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Hotmail Problems


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I haven't had any problems sending emails on Hotmail, BUT, it seems like Hotmail is being throttled back. In some emails I receive there are video attachments. The download speed used to be quick as lightning, now it's worse than the old dial up. Lately I've been forwarding those particular emails to my Gmail account and downloading from there and the lightning speed of downloading is back.

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Forget Hotmail and Yahoo it's for girls. Serious people use Gmail.

Still having major problems with it ...

I am tempted to jump ship after the last few days troubles.

I suggest try using Hotmail from different locations, such as an internet shop, that might give different results (another provider, another system etc) and let us know if any difference...

A friend of me he can't login to Hotmail sometimes, crazy...

Half year ago I could not open emails from the inbox, seems to have to do something with the flash settings on my system.

Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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I looked into it being a black hole router, but it's not.

Seems to be working ok again now with new emails, but should I try to look at any that were received during yesterdays outage hotmail gives 3 or 4 different error messages about maintinence and network errors etc which is obviously a load of bs, they've got the header but no message..

I suggest try using Hotmail from different locations, such as an internet shop, that might give different results (another provider, another system etc) and let us know if any difference...

A friend of me he can't login to Hotmail sometimes, crazy...

Half year ago I could not open emails from the inbox, seems to have to do something with the flash settings on my system.

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Hotmail v gmail? I'm on the edge of a signal area (Edge aircard) Hotmail is often impossible to open at all, yet at the same time I can be browsing news sites etc that open fine.

Would switching to gmail offer an easier to open/download service


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Hotmail v gmail? I'm on the edge of a signal area (Edge aircard) Hotmail is often impossible to open at all, yet at the same time I can be browsing news sites etc that open fine.

Would switching to gmail offer an easier to open/download service


Both Hotmail and Yahoo just not want to make things easy, ever played with the account settings ? It's unlogic and very complicated, highly annoying.

Gmail is great and GMX too, 2 mailproviders for serious people. I also know someone who gave his heart to Mail2world and Zoho seems to be very good too.

Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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I had problems with my Hotmail and Yahoo accounts when I was with a certain isp here in Thailand. The problem was not Hotmail or Yahoo actually. The problem was the local isp was on a "black list". I was able to solve the problem by using a secured port for my email program.

At the time I contacted the isp here in Thailand to tell them to do what Hotmail and Yahoo advised me and the isp did not take any action.

I would not be so quick to blame Hotmail or Yahoo now when I have email problems. I have found that most of the problems I encounter (not always to do with email) have to do with the isp in Thailand and not the ending isp.

I have also found that email problems from isp's in Thailand are not abnormal.


4/5 days and counting, still gettin emails kicked back with random error messages...

Everythings working correctly though.. http://status.live.com/detail/hotmail NOT!

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That was my initial thought too, but after some investigation it turned out to be a problem with Hotmail.

Seems theres already been problems with it today: http://status.live.com/detail/hotmail Although these never effect me personally. The issues seem to hit the cluster my acc is on during later afternoon through to evening Thai time.


I had problems with my Hotmail and Yahoo accounts when I was with a certain isp here in Thailand. The problem was not Hotmail or Yahoo actually. The problem was the local isp was on a "black list". I was able to solve the problem by using a secured port for my email program.

At the time I contacted the isp here in Thailand to tell them to do what Hotmail and Yahoo advised me and the isp did not take any action.

I would not be so quick to blame Hotmail or Yahoo now when I have email problems. I have found that most of the problems I encounter (not always to do with email) have to do with the isp in Thailand and not the ending isp.

I have also found that email problems from isp's in Thailand are not abnormal.


4/5 days and counting, still gettin emails kicked back with random error messages...

Everythings working correctly though.. http://status.live.com/detail/hotmail NOT!

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