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At Least Three Dead In Bomb Blast At Bangkok Apartment Building

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You made 2 points.

I am wondering whether you have studied the experts claiming that Mc Veigh using ANFO is a myth:

Whatever happens, as long as we don't have a precise and top quality forensic analysis and facts every bomb blast will be an endless source of myths, propaganda, lies, politics, finger pointing and useless speculation.

1. No I have not read the other opinions. All I know is that McVeigh took responsibility for the bomb blast and he did provide the statements that described the bomb. If I am mistaken, then I am mistaken.

2. I agree with you.


I have already supplied you with one link and quote stating that urea nitrate

CH5N3O4is as explosive an AN. Here is another http://en.wikipedia....ki/Urea_nitrate "The compound is favored by many amateur explosive enthusiasts as a principal explosive used in larger charges, as a substitute for ammonium nitrate based explosives. This is due to both the ease of acquiring the materials necessary to synthesize it, and its greater sensitivity to initiation compared to ammonium nitrate based explosives."

Can you explain to me why anyone smart enough to draw breath would buy a urea/AN mix and then try to remove the urea when AN is sold unadulterated in any semi-civilized farming area?

Well, that's what I explained all along. Urea is no explosive at all; it's a carbamide without any energetic nitro or nitrate component. I was never mentioning Ureanitrate because that's a different substance.

Urea is no explosive and you must be able to chemically transform it into Ureanitrate first and for that you need some basic chemical knowledge, equipment and at least some highly concentrated nitric acid. It's much easier to just purify and recrystallize Ammoniumnitrate than chemically synthesizing Ureanitrate from urea.

Again, urea must be chemically transformed into a nitrate before it becomes an explosive - but then it is a completely new molecule and not urea any longer.

Let's just be a bit more precise here; we are also talking about Ammoniumnitrate and not just about Ammonium, because these are two different substances. On the same page no one is thinking of an explosive if we are talking about Glycerine - it's only an explosive after we chemically transform it into Nitroglycerine. Therefore I am not talking about an explosive when mentioning Urea.

There are thousands of other substances that are completely harmless per se but once you nitrate them they become an explosive.


Nonthaburi Apartment Collapsing after Explosion Last Night

The Samanmetta Mansion, which was hit by the force of an explosion at a neighboring fishing dock, has been declared a no entry disaster zone as it is facing collapse.

The Nonthaburi governor reveals one more body has been discovered beneath the rubble but rescue officials have not been able to retrieve the corpse.

Many residents of the apartment are now applying for help from the state.


-- Tan Network 2010-10-06



I have already supplied you with one link and quote stating that urea nitrate

CH5N3O4is as explosive an AN. Here is another http://en.wikipedia....ki/Urea_nitrate "The compound is favored by many amateur explosive enthusiasts as a principal explosive used in larger charges, as a substitute for ammonium nitrate based explosives. This is due to both the ease of acquiring the materials necessary to synthesize it, and its greater sensitivity to initiation compared to ammonium nitrate based explosives."

Can you explain to me why anyone smart enough to draw breath would buy a urea/AN mix and then try to remove the urea when AN is sold unadulterated in any semi-civilized farming area?

Well, that's what I explained all along. Urea is no explosive at all; it's a carbamide without any energetic nitro or nitrate component. I was never mentioning Ureanitrate because that's a different substance.

Urea is no explosive and you must be able to chemically transform it into Ureanitrate first and for that you need some basic chemical knowledge, equipment and at least some highly concentrated nitric acid. It's much easier to just purify and recrystallize Ammoniumnitrate than chemically synthesizing Ureanitrate from urea.

Again, urea must be chemically transformed into a nitrate before it becomes an explosive - but then it is a completely new molecule and not urea any longer.

Let's just be a bit more precise here; we are also talking about Ammoniumnitrate and not just about Ammonium, because these are two different substances. On the same page no one is thinking of an explosive if we are talking about Glycerine - it's only an explosive after we chemically transform it into Nitroglycerine. Therefore I am not talking about an explosive when mentioning Urea.

There are thousands of other substances that are completely harmless per se but once you nitrate them they become an explosive.

IMHO you are attempting to obfuscate the fact that another Red shirt terrorist has just been exposed, taking a few more innocent lives with him. Yes, a police spokesman (or at least the translation) stated urea, while he probably meant Urea Nitrate, and he probably doesn't know the difference.

Making urea nitrate is as simple as pissing in a nitric acid solution, at the most basic. Nitric acid is easily obtainable - it does NOT have to be highly concentrated as in that form the molecules would not dissociate and the reaction would not occur. In fact the formula given in the wiki link is for both (aq) which means dissolved in water. The equipment required is minimal, just some cooling for the exo reaction and a plastic spoon to stir it.

There is no need to purify or recrystallize commercial AN fertilizer to make a bomb. The fertilizer and explosive are made in the same plant and process. A special run is done for explosive to keep the prills within a tight tolerance, which gives a higher efficiency and allows more accurate calculation of the explosive required. Mad bombers just throw in an extra 20kgs.

Ammonium (NH4 +) is the ion of the molecule NH3, which is ammonia. In 8 years I helped to produce over a million tonnes of the stinking shit - there is very little that you could teach me about it.

NOTE: TV Members should be able to purchase Aqua Ammonia quite cheaply. Placed in a sealed container with a pin-hole in the lid, it will emit a tiny amount of ammonia fumes which any animal with a sensitive nose (cats, mice, dogs) will hate and avoid. Will need to be refreshed every month or so, a quick sniff will tell you if it is still working.


RIP to the innocent victims of this CRIME. I also hope those injured in the blast make a speedy and full recovery. I also hope those left homeless after this find the necessary assistance. Anyone that is involved in any sort of explosive gathering/bomb building role for terrorism purposes deserves to rot in hel_l. Its a disgusting vile evil act.

Finally, I live in hope that some of the idiots that post crap in threads like these in an attempt to support their political belief/cause receive the sharp wake up call they so deserve :bah: and in anticipation of that happening, Good Riddance!


Bang Bua Thong explosion caused by 10 kilos of TNT: police chief

National police chief General Wichean Potephosree on Wednesday attributed about 10 kilograms of TNT explosives to have caused the Bang Bua Thong explosion last evening.

"From forensic checks, investigator suspect the bomb making was in progress before the explosion," he said.

Based on the explosives found, investigators were persuing leads that the type of bombs being assembled might be linked to four previous bomb attacks in the capital, he said.

He said there was no evidence to link Saman Boonprasert, the owner of the apartment building where the explosion happened, to any terrorist activities.

But the room was rented by Samai Wongsuwan, a Chiang Mai man, who is known as a red shirt remaining at large with an arrest warrant for involving in a bomb attack in Mae Ping district of the northern province, he added.

The search of the scene found an assualt rifle. And the death toll increased to five people.


-- The Nation 2010-10-06


A big blast on the second floor.

Possibility it could be the bomb makers themselves.

Unless it was a personal thing it hardly seems likely that anyone would take enough explosives to the second floor to cause a big blast.

Anyway condolances to the familys of the dead, a speedy recovery to the injured and hope the building owner had insurance.

Totally agree - Nonthaburi is a Red Shirt area and with the SoE being extended, more than likely these guys were in a room full of bomb materials to do this much damage - they were possibly only working on one but when it went, triggered the rest. And my conclusion is drawn due to every time there is a 'bombing' in Bangkok, there is only the nuisance factor and no real death or this type of destruction but - let's not worry because the Police are investigating. wink.gif


Talking of vivid fantasies, care to name your source of this "urea" theory? You mentioned the specialists were discussing it.

Latest from Twitter says It's likely to be C4 or TNT.

Isn't Twitter the prankster's best friend? It was used to announced that Justin Bieber was dead. Twitter also announced that Bill Cosby was dead.

I don't think anyone with common sense is going to rely on twitter. Oh wait,, that's why users are called twits.

If I put out a twit news flash that I have discoveredThaksin's diabolical plans to conquer Botswana, are you going to believe it? How about if I announce that the Jonas Brothers just left a geat big turd on Thom Yorke's doorstep and challenged droopy to a battle of the bands?

You seem to be confused - people aren't referring to anonymous tweets by random users, they are referring to journalists on the location or in news-rooms, known writers etc.


twitter does not send any messages, it is the users and there are some very reliable ones like Richard Barrow. Sure since every idiot can send a message there will be a lot of nonsense. But like wikipedia the accuracy through twitter can be higher then thai newspapers which are quick to print gossip as a researched news...


Definition of Assume...ass u & me. Never assume.

Good one.

My condolences to the families of the deceased and a speedy- full recovery for the injured without pain. RIP innocent people. :jap:


RIP to the innocent victims of this CRIME. I also hope those injured in the blast make a speedy and full recovery. I also hope those left homeless after this find the necessary assistance. Anyone that is involved in any sort of explosive gathering/bomb building role for terrorism purposes deserves to rot in hel_l. Its a disgusting vile evil act.

Finally, I live in hope that some of the idiots that post crap in threads like these in an attempt to support their political belief/cause receive the sharp wake up call they so deserve :bah: and in anticipation of that happening, Good Riddance!

How do you know that it was a crime?


Just when the authorities are having some trouble to keep justifying the State of Emergency, along comes another bomb explosion to underline how wise they are to keep it. It's lucky that the powers that be take such good care of their subjects. Otherwise the country could descend into chaos so easily.

What a nasty and cynical comment ....................................


These were exactly the kind of "red warriors" I was referring to a couple of days ago:

Warrior seems an overly grandiose term for unemployed cretins with no regard for the lives of fellow Thais and woefully pathetic bomb making skills.

RIP to the innocent victims of this CRIME. I also hope those injured in the blast make a speedy and full recovery. I also hope those left homeless after this find the necessary assistance. Anyone that is involved in any sort of explosive gathering/bomb building role for terrorism purposes deserves to rot in hel_l. Its a disgusting vile evil act.

Finally, I live in hope that some of the idiots that post crap in threads like these in an attempt to support their political belief/cause receive the sharp wake up call they so deserve :bah: and in anticipation of that happening, Good Riddance!

How do you know that it was a crime?




Care to advise where in the world this libel court is which accepts cases bought against online personas? I'm sure it must get very busy...

Insight, I know from past dealings with you that Google is not your friend when it can provide info that doesn't fit your TV propaganda excercises. But I found these in a few seconds of Googling:




Could you, in turn, kindly provide a link to the relevant Thai law that excludes the internet from libel cases?


[meth lab or cooking with LPG but i am sure the truth wont get in the way of a terriost fabrication

time will see

Cooking at 6pm? you radical you. Just because millions cook with LPG bottles you think one might go up now and then? What are you trying to do, put a damper on all the fun those who speculate might have with this?


By all means, bomber, please do blow yourself up....just don't take other people with you. Optimally, you should strap the explosives on your body, row out to sea in a little organically constructed raft, and push the button. That way you can at least feed the fish! :lol:


Talking of vivid fantasies, care to name your source of this "urea" theory? You mentioned the specialists were discussing it.

Latest from Twitter says It's likely to be C4 or TNT.

Isn't Twitter the prankster's best friend? It was used to announced that Justin Bieber was dead. Twitter also announced that Bill Cosby was dead.

I don't think anyone with common sense is going to rely on twitter. Oh wait,, that's why users are called twits.

If I put out a twit news flash that I have discoveredThaksin's diabolical plans to conquer Botswana, are you going to believe it? How about if I announce that the Jonas Brothers just left a geat big turd on Thom Yorke's doorstep and challenged droopy to a battle of the bands?

You seem to be confused - people aren't referring to anonymous tweets by random users, they are referring to journalists on the location or in news-rooms, known writers etc.

He refers to 140 sign long messages of the latest gossip and rumours. That is also send around by so called journalist who don't waste time in trying to verify their latest 'information'. 'Information' they probably not got from journalists on-location and not in a "news-room", but from a twitter tag feed.

Being the first is what counts in the twitter universe, but not being most accurate and reliable. Messages with a short half life and valid only until the next "Latest from Twitter" comes up and that can be pretty fast. Wasn't that "urea" theory the last latest before the new latest?

Don't confuse twitter with journalism or 140 sign long messages as the work of 'writers'.



Care to advise where in the world this libel court is which accepts cases bought against online personas? I'm sure it must get very busy...

Insight, I know from past dealings with you that Google is not your friend when it can provide info that doesn't fit your TV propaganda excercises. But I found these in a few seconds of Googling:




Could you, in turn, kindly provide a link to the relevant Thai law that excludes the internet from libel cases?

It's no wonder those links took you "seconds" to find - they're a load of <deleted>, specifically as support for what you are alleging can happen here. Care to go back and highlight one single case where libel action has been taken against somebody who has made so-called libellous remarks against another user by using that user's anonymous Internet pseudonym only (i.e. "Siam Simon", "TallForeigner")? It's unlikely you'll find one as no working court system in the world, including Thailand, would allow for such a ridiculous case. If you fail in this task - which you will - care to highlight a post of mine you regard as "propaganda" ?

I presume what is really happening here is that your employers have had a particularity bad day attempting to deal with this pretty catastrophic PR disaster, which has then prompted you to reach for the big red shirt book on ethics to mitigate the damage through threatening phony legal action against posters attempting to describe exactly what they see.


While everyone is busy discussing the attributes of various chemicals used for explosives, one point we all seem to be missing is the purpose of the bomb. Apparently this was not some over sized "firecracker", or something that was going to be used to "cause a disruption", but a serious bomb that was being built and designed to do serious damage to people and property. Perhaps as a car bomb placed next to a government office, or home of a politician, or Prime Minister, or busy shopping area causing untold loss of life. Unfortunately, we'll never know the answer to that, and in a "left handed" sort of way, perhaps we should be somewhat relieved that they never got the chance to use it as it was intended.

RIP to ALL victims, condolences to their families, and hopefully a speedy recovery to all who were injured.



Care to advise where in the world this libel court is which accepts cases bought against online personas? I'm sure it must get very busy...

Insight, I know from past dealings with you that Google is not your friend when it can provide info that doesn't fit your TV propaganda excercises. But I found these in a few seconds of Googling:




Could you, in turn, kindly provide a link to the relevant Thai law that excludes the internet from libel cases?

It's no wonder those links took you "seconds" to find - they're a load of <deleted>, specifically as support for what you are alleging can happen here. Care to go back and highlight one single case where libel action has been taken against somebody who has made so-called libellous remarks against another user by using that user's anonymous Internet pseudonym only (i.e. "Siam Simon", "TallForeigner")? It's unlikely you'll find one as no working court system in the world, including Thailand, would allow for such a ridiculous case. If you fail in this task - which you will - care to highlight a post of mine you regard as "propaganda" ?

I presume what is really happening here is that your employers have had a particularity bad day attempting to deal with this pretty catastrophic PR disaster, which has then prompted you to reach for the big red shirt book on ethics to mitigate the damage through threatening phony legal action against posters attempting to describe exactly what they see.

Just as I thought you would, you failed even to read the links I provided for you. The Canadian link answers your question. If you bother to spend a short time Googling (which I know you won't), you will find plenty more on such internet libel cases.

Highlight a post of yours I regard as propaganda? :cheesy: . Lets just say about 95% of the ones in the News Clippings section.

As regards to "employers" and "PR", I rarely post on TV: I don't have the time. You certainly do: You post all day long, most days of the week, most of the year. Hmmmm..... :rolleyes: .

Now, please provide me with that info about Thai libel law that backs up your childish and dangerous claims.



Body of suspected bomber found in debris at Nonthaburi apartment

BANGKOK -- The body of the room renter and suspected bomb-maker at a Nonthaburi apartment was found beneath the debris of the Saman Metta Mansion on Wednesday.

Rescue workers spent nearly four hours retrieving the torso of the body, identified as Samai Wongsuwan, a Chiang Mai native. His identification card showed his home was in Hangdong district.

His room, number 202, was destroyed in the Wednesday bombing.

Pol Maj-Gen Supphakit Srikantaranon, provincial police superintendent, said the investigation found Mr Samai was a suspect in a bombing in Chiang Mai.

The investigation has progressed significantly and is close to an end, he said.

The bomb disposal unit said the bomb was a high pressure type based on urea fertiliser. The bomber must be a specialist to make it.

However, police believed that the explosion was an accident.

Four people were killed in the incident, and nine people were injured and at least two housing units in the complex were destroyed when the blast occurred at 6.30pm.

The building subsided 5 cm as workers used structural steel to reinforce the building for fear that it could collapse in the aftermath of the powerful blast.

National police chief Pol Gen Wichean Potephosree told reporters after chairing a meeting of high ranking police on the incident that the Bang Bua Thong apartment bombing is linked to four recent bombing attacks--one near Nang Lerng race track (Royal Turf Club) and others at Santirat Wittayalai school in Bangkok, and parking areas of The Mall Ngamwongwan and the Ministry of Public Health in Nonthaburi.

Mr Samai had joined the rally organised by the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) earlier this year. He rented the room on Sept 23 and stayed with a married couple.


-- TNA 2010-10-06


Where are the idiot UDD supporters now? Whenever evidence comes out that shows that there are indeed links of violent incidents with UDD, they either go quiet or try to divert the conversation subject to something else, or claim it's all just propaganda from a dictatorship government who has complete control of the media.


Where are the idiot UDD supporters now? Whenever evidence comes out that shows that there are indeed links of violent incidents with UDD, they either go quiet or try to divert the conversation subject to something else, or claim it's all just propaganda from a dictatorship government who has complete control of the media.

They must have been 'silenced' by the government, along with the 20 mythical "hidden corpses" of 2009 and 2010's "missing freedom fighters" like the aforementioned Samai Wongsuwan.


Where are the idiot UDD supporters now? Whenever evidence comes out that shows that there are indeed links of violent incidents with UDD, they either go quiet or try to divert the conversation subject to something else, or claim it's all just propaganda from a dictatorship government who has complete control of the media.

In the spirit of our learned 'article-meister' Buchholz, I would humbly like to request that you provide any evidence you may have linking the construction of this bomb with the UDD leadership.

If merely asking for such evidence makes me an 'idiot UDD supporter', then Hello, here I am.


Where are the idiot UDD supporters now? Whenever evidence comes out that shows that there are indeed links of violent incidents with UDD, they either go quiet or try to divert the conversation subject to something else, or claim it's all just propaganda from a dictatorship government who has complete control of the media.

Well, the old "The government did it to discredit the Red Shirts/UDD" never seems to run out of style.

Once you swallow the Vast Government Conspiracy* then anything and everything can be spun to fit in that narrative.

*As opposed to the actual, more mundane criminal conspiracy from certain "political" elements.

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