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Guest IT Manager

Well at last. Rational discussion.


Merton - it took big balls of granite to set the scene.

Boo - analytical and thought provoking. Hope the Christmas party was good. I went to one and enjoyed thoroughly, but that was when I lived in the city.

Rabkk - glad to see you get into what in my opinion is a necessary discussion if anyone is to achieve understanding at any level.

P1P I know the feeling, I have the male of the species with same problem, though a little older, definitely at the stage of looking. Very hard looking.

My question throughout has been, what is so hard about confronting something as a thought process, allowing time to reflect on why we (males) feel a need to approach issues that disturb us for whatever reason, as a male ego issue, rather than a socio/development premised view of what we see daily.


I disagree strongly with Daveyo seeing psycho-sexual attraction to pre teens as being "slap and tickle". Nor have I seen it described this way. The only use of the term I have ever seen, referred to consenting adults getting a bit of "slap & tickle" at the local brothel/karaoke.

The twit that said that Thai Visa was protective of the "behaviour" because at the end of the day, thats what it is, merely a behaviour, from a psycho/sexual point of view. It is a crime in the eyes of the law and most people. But to be purely analytical, it is nothing else but an aberrant behaviour.

Treating offenders as anything but human with a failing in their character I also disagree with. At the same time, as Thailand tries to recover from the reputation as "the worlds' bedroom", I understand the sentence as I understand its' real meaning. "Be careful what you think of us". Stated clearly, by the judge of the offender.

I disagree with the man who was jailed. If you have a need for sexual relations with children, that is the aberration. To film and sell/distribute it, is a perversion of your relationship with people who may or may not trust you, either because you paid them or you control them. That is wrong. If I had to justify the sentence, I would say 10 years for the offence. 32 years for the video. That is so wrong it beggars words.

Well there is my sixpence worth.

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TM is either playing the devil's advocate, or is so sure of what he says :D

in anycase, it's sickening!

most of these crocodiles really believe that what they say is so true.

they are convinced that they do no harm ... it's natural they say!

TM just give a try to touch my daughter and your so called 124kg will fly in the air like packs of mud ...

freud or not .. get yourself cured from these sick ideas :o

yes, I'm angry, I just can't bear this kind of talking about children.

get yourself a life and leave the kids alone, they don't need your so called freudian appreciations!



TM just give a try to touch my daughter and your so called 124kg will fly in the air like packs of mud ...

freud or not .. get yourself cured from these sick ideas :o

yes, I'm angry, I just can't bear this kind of talking about children.

get yourself a life and leave the kids alone, they don't need your so called freudian appreciations!


Francois, this is the best French I can manage. I hope you yead it with same generousity I read your English.

Je suis très désolé si je vous ai offensé. Ce n'est pas mon intention. Ce que j'écris est seulement une tentative de stimuler une discussion. Une discussion sur un sujet qui est très difficile et terrible.

Je ne suis pas un homme paedophile, mais heureusement marié avec deux grandis enfants. On est masculin et l'autre femelle. J'ai apporté vers le haut les deux enfants par me sans épouse. Je n'ai jamais eu le contact sexuel avec l'un ou l'autre et , comme vous , la mise à mort n'importe qui qui les a touchés. il y a 5 ans j'ai épousé ma épouse thaïe et nous avons un fils âgé de 5 ans.

Je pense que ce sujet est important, non seulement pour la Thaïlande. Mais parce qu'à moins que tout le falang confrontent et comprennent leurs sentiments sexuels, il y a peu d'espoir nous pouvons contribuer efficacement à l'extirpation de ce mal.

I disagree strongly with Daveyo seeing psycho-sexual attraction to pre teens as being "slap and tickle".

I think Dave's opinion was that some psycho-sexual attraction BETWEEN pre-teens can be seen as a bit of "slap and tickle" (there is a big difference) but he did not express himself too well, and of course, he is not here to defend himself.

This guy can express himself well and is far more dangerous.

Oh, and it was Nat that was going to the Christmas Party, not Boo!


Who decides what is wrong and what is right in this world?

Can someone define "paedophilia" that we are talking about here?

What is the age that seperates children and adults?

If your daughter who is one day from being an adult of the legal age tells you she wants to make love to a man she likes, should you tell her tomorrow will be fine. But not today. Is that the case?

I hope I won't be regarded as a paedophile or supporting paedophilia just by asking these questions!


i just disagree with anyone who does this to children or anyone that try,s to make excuses as to why some sick scum bags do this its wrong wrong wrong or am i out of line again IT ??? :o


Rabkk. I am thankful my daughter is still quite conservative in her dress sense. She favours jeans and tee shirts etc. Her mother tries to put her in Britney type clothing but she simply does not like or accept it. This is partly because people are constantly telling her how pretty she is. She gets upset and embarrassed by this attention and always tries to make herself un-noticeable.

With regard to Meemiathai?s question; Legislators will prescribe the legal age at which sexual relations can take place but all they are really doing is placing a line in the sand. The age at which most girls would start seriously experimenting sexually depends far more on individual emotional maturity than on the onset of menses or size of bra.

I trust myself to be able to advise and guide all my children in the correct direction and be there for them to offer love and support when it is needed.

If, at fifteen, my daughter had a similar aged boyfriend, I would not look at it badly. If, however her boyfriend was twenty or older, I would be very uneasy and would try to end the relationship.

I firmly believe that successful relationships, whether sexual or otherwise, have to be a partnership between equals. When the parties come from different generations and, or have other major differences in life experiences, then the relationships are considerably more likely to fail.


Back to the main subject of this post.

If anybody was to abuse any of my children, I would hope the authorities locked them up before I got to them. They would be unlikely to survive the encounter...


Back to the main subject of this post.

If anybody was to abuse any of my children, I would hope the authorities locked them up before I got to them. They would be unlikely to survive the encounter...

Guest IT Manager
i just disagree with anyone who does this to children or anyone that try,s to make excuses as to why some sick scum bags do this its wrong wrong wrong or am i out of line again IT ??? :o

I agree geezer.

It is an affront to the social mores and sensibilities, as well as to the victims. As I and others have re-iterated a time or two in this thread, there was not one single post in support of the man convicted. The posts which have been seen as "supportive" have been about the length of the sentence imposed, rather than supportive of the offender. The posters flaming and carrying on have been adroit in their refusal to look at the entire post.

If line one isn't kill him, chop off his dick etc., the poster was flamed. Merton for example, started to ask people to look at the issue in the light of other parts of life in Thailand. All he got for it was accusations of "pervert" etc. I read the posts thoroughly and all I saw was someone raising issues which can be discussed in this forum, by adults in an adult way. Not someone saying "poor dear" so much as "what do you think". Unfortuantely, the answer frequently, when read between the lines so to speak, was a resounding "NOTHING, SIR".

Hope this clarifies my view.

BTW the only times I have ditched your posts, as mentioned in another thread, was when I felt they would attract "in thread" flames, which I have decided not to work with.

Hope that also clarifies my position.


Back to the main subject of this post.

If anybody was to abuse any of my children, I would hope the authorities locked them up before I got to them. They would be unlikely to survive the encounter...


i would imagine that guys obsessed with bar girls are more obsessed with the idea of easily obtainable sex without any commitment. that most of the girls happen to be young is incidental.

i would imagine that guys obsessed with bar girls are more obsessed with the idea of easily obtainable sex without any commitment. that most of the girls happen to be young is incidental.

We’ve got a bar, not far from where we live (in farang land) called the Dagmar. Every Thursday they hold, what they call a “Widow’s Ball”. There you can get all the “easily obtainable sex without any commitment” you want in gusset-fulls.

The only differences from Thailand are:

• The beer is considerably better

• You don’t need a return ticket to BKK

• The gussets are larger than size 10

Now I ask, why would any real guy, force himself to drink beer that would make a nat blush, after using nearly all his hard earned bucks to buy an economy ticket, if it wasn’t for the differences in gusset size??

We’ve got a bar, not far from where we live (in farang land) called the Dagmar. Every Thursday they hold, what they call a “Widow’s Ball”. There you can get all the “easily obtainable sex without any commitment” you want in gusset-fulls.

The only differences from Thailand are:

• The beer is considerably better

• You don’t need a return ticket to BKK

• The gussets are larger than size 10

Now I ask, why would any real guy, force himself to drink beer that would make a nat blush, after using nearly all his hard earned bucks to buy an economy ticket, if it wasn’t for the differences in gusset size??

Merton, as I mentioned earlier, I do not speak Daveyo, Pteredactyl, Venusian, or Plankton.

Any real guy would not defend the sexual exploitation of children.

Please do not try to trivialize this most serious of crimes purely because you yourself do not feel affected, or cannot admit to being affected, by acts which are completelty unacceptable within civilised society.

I will address your post regarding the apparently unaffected victim of Eric Rosser very shortly.

Help is at hand.


But what age is considered O.K.? As J.P. McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) said in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest":

She was fifteen years old, going on thirty-five, Doc, and she told me she was eighteen, she was very willing, I practically had to take to sewing my pants shut. Between you and me, uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all and I don't think you do either. No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what's being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it.

Wow , you got all of that from a film?

Can't wait for post number 8.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :o

Yes, and all thanks to that miraculous invention known as "copy and paste."

Any real guy would not defend the sexual exploitation of children.

Please do not try to trivialize this most serious of crimes purely because you yourself do not feel affected, or cannot admit to being affected, by acts which are completelty unacceptable within civilised society.

I do agree ... as I said it's sickening!

TM I told you by PM ... this is not a subject to talk about openly!

it's a too serious matter to be discussed wildly like this ... :D

could you give some apologize to the people you hurt here ...

a lot of us are parents ...

I won't post the reply you gave to me ...

but I could ...

"we have to be aware of .." you said!

right, we are, and surely no wish to hear anymore of this kind of speech :o

Is anybody going answer?

I am answering by closing a topic which I thought sick and the posters point indefensible. Pedophiles are sick. Leave it at that, and from the responses, that is the overwhelming views of posters. This is now closed.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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