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A Parliamentary announcement has been made this morning (14 October) stating that the OISC will "merge". No firm details of what merger means are yet known, and may not be known for some time.

The OISC continues as the sector's regulator.

I received this email this morning confirming the above.


Paul, did you mean to attach an email?

Is it the merging of levels 1 & 2? I thought that had been on the cards for ages, following the results of the review that was published last year.



Paul and Thai Visa Express :signthaivisa:

Using abbreviations are so rampant in Thai News Medias.

When abbreviations are used, 90% of Thai have no idea what the heck they mean.

Honestly, last year I went around and asked Thai high school students, hawkers, policemen etc., most do not have a clue what the newscasters were referring to in their newscast.

It was the same thing with Thai newspapers, most Thai have not a clue as to what departments or which service sectors or which agencies were the papers referred to.

Using uncommon abbreviations with general public only appears to heighten the social/educational status of users.

Last year I asked an air freight broker what did the abbreviation FOB mean?

He quickly answered 'Free on board', which according to him and his line of biz that was exactly what it meant.

To further illustrate the case of not using abbreviations except the more common ones and only with persons in the same line of biz:

I told the Hong Kong freight broker that he was totally incorrect in interpreting my meaning of the abbreviation of FOB:

My abbreviation could have meant--f...k off, boy; or some other equally obnoxious names calling.

Watching and listening to Thai TV newspersons spitting out acronyms after acronyms is almost enough to arouse me to throw my dirty slippers at them.

Every chance I get, I always tell the govt officials to please stop using acronyms in their speeches and written communications.

It seems that in Thailand, that is a way of life for many to make a living. SHAME.

Try to use acronyms and abbreviations such as -- KTC (KUNG CHAN TUNK meaning Communist) in China and see how many hundred different meanings the people will come up with!




That's all very interesting but regular readers and contributors to this forum will know that OISC is The Office of the Immigration Services Commisioner, is has been discussed on a regular basis.

I think what Paul was referring to is the result of the Coalition Governments review into Quango's, a number have been abolished, however the role of the OISC is not decided as it still under consideration with various options being considered, including a merger with another agency. I'm sure that Suzanne will do her best to ensure that her office remains functional.

I thought Paul may have been referring to the review into the structure in which they were considering merging some of the tiers.



Most readers here are usually aware of the common abbreviations used, not just for UK visas but for the US and Australia as well, and to be honest, typing everything out in full every time would be exceedingly tiresome and to insist that members do so every time they post would, in my view, discourage people from posting at all!

If a newbie is unaware of what an abbreviation means, they can always ask.


Paul, did you mean to attach an email?

Is it the merging of levels 1 & 2? I thought that had been on the cards for ages, following the results of the review that was published last year.

No that is all I received from them no attachment and no further details .


I think the point about not using abbreviations needs qualifying.

It is common in authoring to use abbreviations but it is an unwritten rule that the first time an abbreviation is used in a document, that may be tens or even hundreds of pages in length, it is written in full followed by the letters to be used in future mentions. Maybe this should be considered by future posters to allow a wider audience the chance of understanding the post and maybe adding a useful reply.


That's all very interesting but regular readers and contributors to this forum will know that OISC is The Office of the Immigration Services Commisioner, is has been discussed on a regular basis.

I think what Paul was referring to is the result of the Coalition Governments review into Quango's, a number have been abolished, however the role of the OISC is not decided as it still under consideration with various options being considered, including a merger with another agency. I'm sure that Suzanne will do her best to ensure that her office remains functional.

I thought Paul may have been referring to the review into the structure in which they were considering merging some of the tiers.

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