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It must be close to a miracle

Had a visit a few minutes ago from the local electric company. They informed us that there would be an electric shut off,this coming Monday from 9AM til about 3PM. Don't know how far the off-age extends but this is for Charoenrat Rd between the Nakornping and Rama IX bridges.

If anyone else in this general area may be concerned, best to be aware of the possibility.

If others have gotten this word, maybe it would be good if you post your area.

I would have never expected any fore warning..... maybe I just dreamed the whole thing.




It does help when you pay your bills on time.:lol:

er... actually, no it doesn't!

Back in March I was cut off even though the bill was paid. There was no warning, by letter, phone, visit or email... first point of contact was that a man came and disconnected the supply wires from the meter outside my house. He didn't even bother to knock the door to let me know what was happening! When I took the matter up with the electricity office, it was revealed that it was the result of in internal cock-up in their records... somebody didn't mark my account as having been paid. Takes customer service to a whole new dimension eh?

Mai Phen Rai?

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