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Getting Even With A Horrible Driver


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If you have spent any time here at all; you are probably aware of the fact that the Thai drivers slow down for pigeons and speed up for farangs in the crosswalks. I was more than half way across the street, in a cross walk, and here comes this van type vehicle coming right at me. He didn't even take his foot off the gas pedal. Then as he barely misses me, I notice the decal on the door: RAMMING LODGE. I walked straight over to the hotel, and asked to speak with an English speaking manager. The GM came out, and I told him that one of his drivers not only drove recklessly with no regard for human life, but he must also be a stupid, idiot, because his van had their company's logo on the door. He said thank you very much for reporting the incident, and that was that. I informed him that i looked forward to reviewing his Hotel on TripAdvisor and Agoda. I think he got the message. Hey folks, there must be one pedestrian getting hit by a car every day around here--besides the dozen motorbike accidents.

Has anyone else sought revenge on bad drivers here in Thailand? Spit on their car, or anything like that? I thought my method was level headed and straight forward. I really didn't want to take a trip to "The Station."

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What makes you think that the manager can be arsed to call a driver in to the office, even if he did, do you think the driver would give a crap?

twice in the last week crossing the silom road I have had two taxis drive right at me! first up I am in the road so its my problem to look where I am going because I would not put my life into there hands. second up, I looked at there faces both times as they headed towards me and do you know what? they were not even looking at me, they were looking at the pavement, in other words thinking of fares, not me and they probably didnt even see me anyway. you are not going to teach them anything, so just look out for yourself and you will live a little longer.

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Good job going to the hotel. Even if the manager doesnt do anything - it would make me feel better

The biggest arguments I have had with my TGF is when she is driving and I am a passenger -- I basically just put a bag over my head, say a prayer and hope to god we dont kill anyone on the way to where we are going

I have even had her stop the car and have taken a tuk tuk home after she didnt slow down for an elderly couple in a cross walk and just barely missed them without a single hesitation or even acknowledgement

Conversation "ohhh my god watch out"

TGF "what you say to me?"

Me: "You almost killed that poor old man and woman"

TGF: "I see them"

Me: "Why didnt you slow down? what if they had slipped? fallen down? hesitated?

TGF: "I dont understand you"

Tuk Tuk :)

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You sound like you are one of those people that choose to meander across the roads with no thought to roads being for motor vehicles and not pedestrians rather than cross the road promptly and simply expect the driver of cars and motorcycles to slow down or stop ? Farangs, especially the tourists seem to think it is perfectly OK to wander down a small road 2 - 3 abreast with little heed to the fact that it is the main thoroughfare.

I hope you time and effort going to the hotel made you feel better as it will have not altered anything at all. :sorry:

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Out of interest, what is a 'crosswalk'?

I am ALMOST certain that we Brits would call it a 'pedestrian crossing'. After all it is logical, as 'sidewalk' is more logical than our (historic) 'pavement'. Remember that we park in the drive, while Americans drive on pavement!

But back to the topic.

I love the (obviously intentional) misspelling: RAMMING. It is in fact The Raming Lodge, far less dramatic and more like the mediocre tea,eh? But I digress yet again.

I think you were 100% correct to draw this to the attention of the manager and this was by far the most responsible means of 'revenge', given the apathy of the b-i-bs. What he does about it and how the driver takes it is our of your control, but you've done your best.

A couple of years ago I was riding a small motorcycle from the airport towards town when a minibus from the Amari Rincome accelerated past me, only to brake sharply and swing left into the petrol station. I only just braked in time and missed him without falling off. Couldn't help but give him a blast on the horn to attract his attention, then the American single finger (most Thais don't understand our British V-signs). But, far more responsibly, later that day, I e-mailed the GM of the hotel with time and place and a fairly calm but strong complaint. He phoned me back immediately, promising to give the driver a very hot roasting in Thai and an official caution about his employment. But then, the GM was Dutch!!

Using finger language and Very strong 'advice' in English and Thai in the past has had me chased more than twice. As I am unarmed and no good at martial arts, I cannot recommend these options. Tempting though they may be.

And PS to the very fat American Honda Dream rider on the Doi Saket Road recently: in the unlikely event of you still being alive, you'd better change YOUR attitude because I will NOT be attending your funeral!

PPS to the Mods: how about a new thread for this, so we can let off steam, maybe save a life or two, and maybe stay alive a little longer ourselves?

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I have lived and driven here for many many years, and I think the Thai vehicle drivers do just fine with their driving. And I have never noticed anybody slowing for pigeons or speeding up for farangs. My first sense is that you over-reacted to the extreme, but maybe you are a person who magicaly attracts crazy drivers :)

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You sound like you are one of those people that choose to meander across the roads with no thought to roads being for motor vehicles and not pedestrians rather than cross the road promptly and simply expect the driver of cars and motorcycles to slow down or stop ? Farangs, especially the tourists seem to think it is perfectly OK to wander down a small road 2 - 3 abreast with little heed to the fact that it is the main thoroughfare.

I hope you time and effort going to the hotel made you feel better as it will have not altered anything at all. :sorry:

Agree. some farangs here will never learn how to live in Thaialnd

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I have lived and driven here for many many years, and I think the Thai vehicle drivers do just fine with their driving. And I have never noticed anybody slowing for pigeons or speeding up for farangs. My first sense is that you over-reacted to the extreme, but maybe you are a person who magicaly attracts crazy drivers :)

My thoughts entirely..thanks. :boring:


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I enjoy driving here, it's quite a challenge, but also quite exciting. I like the way my wife says '<deleted>' everytime someone does something stupid/dangerous/crazy. It makes me smile and stops me getting cross about it. If you can't drive/bike/walk here without getting angry, then you are in a dangerous place. I always assume I'm invisible to other road users and drive accordingly. Was driving this morning from the moat towards airport plaza, reasonable speed for the road, dog ran onto the road from nowhere, bam, car next to me took it full on.... Dead dog for certain, car damaged quite badly at the front. Driver didn't stop... don't expect them to stop for you either if you dawdle across the road when crossing! You're a big man, you'd make a hel_l of a dent/mess!


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Good job going to the hotel. Even if the manager doesnt do anything - it would make me feel better

The biggest arguments I have had with my TGF is when she is driving and I am a passenger -- I basically just put a bag over my head, say a prayer and hope to god we dont kill anyone on the way to where we are going

I have even had her stop the car and have taken a tuk tuk home after she didnt slow down for an elderly couple in a cross walk and just barely missed them without a single hesitation or even acknowledgement

Conversation "ohhh my god watch out"

TGF "what you say to me?"

Me: "You almost killed that poor old man and woman"

TGF: "I see them"

Me: "Why didnt you slow down? what if they had slipped? fallen down? hesitated?

TGF: "I dont understand you"

Tuk Tuk :)

if she's that stupid and selfish time for a replacement!

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Some Thai driving habits are odd and unsafe; but this was a farang over-reaction as has been suggested.

TV seems to be getting very anti-Thai and farangs getting very upset with everyone ( Thai and farang )

I have a friend who has emigrated to France and they find it unbelievable the way expats in Thailand bitch amongst themselves and are subliminally anti-Thai. There seems to be more integration in France and a better meeting of diffeent cultures.

Their forums are forums

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Crossing the road , ever since i was a kids . i learn how to cross a road . be it i go to a zebra crossing or a redlight . my techer told me that , we should alway check and double check before we cross .

Car is a machine . operated by a human . human is a body operated by the mind .

if you are assuming that proofing right or wrong can give you less suffering . for your own mistake when you do not cross a road with the full mind set that the road is a dangerous place and you do get knock down while crossing .. blaming someone is not going to make a different in your suffering .

. this forum had become like a trash can for people to come vent their anger or some pre-school for grown up man who can't take care of themself and here we are reading with no no why how we can make others suffer , for our own careless way of living .


i drive and ride in thailand , and i seen too many tourist who cross the road as if tourist had immunity to accident .

i said it many time and as always

protect yourself , is your duty not anyone else .


if it a hotel sticker you go find the manager what happen it it a police sticker or if it hospital sticker ?

would you think different . or if it something else .

my advice is , don't waste your time and others , just be extra carful the next time you cross the road . by saying thai driver would stop for a bird and not farang is just not necessary .

but i do stop by cars for Dog if you want to compare yourself to one .

before i end . allow me to teach you what i learn about road crossing .

1. look at the direction the cars is coming . Estimate the distance of in coming cars .

2. check the other direction and look across the road . check for cars or bike going against the traffic ( this is importance cos is common people go against the traffic in thailand )

3. check on your right again before you cross .

4. always cross the road with urgent movment in mind ( i said so cos road itself is a danagerous place sis for CARS and Bike . so is best you cross it fast and not scroll like you are walking in the PARK .

5. DO not answer any phone or talk on your phon when you cross the roads or try to change your ipod song or so any thing while you acrossing or talk to someone when you cross.

6. I alway Raise my HAND when i cross the Road so in coming driver can see me better , i leanr it since i was a kids and i had this habit in me . i will rasie it and show a STOP hand sign . when ever i cross if i find alot of in coming cars coming my way .

7 Choose where your cross , do not cross at Blind stop or TURN . cos there can;t see you . corner or Turn is dangerous stop for crossing the road.

try to find a overhead bridge or a clear road with at least 300 meter of clear view to cross .

8. If you do get into an accident after doing the above DOn't call me call 191 .

9 . if you need help crossing the road or is too old and not sure . DO not be shy to ask someone to assist you with crossing it

10. if you do not understand the above and need a Demo . PM me i would be happy to meet up and teach you how . or show you how i cross the road .

seriously :)

there can help you best .

Edited by Ta22
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>> My first sense is that you over-reacted to the extreme, but maybe you are a person who magicaly attracts crazy drivers :)

I thought that only bad driving occurred around me in Phuket, until I read about all the accidents and deaths, or speak to someone else about the driving. Seems I'm not, nor was the OP, an isolated case.

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Some Thai driving habits are odd and unsafe; but this was a farang over-reaction as has been suggested. TV seems to be getting very anti-Thai and farangs getting very upset with everyone ( Thai and farang )

There are crap drivers, daft pedestrians, and anti-all-sorts, no matter where you go in the world. It's not what happens (or doesn't happen), but how you deal with it ('you', being a general term or course!).

It is only when you change the way you look at things, those things you look at change!

I bet there are people everywhere on this very day that would love to be hearing news of how a driver barely missed their loved ones, rather than took away their life! Perspective comes to mind! ;)


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Coming from a "nanny" country (Canada) I can understand the farangs who expect something different and safe, but Thais don't wet nurse adults. You either adapt or die. I ride a motorbike, and I EXPECT to have other drivers and riders do the unusual. It doesn't bother me at all. Although I'm constantly aware of what is going on around me, I'm still amazed that Thais seem to act like there is a safety bubble around them, and they don't look two seconds into the future. The accident figures reflect this.

I pay little attention to zebra stripe crossings or traffic lights, but I DO pay attention to the traffic. I've driven a lot and I'm a pretty good judge of speed and the ability of a driver to stop, or cover a certain distance. I use that judgement to remain reasonably safe. I've had my share of accidents and it's usually happens when i get a little too comfortable... or aggressive in my riding. One of my ex-Thai girlfriends told me that I rode like a Thai... and she wasn't being complimentary. When I heard that I slowed down a bit.

I've never seen a case where Thais INTENTIONALLY try to hit anyone or any thing, but they certainly are reckless in their actions. The farang expats seem to adopt the same attitude... and especially the drunk ones. I can't change the Thai attitude, or any other nationality, but I CAN learn to adjust to my environment. I find riding in Thailand similar to a video game... only for real... where I could die or be maimed if I make a mistake.

I spend a fair bit of time with potentially dangerous animals and reptiles. I don't get angry or upset, but I am aware of my surroundings and what I am dealing with. it is the same with dangerous humans. Just expect the unexpected and it might save your life.I've seen it all: vehicles running red lights, other vehicles jumping the lights, turns in any direction at any time and with no signal, motorbikes racing at high speed down narrow sois, drivers parking their vehicle in any place at any time, vehicles going the wrong way down one way streets, busses traveling 3 abreast down narrow highways, transport trucks and busses passing on blind corners, and just about anything else you can imagine. I see it all every year when riding in Thailand.

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Out of interest, what is a 'crosswalk'?

I am ALMOST certain that we Brits would call it a 'pedestrian crossing'. After all it is logical, as 'sidewalk' is more logical than our (historic) 'pavement'. Remember that we park in the drive, while Americans drive on pavement!

But back to the topic.

I love the (obviously intentional) misspelling: RAMMING. It is in fact The Raming Lodge, far less dramatic and more like the mediocre tea,eh? But I digress yet again.

I think you were 100% correct to draw this to the attention of the manager and this was by far the most responsible means of 'revenge', given the apathy of the b-i-bs. What he does about it and how the driver takes it is our of your control, but you've done your best.

A couple of years ago I was riding a small motorcycle from the airport towards town when a minibus from the Amari Rincome accelerated past me, only to brake sharply and swing left into the petrol station. I only just braked in time and missed him without falling off. Couldn't help but give him a blast on the horn to attract his attention, then the American single finger (most Thais don't understand our British V-signs). But, far more responsibly, later that day, I e-mailed the GM of the hotel with time and place and a fairly calm but strong complaint. He phoned me back immediately, promising to give the driver a very hot roasting in Thai and an official caution about his employment. But then, the GM was Dutch!!

Using finger language and Very strong 'advice' in English and Thai in the past has had me chased more than twice. As I am unarmed and no good at martial arts, I cannot recommend these options. Tempting though they may be.

And PS to the very fat American Honda Dream rider on the Doi Saket Road recently: in the unlikely event of you still being alive, you'd better change YOUR attitude because I will NOT be attending your funeral!

PPS to the Mods: how about a new thread for this, so we can let off steam, maybe save a life or two, and maybe stay alive a little longer ourselves?

:sorry: You might want to consider that you are in Thailand not back home. You will find that if you try to adjust to the Thai way of doing things life can be a lot easier. Watch the Thai's they pay attention to the traffic rather than blindly walking out and saying it is a crosswalk so I have the right of way. I have the opposite problem I time my walk to cross the street and some Thai slow's down for me. So as you can see not every one is the same.

The only place you have the right of way is on the sidewalk. But a word to the wise don't risk your life on it.:blink:

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Good job going to the hotel. Even if the manager doesnt do anything - it would make me feel better

The biggest arguments I have had with my TGF is when she is driving and I am a passenger -- I basically just put a bag over my head, say a prayer and hope to god we dont kill anyone on the way to where we are going

I have even had her stop the car and have taken a tuk tuk home after she didnt slow down for an elderly couple in a cross walk and just barely missed them without a single hesitation or even acknowledgement

Conversation "ohhh my god watch out"

TGF "what you say to me?"

Me: "You almost killed that poor old man and woman"

TGF: "I see them"

Me: "Why didnt you slow down? what if they had slipped? fallen down? hesitated?

TGF: "I dont understand you"

Tuk Tuk :)

if she's that stupid and selfish time for a replacement!

He sounds like a ex of mine in Canada. She couldn't drive worth a crap so she compensated for it by slowing for pedestrians a mile ahead of her. No clear idea of where she was in relationship to other vehicles people or things near her. Hence the over reaction to a good driver who knows these things.

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It's so brutal in the CM forum lately ! Can't you just take the guy for what he said, that somebody drove like an ass and nearly hit him ? It's not really that difficult to imagine. I'm not sure what effect the reporting to the manager will have, but it's a good thing he did, and why not anyway ? It might just have an effect of the driver taking to heart a warning, o0r driving more conscientiously (wishful thinking). Was the street-crosser at fault ? I dunno. Wasn't there. But he could've been spacing out, plodding along and then snapped back into reality. But no reason to get on his case. He lives here n knows the deal.

That's all.

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I have lived and driven here for many many years, and I think the Thai vehicle drivers do just fine with their driving. And I have never noticed anybody slowing for pigeons or speeding up for farangs. My first sense is that you over-reacted to the extreme, but maybe you are a person who magicaly attracts crazy drivers :)

And I thought it was just me that acted as a magnet for all the loony's. The last minor scrape I had was outside Mae Sariang 4 years ago when an elderly chap with a sidecar on his scooter decided to cross the road whilst I was overtaking him. I thought I had done amazingly well to minimise damage but according to Mae Sariang police you must...........

Upon coming a across a motorcycle you must pull in behind them and match their speed. Then you must sound your horn to let them know you are there. Then you wait and observe their reaction and if they dont faint or loop the loop you then and only then overtake.

Simply by indicating on a dead straight empty road and moving to the opposite carriageway to give the motorbike plenty of room is not good enough. You are hereby fined for dangerous driving!

Be advised accordingly as they say!

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I have lived and driven here for many many years, and I think the Thai vehicle drivers do just fine with their driving. And I have never noticed anybody slowing for pigeons or speeding up for farangs. My first sense is that you over-reacted to the extreme, but maybe you are a person who magicaly attracts crazy drivers :)

This has to be the most ridiclous post of the day - everyone I know thinks Thai driving is rubbish.... why?

1/ the test is poor

2/ the police have not got a clue

3/ Thai's are essentially a selfish lot and park/drive where they want

4/ the road signals/signs are poor

5/ the vehicles are in poor condition

and 6 they drink drive

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they drink drive

I don't know one, not one Farang drinker who has a car or a motorcycle who doesn't drink and drive also.

And don't tell me I should get better friends, the people you know do it also, if not, you tell me where they live and I'll take a trip there to see this rare species, a National Geographic Special maybe.

Every Farang I know who is a drinker and owns a car or a bike, Drinks and Drives on a regular basis.

Edited by sillyman99
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This has to be the most ridiclous post of the day - everyone I know thinks Thai driving is rubbish.... why?

1/ the test is poor

2/ the police have not got a clue

3/ Thai's are essentially a selfish lot and park/drive where they want

4/ the road signals/signs are poor

5/ the vehicles are in poor condition

and 6 they drink drive

And 7. Farangs choose to live in Thailand, drive in Thailand and do nothing but moan about driving inThailand.

Don't DRIVE here if you can't handle it !!!!!!!!

I've been driving here for 20 years, and I think it's fine, cos I'm used to it and I never came here when I was too old to adapt to a new style.


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