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Red Shirt Faction Leader Warns Some Red Shirts May Become Suicide Bombers

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How pathetic that these retards use the most cowardly of all tactics to terrorise their fellow Thais and murder anyone within a yard of their stupidity.

Stupidity is of course the trademark of the Red Shirt Movement, their leader, the craven Shinawatra reptile, the stupidist and most cowardly of them all.

This most recently banal of threats undeniably bears the Shinawatra trademark.

Take the reptile out.


You know how stupid this post is ?

Not up to yours?

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I don't even want to read the story .. the headline was enough.


I didn't read the rest of your post ... the first line was enough. funny indeed, but enough.


Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think this is in the Thai mentality.

Look in the South where the civil war is raging: no kamikaze.

It looks like the "special" here is the sniper thing.

You can say what you want about the average red shirt but you have to admit they aint the brightest. There idea of Democracy is every one doing what they want.

If they are going to do it be sure to take a leader with them so they get it right.

Wonder what they get after death a Moslem gets a bunch of virgins.


Why don't the red shirt leaders come out and say "Red shirt people. We don't want you to do this."

When they say things like that, do you think's it's reported in the mainstream Thai media?

Alright, I'll bite: Please show us - out of *any* of the Red Shirt publications, where there things have been said/reported?

Any request to refrain from violence? Anywhere?


Why don't the red shirt leaders come out and say "Red shirt people. We don't want you to do this."

When they say things like that, do you think's it's reported in the mainstream Thai media?

TAWP beat me to it.


I don't even want to read the story .. the headline was enough.


I didn't read the rest of your post ... the first line was enough. funny indeed, but enough.

SegeiY your replies are always good for a laugh.

Again, a great link for you ... curmudgeon


........suicide bombers to avenge the government crackdowns and fight for democracy".

Yeah.........lets kill a lot of civilians in the name of 'Democracy'.

Bit like fuc**ng for virginty.


So they can be labeled a terrorist organization now?

Exactly.That's what they are, or trying to be. Isn't there already too much 'suicide and having 72 virgins' going on these days? :ph34r:

But all of them doing this will realize the hard way that they'll have so many virgins, but they still don't know that so many Roman Catholic nuns older than 60 are waiting for them in Nirvana. :lol:


Not a good word at all...dam_n scary. ohmy.gif

A red-shirt leader warned Thursday certain red-shirt people may turn suicide bombers to avenge the government crackdowns and fight for democracy.

Guess it isn't really wise to use such a headline.

There are always some 'special' people around and some of them are just doing such weird things because a newspaper was reporting so superficial.

Indeed ,never wake up a sleeping dog. :jap:


I do believe this is all a big mistake and he has been misquoted what the headline should be ...Red Shirt Faction Leader Warns Some Red Shirts May Become Somtam Bombers.

Well played. :lol:


The OP said:

A red-shirt leader warned Thursday certain red-shirt people may turn suicide bombers to avenge the government crackdowns and fight for democracy. The warning was made by Somyos Prueksakasemsuk


Somyos is the editor of such intelligently heady publications as Red Power, Red News, and the Voice of Taksin:  

Do any of these rags show naked ladies on Page 3?


I'd give it a pass if they did.


Just the kind of news we need with high season approaching. My dentist here in Pattaya has a very large number of foreign patients who usually visit once a year for treatment. This year the numbers are way down and it must be the same for many other businesses. Really great timing but who cares anyway?


Why don't the red shirt leaders come out and say "Red shirt people. We don't want you to do this."

Instead all they do is say "They are going to do this and we can't stop them."

They don't seem to care that innocent people will be killed.

I'm sorry, but it takes a very selfless nature for a person to turn into a suicide bomber, and this is invariably based upon indoctrination from an early age (as in Al Qaeda teachings). I just do not see Thais being so selfless as to give their life for this cause. Indeed, the masses that came to Bangkok only did so on the promise of remuneration.


When i see it i will believe it!

A Thai to sacrifice his/her life for the sake of movement? let alone anything else-LOL

What are you talking about. Many have clearly shown during the later stages of the riots they were prepared to die for the cause. If you were unaware as to how they were 'convinced', it's really quite simple (and evil). They were duped. Tricked into walking with their families smack into a trap, and they still don't realise that their leaders tricked them. Thaksin / Amsterdam needed a body count.

The ones who's family members make up that body count, their fanaticism is likely just a bonus for the leaders. Their hatred can be kept alive, burning bright, until they too can be used for the Cause.

They were led to believe the government soldiers would not harm them. But when soldiers who had no intention of harming them suddenly started taking incoming rounds from the crowd, they fire back in self-defence. That's just how it works. The end result was a number of tragic deaths (and let's face it, we're not talking about scholars and entrepreneurs here who would be able to work out they were sacrificed like lambs - these are simple, decent, malleable, gullible people). And now they hate. Furious hatred. Very valid hatred. It's just they don't realise the people they should be killing are the leaders who led them like sheep into the trap.

You bet your ass some of them will strap on explosives - some wouldn't have seen the armed wolves in their midst. Some genuinely believe the soldiers just started shooting indiscriminately. The cause - in their eyes - is supremely noble.

So how do you know what they have not said? Because it isn't reported in The Nation?

SergeiY, with all respect....who gives a flying F?

All that matters is what is done. Actions. What they do reflects what they have been instructed to do - privately. And sometimes publicly, facepalm. But all other talk is cheap. Everything else is irrelevant. Watch for the actions. Then you'll know what's been said.

Suicide bombings have NOTHING to do with democracy.

Never have and never will.This is about power and nothing more.

Eloquent. But of course the Democracy Flag was pulled down quite some time ago.

No, this has been about the empire for some time. For Emperor Thaksin. And honour, of course. Dying for another man is always honourable. Wait...? Don't think lads. Have a sip of sake, there you go. Up and at 'em...


Do any of these rags show naked ladies on Page 3?



So they can be labeled a terrorist organization now?

Exactly.That's what they are, or trying to be. Isn't there already too much 'suicide and having 72 virgins' going on these days? :ph34r:

But all of them doing this will realize the hard way that they'll have so many virgins, but they still don't know that so many Roman Catholic nuns older than 60 are waiting for them in Nirvana. :lol:



When i see it i will believe it!

A Thai to sacrifice his/her life for the sake of movement? let alone anything else-LOL

What are you talking about. Many have clearly shown during the later stages of the riots they were prepared to die for the cause.

But some Reds would prefer to have their toddlers die for the cause:


Human shield: A tiny child wails from a perch high on the barricade of tyres and bamboo protecting protesters

The Daily Mail (UK) - May 19, 2010


But some Reds would prefer to have their toddlers die for the cause:


Human shield: A tiny child wails from a perch high on the barricade of tyres and bamboo protecting protesters

The Daily Mail (UK) - May 19, 2010

Buchholz, that's despicable cheap point scoring from you.

Of course the Dad knew that the soldiers weren't firing indiscriminately. His kid would have flashed in their sights, and they'd probably immediately put away their rifles. Everyone wins.

And the kid grows up knowing he likely saved his Dad from a bullet. Talk about a bond between father and son.

I mean, sure it is a Live Fire Zone where things can go horribly wrong with live rounds and smoke and chaos and whatnot. But are you going to wrap your children up in cotton wool their entire childhood? Refuse to let them play outside for fear they'll get a scratch? Come on...

Kid wanted to climb those tyres. Inshallah. Let him climb. He's only crying cause he's so happy. I think it's a very sweet photo and I think the Red Shirts bringing their children to war was admirable (live together, die together - as TIME.com feel-good story of the year pointed out. It brought a tear to my eye - I wish my 7 year olds were willing to die for my cause. But no. I ask them to grab something from the fridge, you'd think I was asking them to fly a plane into a ship or something....sigh.

I should ask the Red Shirt parents how they manage it. You know, without being arrested for despicable child abuse and that.... http://www.time.com/...1989543,00.html

Kampit Jooncha, a farmer from the same province, agreed that she would not take her ten-year-old son Chalor and abandon the protest no matter who asked. "We want democracy," she said. "If I have to die for it, I want my children to die with me."

Hongfah and Chalor both said they were not afraid, although Hongfah said she wished she were back in Mukdahan. Asked if they understood that something bad could happen at the protest, they both said no, they did not understand.


When i see it i will believe it!

A Thai to sacrifice his/her life for the sake of movement? let alone anything else-LOL

What are you talking about. Many have clearly shown during the later stages of the riots they were prepared to die for the cause. If you were unaware as to how they were 'convinced', it's really quite simple (and evil). They were duped. Tricked into walking with their families smack into a trap, and they still don't realise that their leaders tricked them. Thaksin / Amsterdam needed a body count.

The ones who's family members make up that body count, their fanaticism is likely just a bonus for the leaders. Their hatred can be kept alive, burning bright, until they too can be used for the Cause.

They were led to believe the government soldiers would not harm them. But when soldiers who had no intention of harming them suddenly started taking incoming rounds from the crowd, they fire back in self-defence. That's just how it works. The end result was a number of tragic deaths (and let's face it, we're not talking about scholars and entrepreneurs here who would be able to work out they were sacrificed like lambs - these are simple, decent, malleable, gullible people). And now they hate. Furious hatred. Very valid hatred. It's just they don't realise the people they should be killing are the leaders who led them like sheep into the trap.

You bet your ass some of them will strap on explosives - some wouldn't have seen the armed wolves in their midst. Some genuinely believe the soldiers just started shooting indiscriminately. The cause - in their eyes - is supremely noble.

Like i said when i see it i will believe it.

It is one matter to march along with few hundred screaming people on your left and right and totally another to strap the bomb, go alone and click on that button.

I hate to tell you but THE simple, decent,malleable, gullible people WILL NOT be the ones even trying to make a bomb


I should ask the Red Shirt parents how they manage it. You know, without being arrested for despicable child abuse and that.... http://www.time.com/...1989543,00.html

Kampit Jooncha, a farmer from the same province, agreed that she would not take her ten-year-old son Chalor and abandon the protest no matter who asked. "We want democracy," she said. "If I have to die for it, I want my children to die with me."

Hongfah and Chalor both said they were not afraid, although Hongfah said she wished she were back in Mukdahan. Asked if they understood that something bad could happen at the protest, they both said no, they did not understand.

From same article, one of my favourite quotes from the entire two months - good old Nattawut, you can't fight these kinds of people.

Nattawut, speaking to TIME, strongly denied accusations that Red Shirt leaders wanted women and children present to deter soldiers from using force against their protest. "I guarantee you we will never use children or women as human shields," Nattawut insisted. Asked why Red Shirt leaders had not made an announcement from their rally stage telling parents with children to leave because of the danger, he said that was the job of the government.

Asked why Red Shirt leaders had not made an announcement from their rally stage telling parents with children to leave because of the danger, he said that was the job of the government.

Asked why Red Shirt leaders had not made an announcement from their rally stage telling parents with children to leave because of the danger, he said that was the job of the government.

Asked why Red Shirt leaders had not made an announcement from their rally stage telling parents with children to leave because of the danger, he said that was the job of the government.

Asked why Red Shirt leaders had not made an announcement from their rally stage telling parents with children to leave because of the danger, he said that was the job of the government.

Asked why Red Shirt leaders had not made an announcement from their rally stage telling parents with children to leave because of the danger, he said that was the job of the government.


Nattawut for PM!!


Why don't the red shirt leaders come out and say "Red shirt people. We don't want you to do this."

Instead all they do is say "They are going to do this and we can't stop them."

They don't seem to care that innocent people will be killed.

Ever tried to reasoning with someone ready to become a "sucide bomber"?

How about getting to them before they are ready.

A statement from the red shirt leaders now telling their supporters that bombs (suicide or not) are not what the way that the red shirts want to fight.

Unless of course, that's what the leaders DO want.

I think you are putting words in their mouth and base you theory or your claims or accusations on the limited knowledge what the "red leaders" (there are so many of them) might have said or might have not said.

Like at the protest a couple of month ago. there were also voices on stage who said : 'Don't loot. Don't burn buildings down.' Don't use weapons.'

But this just doesn't made it into the headlines.

So how do you know what they have not said? Because it isn't reported in The Nation?

55555 - you have a sick sense of humour. Come on, show us the links to the red moderates. just one clip! Maybe Arisman say ing bring bottles of water in case someone starts a fire!


The OP said:

A red-shirt leader warned Thursday certain red-shirt people may turn suicide bombers to avenge the government crackdowns and fight for democracy. The warning was made by Somyos Prueksakasemsuk


This is ridiculous scaremongering from someone working for Taksin.

Won't ever happen here, not Thai mindset. And what Thai will blast himself to bits with the promise of 21 virgins when he can get them right here without having to?:lol:


When i see it i will believe it!

A Thai to sacrifice his/her life for the sake of movement? let alone anything else-LOL

What are you talking about. Many have clearly shown during the later stages of the riots they were prepared to die for the cause.

But some Reds would prefer to have their toddlers die for the cause:


Human shield: A tiny child wails from a perch high on the barricade of tyres and bamboo protecting protesters

The Daily Mail (UK) - May 19, 2010

Anyone know if they ever caught up with the bas-ard who held that little kid up as a target?

Surely that must be considered the worst kind of child abuse.


How about getting to them before they are ready.

A statement from the red shirt leaders now telling their supporters that bombs (suicide or not) are not the way that the red shirts want to fight.

Unless of course, that's what the leaders DO want.

It has become the usual tactic of the red leaders: warning of some "uncontrollable" future behavior of their followers. Looks rather as a way to provoke it while not taking the responsibility.

So either it's true and they don't even pretend to stop the fire they ignited, either it's an invitation.

In both cases the red leaders definitely deserve the "terrorist" label.


A bomb can be planted anywhere and the bomber can walk away to safety. It can be a no warning bomb or a called in bomb using a password.

A suicide bomber, on the other hand, doesn't target buildings or premises but crowds. These cowardly scum don't have enough gall to carry out such an attack, and if they did, where would it be placed?

I am sick and tired of the ranting,ravings and bleatings of these Red leaders.

And then the bloody shits relatives will be lining up for their B400K government handout.......


How about getting to them before they are ready.

A statement from the red shirt leaders now telling their supporters that bombs (suicide or not) are not the way that the red shirts want to fight.

Unless of course, that's what the leaders DO want.

It has become the usual tactic of the red leaders: warning of some "uncontrollable" future behavior of their followers. Looks rather as a way to provoke it while not taking the responsibility.

So either it's true and they don't even pretend to stop the fire they ignited, either it's an invitation.

In both cases the red leaders definitely deserve the "terrorist" label.

On May 19 we had a prime example of this. Some UDD leaders had said 'fight till our last drop of blood', next they said 'people please go home' and surrendered themselves. The fire obviously wasn't their fault or problem. Blame the government as usual :huh:


Red Shirt Faction Leader Warns Some Red Shirts May Become Suicide Bombers

can Thaksin lead by example?

then Jatuporn,

then Arisaman

man, the list is endless

there's not enough TNT in Thailand to blow up the morons who choose to be lobotomised to be red

No need for TNT.

If the army can provide a parked tank, I'm sure enough people here are ready to contribute for a second hand taxi.

Sure the 3 above fit.

Problem (and many other) solved. :D

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