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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Thats a bit harsh Mr Klaus Ernst. This is not Nazi Germany.

This idiot has been caught with about 2 ounces of Class B drugs. Silly chap, should know better.

In most of Europe this would mean a 50% likelihood of jail time and if incarcerated it would probably not be for a year.

In this case the authorities are actually considering the death penalty. So by contrast its already pretty severe wouldn't you say?

You, on the other hand feel a bit of torture should be inflicted on this unfortunate individual? How extraordinary!

Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

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Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

Well apart from feeling sorry for him - which I don`t, as I have seen first hand the devastation it can cause [including in my family - and one of my sons` friends died from abuse of it], I feel just as sorry for the poor people who have to read through the atrocious English of the reporter. Aaagh! :bah:

Anyone care to pay for him to learn the language?? :whistling: LOL


Very unlikely to be sentenced to death. More likely to get a 30 year sentence, if he co-operates, pleads guilty and shows some remorse. Then he will be eligible for repatriation after 7-10 years and the Swedes will ignore the terms of the repatriation of prisoners treaty and release him after a couple of months. He has a chance to return to the Swedish welfare state in middle age (if the Swedish neo-Nazi party has not taken over and eliminated it by then) and will be much better off than a Thai or other Asian convicted of the same offence.

I would think planning a business to teach others to make laboratories to produce illicit substances should be regarded as a more serious offence than just setting up one lab for oneself owing to the multiplier effect. His explanation defies any type of logic.


Nevertheless, I don't feel sorry for him, but death penalty is not correct. Nobody has the right to kill, even not goverments...

Fatfather :realangry:

And it is a mystery to me that a Buddhist state uses the death penalty.

Well an alternative may be compulsory breast implants and teeth extractions followed by return to prison.


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Thats a bit harsh Mr Klaus Ernst. This is not Nazi Germany.

This idiot has been caught with about 2 ounces of Class B drugs. Silly chap, should know better.

In most of Europe this would mean a 50% likelihood of jail time and if incarcerated it would probably not be for a year.

In this case the authorities are actually considering the death penalty. So by contrast its already pretty severe wouldn't you say?

You, on the other hand feel a bit of torture should be inflicted on this unfortunate individual? How extraordinary!

Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Klaus it's a real shame that human beings can even think like you. Personally I don't think anyone should receive the death sentence and above all be tortured before they're slain. Much less people die from illicit drug addiction every year than the large corporate alcohol and cigarette companies kill (the numbers aren't even comparable), so why don't you just hang all of them also as they're also murderers judging from your argument. Get your head out of the middle ages as the death penalty doesn't make society a safer place. That's fact!


In my opinion the sentence seems to be on the very extreme side - I would think it has more to do with PR and the public campaign because the prisoner will be sent back home eventually and have a reduced sentence.

I agree that drugs have a very harmful effect on society - but I think its worth recognizing the role various governments play in facilitating its logistical supply network. Children being diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, etc are all hopped up on drugs and people tend not to shout over that.

The kid did sure make a lot of mistakes on his way to this situation --- he got caught in his home country making a lab and then decides to try it again in Thailand (everyone has heard of the stories about Thai prison)

He then gets into a network with another foreigner that is going to teach him how to make and use the lab --- its just like one of those movies where the main character keeps making the situation worse and worse

It took a lot of pretty clueless and reckless decisions to get to the point of having the US DEA banging down your door - hopefully he uses the time to get off whatever track he was on

And for the US DEA to be involved, it must mean that other foreigner was deep in a network of large producers. I have a feeling the kid knew that the other foreigner was a "connected" man and so he really did open himself up to a very dark underground and was immediately given to the DEA.


To those of you who speak in favor of this criminal .You are defending a murder

You should feel more sorry for all the poor people who get addict to these drugs which later end up with a destroyed life. Im sure if he sold the drugs to one of your friends or relatives you would think differently

Furthermore he even dont feel sorry for it.

So who you wanna protect and support ? the agressor or the victim ?

He is the agressor and hopefully he get what he deserves which is the same all the person will get who bought the drugs from him

Drug addiction = Life penalty as well.

By the way Ice is considered one of the 5 most dangerous drugs

Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Thats a bit harsh Mr Klaus Ernst. This is not Nazi Germany.

This idiot has been caught with about 2 ounces of Class B drugs. Silly chap, should know better.

In most of Europe this would mean a 50% likelihood of jail time and if incarcerated it would probably not be for a year.

In this case the authorities are actually considering the death penalty. So by contrast its already pretty severe wouldn't you say?

You, on the other hand feel a bit of torture should be inflicted on this unfortunate individual? How extraordinary!

Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Klaus it's a real shame that human beings can even think like you. Personally I don't think anyone should receive the death sentence and above all be tortured before they're slain. Much less people die from illicit drug addiction every year than the large corporate alcohol and cigarette companies kill (the numbers aren't even comparable), so why don't you just hang all of them also as they're also murderers judging from your argument. Get your head out of the middle ages as the death penalty doesn't make society a safer place. That's fact!


And it is a mystery to me that a Buddhist state uses the death penalty.

The operative words are "Buddhist State" There is much in that's done in the name of a Buddhist State that is far from the non-violence and tolerance that Shakyamuni Buddha set the example to follow. I've heard a monk defend the death penalty, arguing that to take the life of one to potentially save the lives of more is justified. The logic has some worth, but ultimately not exactly that which the Buddha actually taught. But he was himself serving the Buddhist State in working on the equivalent of the American "Christian State" 'death row" in Bangkwang.


Very unlikely to be sentenced to death. More likely to get a 30 year sentence, if he co-operates, pleads guilty and shows some remorse. Then he will be eligible for repatriation after 7-10 years and the Swedes will ignore the terms of the repatriation of prisoners treaty and release him after a couple of months. He has a chance to return to the Swedish welfare state in middle age (if the Swedish neo-Nazi party has not taken over and eliminated it by then) and will be much better off than a Thai or other Asian convicted of the same offence.

I would think planning a business to teach others to make laboratories to produce illicit substances should be regarded as a more serious offence than just setting up one lab for oneself owing to the multiplier effect. His explanation defies any type of logic.

You must be Swedish(though I doubt it because your very knowledge of guns and their regulations) or have very good knowledge of Sweden. Thats the route this case will take. Only one thing, remember that he got sentenced to 3,5 years in Swedish court this February for running a lab producing steroids. If he get transfered within 10 years he still have those 3,5 years.


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

My, you are a very unpleasant chap, to say the least... Hope you enjoy your life... bah.gifsick.gif


WHY do people do this?

Did they expect that you could forever run a business where you sell a banned substance, without getting caught?

Were they deep down, and somebody came by and offered them cash for their service?

Are they drug addicts themselves, and needs to get cheaper by?

Is there easy money in it? (I strongly doubt it).

Why do people not do this? That is 100 times easier to answer.

Yes, I feel sorry for the guy. It takes a special misfortunate life to do anything this stupid. Whatever heritage and life brought him it was not something nice.

Don't give him death or a live sentence in the Hilton. 3 years of jail, 5 years of community service.

If a next time? Take him out from society, permanently.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

What is the connection between Sweden and Oslo? Why don't you mention Helsinki while you are at it?


To those of you who speak in favor of this criminal .You are defending a murder

You should feel more sorry for all the poor people who get addict to these drugs which later end up with a destroyed life. Im sure if he sold the drugs to one of your friends or relatives you would think differently

Furthermore he even dont feel sorry for it.

So who you wanna protect and support ? the agressor or the victim ?

He is the agressor and hopefully he get what he deserves which is the same all the person will get who bought the drugs from him

Drug addiction = Life penalty as well.

By the way Ice is considered one of the 5 most dangerous drugs

Listen Klaus people have been taking drugs for thousands of years and when prohibition on alcohol was introduced to the USA in the 1930s Americans started drinking more alcohol than they ever had. You put Ice at number 5 on the most dangerous list but cigarettes and alcohol kill way over a thousand times more people than Ice, cocaine, crack and heroin put together ever will, even if they were decriminalized. I'm not defending drug dealers but I believe governments should officially take control of the illicit drug industry and stamp on the corrupt officials in all countries who involved in running it! You seem to have a very blinkered view of the problem and above all the cures to it as one Swede getting executed won't stop the trade.


WHY do people do this?

Did they expect that you could forever run a business where you sell a banned substance, without getting caught?

Were they deep down, and somebody came by and offered them cash for their service?

Are they drug addicts themselves, and needs to get cheaper by?

Is there easy money in it? (I strongly doubt it).

Why do people not do this? That is 100 times easier to answer.

Yes, I feel sorry for the guy. It takes a special misfortunate life to do anything this stupid. Whatever heritage and life brought him it was not something nice.

Don't give him death or a live sentence in the Hilton. 3 years of jail, 5 years of community service.

If a next time? Take him out from society, permanently.


He was allready caught and found guilty in sweden and than escape to here to continue his bussines


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

My, you are a very unpleasant chap, to say the least... Hope you enjoy your life... bah.gifsick.gif

He's a horrible bloke with as much compassion as a great white shark...


So sad. Just to put it out there, what do people think about legalising drugs? Give people the freedom to choose, after all, if someone wants to get high, they're gonna get high. Or should we (society) not give people the option of buying pure cheaper drugs legally and keep this viscious circle of illicit drugs alive? To me it's a question of freedom, how much control should the government have over our lives? And this guy in the prime of his life is now totalled because of a mere 50 grammes of whatever!!! Good old Thailand with it's Bhuddist virtues of tolerence and forgiveness...like I said, so sad.


WHY do people do this?

Did they expect that you could forever run a business where you sell a banned substance, without getting caught?

Were they deep down, and somebody came by and offered them cash for their service?

Are they drug addicts themselves, and needs to get cheaper by?

Is there easy money in it? (I strongly doubt it).

Why do people not do this? That is 100 times easier to answer.

Yes, I feel sorry for the guy. It takes a special misfortunate life to do anything this stupid. Whatever heritage and life brought him it was not something nice.

Don't give him death or a live sentence in the Hilton. 3 years of jail, 5 years of community service.

If a next time? Take him out from society, permanently.


He was allready caught and found guilty in sweden and than escape to here to continue his bussines

Gas is quite effective. Relatively painless and quick! Don't delete this Mr adjudicator we're talking about the death sentence so it's a justified statement.

1) Drugs should be decriminalised worldwide and their supply closely regulated.

Yeah, 'cos they're easy to regulate when they're legal. Huh?

Easier...as with alcohol.

How much homemeade illegal alcohol (beer, wine etc.) have you drunk in the last year? Probably none, because you prefer to be sure about the quality...right? Besides, as long as it isn't too expensive, you don't really need to buy it illegaly... right? :)

If it was legal with better prices than in the black market, there could even be a age limit on buying it.. now there is no age limit whatsoever...is that better?

The drugs could even be at better quality, then there would be a lot of reduction in the dangers about using them... usually not the drugs that are worst for you, but the additives.

This would result in lower deaths by drugs, less money channeled to criminal organizations, age limits.. gov can even get some taxes on it...

Now i don't do drugs myself, but we have to be realistic, we can never stop drugs... it have been tried in all of the world, and it have failed... The few places that actually have decriminalised/legalized some drugs are actually better off...

But anyway, don't feel sorry for this swedish... he knew what he was doing..making the worst drug in the worst country (about drugs).. what did he really expect?


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

My, you are a very unpleasant chap, to say the least... Hope you enjoy your life... bah.gifsick.gif

He's a horrible bloke with as much compassion as a great white shark...

Mr Klaus, Gas is quite effective. Relatively painless and quick! Don't delete this Mr adjudicator as we're talking about the death sentence so it's a justified statement. Unpleasant is an under statement!


Now I'm reading some of these replies, I'm thinking that some of your ancestors may have had some witch burning experience, or maybe you just had 1 chang too many, stuck up country with some woman who doesn't speak the same language, I feel the frustration...sorry, where's my tolerence? :lol:


Mr Klaus, Gas is quite effective. Relatively painless and quick! Don't delete this Mr adjudicator as we're talking about the death sentence so it's a justified statement. Unpleasant is an under statement!

Gas, Poisin, Electric Chair, Firing Squad I dont care.

But we must make sure he cant do it a third time

He will probabaly go to another country and start selling this shit again killing innocent people

To all of you who feel sorry for him think about his victims and their ruined live just because a swedish scumbag wanted to make some quick and easy money


Wondering how a 29 yr old guy qualifies to stay here for 2 years. Thought they put limits on visa runs.I'm retired, married to Thai lady and I still have to do 90 days report,and yearly renewal.

By the way some of you guys are real hard-a-ses. Punish the guy then deport him whats with killing him?

I hate that yaa baa crap too , but how about give him 10 yrs in hel_l then deport his dumb

as-.Get him out of here.


I don't feel sorry for him. Let him rot where he is.

" I would not produce anything, just learn how it works. The knowledge I would just re-sell, he claims" to me translates as "I want to teach others how to break the law."

Just as guilty :angry:

He was probably arrested because he didn't pay off the right people while he was in "Business". All criminals are invariably known by the authorities with no action being taken until it suits them. For every 1 they arrest another 10 start up.

Guilty, but he is not alone......?

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