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Melbourne Cup Day


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The Hilton Arcadia Phuket is organising a Melbourne Cup Day bash on November 1.

For all the non-Aussies out there, Melbourne Cup Day is Australia's biggest excuse for a sickie and a piss-up if ever there was one. :D The whole country stops on this day for the big horse race.

So anyways, Hilton are hosting a party with live telecast to Melbourne track (not sure of ticket prices yet) with the traditional Aussie horse race betting, "fashions in the field" for ladies and gents ... some people dress to the nines and others dress to impress their own vivid personalities.

But always a HAT is involved. Gotta wear a hat and you have plenty of time to find or make one! Prizes for the most ingenious!

Fashion parade with Aussie models :D

And TWO-UP.... woo hooo!!!! (is rumoured) All proceeds go to charity of course.

It's not just for Aussies, but we are part of the entertainment :D:D

Hope to see some of you lot there :o

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