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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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Sorry but most of you guys are just sick. Not even my worst enemy I wish a life in a Thai Jail and it can happend to EVERY Farang in Thailand if its nose is not appreciated by someone.

Just have an accident (ohh yeah, most of u never drink and drive LOL) or piss off your barlady or a Bib and YOU are faster in as u can say not guilty....we decide then here in the Forum about YOU.

If the idiot did the lab and wants to produce and sale Meth give him 5-10 years, thats almost a life in a Thaiprison I guess. There are other ppl around in this country with much more

to hide as just 53g

I dont mean he doesnt deserve a harsh penalty but DEATH or a Lifetime in a Thaiprison nobody deserves...NOBODY

I wish EVERY known Drugdealer get what he deserves and also the ppl which take the bribes of him for closing eyes.

What if those drugs turned your kid (if you had a kid) into a junkie?

Or what if you kid was kidnapped and used as a sex slave?

What if you little boy is being raped?

What if your wife got murdered in a robbery gone wrong?

Or got hit by a drunk driver and killed?

It's different when it hit you close to home.

I bet you would wish him death in a New York minute

What if you little boy is is facing the death sentence?

It's different when it hit you close to home.

I bet you would wish there are another solution

....and with raping and the other stuff, even then I am against death sentence! No HUMAN has the right to ask for death of another one or you are on the same level they are. You are a murderer then too.

and how many ppl facing death sentence for drunk driving? Even if they have killed someone with their car? RIGHT, NONE!

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I will lay odds he is granted a pardon and sentence commuted to 20-30 years or something.

It's common for Thai justice systems to make a statement but then later soften up the penalty later. Executing foreigners from influential countries tends to make bad foreign relations and image.


I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.

Yeah.......whatever. The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?

Everything said about the evils of Meth - could be applied to drinking fermented sugars (alcohol) - yet the latter spreads its dread much wider. All this 'child killer' stuff - how many children get killed by meth compared to children killed by alcohol-related? The ratio is about 1 to 50,000. Same for spouse beating and road carnage.

And the comparisons by the 'hang-em-high' crowd are ridiculous: All mentions of Meth depict the most depraved junked-out losers. Ever stop to think there might be Meth users who do it moderately? You've been so brainwashed by mainstream media that you can't fathom it, but there are people who use strong drugs (speed, heroin, etc) in small amounts and on rare occasions. It's not always the extreme devilish scenario you'd like to picture in your comic-book imagination. Truckers use speed. Partygoers use speed to dance at the disco, fat people use speed to lose weight.

I'm not justifying it (I don't even drink coffee), but people in general have always been drawn to drugs, and adults should have some choices in the drugs they take - whether it be beer, caffeine, nicotine, opiates, or doing none at all, like me. The line is drawn where it becomes harmful to others. By that yardstick, alcohol is thousands times more harmful than other drugs.

Can we hear, from the 'hang-em-high' crowd, just one time, a clarion call to arrest and sentence to life all makers and purveyors of alcoholic beverages?!? That would make my day.

Dear Mr. Bramburgers,

give it up, its just not worth it. Do you really belive these low minded hang him high TV crowd will read anything longer then a two lines post?

They belive what the mass media told them to belive, many of them are just like parrots.

Unfortunately I dont know much farangs here which not drink on a daily base, many of them if not most of them are driving home hereafter with own car or motobike, risking the life of other ppl day by

day but still think they are better as a drug addicted or a dealer....do they even have a clue how many ppl dying every year because they drink or

smoke cigarettes? I doubt that, but ALcohol and cigarettes are legal thats the excuse. They are without any doubt, just not better as the people they judge here.

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.

You sound like a man in the know ... nice post.

There is a good BBC movie about prison in Thailand and books too. You should read it, just did it last week and it took me just 3h for finishing it. Its from an Irish guy, its called Welcome to hel_l: One Man's Fight for Life Inside the Bangkok Hilton

Doctors in Jail? Forget it, there are not even good doctors outside in Thailand except for a fortune of money or beauty operations and lipposuction. They are like money making machines, patients are not important and changeable, important is to make money as fast as possible for themselfs or for the hospital they work in. I am in pain since 5!! month now. Visited 8 so called doctors and 3 hospitals. I know whats ok but still dont know where the pain is coming from TIT you are worth what u have in your pocket and prisoners usually have not so much.....or they are not in jail :jap:


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

"String him up boys..!"


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

This story may come as a big surprise for you then. There's a documentary on TV right now (I think NAT GEO) where an Australian was caught trying to smuggle 10.5 kg of heroin out of Thailand.

Here's a brief synopsis:

"At age 28, Tim Schrader left Australia to work as an English teacher in Bangkok. He loved the teaching and the nightlife but was struggling financially, so he agreed to participate in a scam. For $1,000 a trip, Tim arranged fake marriages with Thai girls and flew with them to other countries. After a few successful trips, Tim was offered a chance to make $10,000 by smuggling 4-8 kilos of heroin into the U.S. Although he knew he could face the death penalty if caught in Thailand, the money was too tempting to pass up. But at the airport, Tim was stopped at the check-in counter. In a back room, drug authorities found 10.5 kilos of heroin in his suitcase. Facing the death penalty, Tim plead guilty and was sentenced to life in Bang Kwang Central Prison. Depressed, he began to use heroin and after two years, tested HIV positive. Tim managed to kick heroin, and thanks to his mothers efforts, was granted a royal pardon on medical grounds over five years after his arrest. "


So now, 14 years later he's happily married and living the good life in Australia after serving only 5 years in prison, for 10.5 kg of heroin. Compare that with 54g of methamphetamines. The guy he was carrying the heroin for turned him in. He was found dead in Bangkok some time later.

How many deads and broken lifes would 10.5 kg of Heroin cause ???

The pure fact that this type of criminal now is one the street again living a happy life is a insult to all of those who lost friend and relatives due to drugs. And I can guarantee you that their beloved one will never even have that chance to live a normal life again

Every drug dealer and producer should be sentenced to dead specially if caught in the act and if the reason they did it was just because the amount of money was tempting

However this penalty should not be applied to those forced to commit this crimes because the son or families are held hostage


Sorry but most of you guys are just sick. Not even my worst enemy I wish a life in a Thai Jail and it can happend to EVERY Farang in Thailand if its nose is not appreciated by someone.

Just have an accident (ohh yeah, most of u never drink and drive LOL) or piss off your barlady or a Bib and YOU are faster in as u can say not guilty....we decide then here in the Forum about YOU.

If the idiot did the lab and wants to produce and sale Meth give him 5-10 years, thats almost a life in a Thaiprison I guess. There are other ppl around in this country with much more

to hide as just 53g

I dont mean he doesnt deserve a harsh penalty but DEATH or a Lifetime in a Thaiprison nobody deserves...NOBODY

I wish EVERY known Drugdealer get what he deserves and also the ppl which take the bribes of him for closing eyes.

What if those drugs turned your kid (if you had a kid) into a junkie?

Or what if you kid was kidnapped and used as a sex slave?

What if you little boy is being raped?

What if your wife got murdered in a robbery gone wrong?

Or got hit by a drunk driver and killed?

It's different when it hit you close to home.

I bet you would wish him death in a New York minute

What if you little boy is is facing the death sentence?

It's different when it hit you close to home.

I bet you would wish there are another solution

....and with raping and the other stuff, even then I am against death sentence! No HUMAN has the right to ask for death of another one or you are on the same level they are. You are a murderer then too.

and how many ppl facing death sentence for drunk driving? Even if they have killed someone with their car? RIGHT, NONE!

Give me a solution that does not cost anything for innocent tax payers. You write a lot but offer no solutions


To those of you who speak in favor of this criminal .You are defending a murder

You should feel more sorry for all the poor people who get addict to these drugs which later end up with a destroyed life. Im sure if he sold the drugs to one of your friends or relatives you would think differently

Furthermore he even dont feel sorry for it.

So who you wanna protect and support ? the agressor or the victim ?

He is the agressor and hopefully he get what he deserves which is the same all the person will get who bought the drugs from him

Drug addiction = Life penalty as well.

By the way Ice is considered one of the 5 most dangerous drugs

Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Thats a bit harsh Mr Klaus Ernst. This is not Nazi Germany.

This idiot has been caught with about 2 ounces of Class B drugs. Silly chap, should know better.

In most of Europe this would mean a 50% likelihood of jail time and if incarcerated it would probably not be for a year.

In this case the authorities are actually considering the death penalty. So by contrast its already pretty severe wouldn't you say?

You, on the other hand feel a bit of torture should be inflicted on this unfortunate individual? How extraordinary!

Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Klaus it's a real shame that human beings can even think like you. Personally I don't think anyone should receive the death sentence and above all be tortured before they're slain. Much less people die from illicit drug addiction every year than the large corporate alcohol and cigarette companies kill (the numbers aren't even comparable), so why don't you just hang all of them also as they're also murderers judging from your argument. Get your head out of the middle ages as the death penalty doesn't make society a safer place. That's fact!

Klaus you would have made a hel_l of a nazi.

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.

You sound like a man in the know ... nice post.


Doctors in Jail? Forget it, there are not even good doctors outside in Thailand except for a fortune of money or beauty operations and lipposuction.


I post a lot in the family and children sub forum, you are welcome to read a number of threads with stories saying exactly the opposite of what you state above about no good doctors in Thailand. Some of them are about how surprisingly good service people got at government hospitals in Thailand, for very very little money. I suggest you use the search function on this web site...


I also blame the users. Methamphetamine is not only the most powerful but the most addictive and destructive. If there were no market then manufacturers and dealers would be out of business.

Who saw the movie MILK? It's a true story which ends when a disgruntled city politician (Dan White) murders the mayor and Mr. Milk in cold blood. You know what Mr. White's attorneys argued as the reason White killed the two men? He said Mr. White was not in his right mind, because he was addicted to, and mentally screwed up by eating too many sweet treats. Really. They dubbed it the 'Twinkie Defense.' And the most amazing part of the true story is: THE DEFENSE STATEMENTS WORKED TO LESSEN WHITE'S TIME IN JAIL!. He only did a few years ....for the double homicide which he admitted doing.

Who says Meth is the most addictive substance? People kill for sugar laden treats. People kill for not getting their cup of coffee in the morning, and kill for a lot less than that. OJ killed two people in a rage - what had he injested that afternoon - a hamburger and a milkshake? There are at least a thousand addictive substances. How many people get killed by meth rage? My guess is several per year, tops. How many people get killed by drunkeness? Average 33 per day on Thai roads, and the # doubles for New Years' and Songkran 'holidays.'

If the Swede were your brother or son, would you still want to burn him at the stake?

The Spanish Inquisition mentality is alive and well on Thai Visa tonight.

My Brother woulden't do this type of shit and if he did I woulden't talk to him anymore. Specially if this is the second time he got caught doing it.

This guy isn't the poor farang who had a accident with the police.

He is a cold hearted criminal who gives a dam_n shit about the health of his customer most of whom start using this drugs when they are still kids.

He know this and for sure he knew in advance the penalties wich are enforced on drug related crimes in thailand. So after getting caught and found guilty in sweden he escaped to thailand to try his luck again.

Since he knew in advance there is no excuse for what he did

And by the way, one thing is sure with him dead or in jail I fell a bit safer since one producer has been eleminated plus the publicity which should other make think twice about doing the same as this criminal

I was going to reply to this guy, but what can be said to a closed minded guy like this. Bet he drinks alcohol everyday. I "ve known a lot of people in this life who get totally screwed up using alcohol. Yaa Baa is very bad but I understand its the drug of choice among a lot of thais. I think it makes people crazy. But there seems to be a lot of people getting crazy here these days. I've heard a lot of people in this village use it. I see a lot of wide eyed kids racing their M/C up and down the hwy.


Being a humanitarian I hope they transfer him to a prison that's a bit easier to bare so he can serve out his term without the fear of being rapped or killed.

rapped or killed ???

I don't like the idea of death, but being 'rapped at' for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.

'rapped at' for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.

Are they gonna sing to him?

he better take his vaseline

I am swedish,

he is an asshol_e



Now now Glegolo, thats not very nice. Do you know him personally or are you just determing that because you're one, everyone from your country is one? :unsure: A very strange form of patriotism, indeed. :wacko:

Neverdie, such a long time you have been waiting for this?? Neverdie you simply do not understand.... If a guy from my "own" country

do bad stuff, that reflects on us all from Sweden, it will fall also on you Neverdie.. So in my opinion he is an asshol_e.

And if you call me an asshol_e, that means only that it takes one to know one. be nice now little shy man.



Glegolo Glegolo,

I don't understand what makes you think Ive been waiting for a 'long time' for anything. Also, how does a person of my size (90 plus kg) in a country like this get classed as 'little shy man'? :lol:


Unfortunately I dont know much farangs here which not drink on a daily base, many of them if not most of them are driving home hereafter with own car or motobike, risking the life of other ppl day by


Dear moskito,

How do you know this? Is there a special program you have on your pc or perhaps you've visted the homes of most tv posters? I'm not sure. :rolleyes:


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

This story may come as a big surprise for you then. There's a documentary on TV right now (I think NAT GEO) where an Australian was caught trying to smuggle 10.5 kg of heroin out of Thailand.

Here's a brief synopsis:

"At age 28, Tim Schrader left Australia to work as an English teacher in Bangkok. He loved the teaching and the nightlife but was struggling financially, so he agreed to participate in a scam. For $1,000 a trip, Tim arranged fake marriages with Thai girls and flew with them to other countries. After a few successful trips, Tim was offered a chance to make $10,000 by smuggling 4-8 kilos of heroin into the U.S. Although he knew he could face the death penalty if caught in Thailand, the money was too tempting to pass up. But at the airport, Tim was stopped at the check-in counter. In a back room, drug authorities found 10.5 kilos of heroin in his suitcase. Facing the death penalty, Tim plead guilty and was sentenced to life in Bang Kwang Central Prison. Depressed, he began to use heroin and after two years, tested HIV positive. Tim managed to kick heroin, and thanks to his mothers efforts, was granted a royal pardon on medical grounds over five years after his arrest. "


So now, 14 years later he's happily married and living the good life in Australia after serving only 5 years in prison, for 10.5 kg of heroin. Compare that with 54g of methamphetamines. The guy he was carrying the heroin for turned him in. He was found dead in Bangkok some time later.

How many deads and broken lifes would 10.5 kg of Heroin cause ???

The pure fact that this type of criminal now is one the street again living a happy life is a insult to all of those who lost friend and relatives due to drugs. And I can guarantee you that their beloved one will never even have that chance to live a normal life again

Every drug dealer and producer should be sentenced to dead specially if caught in the act and if the reason they did it was just because the amount of money was tempting

However this penalty should not be applied to those forced to commit this crimes because the son or families are held hostage

So fast to blame the dealers and producers yet don't stop to ask a simple question: why the user started taking drugs in the first place?

No dealer puts a gun to someone's head and demands they start abusing a substance.


Wondering how a 29 yr old guy qualifies to stay here for 2 years. Thought they put limits on visa runs.I'm retired, married to Thai lady and I still have to do 90 days report,and yearly renewal.

By the way some of you guys are real hard-a-ses. Punish the guy then deport him whats with killing him?

I hate that yaa baa crap too , but how about give him 10 yrs in hel_l then deport his dumb

as-.Get him out of here.

You have to be joking, right?

He could have been married (as he also said he was) that's 1 year visas

He could have ED visa, that's 15 months visas

He could have a company, although i doubt that in this case. but that would also be 1 year visas...

anyway, i don't think it's a problem vist tourist visas either, as long as you know where not to go... (malaysia)

Yeah I was joking.. forget it............


I post a lot in the family and children sub forum, you are welcome to read a number of threads with stories saying exactly the opposite of what you state above about no good doctors in Thailand. Some of them are about how surprisingly good service people got at government hospitals in Thailand, for very very little money. I suggest you use the search function on this web site...

I was also about the say the same thing. I have been nothing but impressed with the medical care available in Thailand. My baby's doctor here speaks better English than those we have in the UK!


Laws in US punish the people who take ICE more than any type of illegal....

Laws in the US also punish people who grow non-THC hemp to make rope. I'm not saying that negates the severity of 'ice' (is that what the punk was making?). I'm saying some US laws are silly and cause harm (destroy peoples' lives) when there's nothing harmful being done. There are a bunch of people rotting in Texas and California prisons for growing pot, yet now it's legal to grow pot, at least in California - yet the long sentences are still enforced for earlier trespasses.

Is ICE the same as meth? I thought the Swede got busted for having meth - but now we're hearing from T.visa posters that it's Ice (?) If memory serves me well, Ice is a more intense form of speed.

BTY, ice ages ago, I experimented with various drugs, so I have a good idea of their individual effects. That's more than nearly all the people who legislate such issues can say. That's like us making stark village rules for Eskimos or Fijians, but having never visited those places. Also, I never got addicted to any drug I tried, not even close. And that goes for heroin, speed, and all the rest. This high-minded talk of such-n-such drug being instantly addictive is hogwash. It's individuals who get addicted to things - and those same type of individuals can get virulently addicted to watching TV, to their car having no scratches, to their child being faultless, to getting livid if their mate looks at the opposite sex .....you name it. All those things (and much more) mentioned in the previous sentence have led to criminal behavior multiple times.

In New England, in the 17th century, every believed tomatoes were poisonous. Groupthink can be catchy. The current 'groupthink' is meth is horrible in every way, and that's all there is to say about it.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

Yes, You Sick &lt;deleted&gt;, You Are. It's called empathy and people who aren't psychos or sociopaths have it as part of their personality. It always amazes me to read the comments in this forum. Seems like a lot of fascist control freaks choose to move to thailand. I'm not defending what the Swede did but he doesn't deserve life imprisonment or the death penalty. That's obvious to anyone with a conscience.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?

Edit: Another post that can stay here forever documenting the problems this website has. Spent some time writing what I thought was an informative and interesting answer, not worth re-writing though


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

I sincerely hope not.

Like your guys' comments and Everyone should know How dangerous ICE is..?.

Laws in US punish the people who take ICE more than any type of illegal....

If he is guilty as charged then he should stay in jail for life.....may be The Thai government can send him back home and let his country pays for the jail time....lot lot of money.

My take and opinion.

i prefer opium in my opium :rolleyes:


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

"String him up boys..!"

yep string him up nazi style. )

As for ice reuning peoples lives. i agree. if u r stupid enough to take the stuff. i think what reuins people lives more is that deafing music from advertising trucks. i mean drugs is a choice thing. Have constant noise from advertisers and loud lait night music parties. That is not my choice. noone forces people to take ice.

Also if everyone knows how bad it is then why do so many people take it. Maybe these people are so stupid they are beyond saving and would be better off profiting a clever dealer. though the dealer is alo stupid cause he got caught. som nomb nar.

also the only person that has the power is Hee man and gets that from the castle of Gray skull not from Ice or corrupt police


Unfortunately I dont know much farangs here which not drink on a daily base, many of them if not most of them are driving home hereafter with own car or motobike, risking the life of other ppl day by


Dear moskito,

How do you know this? Is there a special program you have on your pc or perhaps you've visted the homes of most tv posters? I'm not sure. :rolleyes:

Dear Neverdie,

may be we should bet and ask the TV members if they are addicted to alcohol and find out the numbers then from the honest members. Addiction is also a beer or two every day and I bet there are more then 50% here having this or more on a daily basis. Another 50% of them for sure do drive home after, no one needs a pc program for that.

have a nice one

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.

You sound like a man in the know ... nice post.

I must say that I agree with Hawk, from what I have heard from old relatives who are policemen; prisoners who are not making problems are pretty much left alone and they do indeed have access to doctors and have a place where they can buy snacks. Unprovoced violence is a western thing, not Thai

The guy is using the media to beat up prison life.

In Bali there is a woman convicted of importing smoko; and of course she is innocent. Got 20 years for a few kilo's. Very photo genic woman, and is saying that the bust was a set up, the dope was planted. The fact is that if you were to spend any time in an asian jail, the one in Bali is the kuta. Day leave to hairdressers, buy ups and a lot more freedom. Should she do 20 years; yes I think so, as the court and court of appeals could not believe her story. So what form of crime was this woman going to commit when she made the money from selling the dope.

Easy to forget that we are in a foriegn country and must abide by their laws.

The fact is"do the crime do the time"; the guy is a scumbag dealing death and distruction to people buying his product. :jap:


Death penalty no. Thailand claims to be a Buddhist country,  and has to prove it. For the rest I have no opinion, lack of information and therefore no competence.<br>


Is ICE the same as meth? I thought the Swede got busted for having meth - but now we're hearing from T.visa posters that it's Ice (?) If memory serves me well, Ice is a more intense form of speed.

Ice referred to here is crystal meth. Very adictive, as it stimulates the brains reward-system and increase the synapse-communication amount.


He was going to sell the knowledge of how to make this drug to other people. He could have been responsible for killing thousands. I think that is worth the death penalty.



"Active in the real estate sector":lol: :lol: :lol:. It's amusing how the Swedish rag fail to mention that the suspect were sentenced to 3,5 year in jail by Swedish court as late as February 2010 because he got busted in his own apartment for running a lab for steroid production.


prob why he used is Thai wifes family name

whatever his intentions on with the lab either way they were not good he deserves what the courts give him


He was going to sell the knowledge of how to make this drug to other people. He could have been responsible for killing thousands. I think that is worth the death penalty.

And how different is that than the person who shares his knowledge about brewing beer, wine or hard liquor?

You say "would have been responsible for killing thousands?" Where did you get that number - off the top of your pointy head?

If you want to talk numbers of people killed - by drugs - ...and you want a really big realistic number, try tens of millions - and the drug I'm referring to is, (yes, you guessed it) alcoholic drinks. Go on, flesh out your logic, and condemn to death every person who is or plans to disseminate info on how to turn sugars in to alcohol for human consumption.

i think what reuins people lives more is that deafing music from advertising trucks. i mean drugs is a choice thing. Have constant noise from advertisers and loud lait night music parties.

Reminds me of two true stories:

A. a Thai friend of mine got annoyed by a Thai neighbor of his, playing his out-of-tune electric guitar. The guitarist played on his front porch, just across the street from my friend's house, with the amp turned on full and aimed right at the house. The annoyed guy took a rifle and shot at and destroyed the amp the guitarist was sitting right next to. Talk about a life-threatening situation!

B. A backyard party at a female Thai lawyer's house. Neighbors get enraged by the loudness of the music - so they come to the site and shoot half the revelers dead.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but when you talk about life-threatening substances (meth, etc) ....how different is that, than other life-threatening actions (playing too-loud music). Each can cause death, and the latter can arguably be caused by addiction to very loud sounds. If you don't think listening to loud sounds can be an addiction for some people, try turning off their loud sounds while they're listening to it, and see their reaction. .....scant different than turning off the supply of drugs to a drug addict. Rage, revenge, blood-lust, palpitations, maybe even white spittle at the corners of the mouth. I jest not.


I still think this guy is innocent. He's victim of corruption and this is a classic case of entrappment.

We should get organised to visit this choir-boy. We should support him by serve him milk and cookies every day and support him with money in prison so he can live a decent life.

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