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I am thinking of taking up a hobby , watching fish in a tank. :D

Are there any experts on the subject in the Chiang Rai community who maybe able to advise me

where to buy a good (not Expensive) fish tank and what fish I should put in it .

If there is anyone who wishes to donate or sell what they no longer want , at a reasonable price, I maybe interested.

I would like to have a 4-5ft tank on a stand with all the ornaments , lights, filters , pumps etc etc .

I have seen the shops around selling all the gear etc but I have no idea where to start, Can you put all the different varieties of fish on sale in the shops in one tank or will they eat each other ?

Which is the best shop to buy from , any help would be great .





If I was you, I wood take a look in different books,and se what you like-and then go to the shops around,and see what they have-then when you are reading about the fish-you also,can se if the can go together-just a matter of spending a litle time on the net-and again-maby you can be lucky on the classified section,that there are some cheap stuff around.





If I was you, I wood take a look in different books,and se what you like-and then go to the shops around,and see what they have-then when you are reading about the fish-you also,can se if the can go together-just a matter of spending a litle time on the net-and again-maby you can be lucky on the classified section,that there are some cheap stuff around.

Thanks for the advise. I have looked online for tanks etc that are for sale and contacted a couple of people. I will see what I can find out about what fish to put in the tank, if Im lucky I maybe able to get a Cod :D

I would like to be able to ask some of the shop keepers here but I dont speak Thai and the books also are in Thai , maybe I will ask in Orns bookshop or the others and see if they have anything written in English/American/Australian/ , im a linguist at heart :D

Thanks again .





If I was you, I wood take a look in different books,and se what you like-and then go to the shops around,and see what they have-then when you are reading about the fish-you also,can se if the can go together-just a matter of spending a litle time on the net-and again-maby you can be lucky on the classified section,that there are some cheap stuff around.

Thanks for the advise. I have looked online for tanks etc that are for sale and contacted a couple of people. I will see what I can find out about what fish to put in the tank, if Im lucky I maybe able to get a Cod :D

I would like to be able to ask some of the shop keepers here but I dont speak Thai and the books also are in Thai , maybe I will ask in Orns bookshop or the others and see if they have anything written in English/American/Australian/ , im a linguist at heart :D

Thanks again .

You can find a good fish shop (not the & chips variety) coming from the lights from Doi Chiang coffee towards the Wiang Inn on your left after the hotel , turn left at the lights continue for around 600 metres or so and on your right is a row of newish small shop units i think its the fourth shop along the row. Good shop the daughter speaks good english, no porblems witht he fish or the tank set up.


Make it as simple as you can :

Freshwater fish (no temperature gauges,or salinity )-this will limit your choice but be easier to operate

Get a good filter ,preferably with a easily available pads (UV)

get sand & gravel ,let it rest one day

add plants particularly elodia & duckweed

use fish flakes ,2 pinches once a day

Don't be too ambitious goldfish can last for 6 years + ( 2 + 1 shibunkin+ and or 1comet,don't mix with fan tails or orlandas) ,a small number of small danios (4-6),consider a loach or a plec.to keep the tank clean

Enjoy ,wash the plastic filterpads every 10 days in cold water ,wash & rinse out the filter once every 2 months

Good Luck


Thanks Coyote , good advice , I appreciate it . I will ask you some questions if you dont mind, as and when . Many Thanks

No problem ,You are welcome Sunholidaysun

I will try to help

Best Wishes

Wiley Coyote


Thanks Coyote , good advice , I appreciate it . I will ask you some questions if you dont mind, as and when . Many Thanks

I forgot ,if you are getting a plec or loach ,get a piece of wood ,scrub ,let it dry & then pop into the tank ,adds colour & the plec& loach ,like to hide somewhere.

Best Wishes

Wiley Coyote

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