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15 Pakistanis Arrested In Southern Thailand Over Possible Terrorist Link


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I dont missing the point here, just read his failed attempt in irony. If you don't get my point you are probably full of bias too and don't see whats wrong with it.

The people in the South of Thailand would not donate money? Poor people don't donate? Poor people don't cannot donate much money, so its actually worthless what they donate? or what does these line imply in its ironic way?

For me it isn't totally unbelievable that they collected or got donations from their Thai-(Muslim) friends even if they are not that rich like our islamophobe member.

And the Pakistani travel style like in a in a larger group of males just have to be suspicious just because it is different from the single male Western Tourist to Ko Samui. If you would have ever came across these people or traveled/visit Pakistan you would know that is common for them.

As for transferring money to an account that is on an "international terrorist blacklist" hmmm. Shouldn't these accounts frozen already and the terrorists knew it?

I can imagine an account that is on some "watchlist of somekind of suspects". Well, it can be going fast that you are under observation. As it maybe some muslim organisation, that does networking with other different kind of muslim organisations, that operates in certain rural of Pakistan, is or was in opposition to any Pakistani government, have traceable connection to some religious school secularist and liberals would call 'not that kosher' and so on. To end up on a terrorist watch list can go quick. But most Muslim are normal people who want to live in peace. But if your village is in the 'wrong' part of country or behind that mountain you can become quickly a suspect. i some parts the 'terrorists' or insurgents run also the local orphanage or take care at the elderly of the village, spend money for a new roof at the school.

Anyway some of the the comments are pure racial prejudice.


Australian ex-politician charged in a court with cheating and fraud in a business set up here in Thailand.

- This man must be innocent and has been framed by less than respectable people.

Pakistani arrested and brought in for questioning. "We haven't found any link or evidence related to terrorism yet but as this area is very sensitive we will investigate further," said Piyawat.

- these men must be guilty.

I may be biased, probably you as well. it's part of background, upbringing and difficult to avoid. We mostly only learn to avoid extreme bias.

Anyway as I said we wait for more details on what those 15 Pakistani were doing down South. Till then I assume nothing.

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced by Islam? I do not support the intolerance shown by Mullahs towards any other religion or atheism.

They encourage acts of terrorism against Christians and suggest paradise as a reward. They do not allow Muslims to leave the faith. If you are born of Muslims or if you marry one you loose the basic ‘human right’ to ‘practice and observe all aspects of your own religion and change your religion if you want to’

Why should anyone tolerate this kind of stance? you ask for religious tolerance in the WEST?


Did you ever met these muslims in real life, talked to them, traveled trough their countries learned about their rich history.

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Anyway some of the the comments are pure racial prejudice.


Australian ex-politician charged in a court with cheating and fraud in a business set up here in Thailand.

- This man must be innocent and has been framed by less than respectable people.

Not amongst the British, if a politician is suspected or accused of something we casually presume he/she is guilty but 999 times out of 1000 no action will be taken.

Nothing to do with racism.

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced by Islam? I do not support the intolerance shown by Mullahs towards any other religion or atheism.

They encourage acts of terrorism against Christians and suggest paradise as a reward. They do not allow Muslims to leave the faith. If you are born of Muslims or if you marry one you loose the basic 'human right' to 'practice and observe all aspects of your own religion and change your religion if you want to'

Why should anyone tolerate this kind of stance? you ask for religious tolerance in the WEST?


Did you ever met these muslims in real life, talked to them, traveled trough their countries learned about their rich history.

Yes ive not long finished living and working in Saudi and Bahrain, and Saudis are the most backward unfriendly people ive met in my entire life.

For you to come out with your comment im presuming youve never been to such places, you should see how they treat women, the poor, Indian and Filipino immigrant workers before defending them.

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced by Islam? I do not support the intolerance shown by Mullahs towards any other religion or atheism.

They encourage acts of terrorism against Christians and suggest paradise as a reward. They do not allow Muslims to leave the faith. If you are born of Muslims or if you marry one you loose the basic 'human right' to 'practice and observe all aspects of your own religion and change your religion if you want to'

Why should anyone tolerate this kind of stance? you ask for religious tolerance in the WEST?


Did you ever met these muslims in real life, talked to them, traveled trough their countries learned about their rich history.


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Another sad event was only a few weeks ago when lots of Muslims started to pray in the middle of a big German town, people who were asking what they were doing had to listen to : "Why don't you believe in Muhammad bla, bla."?

I wonder what would happen if some Christians would do that in one of your superior Muslim towns.? :jap:

Ohh, what a really really sad event as you said. I feel so sorry for you and that middle of a big German town.

But hey, tze Germans should know how to handle this: Zack Zack, eine Stuka bitte.


Indeed very sad. Like your post Look at the posters and tell me what was going on here in London..........:jap:

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced in the World? I support the building of a mosque close to ground zero in NY. I also support a bar being situated next door and a brothel on the other side of the building. Across the street a Victoria's Secret could attract much custom especially if there was a porn shop next door.  Confirmation that the US is 'the land of the free - and easy'. 

We could learn a lot from the Thai people. How they tolerate the many 'low lifes' that pitch up here is a lesson in forbearance for us all. 

What about stoning for boning? should we tolerate that?

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Another sad event was only a few weeks ago when lots of Muslims started to pray in the middle of a big German town, people who were asking what they were doing had to listen to : "Why don't you believe in Muhammad bla, bla."?

I wonder what would happen if some Christians would do that in one of your superior Muslim towns.? :jap:

Ohh, what a really really sad event as you said. I feel so sorry for you and that middle of a big German town.

But hey, tze Germans should know how to handle this: Zack Zack, eine Stuka bitte.


Indeed very sad. Like your post Look at the posters and tell me what was going on here in London..........:jap:

Please don't compare the posters from some lunatics on London with the killing of over 100 innocent civilian by NATO bombs in Afghanistan in the so called Kunduz airstrike. and the attempt to cover it up.

Nor mistake these lunatics in London for a standard example of muslim people.

Edited by SergeiY
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How about for just 2010? You can change the address to go back to whatever year you want.

Don't know if that's proof enough for you though.

Would it be inconvenient to point out that there are verses in their holy book to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies (and that they can not take unbelievers as friends), to strike at the necks of their enemies, etc? And that to be Muslim is to accept their holy book as the literal truth, because to not do that makes them an apostate to which in numerous cases there is a death penalty prescribed in the same-same book? And that taqqiya is allowed to be practiced?

But I'm sure that those Pakistanis had the noblest of intentions.

You have posted a link with ALL terrorist attacks I agree most are muslim related however with over one billion muslims worldwide its hardly fair to tar them all with the same brush.

We are talking about a very small percentage of fanatics not a billion people.

So, most terrorist attacks in 2010 were conducted by people or groups that claim to be Muslim, huge leap to think all Muslims are terrorits, supporters or fund raisers. BTW, I'm from Northern Ireland where I grew up during the so called "Troubles." I do remember meeting ill informed people who thought all Irish were terrorists around that time.

So by your logic, since the majority of Buddhists eat meat, it's a requirement for all Buddhists? Please don't presume to preach about a what a religion does or does not teach until you have become versed in it.

Furthermore, when do you hear condemnations from those adherents about the others raising funds, supporting or committing terroristic activities supposedly against the desire of their religion? Rarely if ever unless it involves deaths of other Muslims....and yet I remember hearing loud voices declaring that those IRA members were not representative of the 'regular Joe (or is that Seamus?)' Irish.

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Can't you see it is only a point of view?

We are good. You are bad....

What is the use of this? Anybody looking in a disinterested way at history can find examples for all religions being the driving force of dreadful group and individual actions. It is clear that getting rid of organised religion would be an improvement for humanity. The world would not be perfect but we would have a chance of moving society forward.

Historically the Crusades. The Northern Ireland troubles. The Bush-Blair pact. The occupation and ethnic cleansing by Jews of Palestine. The shocking blockade of the West Bank making it a ghetto. The Indian riots between Hindu and Muslim...

All driven by religious beliefs - please god, bring on an age of real rationality.

Ummh, no.

The Crusades originally started because the Muslims had conquered land held by the Eastern Roman Empire. Quite lucrative land to be truthful with major trade routes going through them. It was only after seeing how the Muslims were able to motivate their armies that the Christian Pope used the same tactics. And at that, remember that this was after centuries of the Berbers attacking the southern coast of Europe...

The Northern Ireland troubles just happened to be religious in the same way that the European advance into North America was 'religious'....a coincidence that the local population had a different religion that the invading.

Bush-Blair pact? <deleted>?

You realise that the name "Palestine" was given to Judea by the Romans in order to make the country more judenrein? And that since that area had never, since the Roman occupation, been a separate country and therefore could not really be considered 'occupied'. And what is ethnic cleansing? The fact that the Arabs living there are afforded the full rights of citizens? Including seats in Kessnet? And if you want to see a ghetto, look at parts of Cairo, specifically the Coptic parts...now compare that to the "refugees" (only group of them in the world that gets to pass down that status on YOUR dime) and say that again with a straight face.

I'll agree about the Indian issue, however when an invading force had come in and murdered millions of your people, perform (to this day) forced conversion, rape, and desecration of your holy places, you don't suppose there's going to be some blow-back do you?

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The Muslim community as a whole barely ever expresses anger about terrorist attacks made in the name of their religion.

Of course, raving liberals will jump to their defense but why can't the Muslims themselves speak out against terrorists?

The answer why the Muslim community as a whole barely express anger at Islamic terrorst attacks is because those Muslims who dont actually take to murdering non-Muslims are passive supporters.


There is a Muslim term called "Dar al-Harb" it means the "house of war", the term traditionally refers to those Countries administered by non-Muslim governments.

The exact definitions of these territories can vary widely according to the Muslim viewer's interpretation of who is and is not a Muslim, and which governments are or are not Muslim in practice.

The inhabitants of the Dar al-Harb are called harbis and harbis have no rights.

Its written in the Quran and the religious dogma teaches Muslims that the whole World should be one Caliphate ruled by Sharia (Muslim) Law.

Have you ever noticed on the motorway from Suvanabhumi Airport going into Bangkok two new Mosques built right next to the motorway?

They are strategically placed there in the face of millions of travellers to make a statement!

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Speaking of irony, I find it ironic that good ole 'SergeiY' is showing his true political sentiments in his quick defense of the foreign group that was apprehended in southern Thailand. So what if it is a known fact that Pakistan is an exporter of terroriism, both as a training facility and as a funding source. So what if almost all of the terrorists apprehended in western and south east asian countries have a link to Pakistan. This pattern should be disregarded because southern terrorist plagued Thailand is a major tourism destination. Right. Based upon the recent history, there is a strong likelihood that these Pakistanis may be a legitimate cause for concern.

Let's look at the statments protesting and attempting to dismiss the concerns expressed by the local Thais;

For me it isn't totally unbelievable that they collected or got donations from their Thai-(Muslim) friends even if they are not that rich like our islamophobe member.

It is for me. There was no need for Pakistanis to come collect money. The mosques were arranging the collection of funds with the monies transferred to the Red Crescent through Bangkok. There was an attempt to ensure transparency and to allay fears of funds being stolen or misused. Why would Pakistanis need to go and collect funds for "charity"? First off, it would have been illegal and secondly, Thais most likely would have donated to the mosque, not Pakistani "charity" workers.

And the Pakistani travel style like in a in a larger group of males just have to be suspicious just because it is different from the single male Western Tourist to Ko Samui. If you would have ever came across these people or traveled/visit Pakistan you would know that is common for them.

Yes, that is how Taliban and Al qaeda travel too. What's the point? 15 pakistani males that are traveling as described, would have arrived as a group and would have traveled en masse to the south. My understanding is that they travelled either in smaller groups of 2 and 3 or as solo travelers meeting up at the location so as to avoid drawing attention. Yes, people can travel as a group, as in a tour group. However, when the apprehended Pakistanis traveled as they did and then met up to form a group, the Thais had a legitimate concern.

As for transferring money to an account that is on an "international terrorist blacklist" hmmm. Shouldn't these accounts frozen already and the terrorists knew it?

Banks from Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan do not necessarily comply with the international blacklists. These blacklists are only as good as enforcement efforts and as of now a large part of the world still allows money laundering and the use of banks for terrorist funding. A case in point were the Syrian and Lebanese banks that were used to violate the UN sanctions on Iraq.

This comparison is a classic case of a bad comparison.

Anyway some of the the comments are pure racial prejudice.


Australian ex-politician charged in a court with cheating and fraud in a business set up here in Thailand.

- This man must be innocent and has been framed by less than respectable people.

Pakistani arrested and brought in for questioning. "We haven't found any link or evidence related to terrorism yet but as this area is very sensitive we will investigate further," said Piyawat.

- these men must be guilty.

How can an Australian that is accused of an illegal commercial activity be compared to pakistanis that are under investigation for possible funding of terrorism?

Hello????? The Australian has zero likelihood of providing monies used to murder and maim. Can the same be said about the Pakistanis?

No has claimed the Pakistanis are guilty. The Thais are investigating as is their legal right and duty.

Edited by sbk
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Racial and ethnic stereotyping and some Islamophobia added isn't ironic nor sarcasm.


A mealy mouthed claptrap term that is used by the liberal pussyfoots and now highjacked by Muslims to silence at root ANY sort of critisizm of there beliefs.

Do you know that rich Muslim Countries are lobbying the United Nations to have a World-wide blashemy law?

Shush your not allowed to discuss it!

Unless you want to go down the route of the bomb and the bullet, the only way you can counter Religious Dogma is by discussion, but increasingly (especialy in Muslim Countries) you are not even allowed to challenge the "undeserved" respect that the religious demand of you peacefully before you open your mouth...conditions are already laid down in thier favour?

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Everyone is discussing religion, i.e. Islam here. Where are the moderators? If even one sentence is said here against any religions, the moderators will jump in and delete the post.

Where is it mentioned that these people are Muslims?

Where is it mentioned that they are actually sending money to terrorist?

One poster mentioned that Pakistan is the exporter of terrorism. Well, if you stop watching Fox News, and think logically, Pakistan is under attack by the terrorists due to US invasion in Afghanistan. Before it was USSR invasion there which was repealed by Pakistan through US support. The world should be thankful to Pakistan instead of just bullshitting.

Some posters dont even understand the difference between religion and cultural issues. Being Arab does not automatically mean you are Muslim.

Another poster tried to distort the history about crusades and the wrong justification of Hindu-Muslim riots in India.

Only if media were free, you would have a completely different picture now.

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Only a politically correct mugwump would claim that Muslims arent the biggest most diseased bunch of terrorists in the world - Northern Ireland was ONE isolated incident and yes religion is ALL bad. BUT Muslims do this in EVERY country they go to from Thailand to the United States - the list is endless for this diseased religion of Islam. dont even TRY to deny it!!

How considerate of them to try and help widows and orphans. I wonder what they were doing in Thailand?

The same thing muslims do everywhere; fund raise for bombing, recruit for bombing, or bomb. It is what they do.

You paint with a very broad brush. Given the many bombings in Northern Ireland, and using your logic, you could say the same thing about Christians.

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How considerate of them to try and help widows and orphans. I wonder what they were doing in Thailand?

The same thing muslims do everywhere; fund raise for bombing, recruit for bombing, or bomb. It is what they do.

And you can off course prove that. Wonder what your opinion on other large religions or races are.

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If you believe posters have violated the rules of the forum, you are free to use the report button and the post will be reviewed by a moderator. The report button, however, is not reporting a post you disagree with.

As far as the references to terror, I suggest you read the OP:

"Police revealed that a bank officer described a Pakistani customer coming in to transfer money to an overseas account, whose owner was found to be on an international terrorist blacklist."

The article doesn't specifically state that the group is Muslim, but it would probably be newsworthy and might be mentioned if they were not.

The thread is being moderated, so please exercise discretion in your posts and stay on topic.

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How about for just 2010? You can change the address to go back to whatever year you want.

Don't know if that's proof enough for you though.

Would it be inconvenient to point out that there are verses in their holy book to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies (and that they can not take unbelievers as friends), to strike at the necks of their enemies, etc? And that to be Muslim is to accept their holy book as the literal truth, because to not do that makes them an apostate to which in numerous cases there is a death penalty prescribed in the same-same book? And that taqqiya is allowed to be practiced?

But I'm sure that those Pakistanis had the noblest of intentions.

You have posted a link with ALL terrorist attacks I agree most are muslim related however with over one billion muslims worldwide its hardly fair to tar them all with the same brush.

We are talking about a very small percentage of fanatics not a billion people.

So, most terrorist attacks in 2010 were conducted by people or groups that claim to be Muslim, huge leap to think all Muslims are terrorits, supporters or fund raisers. BTW, I'm from Northern Ireland where I grew up during the so called "Troubles." I do remember meeting ill informed people who thought all Irish were terrorists around that time.

So by your logic, since the majority of Buddhists eat meat, it's a requirement for all Buddhists? Please don't presume to preach about a what a religion does or does not teach until you have become versed in it.

Furthermore, when do you hear condemnations from those adherents about the others raising funds, supporting or committing terroristic activities supposedly against the desire of their religion? Rarely if ever unless it involves deaths of other Muslims....and yet I remember hearing loud voices declaring that those IRA members were not representative of the 'regular Joe (or is that Seamus?)' Irish.

I'm having a slow day DB and not getting your post at all, Buddhists and meat, Seamus and Joe. I stated earlier that ALL Muslims are Not terrorists, supporters or fund raisers. Just for clarity, can you say whether you agree or not with that statement?

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How considerate of them to try and help widows and orphans. I wonder what they were doing in Thailand?

The same thing muslims do everywhere; fund raise for bombing, recruit for bombing, or bomb. It is what they do.

And you can off course prove that. Wonder what your opinion on other large religions or races are.

Never been called a loony lefty, in fact quite the reverse in my younger years. I've since learnt to think for myself though and not be swayed by the mob.

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You ask some questions and I will answer;

Where is it mentioned that these people are Muslims?

No mention. However, I can assure you that these gents were not Jewish, nor Bahai, nor Hindu. They certainly were Buddhist (They weren't wearing special super powerful amulets, othrwise they would have been protected.) . There is a chance they might have been Christian refugees fleeing persecution in Pakistan. As you may or not be aware, Christian churches are regularly attacked and Christians harassed, beaten and killed in Pakistan. So, I don't think it is inconceivable that these just might be Christians. What do you think?

Where is it mentioned that they are actually sending money to terrorist?

No mention save for the transaction involving an entity known to have terrorist links, which is why the blacklist is mentioned.

In law, if one enters knowingly into a transaction with a known entity or person identified with illegal or restricted acts one can be charged with criminal conspiracy and/or profiting from crime.

One poster mentioned that Pakistan is the exporter of terrorism. Well, if you stop watching Fox News, and think logically, Pakistan is under attack by the terrorists due to US invasion in Afghanistan. Before it was USSR invasion there which was repealed by Pakistan through US support. The world should be thankful to Pakistan instead of just bullshitting.

No, Pakistan is not under attack by terrorists. There is a state within a state and the terrorists are the state within the state.

Pakistan has been exploiting the Taliban an Al qaeda exposures for too long, extorting billions out of the west. Pakistan should instead be giving thanks to the west for the billions it has received. I believe history will show that the greatest mistake made by the west was the support of Pakistan with its nuclear armaments. The west has put India into a dangerous position as it must defend against a hostile country with nuclear weapons. I am not worried about India using its nuclear arms in a 1st strike, but I am of Pakistan doing so. Pakistan is the next major world conflict where we most likely see an International military expedition with strong support from China and Russia that will remove the nuclear weapons. The countries most at risk of fallout and the nukes getting into the wrong hands are India, China and Russia (because of Chechnya).

Some posters dont even understand the difference between religion and cultural issues. Being Arab does not automatically mean you are Muslim.

You are correct. It's not their fault as they probably did not have an opportunity to meet those non muslim arabs. There was an apparent "cultural" misunderstanding which forced Christians into ghettos. The Jews were either massacred or expelled from Arab countries, but I am sure it was the Jews fault, since it's always the Jew's fault. The large number of Sephardi Jews in israel originate in Arab countries. If they had not been given 24 hours notice to leave some countries (e.g. Egypt in the 1950's), I suppose they would still be living there and we'd all have a chance to mix and mingle with non Muslim Arabs. There are a few Jews left in Iran, but they are sort of being held hostage and Iranians aren't arabs, so i don't know where else to look. Going by the recent case of the Saudi Prince that nibbled the ear off his servant I think some arabs might be sodomites, and that is not allowed in Islam, so for sure if some people hang around posh hotels or work as male prostitutes, they might meet some of the non muslim arabs.

Gosh, for an Ajarn, you seem to be a bit out of the loop. What type of Ajarn are you?

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You people just leave me speechless. The Taliban kill women by stoning them to death, just because they want an education in Afghanistan. In Thailand muslims break into temples and kill monks. 9/11 was an outrageous atrocity against mankind, In the south of Thailand teachers are shot and killed by muslim extremists as they teach in classrooms in their dozens because they want the land for Malaysia which has newly discovered oil. In Britain 50 people are bombed and killed and a muslim cleric with hook hand that Britain gave refuge to says "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE". In India muslim extremists from pakistan kill hundreds of people in a hotel. Muslims in Switzerland use our own courts against us to have minorettes built on mosques at our expense - In Saudi Arabia no other religion is allowed - a basic human rights denial - seems to me we have a lot of muslim posters on this site - surely THEYRE the only ones who would be so blind as to blame Bush and Blair for killing a few suicide bombers before they kill MORE innocents all over the world. GET REAL GET A LIFE AND SUPPORT YOUR OWN CULTURE!!!

Sergeiy you have a weird way of looking at the world and your politically correct softie leftie views condemn the rest of us to living in an ethnic hel_l - go and LIVE in pakistan if you like them so much!!

Another sad event was only a few weeks ago when lots of Muslims started to pray in the middle of a big German town, people who were asking what they were doing had to listen to : "Why don't you believe in Muhammad bla, bla."?

I wonder what would happen if some Christians would do that in one of your superior Muslim towns.? :jap:

Ohh, what a really really sad event as you said. I feel so sorry for you and that middle of a big German town.

But hey, tze Germans should know how to handle this: Zack Zack, eine Stuka bitte.

Indeed very sad. Like your post Look at the posters and tell me what was going on here in London..........:jap:

Please don't compare the posters from some lunatics on London with the killing of over 100 innocent civilian by NATO bombs in Afghanistan in the so called
and the attempt to cover it up.

Nor mistake these lunatics in London for a standard example of muslim people.

Edited by ianbaggie
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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced in the World?

We could learn a lot from the Thai people. How they tolerate the many 'low lifes' that pitch up here is a lesson in forbearance for us all.

Another Religious apologist!

Go tell that the Thai Buddhists families in Southern Thailand who have been beheaded by Muslims to be tolerant.

Its twunts like you who give "undeserved" respect and lifetimes of tolerance to Religion who have got the World into the state it is into today.

Humanity would be better of without Religion and you need to reckoginise this.

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great post puts it in perspective =- muslims attack and defile other religions on a daily basis EN MASSE!! our right of reply is removed by our own leftie liberal controllers whom were scared of - a pathetic state of affairs and the reason why I dont live in UK - stop the clap trap - these people are Islamic terrorists


You ask some questions and I will answer;

Where is it mentioned that these people are Muslims?

No mention. However, I can assure you that these gents were not Jewish, nor Bahai, nor Hindu. They certainly were Buddhist (They weren't wearing special super powerful amulets, othrwise they would have been protected.) . There is a chance they might have been Christian refugees fleeing persecution in Pakistan. As you may or not be aware, Christian churches are regularly attacked and Christians harassed, beaten and killed in Pakistan. So, I don't think it is inconceivable that these just might be Christians. What do you think?

Where is it mentioned that they are actually sending money to terrorist?

No mention save for the transaction involving an entity known to have terrorist links, which is why the blacklist is mentioned.

In law, if one enters knowingly into a transaction with a known entity or person identified with illegal or restricted acts one can be charged with criminal conspiracy and/or profiting from crime.

One poster mentioned that Pakistan is the exporter of terrorism. Well, if you stop watching Fox News, and think logically, Pakistan is under attack by the terrorists due to US invasion in Afghanistan. Before it was USSR invasion there which was repealed by Pakistan through US support. The world should be thankful to Pakistan instead of just bullshitting.

No, Pakistan is not under attack by terrorists. There is a state within a state and the terrorists are the state within the state.

Pakistan has been exploiting the Taliban an Al qaeda exposures for too long, extorting billions out of the west. Pakistan should instead be giving thanks to the west for the billions it has received. I believe history will show that the greatest mistake made by the west was the support of Pakistan with its nuclear armaments. The west has put India into a dangerous position as it must defend against a hostile country with nuclear weapons. I am not worried about India using its nuclear arms in a 1st strike, but I am of Pakistan doing so. Pakistan is the next major world conflict where we most likely see an International military expedition with strong support from China and Russia that will remove the nuclear weapons. The countries most at risk of fallout and the nukes getting into the wrong hands are India, China and Russia (because of Chechnya).

Some posters dont even understand the difference between religion and cultural issues. Being Arab does not automatically mean you are Muslim.

You are correct. It's not their fault as they probably did not have an opportunity to meet those non muslim arabs. There was an apparent "cultural" misunderstanding which forced Christians into ghettos. The Jews were either massacred or expelled from Arab countries, but I am sure it was the Jews fault, since it's always the Jew's fault. The large number of Sephardi Jews in israel originate in Arab countries. If they had not been given 24 hours notice to leave some countries (e.g. Egypt in the 1950's), I suppose they would still be living there and we'd all have a chance to mix and mingle with non Muslim Arabs. There are a few Jews left in Iran, but they are sort of being held hostage and Iranians aren't arabs, so i don't know where else to look. Going by the recent case of the Saudi Prince that nibbled the ear off his servant I think some arabs might be sodomites, and that is not allowed in Islam, so for sure if some people hang around posh hotels or work as male prostitutes, they might meet some of the non muslim arabs.

Gosh, for an Ajarn, you seem to be a bit out of the loop. What type of Ajarn are you?

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What do westerners have to gain from defending thousands of people who want to kill them by and large?

Ianb, I totally agree with going after the perpetrators, planners etc of terrorism. Hit them hard and fast but, I refuse to accept that 1.5 billion Muslims are terrorists, in fact, you've just stated 'thousands' which is perhaps agreement that not ALL are terrorists?

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hMMM i would agr4ee with you - but you know I spent 12 years in Kuwait and saw first hand the beliefs and actions of a large group of these islamists - there are admittedly a small % who are active terroristsbut thye majority are in silent agreement with them - fund them, give messages and other bonuses and hold them as martys to the cause- the terrorists are the tip of the iceberg there is a huge population below who goad them and support their actions - as one said - i have never heard a muslim condemn muslim attacks by Islamic terrorists

What do westerners have to gain from defending thousands of people who want to kill them by and large?

Ianb, I totally agree with going after the perpetrators, planners etc of terrorism. Hit them hard and fast but, I refuse to accept that 1.5 billion Muslims are terrorists, in fact, you've just stated 'thousands' which is perhaps agreement that not ALL are terrorists?

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced in the World?

... end removed

For step one I suggest the implementation of the Universal Right to carry one's choice of holy book where ever one goes.

(PS sorry, I know a bit off topic)

Edited by rubl
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How considerate of them to try and help widows and orphans. I wonder what they were doing in Thailand?

The same thing muslims do everywhere; fund raise for bombing, recruit for bombing, or bomb. It is what they do.

Actually Muslims don't do it. Just a small minority. If you are happy to join the witch hunt free to do, but please avoid to write something deeply wrong and offensive for one of the most important religion of the world.

Said that, probably those Pakistanis were sending money or fund raising for terrorism. Or maybe having some connection with the PULO.

What's so wrong.

Most Muslims aren't terrorists but mos terrorists are Muslims. Mind you, if I said such a thing in Lahore, they'd probably behead me for it.

The Muslim community as a whole barely ever expresses anger about terrorist attacks made in the name of their religion.

Of course, raving liberals will jump to their defense but why can't he Muslims themselves speak out against terrorists?

Good Post

I often think that also and think maybe the majority of muslims deep down are supporters of the extremeists actions

Sounds bad but lets face it you never see them outraged by the atrocities of these extremists but god forbid someone makes a cartoon of Mohhamed and watch the protests soar


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