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Best way to make money to cover living expenses  

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Why not ask what is needed in Chaing Mai that isnt here rather than having more of the same.

Good Bread like you get in Laos would be nice (unless i dont know of a place doing that here already)

None of the above.




Joining the police force

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I know, it, a pawnshop will work for sure.

and small personal loans 10.000-40.000 for 20% weekly interest. many Thais make money this way. here in town you can see once a week a lady waiting in her car for the people who come bring money to her. it's used by people who need do some investments to make their small businesses bigger etc.

If you wanna fast big hit organise few multilevel marketing parties (piramid scheme) and get the heII out of here. OK I was my idea so we do pipty pipty :lol:

Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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no one successful businessman will tell you what is most successful in CM . cos he would be doing it and try to keep it a secret and enjoy the niche market .

so this poll really lead no where.

and in any case.

all business can be be a successful one if you do it right and have the right people helping you .

then again . if everyone is success in it someone got to fail .


DO what you know best . and do what you enjoy best . why jump onto any wagon so you cna be drag to hel_l by it when you know notthing or just cos some poll said it most sucessful ..

you putting your own investment at risk this way


i do serious advice at $1200 usd per hour pm me if you want :)

business consultant - niche market Huh !!!!

serious Pm me i give you a 10% discount . and every 2 hour you get 1 hour free

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no one successful businessman will tell you what is most successful in CM . cos he would be doing it and try to keep it a secret and enjoy the niche market .

so this poll really lead no where.

and in any case.

all business can be be a successful one if you do it right and have the right people helping you .

then again . if everyone is success in it someone got to fail .


DO what you know best . and do what you enjoy best . why jump onto any wagon so you cna be drag to hel_l by it when you know notthing or just cos some poll said it most sucessful ..

you putting your own investment at risk this way


i do serious advice at $1200 usd per hour pm me if you want :)

business consultant - niche market Huh !!!!

serious Pm me i give you a 10% discount . and every 2 hour you get 1 hour free

I have noticed on many, many of your posts you 'Jokingly' offer your 'advice service' (at exorbitant rates with zero explanation of any expertise or any kind of experience whatsoever)

Most of your posts contain a line of 'PM' me for consultation fee...' (to that effect) on a WIDE range of topics. I'm beginning to think your not joking anymore. Now you are saying 'serious contact me for 1200usd/hour?!.

There's a fine line between a clown and a clown pandering.

The latter has no place here.

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The best way to earn a good income is to LEARN HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE its not rocket science and you can make a lot of money if you are prepared to put the time in to learn whats needed to do it. you can easily earn enough to live comfortably in Thailand if you keep an open mind and spend the needed time to learn exactly what you need to do in order to start making an income.

You don't need a fortune to start but it does take work and time here is a guy that is making 50K a month after just 2 years online its no scam as everything is proven and also he gives 90% of the information away free on how to do it his name is [link to commercial site removed]Chris Farrell a fellow brit, take a look at the site as most of the information is free and you can learn a lot of the basics by just spending some time on the site he is not selling anything so you cant lose money by spending time reading through his material.

Most people want an easy path to make money and there aint one it takes hard work and time to learn what to do as with any new business.


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Why not ask what is needed in Chaing Mai that isnt here rather than having more of the same.

Good Bread like you get in Laos would be nice (unless i dont know of a place doing that here already)

I visited Vientiane recently and was looking for good bread and croissants. I can honestly report that Butter is Better's croissants were a little better that the ones in Vientiane that most people told me were the best in town.

I have to admit that i am not sure about French baguettes because B is B do not make them, but they do have a nice crusty Italian loaf that has a lot of fans.

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Why not ask what is needed in Chaing Mai that isnt here rather than having more of the same.

Good Bread like you get in Laos would be nice (unless i dont know of a place doing that here already)

I visited Vientiane recently and was looking for good bread and croissants. I can honestly report that Butter is Better's croissants were a little better that the ones in Vientiane that most people told me were the best in town.

I have to admit that i am not sure about French baguettes because B is B do not make them, but they do have a nice crusty Italian loaf that has a lot of fans.

Thats a helluva claim UG the swiss bakery at the circle in Vietienne has SUPERB french bread Croissants cakes pasteries etc and they really are just as good as in france IMHO if you are saying BB is as good if not better than there then I best get out and visit BB asap.

Hard to believe though but you have eaten there I have not so will have to take your word for it until I can get there and see.


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Why not ask what is needed in Chaing Mai that isnt here rather than having more of the same.

Good Bread like you get in Laos would be nice (unless i dont know of a place doing that here already)

None of the above.




Joining the police force

Becoming a politician

Being a fundraiser for the reds

IT fraud

Exploitation of others

etc etc etc

Designer gas masks with pink kitties on them. Market three months Chiang Mai and the rest of the year Bangkok.

A used book store with dancing clerks in short blue skirts (see skirt paint below) and white blouses.

A sausage market with live sausages that all taste like bratwurst.

A combination sausage market and used book store.

A website specializing in Thai night life written by someone who likes Thai nightlife.

Combination breast implants and cell phones.

Dental appliances (braces) with flashing lights.

Cayenne peppers stuffed with antacid.

Hair farms for wig factories.

An after shave that smells like very old freshwater crabs.

Traffic signals that flash, “Up to you.”

Waterproof food signs in English one of which says, “It tastes like Chicken.” this could also be used for knickers.

Tap dancing studio. The Thai dancing thing has been overdone. They need some new angles.

Skirt paint. To replace university girls blue skirts. Save on laundry costs.

Elephant poop baths. Falang will pay money for anything.

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Thats a helluva claim UG the swiss bakery at the circle in Vietienne has SUPERB french bread Croissants cakes pasteries etc and they really are just as good as in france IMHO if you are saying BB is as good if not better than there then I best get out and visit BB asap.

Hard to believe though but you have eaten there I have not so will have to take your word for it until I can get there and see.


If we are talking about the same place, I would honestly say that B is B is better, Is that the same bakery that has been there for many years and has another branch in Luang Prabang?

How long is it since you've eaten there? I did not think it was nearly as good as when I ate there last - something like 10 or 12 years ago.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thats a helluva claim UG the swiss bakery at the circle in Vietienne has SUPERB french bread Croissants cakes pasteries etc and they really are just as good as in france IMHO if you are saying BB is as good if not better than there then I best get out and visit BB asap.

Hard to believe though but you have eaten there I have not so will have to take your word for it until I can get there and see.


If we are talking about the same place, I would honestly say that B is B is better, Is that the same bakery that has been there for many years and has another branch in Luang Prabang?

How long is it since you've eaten there? I did not think it was nearly as good as when I ate there last - something like 10 or 12 years ago.

Not sure if they have a branch in Luang Prabang but yes its been there for years and is located on the square (they call it the circle) its run by a swiss guy excellent french bread and sandwiches and pastries.

Guess Im gonna have to visit BB soon

As for french sticks Kad farang rimping has good ones but you have to get them on the day of delivery as they like to continue to sell them 2-3 days old and you just cant do that with french bread LOL


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Designer gas masks with pink kitties on them. Market three months Chiang Mai and the rest of the year Bangkok.

A used book store with dancing clerks in short blue skirts (see skirt paint below) and white blouses.

A sausage market with live sausages that all taste like bratwurst.

A combination sausage market and used book store.

A website specializing in Thai night life written by someone who likes Thai nightlife.

Combination breast implants and cell phones.

Dental appliances (braces) with flashing lights.

Cayenne peppers stuffed with antacid.

Hair farms for wig factories.

An after shave that smells like very old freshwater crabs.

Traffic signals that flash, "Up to you."

Waterproof food signs in English one of which says, "It tastes like Chicken." this could also be used for knickers.

Tap dancing studio. The Thai dancing thing has been overdone. They need some new angles.

Skirt paint. To replace university girls blue skirts. Save on laundry costs.

Elephant poop baths. Falang will pay money for anything.

Hey, this lot's worth $1200 an hour (and you found the shift key on your computer too). I like the traffic signal idea - nice one :lol:

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Guess Im gonna have to visit BB soon

Most of the baked goods are excellent.

The cheese danishes, Rhubarb pie, croissants, chocolate chip cookies, Boston cream pie, blueberry scones and home made ice cream are some of the standouts - IMHO - and there are plenty of others too.

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I know, it, a pawnshop will work for sure.

and small personal loans 10.000-40.000 for 20% weekly interest. many Thais make money this way. here in town you can see once a week a lady waiting in her car for the people who come bring money to her. it's used by people who need do some investments to make their small businesses bigger etc.


Great ideas. But where in your last post you said you had given up Chiang Mai.

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making money in chiang mai.

a thai family of mom , pop and two kids from what ive seen spent a lot of money and opend a 24 hour laundry and internet shop ( just what we needed ... eh ? )

in the old photo bug shop just before the amora hotel about three weeks ago .

its now open 7 30 am to 8 00 pm and ive never seen a single customer in there

the internet shop has never opend yet

great thinking ehhh ?

im glad it wasnt my money ... dave2

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Designer gas masks with pink kitties on them. Market three months Chiang Mai and the rest of the year Bangkok.

A used book store with dancing clerks in short blue skirts (see skirt paint below) and white blouses.

A sausage market with live sausages that all taste like bratwurst.

A combination sausage market and used book store.

A website specializing in Thai night life written by someone who likes Thai nightlife.

Combination breast implants and cell phones.

Dental appliances (braces) with flashing lights.

Cayenne peppers stuffed with antacid.

Hair farms for wig factories.

An after shave that smells like very old freshwater crabs.

Traffic signals that flash, "Up to you."

Waterproof food signs in English one of which says, "It tastes like Chicken." this could also be used for knickers.

Tap dancing studio. The Thai dancing thing has been overdone. They need some new angles.

Skirt paint. To replace university girls blue skirts. Save on laundry costs.

Elephant poop baths. Falang will pay money for anything.

start a business servicing people wanting to start a business


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I know, it, a pawnshop will work for sure.

and small personal loans 10.000-40.000 for 20% weekly interest. many Thais make money this way. here in town you can see once a week a lady waiting in her car for the people who come bring money to her. it's used by people who need do some investments to make their small businesses bigger etc.


Great ideas. But where in your last post you said you had given up Chiang Mai.

Yes I gave up Chiangmai, had a well running bar (and later a cafe) some years ago, first year was nice, 6000-8000 a day, the 3rd year 1000 a day was a lot. CM is dead.

Glad I got rid of the places.

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I will repeat what has been posted before in this thread as it seems some members have missed it.

"And people wonder why members hesitate to post in this forum?

So, try to keep it on topic, helpful and don't hijack with the usual useless rants, cheers."

Any further posts that are off topic, hijacking of the thread or useless rants will result in suspensions been given out.

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My general thought when I started this poll was to gather information what has worked in the past and now, I think good food will work anywhere be it Thai or European. I also strongly believe that all good businesses will run well if your selling a good product to the right consumer the key is the quality of the product again cost and demand. Competition is not problem as long as your better than the competition. Thank you for all the helpful posts and those of you that take the time to vote.

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