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Truly The Biggest Scam In History

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Just watched this clip of Elizabeth Coleman, Inspector General of the Federal Reserve. answering, or more appropriately not, questions on just what has happened to the TRILLIONS of dollars given to the Fed to bail out the banks. Her answers are truly unbelievable.

Now somebody tell me this isn't the biggest financial scam in history.

Just how can the Fed get away with this type of thing ? Why is there such a thing? shouldn't the country print it's own money and so not have to pay a private company interest for doing the same thing ? The mind boggles :huh::blink:

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Thanks H2o !

I do think more and more people are waking up to this !

" Keep the campaign going. Imagine the power of everyone, every single one of you, sending it to just 2 people. More than 2.5 million people have seen this clip on this site. All because of your efforts. We believe that this the most important video we've ever published - out of more than 10,000."


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Could just imagine if all that dosh had been spent on education around the world?

If the banks had failed there would have been more around the corner to replace them .... let's be honest, rich bankers are not exactly an endangered species.

If my business failed do you think the US and UK government's would bail me out?

Where's the division between 'too big to fail' and 'too small to succeed'

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Can you imagine the state of the economy if instead of giving this money to the banks they instead gave it to the people who now have to pay it back ie the people of the USA. Instead of the American taxpayer owing all this money they would have paid off their mortgages, bought a new car, TV etc and the money would have gone on to stimulate the economy instead of making a few bankers very, very rich. The figures are truly staggering. I think they only get away with this as the general public cannot comprehend just what a BILLION or TRILLION dollars really is. For an example if you started to spend a MILLION dollars a day from ther birth of Christ you still would not have spent a TRILLION dollars. :o

Another interesting fact is that there have been three presidents of the USA who sought to rid the country of the private banker and they all were assassinated :o Even the guy who passed the law that allowed the Fed to take over regretted it.

Why can't the country act as a bank for it's people but without the usury that the banks charge ? That would solve all of these problems the world has at the moment.

The way banks operate, fractional reserve banking would be illegal in any other business yet we continue to allow banks to get away with it. WHY??????????????????????????????

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Can you imagine the state of the economy if instead of giving this money to the banks they instead gave it to the people who now have to pay it back ie the people of the USA. Instead of the American taxpayer owing all this money they would have paid off their mortgages, bought a new car, TV etc and the money would have gone on to stimulate the economy instead of making a few bankers very, very rich. The figures are truly staggering. I think they only get away with this as the general public cannot comprehend just what a BILLION or TRILLION dollars really is. For an example if you started to spend a MILLION dollars a day from ther birth of Christ you still would not have spent a TRILLION dollars. :o

Another interesting fact is that there have been three presidents of the USA who sought to rid the country of the private banker and they all were assassinated :o Even the guy who passed the law that allowed the Fed to take over regretted it.

Why can't the country act as a bank for it's people but without the usury that the banks charge ? That would solve all of these problems the world has at the moment.

The way banks operate, fractional reserve banking would be illegal in any other business yet we continue to allow banks to get away with it. WHY??????????????????????????????

H2o , the UK Central Bank Chief Mervyn King, actually agrees with you – you just need to get enough

people to “ convince ‘ Ben Shalom Bernanke about this :ph34r:

" Mervyn King imagines the "abolition of fractional reserve banking":

"Eliminating fractional reserve banking explicitly recognises that the pretence that risk-free deposits can be supported by risky assets is alchemy. If there is a need for genuinely safe deposits the only way they can be provided, while ensuring costs and benefits are fully aligned, is to insist such deposits do not co-exist with risky assets."


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Incredible how people look after other peoples money and thats the point if it were their own money things would be very different. I always said QE will not work, its another name for devaluation and here it is in all its glory exposed.

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Can you imagine the state of the economy if instead of giving this money to the banks they instead gave it to the people who now have to pay it back ie the people of the USA. Instead of the American taxpayer owing all this money they would have paid off their mortgages, bought a new car, TV etc and the money would have gone on to stimulate the economy instead of making a few bankers very, very rich. The figures are truly staggering. I think they only get away with this as the general public cannot comprehend just what a BILLION or TRILLION dollars really is. For an example if you started to spend a MILLION dollars a day from ther birth of Christ you still would not have spent a TRILLION dollars. :o

Another interesting fact is that there have been three presidents of the USA who sought to rid the country of the private banker and they all were assassinated :o Even the guy who passed the law that allowed the Fed to take over regretted it.

Why can't the country act as a bank for it's people but without the usury that the banks charge ? That would solve all of these problems the world has at the moment.

The way banks operate, fractional reserve banking would be illegal in any other business yet we continue to allow banks to get away with it. WHY??????????????????????????????

H2o , the UK Central Bank Chief Mervyn King, actually agrees with you – you just need to get enough

people to “ convince ‘ Ben Shalom Bernanke about this :ph34r:

" Mervyn King imagines the "abolition of fractional reserve banking":

"Eliminating fractional reserve banking explicitly recognises that the pretence that risk-free deposits can be supported by risky assets is alchemy. If there is a need for genuinely safe deposits the only way they can be provided, while ensuring costs and benefits are fully aligned, is to insist such deposits do not co-exist with risky assets."


Oh come on Midas, Ben Bernanke was way ahead of of King in terms of the abolition of reserves in banking. It was his idea as a Central Reserve Bank Governor for God's sake to end this farce.

Look to his Fed speech of Feb 10th 2010 or simply google.


Ironically, while King is proposing the potential elimination of fractional reserve banking (i.e. a return to 100% reserves), Ben Bernanke has proposed the elimination of all reserve requirements (i.e. requiring no reserves):

The Federal Reserve believes it is possible that, ultimately, its operating framework will allow the elimination of minimum reserve requirements, which impose costs and distortions on the banking system.

You are clearly insane....

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Can you imagine the state of the economy if instead of giving this money to the banks they instead gave it to the people who now have to pay it back ie the people of the USA. Instead of the American taxpayer owing all this money they would have paid off their mortgages, bought a new car, TV etc and the money would have gone on to stimulate the economy instead of making a few bankers very, very rich. The figures are truly staggering. I think they only get away with this as the general public cannot comprehend just what a BILLION or TRILLION dollars really is. For an example if you started to spend a MILLION dollars a day from ther birth of Christ you still would not have spent a TRILLION dollars. :o

Another interesting fact is that there have been three presidents of the USA who sought to rid the country of the private banker and they all were assassinated :o Even the guy who passed the law that allowed the Fed to take over regretted it.

Why can't the country act as a bank for it's people but without the usury that the banks charge ? That would solve all of these problems the world has at the moment.

The way banks operate, fractional reserve banking would be illegal in any other business yet we continue to allow banks to get away with it. WHY??????????????????????????????

H2o , the UK Central Bank Chief Mervyn King, actually agrees with you – you just need to get enough

people to “ convince ‘ Ben Shalom Bernanke about this :ph34r:

" Mervyn King imagines the "abolition of fractional reserve banking":

"Eliminating fractional reserve banking explicitly recognises that the pretence that risk-free deposits can be supported by risky assets is alchemy. If there is a need for genuinely safe deposits the only way they can be provided, while ensuring costs and benefits are fully aligned, is to insist such deposits do not co-exist with risky assets."


Oh come on Midas, Ben Bernanke was way ahead of of King in terms of the abolition of reserves in banking. It was his idea as a Central Reserve Bank Governor for God's sake to end this farce.

Look to his Fed speech of Feb 10th 2010 or simply google.


Ironically, while King is proposing the potential elimination of fractional reserve banking (i.e. a return to 100% reserves), Ben Bernanke has proposed the elimination of all reserve requirements (i.e. requiring no reserves):

The Federal Reserve believes it is possible that, ultimately, its operating framework will allow the elimination of minimum reserve requirements, which impose costs and distortions on the banking system.

You are clearly insane....

and pray tell me Abrak - the Great Defender of Ben Shalom Bernanke why

i am insane when i didn't even write that article :lol:

p.s. why do you always instantly jump to his defence ?

I know you the think the light shines out of his a*se

wheras i think he will be found to have been one of the biggest crooks in US history :bah:

Edited by midas
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Oh come on Midas, Ben Bernanke was way ahead of of King in terms of the abolition of reserves in banking. It was his idea as a Central Reserve Bank Governor for God's sake to end this farce.

You are clearly insane....

How can you say Ben Shalom Bernanke was " way ahead of King " ? :lol:

He is a sheer lunatic and if you support him - you are too !

What Bernanke and King proposed were completely opposite.

King wants a return to 100% reserves - sounds fiscally responsible to me.

Bernanke wants nothing in reserve - a very " progressive " idea and i

can understand why you like it but i dont think the US citizens should

trust him with that for one minute :ph34r:


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and pray tell me Abrak - the Great Defender of Ben Shalom Bernanke why

i am insane when i didn't even write that article :lol:

p.s. why do you always instantly jump to his defence ?

I know you the think the light shines out of his a*se

wheras i think he will be found to have been one of the biggest crooks in US history :bah:

No but you did imply 'that an article that explained Mervyn King's non-belief in fractional reserve banking was contrary to Bernanke's belief in fractional reserve banking.'

While actually everything that Bernanke has ever done would imply the opposite.

If he believed in fractional reserve banking then Ron Paul would be correct in that we had already disappeared into a hyperinflationary spiral. It is a bit like accusing Hitler of saying that the Jews were the Aryian race. You can kill Bernanke for what ever reason you feel but if you say he forced the US into deflation because it would be good for long term growth it might be a bit misleading.

How can anyone with even an average IQ associate Bernanke's policies with an underlying belief in fractional reserve banking. You do not only need to assume he is moronic but that every other market participant is moronic too.

I just feel if you wish democracy to have a positive effect the bare minimum assumes a level of intelligence that someone ought to be allowed a vote. It somehow seems important ahead of tomorrows elections.

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Thanks H2o !

I do think more and more people are waking up to this !

" Keep the campaign going. Imagine the power of everyone, every single one of you, sending it to just 2 people. More than 2.5 million people have seen this clip on this site. All because of your efforts. We believe that this the most important video we've ever published - out of more than 10,000."


True, an impressive and frustrating clip. At the end all tax payers will have seen it, they will be angry about what happend, but all payed the bill already. The money makers will not stop! They give a f__k for you and me....


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I find it rather funny, now three years in this so called crisis the charade starts unraveling bit by bit just as I said.

I mentioned the next Enron and there we have the fraud closure issues. Billions and Billions of money used to pay off insurance contracts/bets. Fraud everywhere.

Lies, lies, lies and more lies and what for?

I believe we are just starting and have not seen anything yet. Yesterday I noticed that the supply of houses available in the US is enough for almost ten years when looking at the current pace of sales. Still new houses are being build. The biggest economy in the world but how much of that GDP consist of actual stuff produced domestically?

Just look for more crap talk coming out of the so called expert economists and other policy makers calling themselves experts on whatever it is and in the future you will see it was all crap they were talking.

Apart from paying higher taxes next year in some countries there is not much we notice here in Asia from "The Crisis"


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Actually, the biggest scam in history is the US Social Security System. A Ponzi scheme of mass proportion of $ 57 Trillion of money that is promised but isn't there.

If anyone but the government did this, they'd be in jail like Bernie Madoff.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. "

Gerald Ford, Presidential address to a joint session of Congress (12 August 1974)

It used to be: A few thousand here, a few thousand there.. pretty soon it's real money. Now a Trillion is the new Billion.

I'd rather have a few rich bankers than a corrupt draconian government, led by power mad rich legislators.

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The big dog won't go hungry.



God/Tom Cruise-willing, I should probably live to the ''anarchy'' stage of that graph. I will chronicle and post my findings on TV in the year 2056. I am kind of excited to see the ''scavengers'' phase, as I imagine roaming packs of wild man-beasts and I will have to be quite creative (much like the Hamburglar) to outsmart them. I like challenges.

My great concern is what I will do once I get to my later years after my future wife has been eaten by ''scavengers.''

At that moment, I will not have access you to a new pretty young wife as many other gentleman have had before me.

Old and grey, Viagra in hand and no available females, I will curse Ben Bernanke for my misfortune, much like Charlton Heston cursed humanity at the end of Planet of the Apes.

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The big dog won't go hungry.



God/Tom Cruise-willing, I should probably live to the ''anarchy'' stage of that graph. I will chronicle and post my findings on TV in the year 2056. I am kind of excited to see the ''scavengers'' phase, as I imagine roaming packs of wild man-beasts and I will have to be quite creative (much like the Hamburglar) to outsmart them. I like challenges.

My great concern is what I will do once I get to my later years after my future wife has been eaten by ''scavengers.''

At that moment, I will not have access you to a new pretty young wife as many other gentleman have had before me.

Old and grey, Viagra in hand and no available females, I will curse Ben Bernanke for my misfortune, much like Charlton Heston cursed humanity at the end of Planet of the Apes.

oh my god.......is that what the hamburglar does ? :unsure:

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