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Is It Just Me ?


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I have been fortunate enough to have travelled quite a bit and stayed longer in some places than just a holiday and now living in Thailand for a few years and I have noticed somethings that appear to be uniquely "Thai". I am sure many people out there have noticed things about living in Thailand and I thought it might be fun to start this thread and see what other people have noticed too ?..........so .........is it just me or do Thai people:

have absolutely no idea what indicators on a car are for ?, in my district i very rarely if ever see anyone using them on a car and very rarely if ever on a motorcycle.

have no consideration for other people or spacial awareness, if they want to completely block an isle in a supermarket because they have to re-fill the shelves, whats the problem ? or leave there shopping cart blocking an access whilst they wander off in another direction, thats fine. Dont bother parking/stopping the car correctly just stop and get out or stop in the middle of the road and have a chat with an oncoming car driver.

Seems to be no "highway code" at all, you can drive in any direction or wherever you want to go, even on the wrong side of the road against the traffic flow (dual carriageway),licence is not important, neither are lights at night !

Have no idea or comprehension of customer service, if you have a problem its your problem, if something is defective or broken they simply ask if you want to buy another one !

If you have to speak to a Policeman or Official/ Manager and your Thai wife is with you they wont even make eye contact with you they will only talk directly with the wife irrespective if you can speak Thai or not. You (ferang) dont exist.

If there is a ferang in front of a Thai waiting to be served, Thais can ignore them and go first.

They dont "make love" they "have sex".

No consistency in any rules or laws, they can be altered at decretion of whoever is implementing/enforcing them.

There are many many more but i just thought I would kick it off with these and see what others have observed about this amazing country ?

These are all observations and experiences NOT complaints or critisisms and I would love to know what others have observed after living here awhile ?

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Good Morning everyone, well i do mainly agree with CharlieH

exept of the sex part .. this may be true in soi nana or pattaya walkingstreet and sourroundings .. ;)

anyway the conclution and BIG Question is "where is it come from" or better "how can a society in this size Survive that long with not even a hint of logic"

my personal conclusion is: Steal Everything and use the pieces easy to use as it is your own.

this seems to work around here, sometime i think the whole country does have just nothing on its own .. (exept of Rice, air, Seafood and Sanook)

why this comes to me ... well we see many really cool or advanced things ...

like ultra-light-wheight Flyover Bridges with basically unlimited lifetime made of just a few pieces of concrete.

Automobiles from Europe or the US

Fragments of technology in every situation

but some how even the smallest things does not seem to have any rule for aplying them or anything put this things into the thai-society.

so everything seems just to be used without fundamentalism at all.

lets take the bridges again .... undestroyable, stand like a rock but the ramps (the only thing made in thailand without copy it from someone else) having holes where a Full grown Cow can sleep in it ...

this failed ramp does dissable the greatness of the rest of the bridge ... but well nobody cares.

well okay thats for stolen things (which makes 99% of everything arround here)

lets take the other 1% .. -TRUE-THAI-THINGS-

like the language ... its spoken differently than read .. characters are may there .. but may not to read or speak,

there are uncountable exemptions in grammar ... where even advanced teachers (thai's) do not know how to explain it ..

so you end up in memorizing hundred of "exceptional words" because they are spell'd differently with no reason at all, or reasons like "it looks better with a wrong character"

it seems like words require some kind of education level to understand what they mean, are also have some spelling which also requires another level of education.

so a word with complex background .. will also be written in a complex way . even if its not at all needed to do so.

okay take rice .... thailand .. the Rice country No.1 ... but why are the most creations about rice-based food from other places ...

okay understandable .. but it seems .. everything goes the way it was a long time ago ... even its obious the country could have a great effect on productivity to steal some ideas AND the user Manuals along them .. to get some things more effective done .. and ingrease the income for everyone.

well, after all (and i think this is the real reason why Farangs-Money accepted here but the Farang itself not so really) its even to a farmer with no highscool clear ...

as a Farang in Thailand, its very simple to "stay out" not because of look like farang ... because of some Survival instict we have learned over generations, in order to not freeze to death in the winter .. and some basic logic in the genes telling us to not stand in our own ways ;)

this is already a great benefit ... and iam sure ..thai society does know this as well.

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The conclusion to many ideas of suggesting another approach to any Thai norm is typically: Go back to your country if you don't like it.

My experience is if someone wakes up at 5:00 AM and wants to sing karaoke or listen to music loud enough to cause hearing loss then DO IT. It is a moot point if they are living next to another person/house. Also many Thai people feel it acceptable if a Thai person want to trespass on someone's property. The 1st week we were living in our rental house in Isaan, the next door neighbor came onto "our back yard" and took a piss. I don't know why he didn't relieve himself on his land but seemed he had the right to do this on our rented property.

Thailand confuses me b/c I have a difficult time finding logic, consistency, or common sense.

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No one is saying that they like or dislike anything, so to simply say "go back to your country " is not really relevant and you are missing the point. These are NOT complaints as stated in the original post they are merely observations about the place we live in.

However your comment "Thailand confuses me b/c I have a difficult time finding logic, consistency, or common sense" is absolutely right and i agree 100%.

When i bought some land and was building a house I had exactly the same problem, local people would just walk right across it to go elsewhere and even try to just walk in the house and have a look around to see whats going on!! and of course there is the obligatory Tao Li ? (how much) to everything you do or buy! ...LOL :lol:

At a Post office people would just help themselves to my parcels to see where they were going and what I was sending........unbelievable that no one has any concept of privacy.....lol :lol:

Edited by CharlieH
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The only one from your list that bothers me is the stocking of shelves at the supermarket. I think you first have to consider that the stockers are the lowest paid employees at the supermarkets, with starting salaries of around 5500 baht per month, basically just over minimum wage here in Thailand. As much as people complain about tort liability in the west, it does keep the supermarket aisles clear and safe. Here, they leave boxes and goods strewn all over the floor, sometimes completely blocking shopping aisles. I am amazed at how the stockers think that the completion of their little task is more important than the customer's shopping experience and safety. More importantly, I can't understand how management fails to even consider the impact this has on sales. They have CCTV in the store. All the managers would have to do is show the tapes to the stockers and tell them not to block shopping aisles. But, if you pay peanuts . . .

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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... not to block shopping aisles. But, if you pay peanuts . . .

trust me .. this is NOT about Salaries and/or Education .. this is in the blood !!

i try uncountable times .. with nice drawings .. comparisons stories and Baby-like-understandable explanations.

of very simple management processes and relations between customers and the product itself ..

even the "manager" was study in US and got Master there earn in thailand now 300K a month ...its just exactly the same.

this is why the majory of the really big enterprises here in Thailand either Chinese Companys/Owned .. or employ "farangs" in Key Positions (of course not in top positions .. just "keys") ..

there are very little exceptions with companies who's had just luck and enough petty cash for the dry times until the karaoke and golfing was successful ;)

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Toilet doors!

Why bother to put them in Thai toilets.

My gf never closed it

My wife doesn't close it, when I'm in there if it's not locked she will come in and leave the door wide open. Or try to have a chat, etc.

There doesn't appear to be any concept of personal privacy!

My wedding night, made the mistake of staying on the family farm, MIL, wife, 12YO step daughter and me all in the same bed, and my new wife asks if I want to shag her ........ while still chatting to mother and daughter ........ then asks if I'm gay when I didn't fancy it.

She says, it's OK, you are family now. ...... no thanks!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Toilet doors!

Why bother to put them in Thai toilets.

My gf never closed it

My wife doesn't close it, when I'm in there if it's not locked she will come in and leave the door wide open. Or try to have a chat, etc.

You GF not worried your wife will walk in?

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You pretty much nailed it.

For starters education is not aimed to teach kids how to think or be rational, it teaches them to follow. As a result mass majority does just that.

In general, there is very little consideration for others, which shines on the roads, shopping centers and every day life.

in regards to driving its simple, half of the drivers do not even have a license and the other half paid to get it.

I have been to a driving school and watch them teach(sent my ex)

Here is how training to drive the car goes- Large field (track alike) and students drive in circles while the teachers sit in the middle of the field and drink a few beers. 30 mins later, students are told to drive in the opposite direction and again the circle.

after 6-10 lessons like this, they are taken to obtain the license. Since the schools bring many people, they know all the people working, so 500 baht ensures their student passes.

My current GF, does not use indicators because she forgets and does not see the need (as it is not her problem), she does not and can not do reverse parking, she does not and can not do a uturn, she does not know road rules, right of way or anything at all.

It has gotten to a point that i no longer let her drive, because it drives me nuts. and to make matters worse, to ensure her safety, her parents bought her a massive pick up. So while she is safe-noone else is around her.

As for customer service, you are right they could not care less because they see it as a loss of money when they have to fix broken things, they do not think that they have lost the customer and lost much more.

Also since there is no rule of law to punish those guilty, they again do not see the need to the right thing, because the right thing does not provide any profit at that very time and future is future.

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I consider the blocking and restocking of supermarket aisles whilst the supermarket is open to be a store operations issue and also a store layout issue, not a cultural issue.

1. Correct store operations would have had the stockers trained with the knowledge that the customer comes first and therefore aisles should never be blocked. Therefore blocked supermarket aisles are the result of poor operations training i.e. not looking at the business from the customers' perspective.

2. Some supermarket aisles tend to be narrow (like Central's supermarkets for example!). I reckon this is to put as much product as possible within the limited shopping space and therefore providing greater variety of products available. The flaw in this reasoning is that to restock the store shelves the stockers have no choice but to put boxes of replenishing items on the floor which therefore blocks the flow of traffic in said aisle. Thus sales potentially decrease as a result of this layout even though a greater variety of items are available for store shoppers.

I have been to many supermarkets throughout the Kingdom and have found supermarkets with wide aisles and no boxes blocking the aisle during the weekend rush. Excellent operations training and store layout. Therefore I don't consider the supermarket aisle issue to be cultural, simply a lack of proper operations training and a poor store layout on the part of the operator.

Having worked in supermarket operations in Canada for a well-known global supermarket chain, I can't help but notice supermarket operations (probably for the rest of my existence here on this 3rd rock from the sun)...

Otherwise I love living and working in the LOS and find most Thais to be amongst the friendliest people I've met anywhere. I have far more complaints about living and working in my home country (Canada) than I have about Thailand. Keep in mind that I speak, read and write fluent Thai which therefore helps me to circumvent many of the farang issues brought up by the OP.

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have no consideration for other people or spacial awareness, if they want to completely block an isle in a supermarket because they have to re-fill the shelves, whats the problem ? or leave there shopping cart blocking an access whilst they wander off in another direction, thats fine. Dont bother parking/stopping the car correctly just stop and get out or stop in the middle of the road and have a chat with an oncoming car driver.

Lol this is the main one, its funny reading it now but it can be so frustrating. You can be walking down a narrow road (like where I live) and have one young thai girl in front of you on her mobile. How ever many times you try to pass her it is impossible as they seem to walk in an almost wave shape, zigzagging from one side of the path to the other... thought you had managed to get past her, nope there she is again. I don't think I would find it so annoying but when they are walking at (no exaggeration) snail pace and you are in a hurry it drives me crazy! My Thai friends are the same though, you can be walking next to them one minute, and then the next you know they have cut right in front of you so you are struggling not to trip over them :blink:

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Moral of the stories?

That Thais do life differently to falangs is abundantly clear in many ways at all times.

Falangs may not like it but their constant anguish at things being different will do nothing to change it.

No truer words were ever spoken.:thumbsup:

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They dont "make love" they "have sex".

I do agree with this. Sure, some will make, the oh stop shagging a bargirl blah blah blah comments. Sorry, but I have not been intimate with a bargirl, ever. There is an inherent shyness. Yes, I have read those exciting stories where Thai men and women undergo a sensual metamorphis into Saphos and Lotharios of the night ready to excite one's deep erotic passions. Hasn't happened to me yet. And I suspect, that I am not alone. It is incredibly difficult to get excited when the other person is wearing men's pajamas, or a tshirt and gym pants and wrapped up in a bathrobe. Add to that the special cremes and goop that will be applied to keep the skin soft and white the way a girl should look :annoyed: I am grateful for the fact that I have never had to deal with a Thai lady wearing haircurlers or a green avocado mask to bed. I don't know how many of you have bedmates that say their prayers before sleeping, but I do find it unnerving. What exactly are the prayers for? Prosperity? Health, Happiness? That my snoring will be bearable? Umm yea, and part of this is I can't sleep in a hot room. But noooooooooo, turn the A/C off and throw another blanket on top of whitie so he's slow cooking and then wonder why he has no "power".:realangry:

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They dont "make love" they "have sex".

I do agree with this. Sure, some will make, the oh stop shagging a bargirl blah blah blah comments. Sorry, but I have not been intimate with a bargirl, ever. There is an inherent shyness. Yes, I have read those exciting stories where Thai men and women undergo a sensual metamorphis into Saphos and Lotharios of the night ready to excite one's deep erotic passions. Hasn't happened to me yet. And I suspect, that I am not alone. It is incredibly difficult to get excited when the other person is wearing men's pajamas, or a tshirt and gym pants and wrapped up in a bathrobe. Add to that the special cremes and goop that will be applied to keep the skin soft and white the way a girl should look :annoyed: I am grateful for the fact that I have never had to deal with a Thai lady wearing haircurlers or a green avocado mask to bed. I don't know how many of you have bedmates that say their prayers before sleeping, but I do find it unnerving. What exactly are the prayers for? Prosperity? Health, Happiness? That my snoring will be bearable? Umm yea, and part of this is I can't sleep in a hot room. But noooooooooo, turn the A/C off and throw another blanket on top of whitie so he's slow cooking and then wonder why he has no "power".:realangry:

I know just what you mean and your absolutely right. LOL...... In my experience (and I havnt ever been near a bar girl either) they usually just lie there and wait for you to do what you have to do before rushing off to shower and to re-apply the previous creams etc and perhaps Tiger balm to the chest amd throat !!!! what a turn on that stuff is !!!!!..........LOL...

Back to the 3 bows of the head on the pillow and goodnight thats it game over.

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... not to block shopping aisles. But, if you pay peanuts . . .

trust me .. this is NOT about Salaries and/or Education .. this is in the blood !!

i try uncountable times .. with nice drawings .. comparisons stories and Baby-like-understandable explanations.

of very simple management processes and relations between customers and the product itself ..

even the "manager" was study in US and got Master there earn in thailand now 300K a month ...its just exactly the same.

this is why the majory of the really big enterprises here in Thailand either Chinese Companys/Owned .. or employ "farangs" in Key Positions (of course not in top positions .. just "keys") ..

there are very little exceptions with companies who's had just luck and enough petty cash for the dry times until the karaoke and golfing was successful ;)

Many Thai people do not think others exist or are conscious of other peoples' "needs" e.g. double/tripple parking, use a sidewalk as a store front etc. The Foodland I frequented in BKK is open 24/7 but again they stock shelves during "prime times." Oh and they also have someone with an electric floor waxer and long cord tending to the floors. I would think a more opportune time to do these things could be ???? a/b 2:00 AM????

And regarding how many Thai people walk: My wife zig zaggs too. And "always" manages to cross right in front of me. Now I walk an arms length away from her - I keep this distance b/c no matter how many times I'll pointed out that she walks in front of me her walking style has not changed. ??????

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Yes I agree its a culture shock to come from a nanny state, where every little aspect of life is regulated and policed. For your own safety and the consideration of others. To a country that a promotes freedom from bureaucracy, in favour of beauracracy. The main difference is that corruption is more visable, society apears to be organised kaos and the cost of living is much lower. I must admit I prefer the Thai system, but you have to take the good with the bad.

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I want to comment on the blocking of foot traffic. It seems often when there is some sort of architectural constricture to pass through, this is prime stop-and-block space. For example, after passing through any doorway, people immediately HALT and look around to plan their direction and destination. The same thing with stairs/escalators -- when exiting these, people HALT and assess their options. I attribute this to just lack of analytical skills -- people are not taught critical thinking and analysis. So they don't intuit that a particular place to stop is different or special in any way than anywhere else. They don't mentally perceive that a doorway would be a critical point because of its purpose (ie people passing through) -- because they don't recognize it HAS a purpose.

Anyone who has ever attempted teaching literature here can attest to the Herculean task of getting a student to produce any sort of literary analysis. If you aren't a teacher, than think about the time you went to a movie with a Thai friend. After the movie ended, have you ever had a discussion about the film you saw (beyond "Good huh?" "Yeah good." full stop.)?

Again about foot traffic, does anyone else notice that people dart across your path in front of you -- and it seems increasingly so when you are going fast? It's like if you are hurry, people who were on a course to cross your path but walking slow will suddenly hurry up so they cross in front of you instead of behind. I liken it to chickens or other farm animals standing at the edge of a road. When a car comes, the chicken hesitates and isn't sure what to do. Then at the last second, darts across the road narrowly clearing the speeding oncoming car.

About privacy at the post office and sending mail. What about RECEIVING mail? Where else is mail to your home or office just left lying on a counter or in a cardboard box near the outside door... and everyone just sifts through it for their own mail on the honor system?

Someone else made a comment about being served in line: Thai before non-Thais. Here is my classic story. One day, I was walking towards the entrance to a small shop. A young woman, coming from another direction, was walking towards the same shop. Upon seeing me, she literally doubled her speed to make it into the shop first (i.e. the chicken crossing the road mentioned above). She got to the counter maybe a half-second before me. Then, she stood there studying the menu -- not sure what she wanted. After about 15 seconds, another Thai person entered the shop and stood on the other side of her (she was in the middle between me and the other Thai person). Another 10-15 seconds passed of menu-studying with no sign of ordering. She decided she should let someone else go first, so she turned to her left and indicated the owner should take the order from the Thai person. Since I speak Thai and the owner knew me as a regular customer, I quickly verbalized that *I* was next. So I ordered and got out of there.

On a humourous note: books written by Thais about their own culture (which you have read if you have taken the Thai culture course as part of being a teacher here) indicate that one of the hallmarks of Thai culture is "standing in line and waiting their turn." I kid you not. Couldn't make this up if I tried. Clearly written by a Thai who has never taken public transport in this country -- at least not when they were conscious.

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I want to comment on the blocking of foot traffic. It seems often when there is some sort of architectural constricture to pass through, this is prime stop-and-block space. For example, after passing through any doorway, people immediately HALT and look around to plan their direction and destination. The same thing with stairs/escalators -- when exiting these, people HALT and assess their options. I attribute this to just lack of analytical skills -- people are not taught critical thinking and analysis. So they don't intuit that a particular place to stop is different or special in any way than anywhere else. They don't mentally perceive that a doorway would be a critical point because of its purpose (ie people passing through) -- because they don't recognize it HAS a purpose.

Anyone who has ever attempted teaching literature here can attest to the Herculean task of getting a student to produce any sort of literary analysis. If you aren't a teacher, than think about the time you went to a movie with a Thai friend. After the movie ended, have you ever had a discussion about the film you saw (beyond "Good huh?" "Yeah good." full stop.)?

Again about foot traffic, does anyone else notice that people dart across your path in front of you -- and it seems increasingly so when you are going fast? It's like if you are hurry, people who were on a course to cross your path but walking slow will suddenly hurry up so they cross in front of you instead of behind. I liken it to chickens or other farm animals standing at the edge of a road. When a car comes, the chicken hesitates and isn't sure what to do. Then at the last second, darts across the road narrowly clearing the speeding oncoming car.

About privacy at the post office and sending mail. What about RECEIVING mail? Where else is mail to your home or office just left lying on a counter or in a cardboard box near the outside door... and everyone just sifts through it for their own mail on the honor system?

YES YES YES. How very true. I experienced the same as you. I don't think a Thai will ever cross behind me/you, but always always always go out of their way to cross in front. Recently I have had "fun" experimenting w/ doing an end around i.e. if they are coming from my left, and if there is space enough, I continue moving forward and to my right. The reverse is true also. And I have succeeded in not being intersected.

I also get tired of "giving way" and moving over. Now at times I will stop and not move. They can then decide what they will do. Is the West is anal retentive in its ways or is Lack of Sanctions (LOS) just lagging behind in all areas?

Someone else made a comment about being served in line: Thai before non-Thais. Here is my classic story. One day, I was walking towards the entrance to a small shop. A young woman, coming from another direction, was walking towards the same shop. Upon seeing me, she literally doubled her speed to make it into the shop first (i.e. the chicken crossing the road mentioned above). She got to the counter maybe a half-second before me. Then, she stood there studying the menu -- not sure what she wanted. After about 15 seconds, another Thai person entered the shop and stood on the other side of her (she was in the middle between me and the other Thai person). Another 10-15 seconds passed of menu-studying with no sign of ordering. She decided she should let someone else go first, so she turned to her left and indicated the owner should take the order from the Thai person. Since I speak Thai and the owner knew me as a regular customer, I quickly verbalized that *I* was next. So I ordered and got out of there.

On a humourous note: books written by Thais about their own culture (which you have read if you have taken the Thai culture course as part of being a teacher here) indicate that one of the hallmarks of Thai culture is "standing in line and waiting their turn." I kid you not. Couldn't make this up if I tried. Clearly written by a Thai who has never taken public transport in this country -- at least not when they were conscious.

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a good Friend of mine (living over 30 Years in Thailand)

said once to a girl arguing about how farang see the thai society .. "i'm Longer in Thailand as you are"

and as i come here i was a grown man ... you where a baby :P

the numbers only provided enough proof since she was 28 ...

but that does also not matter Farang baa laew iam Thai, he not .. Knowledge is a side product nothing to proof with that .. haha

it seems that over the centuries Thai's just do what they always do ... but evolution and development can/t be stopped .. so other peoples took place and doing this things, but they wheren't Thai Nationals (most are chinese i guess), i think there is the deep mounted Nation-sozilaism from. (most peoples are quite unaware of that i think) but actions are based on it ... even if they unwise, stupid or even hurt themselfs or others.

that does not mean anything bad at all ...

i'm German .. a country build on knowledge, ideas, idealism .. after the war almost all patents where stolen

and now half century later .. the "smart ones" going away to better paying countrys.

in thailand the same .... but in another direction

there is no idealism, founding ... basically everything you see arround you is from some place else

some "imported" some just stolen and make it to be "thai".

after some close look arround ... it seems just everything is not-thai at all. (exept Som Tam, Rice)

starting with the little things in life ... like door Locks, toilett bowls, electric systems, traffic rules, even The Law is a copy from another country

left is only the enforcement of things, lifestyle and a few real Thai-Things ...

not much to hold on .... so i fully understand thai's if they may not really Support the Farang

since we Born with all the things arround here .. and also able to use them .. this gives us a natural benefit ..

on the other hand ... its really sad to see things going down the drain, because of the same behavior, Thai's could make such a nice country with the way they do things arround here ...

unstopable .. as we aleady know there is no privacy, nobody cares about protection of intellectual property, it would be so easy here to build something really powerfoul and also state an example ... but i guess they too busy getting new BMW and being proud of themselfs :P

after all ... i think there is no better place to be for me than Thailand.

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