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What Do Farang Get Out Of The Farang Bar Scene?


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Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Why do many posters seem to think that they have the end word on what is attractive or not? Ever since high school, I have always noticed that what one person thinks is attractive is not necessarily what another thinks is attractive. When I was in the military, I met guys who liked fat (not overweight, but FAT) women, tiny women, studly women, black women, Asian women, white women, older women, and so on. Women who I thought were hot would not float the boat of some of my friends and vice versa.

And you know what? This is a good thing. It makes it far more likely that all of us can find someone who thinks we are attractive enough to spark an interest.

F1, I think from your posts that you are a woman. So do you really think that you are the expert on what guys find attractive? Tell me what you find attractive in guys, and I will listen. But I don' t need anyone, especially a straight woman, telling me who I should find attractive and who I shouldn't.

Your right it seems Luckizuchinni, F1 seems to be a woman from posts made, many of her posts IMHO are negative towards Thai Women/bar girls and Falang men who come to Thailand and have relationships with the mentioned Thai women, it seems F1's ex husband left her for one and to this day remains bitter about it, so IMO she comes on forums like Thai visa to vent her anger, shame really because IMO life go's on and she should be putting her energy into her life as it is now and stop dwelling on the past....

As for chunkys OP post, "sigh", another brilliantly well thought out thread.....NOT... :bah:

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You must be proud :rolleyes:. The (presumably) attractive woman you married at 30 was no longer attractive at 50 - so you went looking for something better.

Fortunately the farang bars have lots of women who are happy to tell you that you are 'so hansum' - unlike the women in the country you came from.

Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Why have a fifty year old F1, in Thailand if the man fancies it, he can have 2 twenty five old's, and if he feels good about it , why do you or anybody else think you have the right to judge them.. ;)

Edited by MB1
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You must be proud :rolleyes:. The (presumably) attractive woman you married at 30 was no longer attractive at 50 - so you went looking for something better.

Fortunately the farang bars have lots of women who are happy to tell you that you are 'so hansum' - unlike the women in the country you came from.

Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Why have a fifty year old F1, in Thailand if the man fancies it, he can have 2 twenty five old's, and if he feels good about it , why do you or anybody else think you have the right to judge them.. ;)

I think she was being pretty factual..

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You must be proud :rolleyes:. The (presumably) attractive woman you married at 30 was no longer attractive at 50 - so you went looking for something better.

Fortunately the farang bars have lots of women who are happy to tell you that you are 'so hansum' - unlike the women in the country you came from.

Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Why have a fifty year old F1, in Thailand if the man fancies it, he can have 2 twenty five old's, and if he feels good about it , why do you or anybody else think you have the right to judge them.. ;)

I think she was being pretty factual..

You really think it takes a few years for a grown man to "tell the difference between the attractive and the unattractive?" I don't know, but I think I can make that decision pretty much right away (talking about physical attractiveness only, of course.)

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You must be proud :rolleyes:. The (presumably) attractive woman you married at 30 was no longer attractive at 50 - so you went looking for something better.

Fortunately the farang bars have lots of women who are happy to tell you that you are 'so hansum' - unlike the women in the country you came from.

Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Why have a fifty year old F1, in Thailand if the man fancies it, he can have 2 twenty five old's, and if he feels good about it , why do you or anybody else think you have the right to judge them.. ;)

I think she was being pretty factual..

Marry her then or have a Mia Noi and put her out of her misery and breathe new life into her...Best of luck... :rolleyes:

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I've been in Canadian bars where people have been shot to death, knifed and beaten up.

Wow, in that order, that is a tough bar, must have been in Whitehorse.

Nope, not Whitehorse. It happened several times when I was living in Prince Rupert for the summer, and in down town east Vancouver bars. I just missed a few similar scenarios in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. And, I'm not even regular at bars in Canada. It depends on the places you choose to frequent and the time of night. By contrast I've probably been in more Thai bars in the past 14 years than I was ever in, in my entire adult life before that, and I've never seen more than the occasional scrap between drunks.

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This is typical of what happens in a Thai bar. I don't see any of the sour puss faces the OP is talking about.





If you can't enjoy yourself when everyone is laughing, dancing, eating, drinking, playing pool, and generally having a good time, then the problem lies with the grumpy one.

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This is typical of what happens in a Thai bar. I don't see any of the sour puss faces the OP is talking about.


If you can't enjoy yourself when everyone is laughing, dancing, eating, drinking, playing pool, and generally having a good time, then the problem lies with the grumpy one.

I think Chunky was actually having a go at the girlie bars - the gogos and the beer bars, ever since the last time he went into one and they set the dog on him becuase he was steaming or tight.

I can imagine that some people would find the Thai bars intimidating or difficult, especially if one was not used to being completely out-of-place.

I expect that is another reason why some of us choose to go to the farang bars - because we fit in there. Unlike the American Chamber of Commerce, which is all screaming children, hookers and bigots, apparently


Edited by StreetCowboy
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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

funny topic..........for a few years ive wondered why the less attractive get so many customers...........IVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION IT HAS TO DO WITH PRICING:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

What Onnut said

Free pool table, beer only 20bht more than a Thai place with no pool table.

The girls are often fun as well, no need to buy drinks for them (or buy anything else)

Althiough after 5 or 6 large Changs, dreadful 'hagnaby' mistakes can be made!

this is what i dont get about this viewpoint.

so what do the girls get out of mingling w customers. are they paid well hourly by the farang to draw customers?

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Why not go somewhere that has women who aren't hideous, if you are going for the women?

I've never quite understood it myself. Blokes walking home with a chick who's been hit by the ugly stick.... If you are paying for it, you'd expect you'd be able to get a better looker?? Mai Khow Jai.

On the other hand, these bars are great people watching opportunities - living in Thailand it is inevitable you get dragged along to these places once in a while. Fresh off the boat - and fresh meat to the predators, ur, sorry, hostesses.

Aint that the truth brother! By GOD I watch men go hand in hand with the fugliest hookers Ive ever seen and they are happy as can be, if youre going to pay for it why the hel_l wouldnt you be more discriminating. Sometimes I think my fellow man is blind... or retarded... or perhaps both.

Spot on, if you have to pay for it at least get a pretty one, they are the same price.

Take a look at some of the morons walking around lower Suk with that inane grin on their face as if they have some looker on their arm.

Desperate would be how I would describe them, mind you if you have been off shore or stuck in some country inhabited by religious fanatics for 4 months these horrors start to look attractive, they tell me 6 large changs help.

fugly and pretty are not the same same price:lol: :lol: . if they were the fugly wouldnt have a chance!

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I've been in Canadian bars where people have been shot to death, knifed and beaten up.

Wow, in that order, that is a tough bar, must have been in Whitehorse.

Must be pussies to beat up a dead man

Canadian beer is quite strong you know.

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

funny topic..........for a few years ive wondered why the less attractive get so many customers...........IVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION IT HAS TO DO WITH PRICING:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you ever met an ugly starfish? No? I thought not.

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I've been in Canadian bars where people have been shot to death, knifed and beaten up.

Wow, in that order, that is a tough bar, must have been in Whitehorse.

Must be pussies to beat up a dead man

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Makes a HUGE difference when you write "and" instead of "or" :jap:

When people do their drug business within the confines of a bar then the chances are that there WILL be a ruckus at some point in the game. And, when you mix drunken people together in a bar of mixed couples then very often someone insults or makes a pass at another person's spouse. Some of the nastiest fights I have seen were been between drunken First Nations women. Those gals are MEAN!

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

What Onnut said

Free pool table, beer only 20bht more than a Thai place with no pool table.

The girls are often fun as well, no need to buy drinks for them (or buy anything else)

Althiough after 5 or 6 large Changs, dreadful 'hagnaby' mistakes can be made!

this is what i dont get about this viewpoint.

so what do the girls get out of mingling w customers. are they paid well hourly by the farang to draw customers?

The ladies are like waitresses. They get a small hourly wage and make the bulk of their income in tips/st,lt fees.

The more English they speak the higher the tips.

They also get commissions on drink sales and bfs.

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Your not paying for them to stay and ask you dumb questions your paying them to leave afterwords.

I ask a lot of questions.

When did you get to town? Why did you come? Do you have a friend who works at the bar? How many children do you have? What kind of work did you do in Korat? (look at hands). What grade level did you complete in school. What was your favorite subject in school? Do you like pizza? What kind of ice cream do you like?

My name is guesthouse don’t you know me? Are you sure?

How old are your children? How many brothers do you have? How much money do you give to your boyfriend?

You have to ask the questions fast in Thai or Lao. Sometimes they will slip up and tell you how much money they give their boyfriend.

Do you have a motorcycle? Do you like Doraymon? Are you kinky?

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

funny topic..........for a few years ive wondered why the less attractive get so many customers...........IVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION IT HAS TO DO WITH PRICING:lol: :lol: :lol:

not pricing, its coz they put out more :lol:

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

What Onnut said

Free pool table, beer only 20bht more than a Thai place with no pool table.

The girls are often fun as well, no need to buy drinks for them (or buy anything else)

Althiough after 5 or 6 large Changs, dreadful 'hagnaby' mistakes can be made!

this is what i dont get about this viewpoint.

so what do the girls get out of mingling w customers. are they paid well hourly by the farang to draw customers?

Use your head? what do you think they do to get money?

not all of us pay for sex but a lot of men do and this is how the girls get there money. They are not shagging 24-7, some hang in the bars for a few hours rest :D so to sum it all up for you, while they are not being bent over they are in the bar playing pool. waiting for the next guy to come along and pay the fine.

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Your not paying for them to stay and ask you dumb questions your paying them to leave afterwords.

I ask a lot of questions.

When did you get to town? Why did you come? Do you have a friend who works at the bar? How many children do you have? What kind of work did you do in Korat? (look at hands). What grade level did you complete in school. What was your favorite subject in school? Do you like pizza? What kind of ice cream do you like?

My name is guesthouse don't you know me? Are you sure?

How old are your children? How many brothers do you have? How much money do you give to your boyfriend?

You have to ask the questions fast in Thai or Lao. Sometimes they will slip up and tell you how much money they give their boyfriend.

Do you have a motorcycle? Do you like Doraymon? Are you kinky?

Do you take it up the bum? :D

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Your not paying for them to stay and ask you dumb questions your paying them to leave afterwords.

I ask a lot of questions.

When did you get to town? Why did you come? Do you have a friend who works at the bar? How many children do you have? What kind of work did you do in Korat? (look at hands). What grade level did you complete in school. What was your favorite subject in school? Do you like pizza? What kind of ice cream do you like?

My name is guesthouse don't you know me? Are you sure?

How old are your children? How many brothers do you have? How much money do you give to your boyfriend?

You have to ask the questions fast in Thai or Lao. Sometimes they will slip up and tell you how much money they give their boyfriend.

Do you have a motorcycle? Do you like Doraymon? Are you kinky?

Do you take it up the bum? :D

If we are talking about ladyboy bars I have a completely different set of questions but this is not the gay forum. Somehow I don't think I could even post the questions in the gay forum. Unfortunate really. Lady boys are a lot of fun to talk to especially if they are right off the turnip truck. Generally speaking they have spent more time in school and their beginning English is better if sometimes very comical.

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Your not paying for them to stay and ask you dumb questions your paying them to leave afterwords.

I ask a lot of questions.

When did you get to town? Why did you come? Do you have a friend who works at the bar? How many children do you have? What kind of work did you do in Korat? (look at hands). What grade level did you complete in school. What was your favorite subject in school? Do you like pizza? What kind of ice cream do you like?

My name is guesthouse don't you know me? Are you sure?

How old are your children? How many brothers do you have? How much money do you give to your boyfriend?

You have to ask the questions fast in Thai or Lao. Sometimes they will slip up and tell you how much money they give their boyfriend.

Do you have a motorcycle? Do you like Doraymon? Are you kinky?

Do you take it up the bum? :D

If we are talking about ladyboy bars I have a completely different set of questions but this is not the gay forum. Somehow I don't think I could even post the questions in the gay forum. Unfortunate really. Lady boys are a lot of fun to talk to especially if they are right off the turnip truck. Generally speaking they have spent more time in school and their beginning English is better if sometimes very comical.

If thats your thing, "Ladyboys" good for you. I was acually on about something else! :blink:

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You tell the one that you do not like "Mi Oew" and move on to one that you find attractive. :ermm:

what is mi oew????????????

It means 'I'm gay' in Thai language. Try it next time you are in a beer bar if you want to be left alone.

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You tell the one that you do not like "Mi Oew" and move on to one that you find attractive. :ermm:

what is mi oew????????????

It means 'I'm gay' in Thai language. Try it next time you are in a beer bar if you want to be left alone.

:lol: Poor Ulysses G.

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