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Was wondering if anyone knew of any contacts where i may be able to get a job in the timeshare business.

Does anyone have any experience or no much about this in Thailand?

Im 26 yrs young and would love to live in Thailand for a while but doing something different than teaching etc. Open to suggestions

I dont have a degree or any professional skills but im currently employed in the motor industry as a salesman.

I've just returned to the UK after being in Thailand mainly for the last 6 months. It feels like home and im struggling to settle back in the UK. I should of looked into this when i was in Thailand, i know but i didn't think i was going to feel the way i do when i arrived back.

Many older guys have said to me whilst being in Thailand that they wished they had found the place at such a young age. Sometimes i feel its not a good thing as im going crazy and like i said before im stuggling to settle.

Hope some of you wise guys can offer me some guidance as i love reading all your posts and theres not many people i can express my feelings too. I think my friends think im going mad, probably am but i've experienced something better now and living in the UK just seems too budda dam boring.

Thanks in advance.


Was wondering if anyone knew of any contacts where i may be able to get a job in the timeshare business.

Does anyone have any experience or no much about this in Thailand?

Im 26 yrs young and would love to live in Thailand for a while but doing something different than teaching etc. Open to suggestions

I dont have a degree or any professional skills but im currently employed in the motor industry as a salesman. I've just returned to the UK after being in Thailand mainly for the last 6 months. It feels like home and im struggling to settle back in the UK. I should of looked into this when i was in Thailand, i know but i didn't think i was going to feel the way i do when i arrived back.

Many older guys have said to me whilst being in Thailand that they wished they had found the place at such a young age. Sometimes i feel its not a good thing as im going crazy and like i said before im stuggling to settle.

Hope some of you wise guys can offer me some guidance as i love reading all your posts and theres not many people i can express my feelings too. I think my friends think im going mad, probably am but i've experienced something better now and living in the UK just seems too budda dam boring.

Thanks in advance.

I count about 20-40 Brits per day coming to this site -- almost zero or at best, just a trickle of other nationalities -- wonder why?

Move to America or Latin America -- here its 100% Brit -- why travel all the way just to be with more of the same? Same grey, gloomy, negative, depressing, zonked out individuals.

Get it correct right @ the starting gate -- don't come here.

But I've got to say that your qualifications are a big plus. :o

Regardless, I wish you luck! :D


Was wondering if anyone knew of any contacts where i may be able to get a job in the timeshare business.

Does anyone have any experience or no much about this in Thailand?

Im 26 yrs young and would love to live in Thailand for a while but doing something different than teaching etc. Open to suggestions

I dont have a degree or any professional skills but im currently employed in the motor industry as a salesman. I've just returned to the UK after being in Thailand mainly for the last 6 months. It feels like home and im struggling to settle back in the UK. I should of looked into this when i was in Thailand, i know but i didn't think i was going to feel the way i do when i arrived back.

Many older guys have said to me whilst being in Thailand that they wished they had found the place at such a young age. Sometimes i feel its not a good thing as im going crazy and like i said before im stuggling to settle.

Hope some of you wise guys can offer me some guidance as i love reading all your posts and theres not many people i can express my feelings too. I think my friends think im going mad, probably am but i've experienced something better now and living in the UK just seems too budda dam boring.

Thanks in advance.

I count about 20-40 Brits per day coming to this site -- almost zero or at best, just a trickle of other nationalities -- wonder why?

Move to America or Latin America -- here its 100% Brit -- why travel all the way just to be with more of the same? Same grey, gloomy, negative, depressing, zonked out individuals.

Get it correct right @ the starting gate -- don't come here.

But I've got to say that your qualifications are a big plus. :o

Regardless, I wish you luck! :D

:D hi mate pm me we are looking for good sales people,we supply work permit help you with your non b

  • 3 weeks later...
Was wondering if anyone knew of any contacts where i may be able to get a job in the timeshare business.

Does anyone have any experience or no much about this in Thailand?

I'm looking for the same thing, i found a company that offers an high priced income (2500-4000 euro/month) in timeshares business in Phuket but it seems too easy to be real :D . First to leave my actual job (sales) i'd like to listen some experience.

Im 26 yrs young and would love to live in Thailand for a while but doing something different than teaching etc. Open to suggestions

I dont have a degree or any professional skills but im currently employed in the motor industry as a salesman.

I'm 31 y.o. and I'd love to live in Phuket with a serious job (no teaching).

I don't have a degree or any professionbal skills too but I'm currently employed in the home entertainment business as a commercial clerk with a quite good income :o .

I've just returned to the UK after being in Thailand mainly for the last 6 months. It feels like home and im struggling to settle back in the UK. I should of looked into this when i was in Thailand, i know but i didn't think i was going to feel the way i do when i arrived back.

I've just come back to Italy after a three weeks vacation in Bangkok-Phuket (the second in the last two years). I have the same desire : leave my country (Italy) and start a NEW life in the Land of Smile :D:D:D .

Many older guys have said to me whilst being in Thailand that they wished they had found the place at such a young age. Sometimes i feel its not a good thing as im going crazy and like i said before im stuggling to settle.

Hope some of you wise guys can offer me some guidance as i love reading all your posts and theres not many people i can express my feelings too. I think my friends think im going mad, probably am but i've experienced something better now and living in the UK just seems too budda dam boring.

I think a lot about the same things, and I'm sure it's not madness but a clear vision of what really counts in life (always hidden by media, western values, etc..) .

Eyes wide shut. :D

Fortunately I share my thai experience with two good italian friends but my desire to live abroad and leave my boring country is stronger.

I'm looking for different opportunities to build a monthly income to live in my dream country, and I'm open to suggestions and offers.

I'm planning everything because if i donn't do I will regret it in the future.

I hope to do that before next summer.

I'm available to share ideas, opinions and projects.

You can find the email in my profile. :D

About www.phuketgazette.com (ideal for news and informations about Phuket) i look it from two years and i can assure you that it's full of business opportunities where you have to pay big money for little hoped results (usually sold from people who discovered too late their mistakes). :D

The other job offers give hard work opportunities for 10-20000 baht (200-400 euro/month), not enough to live in Thailand. :D


Was wondering if anyone knew of any contacts where i may be able to get a job in the timeshare business.

Does anyone have any experience or no much about this in Thailand?

Im 26 yrs young and would love to live in Thailand for a while but doing something different than teaching etc. Open to suggestions

I dont have a degree or any professional skills but im currently employed in the motor industry as a salesman. I've just returned to the UK after being in Thailand mainly for the last 6 months. It feels like home and im struggling to settle back in the UK. I should of looked into this when i was in Thailand, i know but i didn't think i was going to feel the way i do when i arrived back.

Many older guys have said to me whilst being in Thailand that they wished they had found the place at such a young age. Sometimes i feel its not a good thing as im going crazy and like i said before im stuggling to settle.

Hope some of you wise guys can offer me some guidance as i love reading all your posts and theres not many people i can express my feelings too. I think my friends think im going mad, probably am but i've experienced something better now and living in the UK just seems too budda dam boring.

Thanks in advance.

I count about 20-40 Brits per day coming to this site -- almost zero or at best, just a trickle of other nationalities -- wonder why?

Move to America or Latin America -- here its 100% Brit -- why travel all the way just to be with more of the same? Same grey, gloomy, negative, depressing, zonked out individuals.

Get it correct right @ the starting gate -- don't come here.

But I've got to say that your qualifications are a big plus. :o

Regardless, I wish you luck! :D

Harmonica, ive read many of your posts, and you seem to be seriously anti-Brit.

I wonder why this is? Is it not a worldwide stereotype that the Brits only like to talk about the weather and be pessimistic? Maybe so, and more than likely it is true, hoeever are you so blinkered as to see that here in the kingdom the majority of down and outs are from other countries rather than Britain (though we do have our share).

Yes, this guy has no degree, and yes he has no professional qualifications but neither do (i would guess) over 60 per cent of the other foreigners here. Shouldnt we be worldy wise and take each individual as they come? Shouldnt we give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise?

This guy could have gone down to the KSR and bought himself a degree and end up teaching yours or my kids, but he didnt. Maybe, just maybe (doubtable but possible) he though of the consequences to a childs education if he did such a thing.

I left my home country, (yes Britain) to get away from the small mindedness that permeates many western cultures and chose Thailand to settle for a while. I have no degree, though i have preoffesional qualifications (more highly valued than any degree in my field) highly relevant in the international business arena, and have used my intelligence and acumen (maybe limited?!?!) to build a small but successfull business here where i employ as many Thais as possible and teach them as much as i can. Mainly because i enjoy it. Will you tar me with the same brush?

I look forward to another of your generalist responses.


I have no degree, though i have preoffesional qualifications (more highly valued than any degree in my field) highly relevant in the international business arena, and have used my intelligence and acumen (maybe limited?!?!) to build a small but successfull business here where i employ as many Thais as possible and teach them as much as i can.

Evo, can I ask you what kind of job have you built? I am looking for good ideas and good experiences.




Why would anybody with self respect want to sell timeshares.

The major qualification is that you are a #@, who wants to rip people off. I'd rather starve to death than lower myself to that.

  • 2 months later...
Why would anybody with self respect want to sell timeshares.

The major qualification is that you are a #@, who wants to rip people off. I'd rather starve to death than lower myself to that.

Whats wrong with selling timeshare ? millions of people, the world over have bought timeshare, I know loads of people that are very happy with the arrangement because the quality of the accomodation is far superior or on a par with 5* hotels.

Generally, do you not think most people can spot a tout on beach road in Pattaya/Phuket ? the ones i've come accross are only doing their job at the end of the day.

Anyhow, these guys on this forum that are looking for work and if they can sell, should give it a go, what they got to loose ?

As long as the company in question are providing a work permit, what real harm can it do ?

People get sold products every day, no matter what it is.

Sales is what makes the world go round, is it not ?

I might even give it a go myself and I don't consider myself to be a ##@ !

Whats wrong with selling timeshare ? millions of people, the world over have bought timeshare, I know loads of people that are very happy with the arrangement because the quality of the accomodation is far superior or on a par with 5* hotels.

Generally, do you not think most people can spot a tout on beach road in Pattaya/Phuket ? the ones i've come accross are only doing their job at the end of the day.

Anyhow, these guys on this forum that are looking for work and if they can sell, should give it a go, what they got to loose ?

As long as the company in question are providing a work permit, what real harm can it do ?

People get sold products every day, no matter what it is.

Sales is what makes the world go round, is it not ?

I might even give it a go myself and I don't consider myself to be a ##@ !

The wrong is that you cannot plan a decent life if you have to survive with this kind of job, may be if you do it as a second or third job is different, maybe it's better to teach english (even if i don't suggest it).

Unfortunately this country doesn't offer well paid jobs, specially if you haven't high level skills that can distinguish you. It's the sad true. :D

The best choice is saving money in advance and retire in the Los with at least enough to survive for 5 years (i think 60.000 euro) and without burning the bridges on your back. :o

Whats wrong with selling timeshare ? millions of people, the world over have bought timeshare, I know loads of people that are very happy with the arrangement because the quality of the accomodation is far superior or on a par with 5* hotels.

Generally, do you not think most people can spot a tout on beach road in Pattaya/Phuket ? the ones i've come accross are only doing their job at the end of the day.

Anyhow, these guys on this forum that are looking for work and if they can sell, should give it a go, what they got to loose ?

As long as the company in question are providing a work permit, what real harm can it do ?

People get sold products every day, no matter what it is.

Sales is what makes the world go round, is it not ?

I might even give it a go myself and I don't consider myself to be a ##@ !

The wrong is that you cannot plan a decent life if you have to survive with this kind of job, may be if you do it as a second or third job is different, maybe it's better to teach english (even if i don't suggest it).

Unfortunately this country doesn't offer well paid jobs, specially if you haven't high level skills that can distinguish you. It's the sad true. :D

The best choice is saving money in advance and retire in the Los with at least enough to survive for 5 years (i think 60.000 euro) and without burning the bridges on your back. :o

Whats wrong for one man need'nt be for the next !!

You mention surviving ? I see plenty English teacher's who are doing just that !

I would of thought, as in all western countries, the profession of sales and marketing is indeed whats thought of as an extremely highly skilled occupation...that's why if the person is any good, they make so much money, £100k +

Surely, highly skilled sales professionals are held in the same regard in good old LOS ?

I agree with you that there are'nt too many openings in LOS for foreign workers, that's why there's so many chancing their arm in the field of education.

In the same way, a minority perhaps are drawn to marketing Timeshare/holiday ownership programs.....only,if you are tenacious enough, you'll earn on monday afternoon what it would take somebody in the teaching business a month or more to earn.

Some people obviouly don't want to wait until they have their nest egg sorted before they move permanently, but I happen to agree that having a foot in two camps is the best way forward , certainly for those of us that are a bit off retiement age.

It's horses for coarses as they say in North East LOS !



]The only people who make money out of timeshare are the promoters.

Has anyone ever made money on selling a timeshare week???????

Has anyone ever lasted more than a few months selling timeshare??

Jeez ever been to a pitch and seen the desperate bottom feeders working?

Why would anybody with self respect want to sell timeshares.

The major qualification is that you are a #@, who wants to rip people off. I'd rather starve to death than lower myself to that.

Whats wrong with selling timeshare ? millions of people, the world over have bought timeshare, I know loads of people that are very happy with the arrangement because the quality of the accomodation is far superior or on a par with 5* hotels.

Generally, do you not think most people can spot a tout on beach road in Pattaya/Phuket ? the ones i've come accross are only doing their job at the end of the day.

Anyhow, these guys on this forum that are looking for work and if they can sell, should give it a go, what they got to loose ?

As long as the company in question are providing a work permit, what real harm can it do ?

People get sold products every day, no matter what it is.

Sales is what makes the world go round, is it not ?

I might even give it a go myself and I don't consider myself to be a ##@ !



Anybody who promotes any product are entitled to make a profit are they not ?

Does anybody make money out of any product that they buy brand new and then sell when it's secondhand ?

Somebody must have made a career out of it !

So, every desperate bottom feeder in LOS is a Timeshare salesman ? coz there's sure a lot of desperado's kicking about, Id be suprised if they were all working in Timeshare though ?

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