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Are You Feeling Bad About Your Tv Screen Name


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Not touchy at all, in fact I'm finding this quite interesting and hope it continues for a while.smile.gif

However, it would be more useful if someone other than me could respond, otherwise it's all a bit meaningless don't you think, considering how many people have screen names.

'A study in human nature'......is that John or Jung.....my 10 cents is, stick to Chicken Fried Steak. wink.gif

everyone has a screen name, but most arent unwilling to reveal their real name in a social setting. i'd say you were one of those that went to punpun and didnt give your name. you doth protest too loudly. just a guess. nice one.

Hey Othello.....you're a bit of a Poirot on sly aren't you.........you devil. wink.gif

it was hamlet. arent you late for the quiz?

interesting and a little off topic, I used to go to one of the quizzes in town ( they stopped doing them now possibly because of the following reason ) there was a group that used to arrive 2 minutes before the starting time, order sweet <removed> all in terms of snacks and drinks, they left within minutes of the quiz ending, they won quite frequently but never spent any money in the bar and queried and questioned ( sometimes quite aggressively ) the quizz master if they got anything wrong - in other words took it all to seriously and quite often created a bad atmosphere for no reason at all. The idea of the quiz was to have a bit of fun and generate some extra food and beverage sales. With cheap charlies like those its no wonder the pub stopped doing the quiz. I wonder if there is a connection?? :)

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interesting and a little off topic, I used to go to one of the quizzes in town ( they stopped doing them now possibly because of the following reason ) there was a group that used to arrive 2 minutes before the starting time, order sweet <removed> all in terms of snacks and drinks, they left within minutes of the quiz ending, they won quite frequently but never spent any money in the bar and queried and questioned ( sometimes quite aggressively ) the quizz master if they got anything wrong - in other words took it all to seriously and quite often created a bad atmosphere for no reason at all. The idea of the quiz was to have a bit of fun and generate some extra food and beverage sales. With cheap charlies like those its no wonder the pub stopped doing the quiz. I wonder if there is a connection?? :)

I agree - quizzes should be fun and light hearted.

As far as I know the other quizzes were at Tuskers, which closed and The Olde Belle, which seems to have disappeared off the radar after being put up for sale....I think that might be the reason they stopped. I do believe The Pub on Huay Kaew do a quiz, but I'm not sure.

Personally, I just go to The UN Irish pub quiz regularly, I love their Fish and Chips, by far the best Fish and Chips in town and no discount!

I think you'll find there are lots of cheap charlies identifying themselves (or already identified) at Pun Pun.

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Other than SansaiSam it seems most are trying to avoid the issue.

The question was not why you use a screen name, but the question again is why when meeting in the outside world, due so many refuse to identify themselves or give up their screen names.

I cannot think of any reason other than maybe they wouldn't wish to be face to face with someone they may have offended with their writting. Whick would be the same as trying to hide and not face up to what some spew to be Mr. bigshot in their own minds.

Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

Well, I think you know, it is because of anxiety. One can anonymously write what he want but showing the face behind all that gossip is scarry.

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Other than SansaiSam it seems most are trying to avoid the issue.

The question was not why you use a screen name, but the question again is why when meeting in the outside world, due so many refuse to identify themselves or give up their screen names.

I cannot think of any reason other than maybe they wouldn't wish to be face to face with someone they may have offended with their writting. Whick would be the same as trying to hide and not face up to what some spew to be Mr. bigshot in their own minds.

Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

Well, I think you know, it is because of anxiety. One can anonymously write what he want but showing the face behind all that gossip is scarry.

Maybe the face IS scary.

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21 and browsing anonymously? its not natural.

Bothers you does it?


not bothered, amused. this topic seems to have touched a very raw nerve with you.accusing the op of paranoia, while you sneak about browsing anonymously!

better question than the ops would be why would someone browse anonymously?


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Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

It's cos there are just too many nutcases around ..... just look at some of Sillymans threats against other random posters.

Not worth the hassle of risking the attention of one of them.

Agreed, plus it's a personal choice and absolutely none of Pun Pun's business, let him get on with his daily cooking and washing up chores, instead of losing sleep about screen names. As I said before there are people who know me, they are trustworthy and important to me. Pun Pun and it's owner are of absolutely no consequence to me, even though his postings lead me to believe he's deluded into thinking he's some kind of big shot.

how do you manage to read so much into a simple post? john was merely curious about peoples secretive ways - a study into human nature he said. you interpret it as paranoia?, you think he's losing sleep over it and you reckon he has delusions of grandeur. last time i looked he had made 4 posts on this subject and you've made 20. nice one.

are you the anonymous browser? i dont see your name.

I would bet that uptheo's is so paranoid that he feels compelled to defend all who don't want there name known for one reason or the other. Why else would he be so adamant about it.

I wonder who really thinks they are a big shot. easy to feel that way hiding behind a name in the real world and striking out at every body who dosent share your paranoia hiding behind a screen.

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Well ' Up ', you finally figured it out....... I feel like we are such good friends now, you don't mind do you, if I call you " Up " for short..

With the way quiz nites are falling like flies, I had planned on starting one of our own.

This gathering of Screen Names was just a big ploy to be able to know who would be exempt and booted before things got bad....... as in the post giving all the reasons for all the cheap charlies excuse list.

Well you win some you loose some.

I have been out for a bit, can someone explain the ' girl ' and anon bit ? ..... I promise you wont have to ID yourself.


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i try so hard to go to one of those thai visa dinner , but i miss two of it due to importance project .

i did went down to the go kart where i met MM , BB , Austhaied , PB and a few other guys , and also once at tusker where i think i saw Thaipauly i think .

pardon me if i forget some of the name .

i recall BB and MM as cos their special during that day MM is really a impressive happy man and a real deal :) as for BB is one exciting guy that you would now want to miss a out knowing . and Austhaied is just someone who how you a what being truthful and friendly meant :)

would be nice if we have a chnage to go for moo kata or something .


not sure if i met gonzo .


i did met some of the guys whom try to start some kinda debate session and after afew session i think he express that i am not really welcome or did i misunstand him whhahahaa

anyway any debate session would be nice :) i wonder where those nice guy went .

alway love to meet more people.

i will wear a name tag if it make you guys happy .

I remember that day - good fun with a decent bunch. I also remember a rather pissed up Blinky Bill firing his monster Kawasaki ZZr1100 down the start finish straight and into the tyre wall at the end. I remember thinking that it was very considerate of him to add to the day's entertainment like that. :D



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Other than SansaiSam it seems most are trying to avoid the issue.

The question was not why you use a screen name, but the question again is why when meeting in the outside world, due so many refuse to identify themselves or give up their screen names.

I cannot think of any reason other than maybe they wouldn't wish to be face to face with someone they may have offended with their writting. Whick would be the same as trying to hide and not face up to what some spew to be Mr. bigshot in their own minds.

Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

Well, I think you know, it is because of anxiety. One can anonymously write what he want but showing the face behind all that gossip is scarry.

Maybe the face IS scary.

Maybe both scarry and scary whistling.gif

What gossip is that exactly - pushing people for discounts?

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Well ' Up ', you finally figured it out....... I feel like we are such good friends now, you don't mind do you, if I call you " Up " for short..

With the way quiz nites are falling like flies, I had planned on starting one of our own.

This gathering of Screen Names was just a big ploy to be able to know who would be exempt and booted before things got bad....... as in the post giving all the reasons for all the cheap charlies excuse list.

Well you win some you loose some.

I have been out for a bit, can someone explain the ' girl ' and anon bit ? ..... I promise you wont have to ID yourself.


And so we should be good friends, I give you the opportunity to advertise your restaurant ad nauseum, so that one day you too will be able to buy an advertising spot on the right, instead of that little box thingy you already have. wink.gif

I should have guessed about the ploy when you said it was a study in human nature, I forgot that you left your thriving analytical practice back in the US, to cook chicken fried steak at 10% discount on the other side of the world,

I think you should jump on the bandwagon and run a quiz - every little helps.

BTW Doc, is that 'loose' as in not tight?

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I would bet that uptheo's is so paranoid that he feels compelled to defend all who don't want there name known for one reason or the other. Why else would he be so adamant about it.

I wonder who really thinks they are a big shot. easy to feel that way hiding behind a name in the real world and striking out at every body who dosent share your paranoia hiding behind a screen.

he clicks the 'sign in anonymously - don't add me to the user list' button even though he's already anonymous.

and he thinks i'm a girl. nice one.

users browsing this forum - 1 anonymous.

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I would bet that uptheo's is so paranoid that he feels compelled to defend all who don't want there name known for one reason or the other. Why else would he be so adamant about it.

I wonder who really thinks they are a big shot. easy to feel that way hiding behind a name in the real world and striking out at every body who dosent share your paranoia hiding behind a screen.

he clicks the 'sign in anonymously - don't add me to the user list' button even though he's already anonymous.

and he thinks i'm a girl. nice one.

users browsing this forum - 1 anonymous.

I haven't signed in or out for ages.

Sorry, I can't take a bloke called 'Nicky' seriously.

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Well John, I think it is sad how this post turned out, but oh well. Nice try anyway.

This post turned out the way it has because Doc Sigmoid Colon and a few mates feel aggrieved that they can't cajole people (not just me) into revealing their real names.

Well, let them suck lemons. smile.gif

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I think all TV members should have porn star screen names. Members with names like 'sausageking', 'supaprik', 'DickFarang', 'Rimmer', and the delightful 'toybits'* won't have to change theirs. I have dibs on 'The Loin King' and 'Dildo Baggins'

*I got all those from a quick scan of actual TV member names.

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Someone once told me that to reveal your "pornstar' nik you take the name of your first pet and add it to your Mothers maiden name.

Mine would be "Fluffy Maloney" :blink:

Actually, you need to be careful about sites that generate porn star names for you. They are trying to harvest your pet names / mother's maiden names because these are some of the standard security questions that secure websites use to help you retrieve forgotten passwords.

anyway, 'Fluffy B. Baloney' would be better

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I don't see what's wrong with giving some people a discount for getting some more clients.

And some of you have to understand, people not born in an English language country make more mistakes than you do, don't try to be so funny.

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I don't see what's wrong with giving some people a discount for getting some more clients.

And some of you have to understand, people not born in an English language country make more mistakes than you do, don't try to be so funny.

So, just accepting your little quips is fine eh?

Well, I think you know, it is because of anxiety. One can anonymously write what he want but showing the face behind all that gossip is scarry.

I think scarry and scary just seemed to go together, that's all....you know, like Frankenstein smile.gif

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