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Foreigners. Do You Get Scammed And Overcharged?



101 members have voted

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Highly unlikely! and would it not be difficult to prove?

Easy to prove. You only have to beat the laziness and you will buy the things cheaper than the average Somchai.

Next example: Last year i bought the same car as my thai friend, same time, but i bought it 5% cheaper than him. Why? Because i was not lazy to compare and so bought the car not on Phuket.

So for what should i complaint about it if they overcharge me 3 times a year buying ice. Lose on one side 50 Bath and gain on the another side sure each year more than 80.000 Bath.

The poll question is: "DO YOU GET OVERCHARGED?" No by how much and how many times.

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It's called "COLLUSION." Thus doing away with competition, in this case, with threats of violence etc. Look the word up in the dictionary. It's what makes the tuk-tuks a scam.

You can see a scam in anything if you want. And you're doing a good, sorry marvelous, job with that. :blink:

If you don't own a dictionary, you can look it up on the internet. :) :)

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It's called "COLLUSION." Thus doing away with competition, in this case, with threats of violence etc. Look the word up in the dictionary. It's what makes the tuk-tuks a scam.

You can see a scam in anything if you want. And you're doing a good, sorry marvelous, job with that. :blink:

That's what it comes down to. If you spend all day everyday looking for the scams, or thinking the next scammer is just around the corner then you will undoubtedly get your wish. I'm sure people just assume they've been ripped off and walk away moaning about it when they haven't at all, if they were more clued up about the correct prices of products they would be in much more control of the situation, know when they were being over charged and act accordingly.

The fact of the matter is there are more shops on Phuket that are happy to charge you the same price as Thai people, than there are that will automatically try and over charge you. It's a major misconception that people think it's the other way round.

If you can't manage to shop in the majority of shops, and always find yourself in the minority of unscrupulous ones, then the phrase, 'A fool and is money are easily parted' comes to mind.

Once again, the poll asks the question: "DO YOU GET SCAMMED AND OVERCHARGED?" Not whether it wrecks your day or if you can afford to be overcharged and don't care about it. Some have already admiited that they have, and continue to do so, due to simply being a farang, or not doing their research or not being bothered to go elswhere. However, the thread is a YES or NO answer.

Edited by NamKangMan
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She is probably to polite to argue, like my Thai wife . I was actually referring to Farangs who speak Thai.

If you are a Farang who speaks a little Thai and someone tries to over charge you, you can simply tell the shop keeper that you can get them somewhere else for cheaper, give him a chance to drop the price and if he's not interested you politely say thanks but no thanks and leave. The shop keeper will understand why you left and because you did it calmly and politely there was no loss of face on his part and no need for the Farang to feel bitter and twisted and like the whole world is out to get him. You then repeat this process until you find a shop that asks for a price that you are happy with, you then have found the shop to use in the future when buying that product. Couldn't be easier.

Shop keepers will charge whatever someone is willing to pay, instead of feeling so hard done by and like everyone's out to fleece you, learn how much things cost, and more importantly what you are willing to pay for them, learn a bit of Thai, negotiate, calmly and politely and get the price you are happy with.

Most importantly of all, stop it with the poor me, I'm such a victim routine, it's quite pathetic!!


I got a hair cut a while ago. Asked the price, 200 baht. I agreed. Couple of months later, went back to the same place for another hair cut. I remembered her, and her shop, she obviously forgot me. I sat up on the chair, she was just about to cut and I asked "how much?" She said 350 baht. I immediately told her to stop and said "Last time I come here 200 baht." She had that silly smile on her face because she had been caught out. I was just about to leave when she said "Ok, 200 baht." I should have still left, on principle, but stayed and got my hair cut. I'm sure she will remember me now. :) However, it's just another case of an attempt to rip you off, even when you thought you found an ethical business.

It's not about "poor me" or "I'm a victim" - I can afford the 350 baht, but why should I pay 350 baht for something that was 200 baht just 6 weeks prior. If she said 220 baht - ok, maybe her overheads had increased a bit and she is passing it onto the consumer,I have no problem with that, but to nearly double the price was just trying to take the piss.

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She is probably to polite to argue, like my Thai wife . I was actually referring to Farangs who speak Thai.

If you are a Farang who speaks a little Thai and someone tries to over charge you, you can simply tell the shop keeper that you can get them somewhere else for cheaper, give him a chance to drop the price and if he's not interested you politely say thanks but no thanks and leave. The shop keeper will understand why you left and because you did it calmly and politely there was no loss of face on his part and no need for the Farang to feel bitter and twisted and like the whole world is out to get him. You then repeat this process until you find a shop that asks for a price that you are happy with, you then have found the shop to use in the future when buying that product. Couldn't be easier.

Shop keepers will charge whatever someone is willing to pay, instead of feeling so hard done by and like everyone's out to fleece you, learn how much things cost, and more importantly what you are willing to pay for them, learn a bit of Thai, negotiate, calmly and politely and get the price you are happy with.

Most importantly of all, stop it with the poor me, I'm such a victim routine, it's quite pathetic!!


First I notice no comment after calling me a liar and being proven wrong.. Nice..

Second your talking about one specific issue, the issue of dual pricing in a place where you check the price first. In many customer interactions your not asking how much is this, how much is this, you go with the flow and get the bill at the end.. Secondly dual pricing is annoying, and doubly so for me when practiced by government institutions, but isnt the worst of it.

What this doesnt in any way address the kind of scamming which is 'as soon as I have your money I am unlikely to do the service required' the builder who needs some upfront cash to buy materials and never shows up again, or vanishes after a stage payment. It doesnt cover the 'mai mee wallanty' which is so prevalent even with large chain stores, the concept that all customer service ends the moment the money is paid. It doesnt cover the claiming to be able to do a job they have no hope of finishing (I once had to go and take a motorbike away in boxes cos he couldnt even put it back together let alone get it running) or the dangerous corner cutting (the guy who put a piece of plate glass in instead of a windscreen when I had him refurb a jeep, resulting in it imploding at speed, lacerating my face, cutting me and the missus elsewhere so he could save a couple hundred baht over a real windscreen.. Could have killed or maimed us both for him to pocket 500b). It doesnt cover the outright theft of anything not nailed down. The house deposits never returned, or or or or...

The saddest part is over the years it then destroys the trust, makes you guarded, means you have to treat everyone in a way I would far rather not to, but anytime I do extend trust I seem to be taken advantage of.

Well said. I agree 100%. Anyone who lives here who says they have not modified their behaviouror and are now guarded in minor, or major transactions, is living in denial.

Edited by NamKangMan
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If you don't own a dictionary, you can look it up on the internet. :) :)

I just did, and in none of the definitions I found price fixing and scams are connected.

But there really is no point to this discussion: I and some others disagree with you and some others. We have been over this again and again here on the forum, and the result is always the same.

I must say though I am a bit surprised, only (at the moment) about 60% saying they have been scammed here and it is worse than in other countries. I would have expected that percentage to be higher on a poll on Thai Visa.

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In the eleven years I have lived here, I may have been overcharged a couple of times by Thai merchants but I have been cheated by an Austrian couple, cheated by an American and had my business sabotaged, vandalized and robbed by an Australian.

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Wish I'd said this:-

"The behaviour of corrupt and dishonest police, politicians, business leaders and people in authority etc... sets an example to the general population that teaches them that there is no reward either financial or otherwise, for what we in the west would call "doing the right thing".

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Wish I'd said this:-

"The behaviour of corrupt and dishonest police, politicians, business leaders and people in authority etc... sets an example to the general population that teaches them that there is no reward either financial or otherwise, for what we in the west would call "doing the right thing".

Unfortunately the same could be said of the west:

"The behaviour of corrupt and dishonest police, politicians, business leaders and people in authority etc... sets an example to the general population that teaches them that there is no reward either financial or otherwise, for what we in a civilized and humane society would call "doing the right thing".

i really don't think the west is any better.

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Wish I'd said this:-

"The behaviour of corrupt and dishonest police, politicians, business leaders and people in authority etc... sets an example to the general population that teaches them that there is no reward either financial or otherwise, for what we in the west would call "doing the right thing".

Unfortunately the same could be said of the west:

i really don't think the west is any better.


Check the link.

Corruption by country. Definition, graph and map.

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you have got the answers to the poll....a scammer is a scammer it does not matter hes in thailand or not...its no worse here than most of the other countries in the world..if you have been over charged its your ...fault...for not checking the price,,,,,.learn from your mistakes..you can suvive here.....

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First of all your link is about corruption, your quote also about many other things. Second of all in the west is a different kind of corruption, accepted by lots of people. Think about the big meetings for MD's organised by pharmaceuticals, and there are many, many more examples, big and small. Or do you think the lobbyists in Washington are just talking and not conveing arguments like: 'vote in favour of this bill and you'll lose a big part of your electorate' or 'vote in favour of this bill and that plant with 100 employees will be built in your state', etc.
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First of all your link is about corruption, your quote also about many other things. Second of all in the west is a different kind of corruption, accepted by lots of people. Think about the big meetings for MD's organised by pharmaceuticals, and there are many, many more examples, big and small. Or do you think the lobbyists in Washington are just talking and not conveing arguments like: 'vote in favour of this bill and you'll lose a big part of your electorate' or 'vote in favour of this bill and that plant with 100 employees will be built in your state', etc.

Steven you've got it all wrong, massive governmental and corporate corruption in the west is ok. Pharmacists in Phuket charging tourists an extra 25 baht is what we need to crack down on.

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First I notice no comment after calling me a liar and being proven wrong.. Nice..

The saddest part is over the years it then destroys the trust, makes you guarded, means you have to treat everyone in a way I would far rather not to, but anytime I do extend trust I seem to be taken advantage of.

Sorry mate, I defy anyboy to read all your posts and not believe you have truth issues. If that's the same as me calling you a lier then so be it. Either that or you should be in the world record books as the most unlucky man around.

As for making you guarded, that's the problem. It's the snowball efect. You feel like a victim every time you leave your house and so you enevitably become one. You've probably got to the stage now, where subconciously you are dissapointed if someone doesn't wrong you during the day, giving you nothing to write about on TV in the evening

No. You are missing the point.

"they were too expensive so I made other arrangements" - but you never modified your behaviour???????????????????? What do you call "made other arrangements then?"

That's a bit of silly arguement. In that case we all modify our behaviour every time we decide to do something. By using that phrase you make it sound like it causes me problems having to avoid Tuk Tuks, like it's a real pain. That maybe the case for you but not me. I had no problems or issues finding alternative transport when I didn't want to use them anymore.

People like you could live here for a hundred years and you would never stop trying to make this place more like the west. I'ts the way it is, live with it.

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She is probably to polite to argue, like my Thai wife . I was actually referring to Farangs who speak Thai.

If you are a Farang who speaks a little Thai and someone tries to over charge you, you can simply tell the shop keeper that you can get them somewhere else for cheaper, give him a chance to drop the price and if he's not interested you politely say thanks but no thanks and leave. The shop keeper will understand why you left and because you did it calmly and politely there was no loss of face on his part and no need for the Farang to feel bitter and twisted and like the whole world is out to get him. You then repeat this process until you find a shop that asks for a price that you are happy with, you then have found the shop to use in the future when buying that product. Couldn't be easier.

Shop keepers will charge whatever someone is willing to pay, instead of feeling so hard done by and like everyone's out to fleece you, learn how much things cost, and more importantly what you are willing to pay for them, learn a bit of Thai, negotiate, calmly and politely and get the price you are happy with.

Most importantly of all, stop it with the poor me, I'm such a victim routine, it's quite pathetic!!


I got a hair cut a while ago. Asked the price, 200 baht. I agreed. Couple of months later, went back to the same place for another hair cut. I remembered her, and her shop, she obviously forgot me. I sat up on the chair, she was just about to cut and I asked "how much?" She said 350 baht. I immediately told her to stop and said "Last time I come here 200 baht." She had that silly smile on her face because she had been caught out. I was just about to leave when she said "Ok, 200 baht." I should have still left, on principle, but stayed and got my hair cut. I'm sure she will remember me now. :) However, it's just another case of an attempt to rip you off, even when you thought you found an ethical business.

It's not about "poor me" or "I'm a victim" - I can afford the 350 baht, but why should I pay 350 baht for something that was 200 baht just 6 weeks prior. If she said 220 baht - ok, maybe her overheads had increased a bit and she is passing it onto the consumer,I have no problem with that, but to nearly double the price was just trying to take the piss.

Again, you are living in the west. She doesn't care who you are, she doesn't remember what she charged you last time. She is going to charge what she thinks you will pay. (the true value of something is whatever someone is prepared to pay for it)

Once you got her down to 200 baht again, what's the problem? She tried her luck and you didn't buy it. Stop being so arrogant and taking it so personally, it's no big deal, you're not in Kansas now toto.

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you have got the answers to the poll....a scammer is a scammer it does not matter hes in thailand or not...its no worse here than most of the other countries in the world..if you have been over charged its your ...fault...for not checking the price,,,,,.learn from your mistakes..you can suvive here.....

"learn from your mistakes" - that means you have been scammed. That's all the poll is asking you to vote on.

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Again, you are living in the west. She doesn't care who you are, she doesn't remember what she charged you last time. She is going to charge what she thinks you will pay. (the true value of something is whatever someone is prepared to pay for it)

Once you got her down to 200 baht again, what's the problem? She tried her luck and you didn't buy it. Stop being so arrogant and taking it so personally, it's no big deal, you're not in Kansas now toto.

My point is, it's difficult to find an ethical business here when, like you say, they judge you on what they think you can/will pay and the prices change all the time, based on that fact.

I should have said "Last time I pay 150 baht." :) :)

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First I notice no comment after calling me a liar and being proven wrong.. Nice..

The saddest part is over the years it then destroys the trust, makes you guarded, means you have to treat everyone in a way I would far rather not to, but anytime I do extend trust I seem to be taken advantage of.

Sorry mate, I defy anyboy to read all your posts and not believe you have truth issues. If that's the same as me calling you a lier then so be it. Either that or you should be in the world record books as the most unlucky man around.

As for making you guarded, that's the problem. It's the snowball efect. You feel like a victim every time you leave your house and so you enevitably become one. You've probably got to the stage now, where subconciously you are dissapointed if someone doesn't wrong you during the day, giving you nothing to write about on TV in the evening

No. You are missing the point.

"they were too expensive so I made other arrangements" - but you never modified your behaviour???????????????????? What do you call "made other arrangements then?"

That's a bit of silly arguement. In that case we all modify our behaviour every time we decide to do something. By using that phrase you make it sound like it causes me problems having to avoid Tuk Tuks, like it's a real pain. That maybe the case for you but not me. I had no problems or issues finding alternative transport when I didn't want to use them anymore.

People like you could live here for a hundred years and you would never stop trying to make this place more like the west. I'ts the way it is, live with it.

Why don't you still catch the tuk-tuks? It's only 5 quid a ride. Oh, they are too expensive, that's right. Why are they too expensive, because they collude to create a monopoly of an essential service, thus becoming a criminal enterprise. That's what makes them a scam.

If it's a silly argument, why did you make other arrangements, and buy a car, or motorbike, or live walking distance to everything, but the cost of tuk-tuk transport on the island NEVER caused you to make certain decisions (a vehicle purchase) thus modifying your behaviour. Yeh, right.

As far as making Phuket more like the west - you obviously haven't traveled Thailand or SE Asia much. If you think Phuket, particularly Patong, hasn't already not been "westernised" - you really need to travel further afield.

Don't take my word for it - research the history of Thailand during, and after, The Vietnam War. It's what kicked off Pattaya and it spread from there, TOTO. :) :)

Edited by NamKangMan
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I should have said "Last time I pay 150 baht." :) :)

That's just it, you could have done. If you had done it well with a smile on your face, you may have ended up paying less than 200 and then you would be the so called scammer. That's the way bartering works.

Why don't you still catch the tuk-tuks? It's only 5 quid a ride. Oh, they are too expensive, that's right. Why are they too expensive, because they collude to create a monopoly of an essential service, thus becoming a criminal enterprise. That's what makes them a scam.

As far as making Phuket more like the west - you obviously haven't traveled Thailand or SE Asia much. If you think Phuket, particularly Patong, hasn't already not been "westernised" - you really need to travel further afield.

Don't take my word for it - research the history of Thailand during, and after, The Vietnam War. It's what kicked off Pattaya and it spread from there, TOTO. :) :)

I don't still catch them because as I said before they are for tourists, which is why they charge tourist prices.

Calling the tuk tuk monopoly a criminal enterprise is highlighting exactly what I have just said. Where is it criminal? Here in Thailand? What you are trying to say, is if they did something like that in the west it would be criminal, or the law should be changed so it is criminal here as well. That's what you mean to say. The fact is IT IS NOT CRIMINAL here that's why they can do it.

The biggest reason people have issues with 'scams' is because they never truly accept Thailand and Phuket the way it is, warts and all. People will always compare the way things are here with their western ideals, which will lead them, ultimately to be unhappy. You walk around Patong thinking the Tuk Tuk drivers are breaking the law by having an expensive monopoly. Wake up, they're breaking western laws not Thailand's.

Of course Phuket is westernised. That doesn't mean to say for one minute the Thai people, officials, laws, and customs are remotely westernised, and that is what some people will never get to terms with.

Why not look at the glass half full. Yes it takes a bit of getting used to living here, but at least we don't get charged by the council for putting rubbish in the wrong bin or putting them out on the wrong day by mistake, or get fined for stopping on a yellow line to let someone out of your car because the council have now got enforcement cars with cameras on top. You can't fart in England with getting a ticket or being caught on camera. I'll take the old fashioned, corrupt, way of doing things all day long. Strangely it seems more honest and up front to me.

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Calling the tuk tuk monopoly a criminal enterprise is highlighting exactly what I have just said. Where is it criminal?

When it pulls the driver out of a bus service set up and beats him till hes hospitalized..

When it threatens and damages any meter tax from picking up.

How do you think they enforce this monopoly ?? With 'pretty please' ??

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The biggest reason people have issues with 'scams' is because they never truly accept Thailand and Phuket the way it is, warts and all.

No its that these scams are getting worse.. Its not a case of not accepting Phuket, its a case of Phuket changing and not liking the changes.

People will always compare the way things are here with their western ideals, which will lead them, ultimately to be unhappy. You walk around Patong thinking the Tuk Tuk drivers are breaking the law by having an expensive monopoly. Wake up, they're breaking western laws not Thailand's.

So its not a Thai law to beat people up, to smash cars windscreens, scratch cars, occupy public parking and generally act like thugs ??

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The biggest reason people have issues with 'scams' is because they never truly accept Thailand and Phuket the way it is, warts and all.

No its that these scams are getting worse.. Its not a case of not accepting Phuket, its a case of Phuket changing and not liking the changes.

People will always compare the way things are here with their western ideals, which will lead them, ultimately to be unhappy. You walk around Patong thinking the Tuk Tuk drivers are breaking the law by having an expensive monopoly. Wake up, they're breaking western laws not Thailand's.

So its not a Thai law to beat people up, to smash cars windscreens, scratch cars, occupy public parking and generally act like thugs ??

Tuk Tuk drivers are breaking Thai law every single day, most likely every single hour

I have once parked in public roadside parking on Rat u thee 200 roy phi. some tuk tuk drivers asked me not to, but since its PUBLIC parking i ignored them. new car was scratched along one side and 2 flat tyres. 20k baht. Since then I have parked inside Jungceylon and pay a fee.

Most of them are criminals, since they are mafia they get away with it. Since its a monopoly, there arent many alternatives.

Except for tuk tuks, I v been scammed or harrassed less in my almost 8 years living in Thailand, than visiting other countries

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When it pulls the driver out of a bus service set up and beats him till hes hospitalized..

When it threatens and damages any meter tax from picking up.

How do you think they enforce this monopoly ?? With 'pretty please' ??

Tuk Tuk drivers are breaking Thai law every single day, most likely every single hour

I have once parked in public roadside parking on Rat u thee 200 roy phi. some tuk tuk drivers asked me not to, but since its PUBLIC parking i ignored them. new car was scratched along one side and 2 flat tyres. 20k baht. Since then I have parked inside Jungceylon and pay a fee.

Most of them are criminals, since they are mafia they get away with it. Since its a monopoly, there arent many alternatives.

Except for tuk tuks, I v been scammed or harrassed less in my almost 8 years living in Thailand, than visiting other countries

Again you are both failing to grasp the big picture. The fact that those things are technically illegal is irrelevant. The fact that they can get away with them, be it right or wrong, is the way things are done here. It's a very simple old fashioned, developing country way for things to work. You have power, you have money, you do what you like. People like you simply can't come to terms with that fact. You are getting confused with what's morally right and the way Thai and in particular Phuket politics work. Complaining and moaning about it is futile and naive to say the least.

You wouldn't go to china and start arguing for the freedom of speech, you wouldn't go to the middle east and start saying how terrible it is people have several wives, you wouldn't go to Africa where countries are run by psychopathic war lords, and start moaning things weren't fair. So why do it here.

As I have said before, weather you know and can accept it or not, you are failing to accept this place for the way it is and the way it's always been and you are wishing it was more like the west.

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Ìm only here on hols, so im only giving a tourist point of few, I get a tuk tuk here 20 min ride maybe 400 bath ( 10 Euro)

I got a taxi in Sorrento in Italy a few years back and 5 min ride €20, they even charge more for it been Sunday :angry:

Now when you are getting alot of Tuk Tuk it does add up, but thats my missus fault, she won,t get on the back of a bike with me.

What I find really annoying is going into a bar and getting 10 vodlkas and pineapple and be able to walk home straight, thats just wrong :lol:, but its Phuket and that just tells me not to drink anything other than what is in a seal bottle from that bar . Funny old world eh

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When it pulls the driver out of a bus service set up and beats him till hes hospitalized..

When it threatens and damages any meter tax from picking up.

How do you think they enforce this monopoly ?? With 'pretty please' ??

Tuk Tuk drivers are breaking Thai law every single day, most likely every single hour

I have once parked in public roadside parking on Rat u thee 200 roy phi. some tuk tuk drivers asked me not to, but since its PUBLIC parking i ignored them. new car was scratched along one side and 2 flat tyres. 20k baht. Since then I have parked inside Jungceylon and pay a fee.

Most of them are criminals, since they are mafia they get away with it. Since its a monopoly, there arent many alternatives.

Except for tuk tuks, I v been scammed or harrassed less in my almost 8 years living in Thailand, than visiting other countries

Again you are both failing to grasp the big picture. The fact that those things are technically illegal is irrelevant. The fact that they can get away with them, be it right or wrong, is the way things are done here. It's a very simple old fashioned, developing country way for things to work. You have power, you have money, you do what you like. People like you simply can't come to terms with that fact. You are getting confused with what's morally right and the way Thai and in particular Phuket politics work. Complaining and moaning about it is futile and naive to say the least.

You wouldn't go to china and start arguing for the freedom of speech, you wouldn't go to the middle east and start saying how terrible it is people have several wives, you wouldn't go to Africa where countries are run by psychopathic war lords, and start moaning things weren't fair. So why do it here.

As I have said before, weather you know and can accept it or not, you are failing to accept this place for the way it is and the way it's always been and you are wishing it was more like the west.

Phuket Provincal Police Commander Major Pekad Tantipong agrees to make public parking in Patong public again, and has recently started to crack down on criminal tuk tuk drivers.

He is grasping the big picture, just like LivinLOS and I do:D

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Phuket Provincal Police Commander Major Pekad Tantipong agrees to make public parking in Patong public again, and has recently started to crack down on criminal tuk tuk drivers.

He is grasping the big picture, just like LivinLOS and I do:D

That wont stop me parking in the basement of Jungceylon where the car is safe an secure.

And i know a lot of other people feel the same way

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Phuket Provincal Police Commander Major Pekad Tantipong agrees to make public parking in Patong public again, and has recently started to crack down on criminal tuk tuk drivers.

He is grasping the big picture, just like LivinLOS and I do:D

Good that is going to happen, but I don't believe it until I see it.

No connection with scamming or overcharging though.

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Phuket Provincal Police Commander Major Pekad Tantipong agrees to make public parking in Patong public again, and has recently started to crack down on criminal tuk tuk drivers.

He is grasping the big picture, just like LivinLOS and I do:D

Good that is going to happen, but I don't believe it until I see it.

No connection with scamming or overcharging though.

agree, just my reply to bangtaoboy stating tuk tuk drivers criminal behavior is acceptable and being the thai way of doing it

PP Policecommander does not agree with bangtaoboy

and even if I have some trust in his work, I will continue to park in Jungceylon

back to topic

never been scammed

asked to pay a higher price than thais, frequently

when I first came here, Thai airways was basicly the only carrier to BKK. one price for thais, one for others

Overcharging. The history of "up-pricing" (thats what the subject is called in school/university) started in Pattaya during Vietnam. People where taught to charge the farang as much as possible for the good of their families and the nation.

Pharmacies have been mentioned, and as far as I know there is only one pharmacy here in Kata charging thai price to all customers. Patak road, close to the temple run by dad and daughter.

Seems to me up pricing is more common in Singapore than here

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Phuket Provincal Police Commander Major Pekad Tantipong agrees to make public parking in Patong public again, and has recently started to crack down on criminal tuk tuk drivers.

He is grasping the big picture, just like LivinLOS and I do:D

:lol: I'll match your naivity and I'll raise you severe delusion. Let me know how that works out.

agree, just my reply to bangtaoboy stating tuk tuk drivers criminal behavior is acceptable and being the thai way of doing it

PP Policecommander does not agree with bangtaoboy

The word acceptable can also mean tolerable or bearable so yes, I find it completely acceptable.

The police commander may not agree with me but he'll probably be found dead in suspicious circumstances long before I will :(

I think we'll leave it there for now. I'll see you in 4 months when this topic comes around again when everything will be exactly the same still, including our opinions.

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