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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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How sickening is that before I opened this thread I knew that there would be people arguing in defense of the child pornography sellers? You are a class act BW and gotlost :blink:

I guess there is not bunch that offends you guys. Jesus.


How sickening is that before I opened this thread I knew that there would be people arguing in defense of the child pornography sellers? You are a class act BW and gotlost :blink:

I guess there is not bunch that offends you guys. Jesus.

Where is the "defense of the child pornography sellers" in their posts?

BW points out that there is a more sinister side, and gotlost calls it <deleted>.


A short while back I was channel surfing my local cable tv when, to my complete and utter astonishment, I'd stumbled upon some Thai movie with a female child lying on a bed screaming 'no no' and the camera switched to some middle aged 'up country' type pulling off her knickers and then sniffing them with a look of someone just having smelled a wonderful perfume. I didn't hang around to see what happened next, but this was being shown on day time tv! You know, the ones who put 'electric tape' over smoking scenes and now bleep out the word Christ (as in Oh Christ/Jesus!, whatever).

Given that these videos are being publicly exhibited for sale, together with the well known fact that certain magazines containing children for sale were/still are circulating some tourist areas, hands up all those who still deny this country is neither Third World, insofar as screwing kids seems still not to be too big a deal (keep hearing about 'farang' paedophiles being caught, have yet to see any Thai), nor corrupt apropos the police district turning a blind eye, to it's core. Both of which are aspects of 'Thai' culture unlikely to go away any time soon.

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The self righteous have been walking by this shyt for at least 20 years and they are just now making a stink. PU.

Yeah, everyone knew that porn was there but it was not child porn or so I thought. It used to be a bit of cardboard saying porno or xxx.

Now it's photos of the most extreme hardcore pervert shyt and it's in your face.

And now I'm a parent I find it appalling and sad that Thai's have sunk so low that they don't give a shyt that my kids will see this.

I was shocked to read that it's actually child porn there as well.

But what has shocked me more is that now the locals can't even be bothered to hide it anymore along with the strap on dildos and massive vibrators just sat there on a table.

Thai are 95% Buddhist ??? give me a break. It's all an act


Im sure many of us have bought the latest hollywood from these stalls, but i for would would be happy to have to pay for originals movie releases to get this god awful stuff of the streets for good, in fact i will no longer buy movies from these vendors from now on!

I won't buy the copied Hollywood movies here. My union makes the Hollywood movies, it a total copyright infringement as well as terrible quality compared to a real DVD. But child porn on the streets in a country where they blur out even a cartoon character smoking and all porn is illegal to possess, it a pretty sad commentary on the morals, greed and corruption of the police and all those involved. When you read about some old farang arrested in Pattaya, the police always display porn DVD's and blurred out sex toys... Wonder where they bought them? Yet another double standard in Thailand, one for Thai, one for farang... Disgraceful!

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Ok we have here an article that says they are selling child porn in those stalls on n Sukhumvit.I've been living here for the past 16 years and have never seen something like this.Porn movies yes but child porn never,not on Sukhumvit or anywhere else in public places.Included in the OP is a picture from a stall selling copy movies.If they have prove then why isn't there a picture from a child porn cover included or some other evidence?

In my opinion this is just another newspaper selling article with no hard evidence.


Some week ago, one of those rare times that I am outside the office and not in a taxi during business hours, I passed a couple of stalls not far from Asoke station on Sukhumvit and with a twitch noticed that they openly sold pornographic movies - I am accustomed to the Silom style, where there is young guys asking if you want it that you have to wave away, never sold in the open...

But I am very sure I did not see any underage content in my brisk walk pass the stalls.


Sadly, this has been going on for a while.

Pantip Plaza is certainly selling Child porn and has been doing for many years. In Pattaya on beach road, there's a few stalls selling porn and as with Sukhumvit now, they display it openly. How delightful it is when I'm out with my 8 year old son and there's a pic of some lass getting double drilled right outside Starbucks.

It was 3 years ago, I noticed when walking past the place by McDonalds that they had child porn on display. It was something I thought I'd get through life without seeing - but nope - right in front of my face.

I had noticed that recently the Sukhumvit sellers were also displaying the back covers of porno vids openly. I don't really look in detail and hadn't noticed any kid stuff but after seeing it on the footpath in Pattaya and in Pantip plaze, it's not really a surpise.

As for the porn laws here. I believe that the posession of pornography is not an offence and it is just distribution that's an offence. I believe that there is no specific law against the posession of child porn either. That might be a good place to start.

Anyway - what to we expect from a country with rampant corruption. I cross the line by paying off traffic cops. I am sure this would mortify some people. The selling of child porn mortifies me, I find it abhorrent - but where it suits my morals, I'll gladly go along with a corrupt system.

Perhaps expecting the corrupt to draw the line somewhere is too much...


It is illegal to posses 'vulgar' and 'obscene' things, be it videos or toys. (This is where the un-sure state of dildos comes from...if it is an obscene item...)


allowing this kind of stuff to be openly sold is pretty vile.

Im sure your post wasn't intended to be read this way, but i dont see the relevance of whether it was sold openly or not. Any person connected to this kind of trade needs punishing to the same extent as drug traffickers. My wife's son is 11, it makes my blood boil to know children of this age and younger are being exploited.



Just came back from a walk about these stands, and all the porn is still openly available, as if nothing happened. This certainly teaches us something about the importance the authorities give to the foreign press.

And yes, I have seen Child Porn available in the open on at least one of the stands.

As much as I hate Child Porn, I also must say it is stupid to completely forbid adult porn or sex toys. And this discrimination of something that is in good use among the majority of adults is part of the problem. By making it illegal all those things get out of control and in the hands of the mafia.

Thai are 95% Buddhist ??? give me a break. It's all an act

That's well known. The normal accurate description of most Thais' religion is 'animism with a veneer of Buddhism'.

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I am probably naive, but I find it difficult to blame the people in the middle of the chain. Yes - they are just merchants buying and selling goods. However - they sell these goods because there is a demand for them.

One of the problems with society is that we have become too forgiving. Ah the poor rapist who was 'egged on'. Ah the poor child molester who was molested as a child etc.

Sorry - but this wrong. Watching or participating in lewd acts with children is wrong. No excuse. No ifs, buts or whys. Go to jail. Go straight to jail, do not pass go and do not collect $200.

If no one bought these products - then I guarantee that the vendors would not sell them. After they had been sitting unsold on the stall for a month or two - dumped is where they would be.

I do not want to be accused of a 'hang them high' post, but these criminals who carry out crimes against children, who film these crimes against children should go to jail and be put in cells with other criminals who have children. Anything after that is probably not relevant.

and yes - I am one of the 172 people reading this post. I would do anything within my power to stop this sort of thing. If you see it - report it!


Right on;

This has been going on since as long as i can remmember and that goes back to the early 80's, so this is nothing new.

Funny, I've been around since the very early 1980s, remember when Nana Plaza was mostly tailor shops and the Landmark Hotel was but a hole in the ground, and I don't ever remember seeing kiddie porn being openly displayed, neither along Sukhumwit nor anywhere else in the Kingdom. Now never having inquired whether it was available or not I can't say whether or not it was available under the table, but I have never seen it openly displayed.

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I am probably naive, but I find it difficult to blame the people in the middle of the chain. Yes - they are just merchants buying and selling goods. However - they sell these goods because there is a demand for them.


Jail the people who buy it. Jail the people who sell it. Jail (or worse) the people who make it.

Thai are 95% Buddhist ??? give me a break. It's all an act

That's well known. The normal accurate description of most Thais' religion is 'animism with a veneer of Buddhism'.

Almost there, you forgot to add with just a pinch of monetarism (more than a pinch sometimes)


It is my understanding it is not even illegal to posses child porn in Thailand. Can't sell it but can have it.

and why did you research such a topic?


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

It's time to stop. Can you please stop this things? Are you Thai and we MUST be the perverted that FORCE thai to do this?

Dont you have, in this case, i'm a father of a child that have 1 year, a minimum of.....dignity?

Eroin, anphetamin, ice are more request so why they dont sell free on sukhumvit?

Please, every single day in Thailand far from the tourist area they close" karaoke" whit underage lady.

Then if you read the article they said DVD whit also Thai child...is OUR guilty if they do that?

They are poor? the sell dvd for live? are you sure?



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There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling.

I have to assume you are from Pattaya and have also seen the DVDs they sell on beach road in plain view of everyone. Some even hold it up to show you as you walk by. One of the child porn vendors sits right there where the police sit and ticket scooter riders for no helmets. Police allow child porn to be sold there day in and day out, but you better be wearing your helmet as you drive by.

Boggles the mind.

There should be NO lenience for making, selling or buying this stuff. Life in prison would be fair.

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It is my understanding it is not even illegal to posses child porn in Thailand. Can't sell it but can have it.

and why did you research such a topic?

Are you projecting because of your own issues? What a strange question to ask being that you are participating in this thread and if have ever looked at rational (grown-up) people speak about this subject ... you two might be informed instead of asking ignorant questions that seem to imply more about yourself than anything else. ;-)


This issue is such a disgusting and disturbing topic. But one has to wonder how this could be taken 'upstairs' to the authorities when you have a country with some government officers (supposedly serving the public) themselves having risen from the sex industry?

I believe the current Minister of Commerce's family owns one of the 'happy ending' massage parlors on Ratchada where she once managed the VIP floor and 'inventory'. And then there was old Uncle Chuwit, the Donald Trump of the hump.

How can we expect the authorities to take it seriously when they themselves serve as public examples to the population that the sex industry works and doesn't prevent you from rising to the top? It's pathetically cultural on this one.


count me in the crowd of having never seen any child stuff here, thank god.

I am with you on that one.

Probably a good job too - if I saw it I would probably say/do something. Hello BIB.


count me in the crowd of having never seen any child stuff here, thank god.

I am with you on that one.

Probably a good job too - if I saw it I would probably say/do something. Hello BIB.

Same you, I agree.


It appears that some people have difficulty understanding English. I am not justifying the making, selling or buying of child pornograpghy. I wrote that there is a sinsiter side to the business. If people were not buying the stuff then there would not be a market for it. That isn't justifying the sale of it. I also wrote "It is the nastier side of the human condition."

Those who know me personally know that I used to lock these people up for a living.


Ok we have here an article that says they are selling child porn in those stalls on n Sukhumvit.I've been living here for the past 16 years and have never seen something like this.Porn movies yes but child porn never,not on Sukhumvit or anywhere else in public places.Included in the OP is a picture from a stall selling copy movies.If they have prove then why isn't there a picture from a child porn cover included or some other evidence?

In my opinion this is just another newspaper selling article with no hard evidence.

Agree. I have NEVER seen it being sold ANYWHERE. I've read and heard that these guys selling the standard porn often sell other stuff but you have to ask and be taken somewhere else or they go get it or something. But NEVER have I seen or heard of anybody displaying child porn openly. Even with being able to pay off police in Bangkok ... I just don't see this as being a line even a very corrupt policeman would cross.


We read all the time about Police General this...Col that...Lt Col blah blah blah but Thais break the law right before their eyes.

Too many chiefs and morons and not enough indians.


The only thing I find surprising is that other people are surprised. Child porn is sold by all those creepy porn peddlers in Pantip and no one seems to care. Thailand is a society where men can do what they like sexually as long as they pay for it and women either support the right of men to do this or turn a blind eye to it. There are underage prostitutes in every neighbourhood all over Thailand. It's sickening, but is it really something you didn't know about?

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