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Run Web Design Business From Thailand


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Yes it is possible.

As for dealing with Thai's - it can be difficult at times!

We mainly focus on PHP development rather than plain web design and had 3 applicants for a PHP developer, all seemed promising, said they could do it, accepted the job and have never been heard from since.

My experience is that many Thai's have learnt a bit of html and css but there is a serious lack of cutting edge skills and creativity.

Things may be better in Bangkok but Pattaya certainly lacks talent.

We have the majority of our customers in the UK, a few out here and the only Thai customer is my business partners wife!

Thai companies will always want to pay Thai prices.

Some will understand the benefit of paying for quality, especially if you can offer more than your competitors.

It can certainly work but make sure you examine your target market and where you will get your workforce from before you start

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Entirely possible - but you'll be working for local rates. Even if you deal with farang clients, you'll be fighting an uphill battle to charge anything other than local rates. My experience is deal with business clients, not with private individuals who want their pet project developed for next to nothing.

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If you're looking for cheap skilled labour, look somewhere else. Or live without the 'skilled' bit.

well after apple start shipping iphone in thailand ... and with the related apple store... i think a market will develop there....

when you have that baseline you can also develop software for more western oriented app market

am I inline with the thread starter thought?

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If you have pulled it off in any other country then you should have a chance here, but it wont be a free pass. You then have to choose where to compete, locally or online, the first you'll need to develop connections, the latter you're competing globally (think PPC, market adjust rates etc..).

Also you have to make sure you are actually able to do the job, unfortunately most web designers here are no more than click-a-button-on-cpanel-throw-up-a-joomla-theme voila "im a designer". Same for IT repair, a lot of people here fix PCs because they were able to remove a virus from their dad's PC or managed to get some cert, here a great saying the other day.. "A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer is to computing what a McDonalds Certified Food Specialist is to fine cuisine".

Edited by mattcodes
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