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why would ot be a bad move if the price is right---------------central pattaya and not surrounded by noisy bars ------------

Because I don't think the price is right Have you seen how much they are for what you get? As I said, each to their own but I'm trying to warn off my mate cos he has a habit of getting burnt in everything he has ever bought through buying on a whim.

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why would ot be a bad move if the price is right---------------central pattaya and not surrounded by noisy bars ------------

Because I don't think the price is right Have you seen how much they are for what you get? As I said, each to their own but I'm trying to warn off my mate cos he has a habit of getting burnt in everything he has ever bought through buying on a whim.

Its a human condition. Friends never listen to friends advise. People never listen to family advise. They actually prefer advise from someone they have never met and secretly hope that it all goes well so that they can say "That was the best decision I ever made" but sadly they end up saying " I wish I had listened to me mates and me mum"...

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why would ot be a bad move if the price is right---------------central pattaya and not surrounded by noisy bars ------------

Just to clarify there are noisy Karoke bars down one side of the Avenue resedence condos!!

I looked @ one with a mate few weeks ago, very small 34sqm units, the place was hotter than a greenhouse in all the common areas, & a bit dark & we viewed in the daytime?

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What a shit hole looking place.

The last job the architect worked on was a prison by the looks of it and instead of an exercise/assembly area here he's thrown in a swimming pool.

Might reduce the number of foreigners splitting their head open after the balcony fall but expect to see an increase int he number of drownings :whistling:

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