thumbsup.gif


Morning lads,

on the way to Surin yesterday the wife spots a Hino truck full of pigs our size, 70 - 80 Kg, as we pass I have full view of two little legs and a big bottom as Mrs Changers is leaning out the window and bellowing at the driver. We pull over and she quizzes the driver, result is all off to CP for 58 baht/kilo. Prices are going up and I have sold at 60 baht/kilo locally already, ok lucky days, Chinese new year is 10 Feb so I am keeping my stock, unless the price is right, until then.

Assistance scheme. This is Thailand lads. If it was the UK I would be smelling a rat but here I suspect may be more so. Has some top boy got a quota to fill? Has he been let down by his middlemen? To many questions not enough ink. I shall be getting Mrs Changers on the case but am not hoping solid gold leaves to be falling from the trees.

Hold fast lads the window is open a bit, whether it opens more or slams on my fingers only time will tell!


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Our 100 long sleeved Reno Farm shirts have finaly arrived. In red, black and purple. Front has the Betagro logo on the pocket the backs our logo, name in english and thai and telephone number. We give these to our customers and suppliers

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Brabo, mr Changers,

Are you selling these 60thb pigs as live pigs or slaugtered/butchered?

The only way I can get these kind of prices is by selling to parties/ funerals. But since no-one around here wants to kill the pigs I would have to slaughter and butcher them myself.

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Hopefully you have all resolved the permit issues I spoke of last year. Unfortunately I have not and now face a position where I cannot win against the small minds of the villagers and their collective schemes. If I push the buttons to fix things, then I will be awake nights for fear that someone slips the pigs a bait.

The only viable options are to move the pigs or sell the whole herd. Financially building a new sty is not an option hence I am looking for a good home for 19 pigs that all fit into a breeding herd. In a week or so, that option will narrow to sale as meat pigs.

To anyone who can offer a spot in their herd for these pigs, I would rather see them go there then under the knife. Whilst I will not give them away I need to move them. Open to suggestions guys and as beaten up and angered as I am I have to admit I need some help.

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