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Fiancee Settlement Visa, Now She Is Here In U.K

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Fiancee has been here in U.K for just over 2 weeks, all is good, got an appointment with a language college set up for mid November....

we don't plan on getting married till next year and as far as I can make out she cannot get a N.I number till then.

What about healthcare? is she entitled to it?

Also council tax, I need to get her name put on there to show she is living with me so there is a record for later on when/if she needs to apply for ILR, is that the best/only way of getting a proof of address for her?

Cheers for any pointers/advice

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For proof of address you can open a bank account for her, in her name of course.

Ahh, chicken and egg, to open a bank account you need proof of address.

Utility companies will add a name to a bill on the strength of a phone call.

Not at all, I have guaranteed 3 people in the UK for bank accounts (2 Thai / 1 Malaysian) only my own proof of address and details as an account holder at the bank was required. (Nat west Bank).

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Your Fiancee is in the UK on what is in effect a settlement Visa, She is entitled to NHS services You will need to go to your Doctors and Register.

I managed to do that before we were married no problem. although some people have reported that they have had difficulty

You can put your Fiancee's name on a utility account such as telephone and water then you will have proof of address. Needed to open a bank account

I don't think she will be able to open one in her sole name until she has a credit rating, getting her on a utility bill or two is a good idea.

Good luck

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Your Fiancee is in the UK on what is in effect a settlement Visa, She is entitled to NHS services You will need to go to your Doctors and Register.

I managed to do that before we were married no problem. although some people have reported that they have had difficulty

You can put your Fiancee's name on a utility account such as telephone and water then you will have proof of address. Needed to open a bank account

I don't think she will be able to open one in her sole name until she has a credit rating, getting her on a utility bill or two is a good idea.

Good luck

Brilliant, thanks very much for the info, much appreciated!

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