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Obama: Israeli plans for new settlements in East Jerusalem 'not helpful' to peace process


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The boycott against Israel is gaining momentum, and I support it wholeheartedly , and I contribute in my own little way.

They are doing their part too.


Please feel free to support a boycott against the KKK, they are the same to black people as Israel is to the Palestinians....

Nice one !!

Well said.

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Please feel free to support a boycott against the KKK, they are the same to black people as Israel is to the Palestinians....

The KKK are more like the Nazis were to the Jews. Black folks are not blowing up cafes full of innocent people or shooting missles into people's houses. ;)

The KKK are like the Nazi's ? What a wonderful Godwin you pulled out of your hat here, but then, of course, you are a very experienced Israel Apologist..

In any case, the KKK does not occupy other people's land, locks them up in the largest open air prison the world has ever seen, and uses the most advanced war material in the world to massacre 1400 people in a few days, like the Israelis did in Gaza 2009. I doubt if the Klan in their whole existence managed to kill 1400 people..

So if you like to compare a group to the Nazi's , I am sure that objective observers would agree that Israelis are much closer to taking that title than the KKK will ever be....

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So if you like to compare a group to the Nazi's...

Why am I not surprised that not only do you make up justifications for terrorism, but trivialize the plight of black slaves and are an apologist for the Klu Klux Klan. What a doctrine of hate. :whistling:


Edited by Ulysses G.
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So if you like to compare a group to the Nazi's...

Why am I not surprised that not only do you make up justifications for terrorism, but trivialize the plight of black slaves and are an apologist for the Klu Klux Klan. What a doctrine of hate. :whistling:


Please show me where I made " justifications for terrorism, trivialized the plight of black slaves and was an apologist for the Klu Klux Klan "

and then also explain why YOU compare to KKK to the Nazi's :

"The KKK are more like the Nazis were to the Jews. Black folks are not blowing up cafes full of innocent people or shooting missles into people's houses" and then accuse me of a doctrine of hate?

Even though this has nothing what soever to do with the OP which about the illegal construction of more houses in occupied East Jeruzalem, which reduces the chance on peace even further.

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I have repeatedly pointed these things out and answered your questions. You either have a problem with retaining what you read or you do not bother to read anyone's posts but your own distorted, spiteful rants.:bah:

You have done nothing at all but spinning and distorting the things I write and trying your utmost to change the subject away from the thread by involving the KKK, making Godwinnian remarks and posting "funny" pictures...

You are so absorbed in your self righteousness, as all Israel Apologists are, that you refuse to see the obvious, israel was, is and as long as it exists, always will remain an endless source of conflict.

Even the President of the USA sees this, the whole world sees this, except you and your faithful fellow henchmen Israel apologists, because in your distorted tunnel vision, Israel is above the law, beyond any suspicion, and innocent of every charge ever made...

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You are so absorbed in your self righteousness, as all Israel Apologists are, that you refuse to see the obvious, israel was, is and as long as it exists, always will remain an endless source of conflict.

Let me dig up this oldie but goodie...ROTFLMAO! Everyone knows what the source of the conflict is. They also know that the Israelis won't saw off your head, or blow your school or favorite cafe if you oppose them but the real culprits will.

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You are so absorbed in your self righteousness, as all Israel Apologists are, that you refuse to see the obvious, israel was, is and as long as it exists, always will remain an endless source of conflict.

Let me dig up this oldie but goodie...ROTFLMAO! Everyone knows what the source of the conflict is. They also know that the Israelis won't saw off your head, or blow your school or favorite cafe if you oppose them but the real culprits will.

Of course not, the israeli's are much more civilized than that. They use F-15, F-16, Apache helicopters and UAV's, laser guided bombs, depleted uranium munitions and phosphorus bombs to annihilate 1400 people in a few days in Gaza 2009, or completely destroy the infrastructure, including schools and hospitals.of a neighboring country in 2006. Then there are "targeted killings", kidnappings, imprisoning thousands of people without a trial, assassinating people in other countries using fake passport, and many more things that I could write about, were it not for the fact that I am going to do something much more interesting now....

And I do not where you have been in the past 5 years, most likely in a mental hospital, because the last suicide bombing was in 2004

israel was, is and as long as it exists, always will remain an endless source of conflict

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You either have a problem with retaining what you read or you do not bother to read anyone's posts but your own distorted, spiteful rants.:bah:

You have done nothing at all but spinning and distorting the things I write...

How could I distort that propaganda any more than it already is?


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Of course not, the israeli's are much more civilized than that. They use F-15, F-16, Apache helicopters and UAV's, laser guided bombs, depleted uranium munitions and phosphorus bombs to annihilate 1400 people in a few days in Gaza 2009, or completely destroy the infrastructure, including schools and hospitals.of a neighboring country in 2006.

Lesson? Don't attack Israel, a more powerful opponent.Stick to something safer - like going back to bombing buses and cafes. Sorry, I don't cry for Hezzbollah or Hamas who start a fight they aren't equipped to finish. They start a fight that they know will involved the deaths of their own civilians (because they make sure it does) so that they can win a propoganda war. You are an obvious casualty of that propoganda war, taking it hook, line and sinker.

Then there are "targeted killings", kidnappings, imprisoning thousands of people without a trial, assassinating people in other countries using fake passport, and many more things that I could write about, were it not for the fact that I am going to do something much more interesting now....

Actually, there is some disagreement about that. Why would Massad need a dozen people for this little job? Dubai is a fairly open place, not difficult at all to finish someone off without a small army.

And I do not where you have been in the past 5 years, most likely in a mental hospital, because the last suicide bombing was in 2004

israel was, is and as long as it exists, always will remain an endless source of conflict

The last suicide bombing was in 2004? When was that "aparthied wall" built?

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