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Anyone Know Anything About This Guy?


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Here's his pic.


He sits near the intersection of Convent and SIlom. Several times I've walked past him and thought he was dead. I walk by this intersection multiple times a day and night and he's always sitting there. I've never seen him leave - he hardly moves,

Anyone know anything about him?

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What about the fat dog that lounges around outside the Swiss restaurant/hotel and adjoining apartment block on Convent road, about 50 m from the guy? That must be the fattest, unhealthiest, dog I have ever seen, more like a beached whale. Do you think there is a connection? Do you have any photos of the dog???

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a warning to us all not to over indulge our taste buds of those delightful beers and whiskeys of this fine country.

Not much chance of that.

Edited by cdnvic
restoed quoted material to original. - Please do not modify others' quotes other than cropping.
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