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About the tailcutting. I clip teeth and tail usually within an hour of birth. If u clip the tail right there is NO BLOOD. the tip doesnt have blood. If you do all this soon enough the piglets dont even react. No stress. Another stressfree way is to grap the tip while they suckling and clip then. They dont even stop suckling. No stress. The reason i clip tail is because pigs will sometimes chew on a tail if bored, hungry or bite it while establishing whos boss.

But when i dontbhave time to clip tailsbthe first 5 days i wont do it.

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if you remember mate years ago i did use rice hulls, but i thought it could get in there eyes, to be honest i think its looks great i used to put about a foot of it in and only clean once a month, but it was bloody hard graft cleaning,

i do like the look of the husk i really do,

but i like to wash down, i do it twice a day most days, its hot for them in the midd day so i go down and wash them again,, im soft with them i know,, we have just had one go to slaughter, i allways give them a pat and a fuss as they go, our are tame, you can go in with them and they are like dogs come for a fuss, in fact when im taking out the poo there a pest,,lol


People here who knows who is who will know that among the growers here in TV like thoongfoned, PJ, Revar, IA and the rest of the piggery members... are serious pig men... I am among them successful pigs raiser... I went a bit further, I became a wholesaler and transporter and exporter to Laos... I quitted for the love I had with this animals and so I could be in peace of mind... I know it is 90+ pages long but if you want to know more you will have to read them through...

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My sows live in 4x4 pens and keep their piglets with them 4 -5 weeks.

It may not be the best way but works for me. When they dont have piglets and are restless they sometimes get a bottle on.a string to play with.

My finished pigs are sought after by individual buyers but also guaranteed to be bought by my feed supplier and a bug meat producer ( but he pays less)

My surplus piglets i can sell to my feed supplier (at farm price).

I can do this because they feel the quality of my pigs and piglets its higher then most thai farms. I do things slightly different then most on forum or in thailand.

In fact my farm and methods will be one of the subjects of a 2day seminar of my food supplier in bangkok in januari lol.

For small quantaties niche markets are an option. And allgiers methods may work and appeal to some.


Most on here have many pigs and my and his methods are hard to apply if you have ,100+ sows or 300finishing pigs.

It can be done, but not easily.

Please realise that there are many ways to do things.

But most importantly, respect the experience of those who have been in the business a long time. Sure, you may feel you have a better way. Feel free to use that and share your experiences. But first prove it by successfully raising and selling high quality pigs. Until then its nothing but hot air.

My system was pretty close to yours Revar. My pens are 3 by 5 metres and I weaned piglets at about 28 days once they were established on dry feed. This was the important bit for me, that the piglets were ready to feed without the sow. Research I have done indicates that the sow's milk supply decreases after about a month and my experience seemed to confirm that. So for me, 28 days was a good target given my production system. The piglets remained in the farrowing pen 1.5 by 5 metres once the sow was taken out. I had removable barriers 1 metre into those pens which held the sows feed bowl with the front metre formed the creep area. By leaving the piglets in the same pen for the next month I reduced the incidence of scouring due to a change of environment and of stress post weaning. This setup also allowed me to avoid using farrowing crates.


For small quantaties niche markets are an option. And allgiers methods may work and appeal to some.


Most on here have many pigs and my and his methods are hard to apply if you have ,100+ sows or 300finishing pigs.

It can be done, but not easily.

Please realise that there are many ways to do things.

But most importantly, respect the experience of those who have been in the business a long time. Sure, you may feel you have a better way. Feel free to use that and share your experiences. But first prove it by successfully raising and selling high quality pigs. Until then its nothing but hot air.

How many pigs i need to live in Thailand?

jake make on one pig 7000 Bath profit. So this means he need to sell every month 5 pig and he get 35000 Bath Profit. For me this will be enough.

5 pig the month = for me means this every month one sow who give birth to new piglet = 6 sow.

6 sow and about 60 pig should be enough to make here in Thailand a living. Why i should have more? And for this amount i can give them a better live.

Nobody will put 10 dogs in a pen with 5 * 5 meter.

Nobody will put a female dog in a ironcage the whole live.


This thread tries to help people starting up and to exchange ideas between those already involved. So in that light here is my take on the number of sows and pigs you would need to reach Jakes current level of slaughtering one pig every two days. Firstly note that Jake is buying starter pigs not breeding piglets.

One 100kg pig every 2 days is 15 per month. Lets assume that your sows will wean an average of 10 starter pigs per parity and you have no mortalities post weaning. So you will need for have 1.5 sows farrow per month, every month. A total of 18 farrowings per year. The normal sow will farrow about 2.2 to 2.4 times per year,for ease of round numbers and to allow for a few misses on the sows being in pig, call it twice a year. Therefore your will need 9 sows. One sow farrowing every 6 weeks. The is no allowance for missing a farrowing.

Lets say you get the pigs to 100kg at 24 weeks. You will have 40 pigs in grow out before you can sell the first one. After that the flow must be maintained. I have a spreadsheet that shows the production and cost levels as I am sure most of the guys here have as well. We can talk more about that later.

So we have to house 9 sows (and replacements) through dry, gestation and farrowing periods. We also have to house at least 4 litters of 10 pigs at different weights. Plus we have to house sick pigs and others that need segregation. Plus we need to have spare pens to allow for cleaning and sanitation. Of course you may need to house a boar or two as well.

Now lets talk feed. Once you are running 9 sows and 40 pigs have to be fed every month.

Understand so far?

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Hi Revar,

I lost a few sows to scorpions. The last one I farrowed had a litter of 16, all viable and around 1.5kg. The sow must have got bitten while she was nursing them for the first time. Tried to bottle feed but they had all died after 4 sleepless nights. Heartbreaking despite all the care taken in checking pen and bedding.

Great to see you still going and planning future growth.


sorry to here about the scopians,

that is the main reason i like to have some chickens running round, i know most of you dont agree with this, but i see more danger in wild birds coming then i do my own chickens,

chickens eat scorians, and im sure my gease scare of snakes, but with us only having 2 rai if you look at my old pics im fully fenced off with post and 8 strands barbed wire, then white plastic net and at the bottom we have tin, the whits net is one of the best things i have done as when a snake tries to come through they can get there head and part of there body through then get stuck, cant go backwards and just die, im saying all get stuck and i do see the odd rat snake, but to be honest im not to botherd about them as they come looking for mice, but my 2 jack russells are sorting them out,

i understand about chickens can bring things to your pigs, but i dont like scorpians so the chickens help,

and the only reason i make good money is because i get my feed at cost price, im nothing special to this pig game, yes i do look after them well and spoil them,

i soak corn while on the cob for a couple of days then take it out put it somewere dark and they sprout like mad, the pigs love them and they are a very good source of vitimins, in fact all the animals get it even my pigeons,

i bought a machine 9,000bht for milling corn with the cob or strait corn makes it into meal, chiped corn we used to call it, so i can buy corn in at 8bht a kilo thats off the cob, and mama grows me a rai on te cob, and this make very good feed for my ducks, chickens, gease ect yes the pigs have a bit when they are big as a treat, but that machine is paying for itself big time, i could sell the meal many have asked, but i mill enough for us, im not going to stand there being windy miller,lol

we all struggled here in thailand when we first came i can remember the old writings when we all used to have the craic with each other, like raver said its about contacts, oh and a bloody lorry load of luck, im not alone when i say ive spent hours on this computer also driving to mills ect trying to be able to get things at a good price, that is what it take here hard work and time,

im lucky now, are farm is known, and people want to buy from us,

the wife just came back for more supplies for the shop, she has had a great morning so far, we will get up to a pig a day no dought about it,

the school orders 5 kilo a day, and if the other schools find maybe they will come too,

so we arnt going to keep more pigs as i used to do 30 or 40 a month, so same numbers of pigs, just no middle man,

ill give one of them his due, he wished us look came and saw the wife and me and said if we ever get stuck with to many just to ring him, and another one offerd to lend me some cages, i bought one and i also made one large one, thats all we need,

sorry for going on

all the best to us all, its a long hard road but nice when you can see it coming right,


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One 100kg pig every 2 days is 15 per month.

Now lets talk feed. Once you are running 9 sows and 40 pigs have to be fed every month.

Understand so far?

Thank you for answer. But from where are coming the 7000 Bath Profit? Or only jake have here 7000 Bath Profit and all another Farmer have 1000 - 3000 bath.

Or we should divide into sections:

- Piglet = Own or buy

- feeding = mix by the Farmer or buy

- Breed = A breed who start to be fat with 100 kg is not my way. The Profit come when the pig have 120 kg and more.

- Butcher = By the Farmer or not

And this we should see seperate.

And Europa the Customer pay normaly more for freerange pig, because the meat is better.

In Europa the Farmer planting and mixing the feed by them self and here? Bagfeeding and we dont know what is inside the commercial feed.


Jake's profit comes from the complete production system he uses, where he buys from, what he adds value too, and where and to whom he sells, not one particular aspect. The choices you list are yours to make. Try mapping your whole system and then costing it. I call it business planning, but that's just silly me. No two plans will be the same, every combination of farm and system will differ.

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I call it business planning, but that's just silly me. No two plans will be the same, every combination of farm and system will differ.

I think you are wrong because the piglet cost everywhere nearly same.

The feed cost also nearly some and if jake buy the feed at the mill. How mutch he can safe on this?

And if i butcher a 100 kg pig and sell on the market the income should be everywhere the same.

And jake not uses the whole production system. He buy the small piglet for 1400 Bath.

Normaly it should be easy to explane from where the 7000 Bath profit come. Or not?

How i can advise new pigfarmer if i cant tell them from where the profit come?

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One 100kg pig every 2 days is 15 per month.

Now lets talk feed. Once you are running 9 sows and 40 pigs have to be fed every month.

Understand so far?

Thank you for answer. But from where are coming the 7000 Bath Profit? Or only jake have here 7000 Bath Profit and all another Farmer have 1000 - 3000 bath.

Or we should divide into sections:

- Piglet = Own or buy

- feeding = mix by the Farmer or buy

- Breed = A breed who start to be fat with 100 kg is not my way. The Profit come when the pig have 120 kg and more.

- Butcher = By the Farmer or not

And this we should see seperate.

And Europa the Customer pay normaly more for freerange pig, because the meat is better.

In Europa the Farmer planting and mixing the feed by them self and here? Bagfeeding and we dont know what is inside the commercial feed.

my view is 7000 is unrealistic. I see many times people not fully costing everything. They forget about the mom pigs, they not include utilities, maintenance costs for the farm, labour costs and so on.

if you care to read bac a couple of pages i dd put my feed costs down, but ill put them down again,

my No 1 feed is 555bht a bag,

my No 2 feed is 463bht a bag,

my No3 feed is 405bht a bag

my No4 feed is 386bht a bag

my No5 feed is 364bht a bag

and i gave you jet feed pices to compare, i used to u sun feed and there pricesare about 200bht a bag more exencive then mine,

The piglets, yes im paying 1400bht deliverd, but i know and so does raver wereo get them at 800 to1000bhtach, but they are young and i have to drive 3 hours to go and get them,

like we keep saying its about contacts,

piglet price not the same everywere ! i dont mind paying a little bit more for good quality fast growing piglets,

i did try to explain about the profit but you called me a lier saying i couldnt get 70kilo of meat from a pig and that i didnt know th dfference between meat , fat and bone


How you call this jake? Pure meat or what. This is in my eyes "meat with skin and fat". But you writing only about meat.


But please, not tell me now there are 70 kg of meat on the table.How many times you check the weight from the pig alive befor its go to the butcher?

And how many times you check the weight after butchering?

If you dont do this, all the writing is for nothing and i waste my time again with you. If you call me a fool again, plaese check the weight from the pig alive first.

When you are searching the web you will see the price for 16 kg piglet is nationalwide the same.

But all your nice sentense explain not the 7000 bath Profit. Or maybe we should ask your wife? Or not?


Jake, dont let the tittle xxx scare you away.

Allgeier. Who the hell do you think you are. This tread has been hugely successful and people like jake have helped many newcommers to become a sucessful pigfarmer and live here. Some of us are no hobbyist but depend on pigs to make a living. You might have another income and see it as a hobby. Well. Its not for me and many others. Failure means leaving thailand.

I partly agree with your plans on how to raise your pigs and hope you will succeed.

But calling others lyers, ridiculing methods is unnessesary, rude, disrespectfull and stupid. With suchvan atitude you wont stay long in thailand, let alone in the pigbusiness.

Start showing some respect. Thereis no need for you to ruin this thread which has helped so many.

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Allgeier...The prices of piglet listed on the webs are just recommended prices and guide lines. A piglet farmer can sells at any prices he sees fit, like getting more orders by selling at a cheaper price of ฿1'100 - ฿1'200 for a 16kg. Although he makes very little profits but he got his volume in piglets... Selling cheap and many by bulk and "accumulating" small profits is also a way to do "Business"... As many members here already said,

how you can get sure deal depends on "contacts".

Stop arguing about Europe's primal and Thai local primal preferences... as long as money is made and how much is the level of satisfaction.


Start showing some respect. Thereis no need for you to ruin this thread which has helped so many.

Respect to who?

To a Farmer who can not see the differant between fat and meat.

To a Farmer who can not explain where the Profit come.from

To a Farmer who not check the weight from the pig befor butchering

Again. Many sentence but wasting time again.

Normaly its should be easy to explain the 7000 Bath Profit. But its impossible, this is the reason nobody can explain.


getting more orders by selling at a cheaper price of ฿1'100 - ฿1'200 for a 16kg.

You have a Telefonnummer from a Farmer who selling 16 kg Piglet for 1200 Bath ?


thats me done,

its been great over the years,

have fun guys,,,

Jake you have no reason to abandon the pig farmers here, we enjoy your contributions and feed off your successes. If you were to become as angry and negative as the doubting Thomas types we hear from, then you would give up and get a "real" job.


Obviously we have people posting here who either do not need help or are beyond help. The constant selective quotes and nit picking is getting boring.

In Australia we have a word for lumps of dried excretra on an animals backside We call them dags. We use the same expression for people with poor social skills. We try to avoid both.

Might I suggest our resident dag get an optarectomy performed on himself? That's where you have the nerves connecting your eyes to your backside severed. It will improve your sh1tty outlook on life.

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One 100kg pig every 2 days is 15 per month.

Now lets talk feed. Once you are running 9 sows and 40 pigs have to be fed every month.

Understand so far?

Thank you for answer. But from where are coming the 7000 Bath Profit? Or only jake have here 7000 Bath Profit and all another Farmer have 1000 - 3000 bath.

Or we should divide into sections:

- Piglet = Own or buy

- feeding = mix by the Farmer or buy

- Breed = A breed who start to be fat with 100 kg is not my way. The Profit come when the pig have 120 kg and more.

- Butcher = By the Farmer or not

And this we should see seperate.

And Europa the Customer pay normaly more for freerange pig, because the meat is better.

In Europa the Farmer planting and mixing the feed by them self and here? Bagfeeding and we dont know what is inside the commercial feed.

my view is 7000 is unrealistic. I see many times people not fully costing everything. They forget about the mom pigs, they not include utilities, maintenance costs for the farm, labour costs and so on.

right 7k is very realistic,

but if you start taking a wage for me it isnt, and what will you say i get paid,?

im a CSWIP 3.1 welding inspector, i was working offshore in angola december to march this year on £420 a day,

should i aim to pay myself this amount,?

our farm fully keeps our house, pays for everything, and puts money in the bank, in my eyes what more could i want>?

if i go to work which is getting less and less that money just goes into my bank and stays there,

you go on about maintenance, you have to maintain your house weather you have a farm or not, labour costs, my wife takes 200bht a day, and i told her to take a wage she didnt want to,

i keep pigs becouse i love to be on the farm, ive said this years ago if you care to read back, if we were in the uk i would be on my mums small holding of 6 acre, doing more on it then my mum does, thats me i like to be outside,

yes i can still go to work, but mainly i go now to have a laugh with the people as there isnt any falang here were i live, well not that i talk to, i do see the odd one when we are shoping,

selling a pig here is easy, you dont have to joint it up, even though ive got all the river cottage CDs and the pig in a day one were it teaches you to joint a pig up,

everything is sold, the insides they have all been sold from last nights pig, the head,feet every little bit, yes even the skin, the fat, the bones,EVERYTHING,

Im not going to sit here and try and convince you that you can make 7k on a pig,

im happy with what we do here,my wife and i make a good living, yes its hard at times, but i love the pig game, and because i get my feed at the price i do, we make good money,no other reason i save so much on feed, i thought all my christmasses had come at once, i couldnt believ the price they offerd me, i sell a few bags to some of the old farmers round here, they will turn up on there motorbike for the odd bag, if i was to open a shop selling feed i could make good money there too, but im not keen on that, i love animals, yes they have to go for slaughter, but while they are here they have a happy life,

right thats all ive got to say for a while,

if i can help any of my mates, you know were i am


reason why 7k sounds unrealistic to me is that say you sell the meat from a whole pig you get about 8500, maybe 9000 at best. If you want to make a profit of 7000, you would need costs as low as 2000 which include

- pig food

- labour costs for farmer and meat seller

- 300 baht to kill the pig

- electricity

- rent for shops to sell the meat

- vaccines/medication

- maintenance costs farm

- etc.

Personally I'm happy if I make 3000 baht profit. But clearly I'm new to this and not as experienced as others. But I learn quickly.


Respect to someonecwho has been in the business a long time. Respect to someone who has helped many others. Respect to someone who has experience in pigscand thailand and not only quotes internet found facts which cannot be applied to the thai situation. This is thailand. Not europe. 70% of the population earns less then 300thb a day. For them meat is anything not bone or fat. That is the main market for most of us. Not chefs and restaurants.

BUTal that has nothing to do with respect and behaving civilised towards other members.

I love that you want to do it organic, and it might work if you get rich bangkok, learned customers and fancy restaurants. But it does not mean that your way is good for all. About the 7000 bath. Ifvyou got the right contacts you can sell everything. Certain pieces of meat to bangkok restaurants, other pieces on market, skin, fat, hooves, head, bones, intestines. If you got buyers for that you can make 7k profit.

But to get these contacts and earn trust takes years.


Respect to someonecwho has been in the business a long time. Respect to someone who has helped many others. Respect to someone who has experience in pigscand thailand and not only quotes internet found facts which cannot be applied to the thai situation. This is thailand. Not europe. 70% of the population earns less then 300thb a day. For them meat is anything not bone or fat. That is the main market for most of us. Not chefs and restaurants.

BUTal that has nothing to do with respect and behaving civilised towards other members.

I love that you want to do it organic, and it might work if you get rich bangkok, learned customers and fancy restaurants. But it does not mean that your way is good for all. About the 7000 bath. Ifvyou got the right contacts you can sell everything. Certain pieces of meat to bangkok restaurants, other pieces on market, skin, fat, hooves, head, bones, intestines. If you got buyers for that you can make 7k profit.

But to get these contacts and earn trust takes years.

So how much money do you get when you sell the meat from the pigs you kill? What prices do they pay you?


For them meat is anything not bone or fat. That is the main market for most of us.

And why are the bones, fat, skin cheaper than the meat?

The Problem is here that are the most Long Time Writer know each other from the Farmer Meeting. So there are "Brothers in Beer".

And now somebody come witch no ideas and what? He is called a fool.

Respect have in my eyes Farmer who breed the own pig an mix the feed buy them self. But who is buying here fishmeal, sojameal, ricebran, Lysin, Methanin, Threonin, Salt, Vitamin , Phospat, Calcium, Corn, Wheat and mixing by them self ?

What is difficult to feed piglet out from a bag.? Nothing spezial.

And again revar. Jake is not sellling the meat in bangkok. He is selling the meat on the road.

Maybe he should stay one day in the shop and he know what he is writing.

im a CSWIP 3.1 welding inspector, i was working offshore in angola december to march this year on £420 a day,

This is maybe the reason the mother in law plant the peanut for you.

And the butcher kill the pig for you.

And the wife sell the pig for you.

I was a butcher and i worked also on a slaughterline for 50 Euro a day. And?

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