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Suvarnabhumi Further Cracks Smiles

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When I saw the word 'cracks' in the same sentence as the airport, I thought it was about more cracks-on-the-runway stuff (a crack-up, perchance?).

Here's where they can start - if they want to give me something to smile about: change the spelling of the place - to reflect how the word is pronounced by Thais: Suwanaboom.

It burns my biscuit how at least half of all Thai words are awfully transliterated in to English spellings. Is it part of some conspiracy to make pronunciations of Thai language difficult for foreigners? No, I think it's just hyper intellectual bullcrap. Farang should be incharge of transliterate Thai words in to English, not Thais. We're the ones who read and use the English transliterations, not Thais. If it's farang who are continuing ridiculous and confusing transliteration protocols, then boil them in oil and use their fat for making hogwashing soap.

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I'll second the wish for WiFi throughout the airport. I don't need people smiling at me, although it's nice - what I need is efficiency and competency. So far (knocking on my wooden head) I've had fairly good luck at Suvarnabhumi, but I'll gladly take any improvements they want to offer.

Did I mention free WiFi would be a welcome addition? rolleyes.gif


Hilarious. Whining and complaining= pursuit of excellence and discerning.

Next they'll complain the can't smoke in- flight like they used to back in 1962.

Suggest that you Google for 'zero defects policy'. You might learn something.  Unless peeps make their dissatisfaction on anything  known then the Thais will do nothing about it. That maybe a lost cause since they hardly snap into action even then. Perhaps you like to live in a land where mediocrity is the norm. Shall we also remain silent about gouging, corruption and all the other ills that pervade life here? Is it alright with you if Heathrow gets kicked to death? If so, why not Swampy.  Any business that wants to have a good reputation and generate profits and growth should welcome constructive criticism and take positive action to eliminate their shortcomings as perceived by their customers. 

That you think that smoking inflight has anything to do with the state of a dysfunctional airport you have strange logical processes.  Did it ever occur to you that smoking onboard was banned because peeps did complain?


Come on guys, whatever you might think of the services today, give them some credit for recognizing the problem and taking steps to correct them. Once in a while you can give them credit where credit is due.

Spoken like a newbie... tough to see the woods from the trees isn't it. :whistling:

I'll give them credit when they concentrate on providing the public with a sound service rather than chase after stupid ratings to make them look better.


I'm sure things would be better for you "experienced" guys if the train made a non-stop trip directly to Pattaya.

On second thought, you guys would cry that it didn't stop at Nana first.

Google "zero defects"? <deleted>, you cannot be serious.


Who did the poll, the airport management? Suvarnabhumi would have to be the worst airport in the world. This place needs to be bulldozed it is outdated and supplying services from the 1930's Thailand need a new modern international airport that is user friendly for travellers. They could start by taking a few tips from Singapore.

The planes don't even dock at the airport instead you virtually climb down a ladder then get on bus for a 3 km trip to the airport. You get into the airport then have to be searched and scanned again. What is this for? Is it to check for all those weapons that you aquired in mid flight or is it customs last fleecing point. You know when you purchase a 1 litre bottle of Jonny Walker from King Power in Chiangmai and as part of the promotion you get a 100ml bottle free of charge a total of 1100 ml and have to hand over the 1 ltr bottle because you are only allowed 1ltr. Is this for the officials to consume or does it go back into King Power stocks. After handing over all your weapons, explosives and duty free you then have a 3 km walk to your departure lounge a hel_l of a long way for small children to walk. (Our early explorers never had to trek so far in search of new lands) When you find and eventually get to your departure lounge you are checked again for weapons, explosives and duty free that may have purchased from King Power along the way. Then it is back onto a bus for the 3 km ride out to the tarmat and climb back into the plane.

This airport is totally outdated and extreemly user unfriendly. It would not make the top ten of 3rd world country airports. Thailand needs to build a new modern user friendly airport and then it just may make the top 100 list. I try to avoid it and prefer to get connecting flights from Changi if possible.


Who did the poll, the airport management? Suvarnabhumi would have to be the worst airport in the world. This place needs to be bulldozed it is outdated and supplying services from the 1930's Thailand need a new modern international airport that is user friendly for travellers. They could start by taking a few tips from Singapore.

The planes don't even dock at the airport instead you virtually climb down a ladder then get on bus for a 3 km trip to the airport. You get into the airport then have to be searched and scanned again. What is this for? Is it to check for all those weapons that you aquired in mid flight or is it customs last fleecing point. You know when you purchase a 1 litre bottle of Jonny Walker from King Power in Chiangmai and as part of the promotion you get a 100ml bottle free of charge a total of 1100 ml and have to hand over the 1 ltr bottle because you are only allowed 1ltr. Is this for the officials to consume or does it go back into King Power stocks. After handing over all your weapons, explosives and duty free you then have a 3 km walk to your departure lounge a hel_l of a long way for small children to walk. (Our early explorers never had to trek so far in search of new lands) When you find and eventually get to your departure lounge you are checked again for weapons, explosives and duty free that may have purchased from King Power along the way. Then it is back onto a bus for the 3 km ride out to the tarmat and climb back into the plane.

This airport is totally outdated and extreemly user unfriendly. It would not make the top ten of 3rd world country airports. Thailand needs to build a new modern user friendly airport and then it just may make the top 100 list. I try to avoid it and prefer to get connecting flights from Changi if possible.

:lol::cheesy::cheesy: LOL :clap2:


Could not agree more, take the food court for instance all the vendors smile as they rip you off 500 bhat for two bowls of noodles and a coke, all the taxi touts smile as they try to rip you off, scam artists in king duty free smile after plantimg goods on you and accuse you of theft, the gunmen in the car park smile as they take your money, this really is an airport of smiles what are you guys moaning about ?

If you choose to eat before you go air-side you can buy a reasonable Phat Kha Pow for B35 and a cup of coffee for B30. No mark up at all. Just go to the "Miracle" food court. Wait until you go air-side and you will be happily eating alongside so many other foreigners whilst the Thais do what they like to do. Touch expensive stuff....even if they can't afford it.

Why assume I was going airside ? I was picking up a buddy of mine whose flight was delayed had my gf with me and being a typical Thai she has to eat every four hours, plus we had a three hour drive to the airport,


Hilarious. Whining and complaining= pursuit of excellence and discerning.

Next they'll complain the can't smoke in- flight like they used to back in 1962.

Suggest that you Google for 'zero defects policy'. You might learn something. Unless peeps make their dissatisfaction on anything known then the Thais will do nothing about it. That maybe a lost cause since they hardly snap into action even then. Perhaps you like to live in a land where mediocrity is the norm. Shall we also remain silent about gouging, corruption and all the other ills that pervade life here? Is it alright with you if Heathrow gets kicked to death? If so, why not Swampy. Any business that wants to have a good reputation and generate profits and growth should welcome constructive criticism and take positive action to eliminate their shortcomings as perceived by their customers.

That you think that smoking inflight has anything to do with the state of a dysfunctional airport you have strange logical processes. Did it ever occur to you that smoking onboard was banned because peeps did complain?

Constructive criticism does not mean a dam_n to anyone even remotely connected to swampy, fact


What a bunch of moaning old farts you guys are.:bah:

Is it costing you anything now? No

Is it hurting you to have someone smile at you? No

Would it hurt you to smile back? No, unless you have just had an abdominal operation.

Can't you find enough trouble in the world to complain about, without inventing it?

Chill out and enjoy something ....just for a change.

I think it's a great idea.......have any of you flown Aeroflot lately? If not I think you should, join the other poe faces.

you obviously don't know much about the Land of Fake Smiles.....And.... There is a difference between complaining and stating the truth.


BTW - have you noticed how FEW toilets there are at Swampy?

It was determined shortly after the airport opened that the contracter only built a few of the toilets that vwere in the airport design I believe he forgot to buld more than haff of them even though paid to do so, just another regular skimming job, I never heard anything else about the case, as is per usual when people in high places are concerned.


What's the issue with toilets? They are all over the place. Maybe those with toilet problems should consider just how often they need to visit. Either you have undiagnosed diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome... probably the latter!*

And they are clean and you can see the cleaners too. Now if you want a toilet that smells like a urinal and looks like a shower stall, try any public toilet in Malaysia or the dripping example in the departures hall at Phuket International. Now THAT is disgusting!

* There's a special on incontinence pants at Big-C this week. Two for one special so you can put one on your head as well which should help those with wee bladders to <deleted>.

Whoe there young fellah, cannot find pins for my diapers at swampy, nobody to help me change, no talc in loo to relieve chaffing and I dont want to have to go to the continent to buy new drip savers so there.


Could not agree more, take the food court for instance all the vendors smile as they rip you off 500 bhat for two bowls of noodles and a coke, all the taxi touts smile as they try to rip you off, scam artists in king duty free smile after plantimg goods on you and accuse you of theft, the gunmen in the car park smile as they take your money, this really is an airport of smiles what are you guys moaning about ?

If you choose to eat before you go air-side you can buy a reasonable Phat Kha Pow for B35 and a cup of coffee for B30. No mark up at all. Just go to the "Miracle" food court. Wait until you go air-side and you will be happily eating alongside so many other foreigners whilst the Thais do what they like to do. Touch expensive stuff....even if they can't afford it.

Why assume I was going airside ? I was picking up a buddy of mine whose flight was delayed had my gf with me and being a typical Thai she has to eat every four hours, plus we had a three hour drive to the airport,

Why did you assume that I was using "you" in the singular? There is always the 2nd person plural to consider.


I'm sure things would be better for you "experienced" guys if the train made a non-stop trip directly to Pattaya.

On second thought, you guys would cry that it didn't stop at Nana first.

Google "zero defects"? <deleted>, you cannot be serious.

This is a great example of the new generation farang now coming to LOScams. I am guessing only here for maybe six months and now an authority.


I'm sure things would be better for you "experienced" guys if the train made a non-stop trip directly to Pattaya.

On second thought, you guys would cry that it didn't stop at Nana first.

Google "zero defects"? <deleted>, you cannot be serious.

This is a great example of the new generation farang now coming to LOScams. I am guessing only here for maybe six months and now an authority.

I agree and I can't see the link between a train and a plane.


<SPAN lang="EN-GB"><P>Fair enough, "sweet smile, sour ass". You can make the place a "hub" of Thai (in)sincerity so the poor mug is prepared to be smiled at whilst being conned, fleeced or fined on arrival as “acclimatisation” for the rest of their visit.<BR><BR>The Airport is a microcosm of the inherent and endemic ills Thailand suffers from. I use the place often enough to “experience” the “welcome” and have intervened to save the unaware from the inevitable rip-off.</P><P>The shame is those in authority blame numerous erroneous factors for the decline in tourism and often massage the statistics to misrepresent. </P><P>They fail to see the truth that just about every German, Brit, Dane, Irish, American etc. knows about or finds out about a “bad news story” that discourages their proposed visit to Thailand. <BR><BR>There are no tourists in Thailand, just potential targets!<BR><BR><BR><BR></P></SPAN>


They left out the most important part. This 'campaign' will cost 1 billion baht, a way to write-off more expenses.

This is the only country I know of that feels the need to advertise their airport, taking out big billboards and magazine ads and such. Why would an international airport need advertising? Is there another one in competition?

And now that they've announced this 'Airport of Smiles' campaign, we all know it's fake when we see it. Some things are best left unannounced and just planned and executed from within the organization.


What a bunch of moaning old farts you guys are.:bah:

Is it costing you anything now? No

Is it hurting you to have someone smile at you? No

Would it hurt you to smile back? No, unless you have just had an abdominal operation.

Can't you find enough trouble in the world to complain about, without inventing it?

Chill out and enjoy something ....just for a change.

I think it's a great idea.......have any of you flown Aeroflot lately? If not I think you should, join the other poe faces.

I did not know that the AOT was actually paying morons to post positive comments How much, 50 satang per post?

If your not in their employ then you must be in a chemically induced state of euphoria on arrival, or totally naive.

This "old fart" can recommend an appropriate lower "abdominal operation" for you. too! It will involve extricating your upper torso from your rectum.

If you doubt this, then just express your stupidity in public and no doubt you will find an "old fart" who will readily arrange for this preoperative insertion, smile and ask you if it's a "great idea"

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