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Hi I have lived on my village for three years. Our house (we are both English)is the only house on the site finished.One of our perimeter walls drops down four meters to a small clutch off shacks. Last year we had trouble with music from eight in the morning and on and off all day up to sometimes ten at night. Now that was dealt with by having a word with the site owner and all was fine but they, in the last week have managed to get a karoke machine, as I write this I have to have my ear plugs in just to be able to sit in my own front room.Going outside at night to sit by the pool is a big no no. Is there any thing that can be done? to at least get them to not have it on all the time. I understand that Thais like music and thats fine but the amount of time its on and the volume is not reasonable.

Or have I got this wrong and there is a holiday going on.

Please only reply if you have mature and helpfull imput.


Is it a construction site for workers? If so, maybe you can talk with the boss there? It's a mess for sure. Maybe give the local cops a few thousand baht and see what can be done....

We had some problems on the other side of our wall with a large business. Went over with 2 bottles of whiskey, got everything sorted out and every once in a while, I climb the wall and wave to them. They have even given us some free plants!

Best of luck and let us know how this progresses....


I dont know if you can do anything but I reckon if i stood in the corridor outside my condo with a drumkit not a single dooor would open to question <deleted> was going on even if it was 3 am :blink:


I often wonder how many people have build wonderful homes only to have a slum appear next door. I don't think there is any escape from noise and general mess here in Thailand. Some form of bribery is probably the best option.


if the property belong to you and you have no plans to move, then i would suggest to get the building soundproof, do not approach the cause of your problems, i live in a village too and knowing how much the locals likes the party atmosphere we built up the place accordingly, you are lucky they don't keep the loudness keep going all night and day as someone does, also if you live near a temple you might get some heavy noise too.... unless you are ready to substain random attacks i would not attempt to let them stop, they will immediately find out whom doesn't appreciate their behauvoir...


Thailand has very good noise pollution laws and welcomes reports of trouble spots that they will come out to identify and resolve. Contact them below and let us know how it works out.

Air Quality and Noise Management Bureau

02 298 2373

[email protected]


Thailand has very good noise pollution laws and welcomes reports of trouble spots that they will come out to identify and resolve. Contact them below and let us know how it works out.

Air Quality and Noise Management Bureau

02 298 2373

[email protected]

That's a joke right?


my sympathys mate cant help you but having stayed in a village myself being waked up most mornings around 5.30/6.00 am by this incredibile loud music coming from loud speakers attached to the nearest post then this great speach or whatever it was . my heart went out to the beautiful people of the village of which they could do nothing about. HMmm but I was tempted to cut the wires but did not want to bring trouble to my friends that i was staying with


My in laws place that was well established, had some issues.

A block of land, about half a Rai next door that was vacant was rented out for 1500 a month to a guy who cut red stone bricks that you sometimes see fences made out of.

From Dawn till about 5pm, 6 days a week, stone cutting that was so loud, you could not talk out side and struggled with a phone call inside.

Due to this asshol_e, they have since abandoned their home, and renting a real dump, waiting for the rock cutting biz to move on one day. They got as many people as they could to try and help, and no one was interested.

I thought the problem may have gone away with some accidents, but nope.


My in laws place that was well established, had some issues.

A block of land, about half a Rai next door that was vacant was rented out for 1500 a month to a guy who cut red stone bricks that you sometimes see fences made out of.

From Dawn till about 5pm, 6 days a week, stone cutting that was so loud, you could not talk out side and struggled with a phone call inside.

Due to this asshol_e, they have since abandoned their home, and renting a real dump, waiting for the rock cutting biz to move on one day. They got as many people as they could to try and help, and no one was interested.

I thought the problem may have gone away with some accidents, but nope.

Why not say you will pay 2000 a month for the vacant land. .. I know i would consider it

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