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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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Hotels in Bangkok refuse Blacks and Indians

BANGKOK THAILAND: -- The Rapper/ artist "Ribkat" and band members are asked to leave their Hotel "Nasa Vegas Complex Luxury Hotel" in Bangkok because as they were told by the hotel manager "they had to respect the Hotel policy" which is to discriminate against blacks and Indians". The hotel staff and manager also refused to refund the amount they paid up front for their hotel rooms.

"Ribkat", a well known member of the multi-platinum selling group "Fort Minor" with Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park was told by the Hotel Manager that they did not allow blacks or Indians at their Hotel.

"Ribkat" asked them why they accepted his payment in the first place if this was part of their racist policy. Nasa Vegas advertises long term stay deals which is exactly what Ribkat was inquiring about to begin with due to several business engagements in Thailand only to be lied to by the Nasa Vegas staff stating that there were no rooms available for long term rent which in the end turned out to be a big fat lie all because Ribkat is an African American.

"Ribkat" a hip hop artist preparing for several performances in Thailand and a deal for his soon to be released album "Theory of Addicts" with Josy B. has now been publicly humiliated with the most outrageous blatant form of racism that he will now have to postpone all of his public appearances and performances to resolve this unfortunate ignorant issue.

His friends and Thailand hosts were in complete shock, one of his hosts called the hotel and asked if the hotel room was available and they confirmed with her that it was, but only to her because she was not black. Ribkats drummer who is white and his female friend who is Thai, couldn't help but notice how Ribkat was constantly singled out and always had the fingers pointing at him with the entire hotel staff uttering comments such as "The Black People are bad and Always Cause Trouble" and "The Black People Never Pay or check out of the Hotel and they're too loud and Dangerous and they sell drugs"

His Drummer and Friend were immediately shocked by such blunt stereotypical racism and felt equally offended. The entire Hotel Staff showed no respect or courtesy to the star and insisted on telling him to respect they're racist policy because its in their "Law Books to discriminate". As a result of this, the U.S embassy and police were immediately notified of the discriminating acts that were cast upon the International star and have now addressed the Thai media in efforts to resolve this incident along with compensation and a public apology. The Thailand Police department and associates expressed their sympathy and sorrow and were completely ashamed by what has just taken place.

"Ribkat" who has been received greatly and greeted by fans in the streets of Bangkok was completely surprised by all of this and does not feel that the rest of the people in Thailand hold these type of sentiments towards African Americans or any other foreigners visiting their country and extends an Olive Branch in the hopes that this was only an isolated incident from misguided individuals working in this Hotel and looks forward to completing his scheduled performances and enjoying his extended stay in Thailand in good faith simply hoping that this will be a wake up call to the entire world. "Although many of us are misguided and blinded by the plague of racism, we are all "One" and the beauty of being "One" which to many appears to be a small number, is the amazing magical variety of a beautiful color spectrum that exists amongst us all by nature, so in actuality, that "small" number of "one" contains a lot more than we all think. Colors are not only seen but they are also heard. If music was monotone or only "one color", then we would not be able to appreciate the beauty of "All" different genres of music created by Multi Cultural races of color around the world. With that being said, why don't we as "One" try "Listening" to color and feeling with our hearts for a change rather than judging a color simply by sight missing the message of beauty and all it truly contains within". "Ribkat" quotes....

Article by WN Guest Writer Tom Kidd

Source: http://article.wn.com/view/2010/09/30/American_Rapper_Ribkat_Is_Discriminated_Againt_At_A_Hotel_In/

Related link:

Hotels in Thailand (who does not discriminate)

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Having stayed at the Nasa Vegas on one occasion I found that most of the patrons were of Indian or African/African American cast BUT there were no problems at all having attended two meals in the restaurant and several hours at the bar over a 28 hour stay.

Can't quite understand what has triggered this lot.

I am more surprised a 'rapper' is staying at a cheap shoddy hotel.
and you need to be sure <deleted> you are talking about!! Ever been to or stayed there? Edited by bdenner
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Having stayed at the Nasa Vegas on one occasion I found that most of the patrons were of Indian or African/African American cast BUT there were no problems at all having attended two meals in the restaurant and several hours at the bar over a 28 hour stay.

Can't quite understand what has triggered this lot.

I am more surprised a 'rapper' is staying at a cheap shoddy hotel.
and you need to be sure <deleted> you are talking about!! Ever been to or stayed there?

Yes I have stayed there and most of the patrons are Thai. Usually one night things with ladies of the night or couples.

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By my count, I have heard of/observed Thai/farang owned businesses in Thailand which discriminate against/exclude blacks, Indians, Middle eastern people, Burmese, Hill tribes, strangers and in a few cases farang and/or Thai. So the possibility that anyone from anywhere in the world could eventually find someone/place in Thailand where they would not be served or feel unwanted is fairly high. But, this can probably be said for every country in the world, so why make such a deal out of it?

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It shows the kind of people you associate with then, ive never once seen a white male pushing drugs in Sukhumvit or causing trouble in gangs like the West Africans do, theyre the reason why i will never step into this area again in the evening.

Pity the decent blacks suffer because of them. This company must have their reasons for taking such measures.

While visiting or living in Bangkok, from time to time I would be approached by a Black person, just as I might be approached by a Thai or westerner. Admittedly, most of the African men who chatted me up were into some type of scam. However, I never made the assumption ahead of the conversation. As soon as it became clear it was a scam, I walked away.

Same with Thais who hang around places like the Grand Palace. More than once I was approached, only to discover it was a scam attempt. But I always listened at the beginning, then simply walked away if it went that way. But often very nice Thai people approached me just to chat and meet an American or practice their English.

Years ago I took one of the cruises back from Ayuttaya. The boat happened to be full of German tourists that time. Many were extremely loud and boisterous and very rude toward the Thai staff on board. But after that, I never automatically made the assumption that every German tourist I saw would be loud, boisterous and rude.

Making decisions purely based on racial profiling is immoral. Period. That this attitude is so prevalent in Thailand is just one more reason that my respect for Thailand has diminished.

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I have never met anyone selling drugs in Thailand because I do not hang out in the areas where that would happen!

It's not a question of "hanging out" in those places. I've been offered drugs -- and yes it happened to be by an African -- walking from the Skytrain station to Bumrungrad Hospital...which just happens to be in a somewhat bad area of Sukhumvit. Gee, shame on me for being sick and having to go to the hospital.

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the op keeps mentioning the word 'star', I have to be honest and say I have never heard of him.

We all know they have racist policies here so why is anyone surprised by this report, I guess us whites are also unwelcome at certain places and I know we pay more for certain things based on our race, but keeping his money is really rubbing it in.

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By my count, I have heard of/observed Thai/farang owned businesses in Thailand which discriminate against/exclude blacks, Indians, Middle eastern people, Burmese, Hill tribes, strangers and in a few cases farang and/or Thai. So the possibility that anyone from anywhere in the world could eventually find someone/place in Thailand where they would not be served or feel unwanted is fairly high. But, this can probably be said for every country in the world, so why make such a deal out of it?

There are small minded people everywhere!

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

I ran out of reds today but will be back tomorrow to give you one.

I know plenty of those white folks who sell drugs also you bigot!

It shows the kind of people you associate with then, ive never once seen a white male pushing drugs in Sukhumvit or causing trouble in gangs like the West Africans do, theyre the reason why i will never step into this area again in the evening.

Pity the decent blacks suffer because of them. This company must have their reasons for taking such measures.

I have never met anyone selling drugs in Thailand because I do not hang out in the areas where that would happen!

I was refering to anywhere in the world. there are white dealers and black dealers! probably a few yellow ones as well.

I am shocked at the amount of racism on this board! :o not every black dude sells drugs for a living.

Of course youve never been to such areas, but i hope you dont mind if i think youre a liar.

No one has said every black dude sells drugs so there is another lie ... youre on a roll

If you could also point out where ive been racist, is it when im harmlessly going to watch the football in Gullivers on my own and get pressured by the gangs of West Africans that try to scam and intimidate me, notice theyre not brave enough to try it on their own.

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Rosa Parks would be turning in her grave hearing this.

Just because someone "can" do something doesn't make it right.

Rosa Parks' struggle was against government discrimination, not private companies having policies against some specific clientele.

Where are you when I go to a Japanese-only club and get rejected? Not outside with a sign demanding my 'right', that is for sure.

Edited by TAWP
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Whilst in Sathorn, my friends and I got chatting with a young South African Black DJ and his very dark skinned Indian wife. They were staying at a very well known 'boutique' hotel in our soi.

The young guy proudly showed us an amulet given him by one of the hotel staff. Another staff member showed up with an expensive looking bag containing an equally expensive looking jacket for him as a farewell gift. He was overwhelmed. And they'd only stayed there two nights. :)

Edited by evanson
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Those of you that have never witnessed any of us decent white folk dealing drugs, I suggest a few nights stay in Pattaya.

A couple of questions for you racists::if for example you had never visited Thailand or not ever associated with Thai people. Would you still have the same attitudes towards the Thais living or working in farangland as you share regarding the blacks and Indians over here? Or are Thais exempt from your list of inferior races because it suits you in able to live and do your deeds in Thailand?

I work and get on with Indians, Russians, Muslims from the Middle East and have a non Aryan child, but despite this many Africans in tourist areas are scum of the earth and cause trouble on a constant basis.

Its people like you i despise with your predictable your racist crap name calling.

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Those of you that have never witnessed any of us decent white folk dealing drugs, I suggest a few nights stay in Pattaya.

A couple of questions for you racists::if for example you had never visited Thailand or not ever associated with Thai people. Would you still have the same attitudes towards the Thais living or working in farangland as you share regarding the blacks and Indians over here? Or are Thais exempt from your list of inferior races because it suits you in able to live and do your deeds in Thailand?

I work and get on with Indians, Russians, Muslims from the Middle East and have a non Aryan child, but despite this many Africans in tourist areas are scum of the earth and cause trouble on a constant basis.

Its people like you i despise with your predictable your racist crap name calling.

Excuse me, but I haven`t mentioned any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are half Thai, quarter American and a quarter English.

I consider myself European as probably most of us do. Aryan went out during the mid 1940s.

Over to you, Squire.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

Edited by TAWP
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I've been in that area many times over the years and never been hassled by anyone other than tailors and then only half-heartedly. Having said that I was stopped by a Mormon the other day - Elder someone, which was a strange title to give himself considering he was barely past puberty.

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