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Best Store In Bkk For Price And Availability Of Iphone 4 And An Ipod Touch 4G

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I'm surprised there isn't a pinned topic to help people find the best prices for Apple products in Thailand, but to save me traipsing all over Bangkok asking the same question all weekend could any members who know the price and availability for a new iPhone 4 32GB and an iPod Touch 64GB in Bangkok please let me know or point me in the right direction for the best shop to ask? MBK, Panthip or one of the official Apple stores??

If possible to get a discount by buying them together then that's a bonus!

The last time I checked the iPod was 13k from an official Apple store in Chit Lom Mall but not in stock. I thought that was quite cheap considering the equivalent price in the UK is about 16k.



Nearly 200 views and no replies in an Apple forum? This must be a first! :)

Does anyone know where to get the new iPhone and iPod touch in Bangkok?


Does anyone know where to get the new iPhone and iPod touch in Bangkok?

Virtually anywhere that sells mobile phones in Pantip, Fortune or MBK. Shop around for the best price. It ain't rocket science.


Does anyone know where to get the new iPhone and iPod touch in Bangkok?

Virtually anywhere that sells mobile phones in Pantip, Fortune or MBK. Shop around for the best price. It ain't rocket science.

Read my first post here before you repeat the same things I already specifically asked about, then you wouldn't need to post a condesceding comment.

I've found a huge range in prices and country model of iPhone and iPods, and I really don't want to spend all weekend traveling all over the city when somebody who already has the info could just tell me and save me all the trouble.

It ain't brain surgery.


Actually I read your first post and still felt the need to post a condescending comment.

Spend an hour in one of the air-conditioned shopping malls I already mentioned (which can hardly be described as spending "all weekend traveling (sic) all over the city") and you will probably realise there is no "huge range in prices and country model" in Bangkok. The only person who knows the actual price and availability at that particular time is the person who sells you the items in question.

There, I have the "info" and I just gave it to you and saved you all the "trouble."

And you're right. It ain't brain surgery. It's more like... going to a shop and asking them if they have it and how much it costs, then going to a few other places and comparing the price. Alternatively, you could just take the word of someone on the internet and not bother doing that which would be an excellent plan right?


Actually I read your first post and still felt the need to post a condescending comment.

Spend an hour in one of the air-conditioned shopping malls I already mentioned (which can hardly be described as spending "all weekend traveling (sic) all over the city") and you will probably realise there is no "huge range in prices and country model" in Bangkok. The only person who knows the actual price and availability at that particular time is the person who sells you the items in question.

There, I have the "info" and I just gave it to you and saved you all the "trouble."

And you're right. It ain't brain surgery. It's more like... going to a shop and asking them if they have it and how much it costs, then going to a few other places and comparing the price. Alternatively, you could just take the word of someone on the internet and not bother doing that which would be an excellent plan right?

Oh, thanks for explaining to me what shopping is, but like I said I don't want to spend all of my weekend doing this when there are people who have already put in the legwork and could just tell me. I don't see what your problem with me asking for help is.

In the UK I could just search online stores and gauge the best price but Bangkok doesn't work that way, I'm not even 100% sure if the iPhone has been released here as last time I asked in MBK they were just selling units that were being hand carried from the UK one by one.

Maybe you enjoy traveling the length of breadth of the city to have the exact same conversation with 100 sales people but I don't see the point and I'm getting to the point where I despise walking around all of Panthip for 4 hours, and then getting to MBK to do the same thing, and then getting to Fortune and so on and so on.

Oh and btw, you tried to be smart but either "traveling" or "travelling" is the correct way to spell it here - this is the net, get over it, are you going to tell everyone what emoticons to use next?

How sad that your Friday night is spent this way.


I'm with the OP on this one, cos I am after an iPhone 4 also. And as I am not knowledged up on all the ins-and-outs of "country" phones, if there is much difference in prices or not? better to buy from home countries? chinese copies already in the shops? guarantees? customer service experience etc.

If readers can post where they purchased theirs, and prices paid - much appreciated.


Oh and btw, you tried to be smart but either "traveling" or "travelling" is the correct way to spell it here - this is the net, get over it, are you going to tell everyone what emoticons to use next?

"Travelling" is the correct way to spell it in the UK. Of course you would know that already being as it is the case that you have gone to such lengths to point out that you are, in fact, from the UK in your user name. Oh, but wait. "Here" is teh internets!!!11111!!!!! so iz alrite 4 u 2 rand0mly spelz w00rdz howvers u wantz 2 OMGLOLBBQ!!!111!!!11! FAIL

How sad that your Friday night is spent this way.

I've already explained the concept of shopping to you. Is it really necessary to now explain the concept of irony? Here's a tip: when attempting to end your post on an insulting note, try not to make yourself equally culpable by spending your own time doing precisely what you are attempting to deride the target of your ridicule for doing.

I can't be bothered to respond to the rest of your drivel. Enjoy your purchases which, incidentally, you would already be enjoying if you spent an hour in a shopping mall instead of sitting at home on the internet waiting for someone to spoon-feed you information that is more than likely worthless since it's already out of date, and boohooing like some teenage girl because somebody hurt your feelings.

I'll leave you to sift through the avalanche of information which has been forthcoming as a result of your obviously entirely valid and response-provoking original question.


How sad that your Friday night is spent this way.

I've already explained the concept of shopping to you. Is it really necessary to now explain the concept of irony? Here's a tip: when attempting to end your post on an insulting note, try not to make yourself equally culpable by spending your own time doing precisely what you are attempting to deride the target of your ridicule for doing.

Yeah you know all about me, except that I was at work last night getting paid while I was browsing the net, not sat at home half drunk on Chang beer trying to make myself feel better by trying to pick arguments with strangers over nothing.

Thanks for your time and helpful input to this thread.


Yeah you know all about me, except that I was at work last night getting paid while I was browsing the net, not sat at home half drunk on Chang beer trying to make myself feel better by trying to pick arguments with strangers over nothing.

Here's another tip: Don't start your sentence with a sarcastic implication that the target of your attempted ridicule knows nothing about you and is therefore in no logical position to draw any conclusions whatsoever about you or your behaviour before proceeding to then imply speculative conclusions based on nothing whatsoever about the target of your ridicule, thus adopting a position entirely inconsistent with your original premise.


Yeah you know all about me, except that I was at work last night getting paid while I was browsing the net, not sat at home half drunk on Chang beer trying to make myself feel better by trying to pick arguments with strangers over nothing.

Here's another tip: Don't start your sentence with a sarcastic implication that the target of your attempted ridicule knows nothing about you and is therefore in no logical position to draw any conclusions whatsoever about you or your behaviour before proceeding to then imply speculative conclusions based on nothing whatsoever about the target of your ridicule, thus adopting a position entirely inconsistent with your original premise.

Heeheehee, get out much do you?


Heeheehee, get out much do you?

More than you apparently, since you seem incapable of even going into a shop and asking how much stuff costs.


Heeheehee, get out much do you?

More than you apparently, since you seem incapable of even going into a shop and asking how much stuff costs.

Not incapable, just fed up with it. I don't see the harm asking for advice from other members, in fact I thought that was half the point of this forum, and I fully understood the risks of attracting some sad troll with nothing better to do with his time than to try and put me down for asking for help, but honestly I'm just laughing at you an how much time and energy you spent in here just bitching.

Normally I would love to get stuck into with you, but you are just trying to pick an argument about nothing and I'm not going to argue for the sake of arguing with a stranger.

It's a lovely weekend, how about you go out and enjoy it.


c'mon guys, take the gloves off and stop being pussies !

BTW, to solve the issue of running all over town for the best price you just send your willing and obedient TG to do it. If she doesn't come home with exactly what you want at the best price in town then tie her up and whip her to teach her a lesson. :annoyed:


It's a lovely weekend, how about you go out and enjoy it.

That's fair enough. You've been a good sport. Incidentally, our company bought several Iphone 4s (including my own) from Smart Mobile in Fortune a few weeks back. You might want to try there, but, as I've been at pains to point out during our entirely pointless, yet arguably entertaining debate, prices and availability appear to change daily between shops. The best thing to do may well be to simply pick one of the malls and try a few places. You're not going to see a price difference of more than a couple of hundred baht between shops or malls anyway in my experience. Their number is 081 634 1458. Good luck and thanks for the lulz.


As predicted, I went into the city and wasted an afternoon traipsing around Bangkok asking the same question in Gaysorn, Panthip and MBK which then inevitably turned into shoe shopping with my gf... and I still don't have an iPhone out of it!!

This information will be usefull for others, it's exactly what I wanted to know this time yesterday to save me a day of bs.

The iStore in Gaysorn (Chit Lom Mall) was the cheapest at 26,900THB but they don't have any stock, and you have to go on a waiting list. They reckon they only receive 10 at a time and there are loads of people on the list! They said they will be getting stock "next week" but they told me the exact same thing 4 weeks ago. They said the model is Singapore but there's no such thing so I guess that's just where they get it shipped from, the info on the deiplay phone said it was a MC607TH which is a demo model so I couldnt find out what model they sell really.

Panthip was 27,900THB but again no stock for the 32GB model. Various countries and unlocked.

MBK was 28,900, US, UK and HK models available and various states of unlockness. MBK do have stock but for that price I might as well buy it in the UK where I know exactly what I am getting.

I've just ordered from Apple.com, so it will be delivered to my UK address in a few days and I will get it when we go back for Xmas. Shame I can't get tax back at the airport when we return to Thailand after Xmas.

Thanks for all the help ThaiVisa Apple nerds! NOT! :)

Edit: just found that there is a Singapore model.


The original question is not so easy to answer without many qualifications.

If one only wants the (factory unlocked as opposed to jail-broken) iPhone with no plan, one of the iStudio shops probably is as cheap as MBK or elsewhere ... or the price difference is insignificant. However the iStudio shops also get limited supplies and sometimes they only sell them with a True package and other times they are available with no package.

If one wants the jail-broken phone (perhaps hand-carried from the US and available at MBK) then maybe the price is a bit less, or at least it should be if one can bargain effectively.

I think most of the major carriers (AIS, True, etc) advertise the iPhone with different kinds of packages which are difficult to compare .... in my opinion AIS has the best unlimited package ... but yet again, AIS having them in stock is hit and miss ... sometimes they have them and sometimes they don't. Right now I think they are out of stock.

So I think the above is the reason why readers find it difficult to answer the OP's original message in a constructive way.


Actually I had no clue about getting an iPhone in BKK so all I was looking for was the price paid and where owners had brought theirs from.

I really didn't think it would be so difficult to buy an iPhone in BKK. In the UK there's basically no choice either and you can only buy the iPhone from the Apple website without a contract so I guess this is just the way Apple work and helps to drum up interest.

It sucks that the only shop to officially sell the iPhone here only get 10 a week leaving people to resort to buying models that have been handcarried from various other countries to MBK and Panthip, some factory unlocked and some jail broken. I also saw a couple of really good looking fakes that would fool the untrained eye, I know I would be pissed if someone accidently brought me a fake iPhone thinking it was real.

Anyways, I've brought one now from Apple UK for 600 quid delivered (plus £15 cashback from Quidco). Job's done (honestly no pun intended).



Oh and I gave up on getting an iPod. I think I am going to wait for the 64GB version of the iPhone and get that instead.

The best price I found for the 64GB iPod Touch was 13,900 in the iStudio in Gaysorn and they had stock. But after I looked at it side by side with the iPhone I think I would prefer an iPhone.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've just ordered from Apple.com, so it will be delivered to my UK address in a few days and I will get it when we go back for Xmas. Shame I can't get tax back at the airport when we return to Thailand after Xmas.

Your gf "might" be able to get the VAT back at the aIrport if she's Thai.


  • 2 weeks later...

I've just ordered from Apple.com, so it will be delivered to my UK address in a few days and I will get it when we go back for Xmas. Shame I can't get tax back at the airport when we return to Thailand after Xmas.

Your gf "might" be able to get the VAT back at the aIrport if she's Thai.


Not if she's Thai, she won't. VAT refunds are only available to non-Thai nationals who do not reside in Thailand.



I've just ordered from Apple.com, so it will be delivered to my UK address in a few days and I will get it when we go back for Xmas. Shame I can't get tax back at the airport when we return to Thailand after Xmas.

Your gf "might" be able to get the VAT back at the aIrport if she's Thai.


Not if she's Thai, she won't. VAT refunds are only available to non-Thai nationals who do not reside in Thailand.


The phone was bought in the UK and delivered to a UK address, so she can try when she exits the UK to return to Thailand. However as it was bought online I guess he used his own credit card, which would show him as the purchaser, not his gf.

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