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More Questions On Workpermit.

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Would I need workpermit if:

Suppose I have a computer programmer job. Could I work on my laptop while I am in thailand on holliday/visiting.

-I work for a computer company on distance in my homecountry

-I dont work with any Thai company

-I only type my code on my computer and send it home from time to time

-I am in thailand on a monthly visa. (going to the border if I have to)

-Im not planing to live in thailand. Just keeping my work while visiting

What problem could thai gov see in that? (alot maybe...)

Nationality: Swedish

Age: 25

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interesting question, as I was thinking about similar, do my work for my European clients, but stay in BKK.

Somebody know about that?

I guess that if I stay home and work of course, and do not deal with any business in Thailand, thay would actually NEVER know either..

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Hi -

For reasons that escape me, there will be a handful of people on this board that will come along and tell you that you are taking a huge/big/significant/moderate/meaningful risk by doing ANY SORT OF WORK in Thailand.

Well, everyday in Thailand, perhaps 5,000 businessmen stay in hotels and use hotel business centers to keep up with work overseas, or use ADSL hookups in their hotel rooms. This is considered normal conduct of daily life, and no one in Thailand cares.

You can come here, buy a Hutch Sierra Aircard, and get 112 K wireless connectivity most places in Bangkok. You can then take your laptop down to the Ministry of Labor - go into the Work Permit office (which has maybe 30 chairs for people to wait), and sit there and work away to your hearts content all day long - and no one will say anything to you.

No one cares if you use a laptop computer in Thailand. You could be playing computer games, writing your memoirs, checking your on-line bank balances - no one knows or cares.

I run a business here that is based on helping people get work permits. If anyone has an interest in convincing you that you need a work permit, it's me. But you don't need a work permit.

(Some nutcase will now come along and tell you that HE knew some Lichtenstinian chimney sweep who got tossed in the jug and fined 500,000,000 baht for answering a client's question on his laptop while passing through Bangkok airport as a transit pasenger - or some equally idiotic story. Disregard such nonsene.)

Have fun! Good luck!




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