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Geely No Stars Crash Test . . . . . . . .

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Geely scores no stars in crash test

A four-door family saloon made in China has been subjected to a series of crash tests and scored a horrifying zero stars for adult occupant protection.

The model in question is the Geely CK 1 1.3 but is not sold in the UK.

The result was part of a first series of tests by newly formed Latin NCAP (New Car Assessment Programmes), the first ever independent crash testing programme for Latin American and the Caribbean. Nine cars were tested initially, following guidelines laid down by the other global NCAP organisations, including Euro NCAP.

Geely's saloon was the only car tested to achieve a terrifying zero-star rating. Latin NCAP summarised the findings: "Protection for the driver poor for most body regions. Significant collapse of the body shell during test."

The photographs clearly show how badly damaged the car is during the crash tests and how much intrusion there is into the passenger space.

Three of the tested cars achieved an equally poor one-star result. None of these models were fitted with airbags, as it's possible to buy them without in some markets.

None of the nine cars tested are sold in the UK in the same format.

Geely is likely to improve on this result considerably over the coming years, as it now owns Volvo Cars, which has an enviable reputation for safety.

Below is a full list of the results:

Geely CK 1 1.3 (No airbags) 0/5

Fiat Palio ELX 1.4 (No airbags) 1/5

VW Gol Trend 1.6 (No airbags) 1/5

Peugeot 207 Compact 5p 1.4 (No airbags) 1/5

Peugeot 207 Compact 5p 1.4 (With airbags) 2/5

Fiat Palio ELX 1.4 (With airbags) 3/5

VW Gol Trend 1.6 (With airbags) 3/5

Chevrolet Meriva GL Plus (With airbags) 3/5

Toyota Corolla XEI (With airbags) 4/5


That's not a Golf it's a Gol, it's a significantly lesser model produced as an entry level car exclusively for the south American market which should give you some sense of the market. Check your information before posting inaccurate facts..

People just don't get it, it's good to know before you buy what you're getting into but you can't get first rate quality at third of even fourth rate prices... So it's a non-issue as far as I'm concerned, you get what you pay for... And many would have nothing if they had to pay first rate prices... It's all about compromises... Still safer and more versatile then a scooter...

Notably the Toyota is the only model listed not tested without airbags??


That's not a Golf it's a Gol, it's a significantly lesser model produced as an entry level car exclusively in Brazil which should give you some sense of the market. Check your information before posting inaccurate facts..

Merely a typo . . . .but your quite right, I should check my spelling before posting. However, it's reassuring to know that there is is always someone as charming as yourself to point out any inaccuracies.


That's not a Golf it's a Gol, it's a significantly lesser model produced as an entry level car exclusively in Brazil which should give you some sense of the market. Check your information before posting inaccurate facts..

Merely a typo . . . .but your quite right, I should check my spelling before posting. However, it's reassuring to know that there is is always someone as charming as yourself to point out any inaccuracies.

So how charming was I supposed to be?? It's more then just a typo (nice cover attempt since it's an added letter not a mistaken one nor omitted one) it's in the title and it's a full on bollocking of the Golf on a world wide forum and completely untrue. Take it how you want to, it required proper correction, if that's offensive to you that's your over sensitivities showing and nothing to do with me.. Just say your sorry and move on don't try to twist it to vilify me for pointing it out......

I might point out too that I thought I was speaking with an adult who could handle the criticism and own up to their responsibility but since that doesn't seem to be the case next time I'll use more parent like tone and remember I'm speaking to someone less able to handle adult tones...


^Pretty scary stuff that is. Looks like an aluminum can being crushed... On second thought it might be safer getting thrown from a scooter if wearing proper safety equipment then being crushed in all that steel.. Guess it all depends on what you hit?


That's not a Golf it's a Gol, it's a significantly lesser model produced as an entry level car exclusively in Brazil which should give you some sense of the market. Check your information before posting inaccurate facts..

Merely a typo . . . .but your quite right, I should check my spelling before posting. However, it's reassuring to know that there is is always someone as charming as yourself to point out any inaccuracies.

So how charming was I supposed to be?? It's more then just a typo (nice cover attempt since it's an added letter not a mistaken one nor omitted one) it's in the title and it's a full on bollocking of the Golf on a world wide forum and completely untrue. Take it how you want to, it required proper correction, if that's offensive to you that's your over sensitivities showing and nothing to do with me.. Just say your sorry and move on don't try to twist it to vilify me for pointing it out......

I might point out too that I thought I was speaking with an adult who could handle the criticism and own up to their responsibility but since that doesn't seem to be the case next time I'll use more parent like tone and remember I'm speaking to someone less able to handle adult tones...

How many coffee's did you have today already Warpy ???? I too wondered if the Gol was a type of Golf or if in fact it is a different car under the name Gol sold in South America. However, you did shoot out of the gates rather quickly and provide a rather sharp onslaught against velocette (you two have history ?)...

Please don't destroy another useful thread in this motoring forum with your 'superior automotive knowledge and matching ego', you've already made your point.

Question: Is this Gol a VW ?

A quick search online reveals a few photo's of a VW with a 90's style design rather similar to the older VW Polo - Perhaps this is why it fared so poorly. It just goes to show, all this safety first marketing is fit only for those markets mature enough to care about it, otherwise its profits first above any other (as if any of use believed otherwise anyway). Still, its rather hypocritical of companies who have built their reputation on safety to have compromised so severely in the name of profits.

As Warpspeed pointed out earlier... Is a cheap car safer than a scooter ? Not such a daft question as in a car as its larger some may say there is a greater chance of a frontal accident (where a bike may squeeze through or simply the rider gets thrown rather than crushed inside the 'can'), that said you simply can't fall off a car !....


It is a VW... VW Gol

Sorry you feel inferior to my knowledge, no accounting for one's self confidence or lack thereof..

Your impression is for you to deal with and is non of my concern..I'm just not interested in tip toeing around or sugar coating every response as if I'm talking to a room full of 5 year olds, frigging grow some skin....

I can go have a conversation with my children if I want that and not post here in what is supposed to be an adult forum and topic..

It's certain that if the shoe was on the other foot no one would have passed on the chance to lambaste me for it in much more degrading methods..

Bottom line, is my assertion correct? Yes?? Then it's really a moot point..

P.S. don't drink coffee, alcohol or smoke so non of those commonly attempted demeanings apply.. Ooops! There I go throwing out my superiority again...Shame on me :rolleyes: ...


That's not a Golf it's a Gol, it's a significantly lesser model produced as an entry level car exclusively in Brazil which should give you some sense of the market. Check your information before posting inaccurate facts..

Merely a typo . . . .but your quite right, I should check my spelling before posting. However, it's reassuring to know that there is is always someone as charming as yourself to point out any inaccuracies.

So how charming was I supposed to be?? It's more then just a typo (nice cover attempt since it's an added letter not a mistaken one nor omitted one) it's in the title and it's a full on bollocking of the Golf on a world wide forum and completely untrue. Take it how you want to, it required proper correction, if that's offensive to you that's your over sensitivities showing and nothing to do with me.. Just say your sorry and move on don't try to twist it to vilify me for pointing it out......

I might point out too that I thought I was speaking with an adult who could handle the criticism and own up to their responsibility but since that doesn't seem to be the case next time I'll use more parent like tone and remember I'm speaking to someone less able to handle adult tones...

Now now Warps, you've been behaving yourself lately to our relief. IF you have been reading stuff here of late you will note that Velocette is a great addition to the motoring forum so please act your age. I know the VW word was mentioned and thats your department but............................:)

Well if I don't get a hypocritical and condescending lecture by people who tell me to act my age when they're acting decades less then theirs there won't be any problem..


No further comment, as with many other threads you have already imposed your impressions on yet another thread with the eloquence and intelligence of a bull at a gate...

I ask one thing... Is it possible for you WarpSpeed to write a post that is not aimed in some form or another at indirectly insulting or talking down to other posters thus preventing the development of a topic ?

You don't have to sugar coat everything you just have to pretend you are not god.


Facts are facts. Good to have new posters but that doesn't absolve them of accurate posts and thread topics.. Does it T/A? I seem to have gotten some serious flack for far less contentious posts on my part regarding some debatable perceptions...


No further comment, as with many other threads you have already imposed your impressions on yet another thread with the eloquence and intelligence of a bull at a gate...

I ask one thing... Is it possible for you WarpSpeed to write a post that is not aimed in some form or another at indirectly insulting or talking down to other posters thus preventing the development of a topic ?

You don't have to sugar coat everything you just have to pretend you are not god.

So silly and transparently prejudicially biased not even worth a response...


P.S. don't drink coffee, alcohol or smoke so non of those commonly attempted demeanings apply.. Ooops! There I go throwing out my superiority again...Shame on me :rolleyes: ...

Have you considered taking up some sort of vice (other than rudeness). It might chill you out a bit...

Just a thought. Take it as you will. Apparently not my job to worry how you take it... B)

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