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Israel approves amendment that makes new citizens swear allegiance to the "Jewish, democratic state"


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Israel approves amendment that makes new citizens swear allegiance to the "Jewish, democratic state"

2010-10-10 22:32:41 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- The Israeli government on Sunday approved a controversial legislative amendment that requires applicants of Israeli citizenship to swear allegiance to the "Jewish, democratic state."

According to a statement from the Prime Minister, 22 ministers approved this amendment and eight voted against it, including five Labour ministers. Defence Minister Ehud Barak, from the Labour party, authorized the ministers of his party to vote their conscience.

The new bill must still be subjected to three readings by the Knesset, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has an overwhelming majority.

"All those who want to become Israeli citizens naturalized citizens should declare that they will be loyal to the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," Netanyahu told the ministers before the vote.

"The State of Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, while a democratic state in which all Jews and non-Jewish citizens, enjoy completely equal rights," Netanyahu added.

The draft amendment to the 1952 citizenship law provoked sharp criticism in the Arab minority group in Israel which considers it "racist", especially because it is aimed at Palestinians who want to settle in Israel after marrying Israeli Arabs.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-10-10

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How can a country call it self democratic, when their laws forbid jewish women taking out divorce without the husbands approval!? Most women have to bride their husband with money or land to be free...

Is that really true? Can you provide a credible link? I am not saying it isn't true, but never heard of such a policy, so am interested to know about it if it is true. If it is true, I'm not sure such a law would mean a country is not democratic, if the law was legislated from a freely elected governing body and there exists the capability for the people to change their leaders, and change their laws.

About this pledge law, suffice it to say, with the peace talks breaking down already, the timing is certainly very unfortunate.

Edited by Jingthing
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Man should bribe wife too...and a lot . You cannot divorce in Israel if your wife don't want it.... and you should financial support your ex-wife until fact of divorce , even if will never happen in the future in the same level, what she have in marriage time.. Marriage law in religious in Israel and have nothing related to democracy..

And no one country can be democratic state if only one nationality in this country have 100% right ... Unfortunately only several countries in the wold allow people with all nationalities have same citizen rights...

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Man should bribe wife too...and a lot . You cannot divorce in Israel if your wife don't want it.... and you should financial support your ex-wife until fact of divorce , even if will never happen in the future in the same level, what she have in marriage time.. Marriage law in religious in Israel and have nothing related to democracy..

And no one country can be democratic state if only one nationality in this country have 100% right ... Unfortunately only several countries in the wold allow people with all nationalities have same citizen rights...

Shortly after the Israeli cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu passed a bill on Sunday requiring all non-Jewish citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel not only as a state but as a “Jewish and democratic state”, hundreds of Israeli intellectuals and artists held a protest rally in Tel Aviv to challenge the new bill.

Speaking to the rally, Professor Yaron Ezrachi said that “Israel is deteriorating to the level of a fascist state and that “the children of Israel will either leave the country, be imprisoned or just fight in the streets."

Professor Gabi Solomon stated that with this new bill, “Israel is burying its declaration of independence”, and ironically added that “the Arabs will stab us in the back. The reason they did not do so since Israel’s establishment 62 years ago is irrelevant."

The new bill passed by 22 to 8. It still needs to be approved by the Knesset in which the right wing Likud party, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, enjoys a vast majority.

The ministers who voted against the bill are Ehud Barak and all of the ministers of his Labor Party, and Likud party ministers, Dan Meridor, Michael Etan and Beni Begen.


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Imagine the reaction of horror if a bunch of Muslim countries did this and then observe the mild criticism of this move by Israel. Or even imagine if Jews in a European state were made to swear allegiance to the Christian......

Stupid facist nationalistic pandering by Netanyahu

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Imagine the reaction of horror if a bunch of Muslim countries did this and then observe the mild criticism of this move by Israel. Or even imagine if Jews in a European state were made to swear allegiance to the Christian......

Stupid facist nationalistic pandering by Netanyahu

Back off for a second. Muslims indeed in many Muslim states are not legally allowed to change their religions. In some cases they can be murdered for that, so not really a fair comparison. There is a fair comparison of the one Jewish state of Israel to the various Islamic states in the world. These are states that do have a strong religious/and or ethnically based structure. Western democracies including the US are secular states, they are not Christian states. So yes people in such states would indeed outraged if they woke up to learn they were actually living in a Christian state, when they were not, and then required to sign an oath. Israelis know they are living a Jewish state, that's the reason behind the founding of the state, and that's what most Israelis wish. I oppose the pledge bill but find your assertion and comparisons way off base.

Edited by Jingthing
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